p. \ J r f ,y s and MrsODan N..r..md Ar.der^.n Dam i. r a y e v e n ' ^ f s ¿he Eugene 5 ; ^ . home. Mr ar.d Mr.-. Sohn MdCal stjr awved Friday from th* t«xm t. • Vt-ger Store which they r«s*ntly traded for at Ovyhee C.rner». Virg.nia vtd Canity Tucker were 1 Sunday dinner guests a; the W ayne1 Simpson home. Mr. and Mr? Jim Jamison and hoys were guests ( 1 the Loyd Adams home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John McC»)wter and family were Thursday evening din­ ner guests at the J.m Eldridge home. Mr and M.’ j . Eugene Stephen and sons had a picnje neaw Unity Sun­ day. Mr;. Eugene Cleaver and small eon, Eiarhl Warren came home from the Nyssa hospital Wednesday eve­ ning. Word has been received of the birth of a daughter to Mr and Mrs. David Highland of Coos Bay on Oct. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Beritwm .vid Lucille were in Nampa Thursday. Mrs. Edward Topliff entertained at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrr.' John Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff. The dinner was in observance of the birthdays of Mr. Murphy. Mrs. Leslie Topltff and Wanda Topliff. Mr. and Mrs. Word Lundy, Jr. and beys visited Sunday evening trith Mr. and Mrs. John M C aluter, at Owyhee Corners. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hill were Wednesday evening dinner guests at the LaVern Cleaver home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day ar.d Sandra were dinner guests at the Lloyd Cleaver home Sunday. Mrs. Wayne Simpson attended a mothers' tea Wednesday and Mrs. Leslie attended a tea Thursday. Mrs. S. B. Hoffman, Mrs, Jim Rit­ chie, Garnet and Robert visited at the Claude Day home near Adrian Sunday. Alan and Carey spent from Friday until Sunday at the John Bowen home in Vale. Mrs. Alva Goodell has returned from Wray, Colo., aftet visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gurss and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tanner visited ■with Ann Pratt and Alta Pekkala. at Ontario Sunday. Faye Callahan and William Fryer were married at Idaho Falls Temple Oct. 13. The reception will be at the Oregon Trail hall Oct. 22. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Callahan left f tnday for Boston after spending the past 20 days leave from the Navy. Michael Herrud broke his collar bone last week while playing in the yard. He is the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herrud. The lucky deer hunters have been Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hill, George. LaVern. Lester and Lloyd Cleaver, and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Helens of Kansas and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Herrman called at the James Step­ hen, Jr. home Monday evening Mr. Helens is a brother of Mrs. Her­ rman. Mrs. Ward Lundy, Sr. was the winner of a television set at the Catholic carnival in Nyssa. BUDGET at M. & W. MARKET — the savings are $ amount of DOLLARS our DOLLAR DAY SALE this M arriage License* Issued Masaji Ueda and Mary E Haynes, both o f Idaho Falls, Q a . 10'17 53 Lyndol Pullen, of Homedale, Ida., and Lilly Ann Bishop, o f Nampa, Ida. 10 17 53. Complaints Filed in Circuit Court O R^Dickson vs. Rex Mortgage Loan a * et al. 10 13 53. To quiet title. Clarence Mitchell vs Byron B Hopper. 10 13 53. R ecovery on not«.' $80740. ° I Oregon Frozen Foods Co. vs L. E Robbins et al 10/16 53. Recovery on account. $542 63. Use o Gate City Journal Classified Ads. SUN VALLEY week-end will save. • * m »>: 11111 i 11111 * 1111111: n i i«11 1 1 11 ili 111 111 i 111 . 1 1 1 111111111111111111111 m 111111 h Margarine iiiiii : j Saturday Is "LOUIE VENDRELL DAY" hmj 11111 ii 1111 n Colored — Cubed Prices Effective Friday-Saturday-Sunday Green Bean 1 C liff Corn $ ¿j J 7 for I No. 303 cans Green Spot ¿ a 5 Garden Gem No. 303 cans « sä s Tomatoes »“ Pumpkin 0 range Ade Ccike Mix 46-oT cons O Î0T 7 for ’ 1 (cinned Milk , < ,^ 7 iby's y2 cans lbs | | 0 ß io r’ « O IQF 1 _ _______ A * s 1 B B k . c i . . i m lince Meat 3 S ” 4 for J | 3 fo r 1 f tor \ Borden's None Such * A 28o2 2 f0r | ° • tile 4 for 95< ------------1 Fresh Counter Service --------------- Guaranteed \- — Del Monte M IE A T S Pineapple JÖ ) 4L ® Crushed No. 2 4 for o . . • • Fischer's Morrell's King's o • G 'V 0 0 Spaghetti 0 | 1 ■ o .ARD 4 lbs. $1 0 Ground Bëef o Sw ift’ning 3-lb. can . . . 'J _ _ O . ,;77Çc O - o j? Shortening Very best IIOPS o ° o Kraft's $1 4 »>s. o, No.°l cans o 8 f o r ................... o Swift's 0 F ranco-American O ~ O Q Velvceta Cheese Processed 8 for 2-lb. brick a . Lean loin 10 . James Y. Salto et ux to Saito Farms—50 acres in NE’ 4 Sec. 16- 16-47 . 9 30 53 $1. lbs. money put directly into your pocket. Figure up the N EW S OF RECORD of Malheur Count) Week of Oet. 10 to Oct. 17 Real V.state Transfers Record* J Robert C. Gross. Admin, to Mar­ ion Kendall—E'v of Lots 8, 9 and 10. Block 189, Ontario. 10/12/53. $1.- 500. Ethel Bott et vir to Mary Jane Lacy—i acre in Lot 25, Block 5, Highway Subdivision. 2nd Add. 10 '8- 53 $1. Ethel Bott et vir to Betty Jo Lacy—part of Lot 35. Block 5, High­ way Subdivision, 2nd Add. 10 8 53. $1. G p < t% r Carlson to Chloe Carlson j all inreresi in Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 2, lO sen s 1st Add. to Vale. 10/12 53. $10. George Carlson to Chloe Car r .s o P -F : ell Interest in part of Sec. 35-19-42. | 10 12/53. $10. James R. Davis et ux to Violet C. t Ä v - Lot 5. Block 31, Hope-Hol- larJO Add —to Vale. 7/26 46. $10. (Q. C pppd) ä Jessie L C et al to Lloyd lP Din­ ger Agency—W 4 SEVl, E 4 S W 4 and Lot 4, Sec. 7; NB .N W ’i - W 'T - NE’ i Sec. 18-17-46. 9 23 53. $10. Fred E. Andrews et ux to A. J. Kessler et ux—Lot 8, Block 1^< Vale. 10/13/53. $10. M alhei^C ou nty to Dan Lots 1 t& i . Inc.. Ontarft W J 4 53. $876.21. _ _ Lloyd J. Satterlee et ux to L. B. Winget et ux—St4SWt4 and S>4-1 N W '.S W 1. Sec. 29-18-46. 10 T4 53. Bananas That's what happens when you spend your GROCERY Oo FROZEN FOODS Orange Juice Sealed Sweet—6-oz. Peas, green Polar—10-oz. Corn cut ° DONUTS 4 for 5 9 d ° ° 6 doz. or more o 4 for 5 9 £ O ° 2 for 3 7 £ Snow Crop— 8-oz. o • BAKERY SPECIALS g, 40c Larger amounts on Special Order MARKET BUNS C îO Û 6th and Main at the "Y' doz. Nyssa D o z e n ................... 30c