THE N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L. N Y S S A . OREGON orchestra. ¡¿ ¡I this Miss Wilson, besides studying Wins Music Honors , Word has been received from 'Cholarship and has been wiode as- Stephens college in Missouri that -l.-tant master of .he Burrall Sym- Miss Donna Lee Wilson has won the phony orcnestra, the highest posi- two highest honors the college can > tion a student violinist can hold in N O TIC E Retail Credit Association of Nyssa Inc. o Has Moved to LANE DUPLEX 101 So. 5th St. vio­ lin, organ, voice, orchestra, ensem­ ble playing and theory of music along with academic subjects at the coUege, has the privilege of being one of two girls studying conducting under Edward Murphy, conductor of the Burrall Symphony orchestra. He is recognized as one of the leading younger conductors in the field. Miss Wilson, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Bud Wilson of Nyssa. is a former pupil of Mrs. Herbert Fisher. Nyssa violinist, and of Lynn La wr­ ence of Corvallis. Jones Appointed On Bonneville Council Tom Jones, Union Pacific agent at Nyssa, has been appointed a member of the Bonneville Regional Advisory council, it was announced last weak He expects to attend the next meeting to be held sometime in December tentatively set for Port­ land. Eldridge W. Sinclair, executive secretary of the council. Informed Jones that an offer Is being made for him to serve on the research committee which studies problems of federal purchases and marketing of non-federal generation. q u i : k r e l ie f o r n o c o s t Over five million packages of the WILLARD T r b a t m d it have been sold £ relief ol symptoms of distress arising from Stom ach arid Duodenal Ulcers due to E ic it t A c i d - Poor Digestion. Sour or L p ie t Stom ach, G a t iin e u , H eartbu rn , S leeplessness, •tc ., due to Excess Acid* A k foi 44%V.3la/o‘s Message” which fully explains this remark able home treatment free -at Always So Acceptabl ,r0m Hartley to Head Friday TM Program Immediately following the cl -e on Tuesday of a two-day retreat for Methodist ministers of the Idah conference at Nampa, the Rev Ver­ non L Taylor, pastor, Nyssa Metho­ dist church, left by auto for Ca.i- fomia. There, he will attend a Western Jurisdiction meeting of the general board of missions of the Methodist church. He will return early Sunday Burning in time to keep a gue o WHOLESALE PRICES o GROUP LUNCHEONS PAIR MODEL PAINT ° When You Buy Frozen Meats at - ■ ■ ---- C O tK ftA T K » CO o O O ------- o ^ _______ __________________________________