o o o o oo PAGE o° O - 8 ÏHE NYSSA GATE CIT <£> £ FOÜR o o o O y 9 o o 0 (i> “ i O URNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. JTHURSEUY. CDODBER 22. 1953 xr : c t u o ere Jwiurninf O u rn lV ì home from. Nebr­ guest.-, early all of the Clinches hav. were urth' Q W Vale. Th£^concern^ a new gun. — the Earl Boston I k AJe >en dug and 4000 feet of pipe laid aska where they were c a ll« r by the •hieh «TT * : i * he flbl Ml- killed a Jersey Jbull with a • n:ai lch.se. wa> incorpt rat-J f or $100,000. rock which s tru d the animal h.». There is new a full crew employee death o f the mother of Howard | — — An unusal shipment of seed| tween the eyes. The animal wsr on the railroad bridge ea t o f town Jamison and Mrs. Roy Boston. Their K rom ti«* Journal File* I’Tus made this r-* k by the I>- er: fN vned by C H SargentyjFruitland E W C cMan*s *s earring his left fQ ie r , Frank Jamison, is returning kangaroo. Finally Mr * Lewis devel- Heed company o f Nyssa to Kirchoff u in e unusal accident occured when footun a sling as the reaj^t of get- me with them. 5 Years Ago Oi l. 21. 1948 . . l * C >.. Ltd. of Souiu Africa. Instead „ Boor „ „ was . attempting to drive the tinstjl under the wheels^ka rSiving Jennie Boston and family of Po^tast«^BLk>yd Lewi. hau to oped enough courage to capture tnt shipping the 550 lbs. of vegetable animal i&jp a pasture. ----- Bob hana-car. ------ Roy cS4.'ke:t and G a te C it y J o tn rn a l t ■■■, O the way tut he picked seed in large b**s. the company Peck has L* a transferred fron. Frank Golden went hunUiig and O nSdio and Mrs. Sara Miller Oted kill oil animal intruder at his re..l- n an ___ imitation shovel an started shipped the seed m !«• Ib. bags by Owyhee dam to Dunaway »here h’ brouglO in .) ducks and a yjolkydot at the E arlO lcston home Sunday _____ den«t ! to determine wh*S it was. u p __ Classified Ads. the attack. Later Mr. Lewis brought evening. p. bullfrog. ------ Postgi^ster L .iiie paroel post because o f taster ser­ will be inspector for the govern­ Po.stma.ster Lewis and his Wife were Roger Smitlr, ^hirley Standerfer ment during the gravel excavation Thomp.'»gi is carring one o f heirlin- awakened from a deep 6lumber, »he animal to town where It was vice and lower rate, o Lee Dick Harris "»ere Sunday dinner job. His family will njeve to the gers in a sling this week as a result when they heard a thumping noi.se identified as a muskrat. — 10 V itrs Ago Oct. 21.1918 near on« o f their winnows Presently Cables, Wayne Cheenut and John Kelley addition in Ny . «here the;, of mistaking said digit for a stamp S. L. Lemon, formerly o f Caldwell, mm a silhouette appeared in the window, Updegraff filed articles of incorp­ will open a chicken hatchery soon in have rented tfse residence vacated and trying to cancel it. C. C Kur will erect a house and barn on h something on the order o f a sitting oration o f Nyssa Motors at the I a building nkttr the Dessert Seed C o .,. by George Cavert. orchard tract Just west o f the city.— plant. — HO Mexican Nationals j 25 Years Ago Oct. 19. 1928 Dr. Sarazia harvested his pots: arrived in Nyssa-Narrupa dtetrict to Tills week marks an epoch in crop. From 5 acres he secured 600 work in the beet harvest. — — newspaperdom in Nyssa and an- sacks o f commercial *r»ud.s. ------ Y O U T H IN K Henry Hartley, superintendent of ! other important milepost ha- pass­ Walter Carmen. Nyssa s violin mat the N y'.a schools, was named pres­ ed. Oct. 14. the first j D er, will devote ills spare time to IT 'S L A T E R T H A N ident o l the eastern Oregon confer­ evfc pria(*d in Nyssa on a power making several high-class instru­ We Still Have 10 Television Sets io Give Away Abso­ ence ai the Oregon State Teachers press was turned ott- The election ments. He has secured some excel­ association at a meeting held in I ni’tiCM having the honor of being lent wood for this pur.po e. lutely Free, to 10 Lucky Customers. One Set Every O m a n >. Lt. Klmer Cloninger re­ the first Job o ff the pre--.0------A Week Until Christmas. You Do Not Have to Be Present tiree: army officer was gueri peaker crew o f Id alio Power electricians 40 Years Ago Oct. 2, 1913 KUiggnan Kolony folks are busy at, the Ny a Chamber of Commerce. ' hav« ju»t comp; ted a to Win. ------ The Ny -a Bulldogs took second Nyssa substation in tailing auto­ harvesting b ea n s.------- P. J. Phillips, spot ,n file Snake River Valley lea­ matic hgKches. ------ The 1 wn cau­ president o f the Owyhee irrigation Or cus was held at the council rooms district returned Tuesday from a gue REMINGTON REMINGTON I business visit to New York Citj for the nomiiuvtion of i ticket f r 15 Years Ago Oct. 20, 1938 : Your AUTOMATIC GAMEMASTER where he called on C. L. Tallrradge N v. 8 Ftank T. Morgan, president of city offices to be i whom he found enthuoiaiic over Mrs. Ohas. t. N SHOTGUN 30-06 RIFLE the Oregon Reclamation congress Choice plans to water the fertile lands of er, t topped out Monday and b left to attend the 28th annual con ­ home the legal limit cf phea 1 : 1 s. the O w y h ee.------- The first number vent l n of that body, to be held in Ur. and Mrs. N. H Pinker: n ni . d of the lyceum course for the year Stop In Every W eek At Any Time, Redmond — George C. iTenneman Into the Campbell prop: rty >n ' l i ' n will be eivon at the Opera House of Springfli Id Nebr.. announced W w o f f e r n o w — to early stoppers — a la r g e a n d fin e Day or Nite, And Qualify h at he wall formally open a Gamble street which they recer.ly pur’ hr - Friday when the Commonwealth ed. ------ Mit.s Pauline Fisher ha r »* Male quartette will be the center o 1 -tore in Ny. s a . ------Motorists k«je GOOD FOOD 24 HOUR SERVICE selection o f g ift ite m s to meet ‘.he discriminating ta ste . cautioned by local police to be sûre turned .from a v.icution of several attention.------- C. O. Davis was down weeks and ha- a rain i-u m ed iiar from Boise Sunday to figure on in­ the dc- : r o f their cars are lucked. Groce rig», robes and wearing appar­ dutiea in Dr. Saraiin'; gffic». Mi;s stalling a heating plant in N>s«a el! have been reported stolen from Fay .Hkran “ subbed" for her during school house. — —S. D. Uigelow has four English walnut tre«u on his j Unlocked cars. One o f the most ser­ her absence. place, evidence that almost anything I 30 Years \o> Oct. »5 3 ■ S o u t h w e s t Idaho's Recreation Center ious thefts reported, iy. the physic­ Downpour o f ru n make' record will grow in Malheur County soil. ians bag taken from tlie rear o f Dr. NEW PLYMOUTH I. J. Sarazi.l*» car while parked in in week Starting on the night of front of his office on Main street — the 3rd and continuing more or less Beet growers t>ei lg served by the steadily till the 8th. J. Pluvlu.-, drep- Amalgamated Sugar co. r*ceiv*d fi­ pad moie rain on Vale than he did nal payment on 1937 beet crop during the entire month of October Phone 2-2769, Parma which amounted to *7.075 tonnage o f la*t year and as much a« during i all o f the year of 1M3 just past. ------ payment. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Y«*rs Ago Jfchn Reece returned home from a Pieter Tensen nrominent local 5000 mlle auto tnp through Oregon PTA met Thursday evening at rancher, has been a p p o in t* a mem- b a tin g plant’ at the Ici«iiha orchard the school. An interesting program Made Possible by ihe her o f Governor Me.eFs,agricultural w a s s U r C u ^ la .M v S a n d T s p^ ia charge o f Mrs. Jack Reed, pro- | advisory council tor Oregon, to co- u - , .J ,, caDacitv ___ jJ : gram chairman, was held. Miss Ellen i USE OUR LAY- AWAY PLAN operate with M e » I offtciataj In re- ¡ S u m m e r s are Zimdars played two numbers on the financing farm lo a n s .------Dick and . , ™ , rv a - rrs__ tins in lull Svflïig in the padding of violin accompanied by Mrs. A. G Jake G root and Pei ter Tensen ^ .. a ® .. , * f .. a . , i their product for the coming sea■ Schultz at the piano. Harold Rhodes j threshed from 44 to 47 bushels per K son’s 4Jl«rket. The rain last week who is the advancement chairman j Which awe of Baby Lima beans which w eif ... „ . _ ,1 . , „ IMS citmafed eonsiderable of the - I d to a Twin Falls buyer » t £ .1 0 J d fr cro^ but the younger heads o f Malhe r district of the Ore.-Ida. Produced a 1953 Minimum Production of Council of Boy Scouts, showed sev- ) owt ----- To Mr.. C. B. Short escap' d. * Dial 2521 219 Main the honor of bagging 3 turns on the p eral pictures that he took while at j V 4.98 Tons Sweet Corn Per Acre opening day. Mrs. Short Is iniating ................................ the National Jamboree in California j n the aMne this summer. Mr. Rhodes stated it j On All Farms Using Our Method ■ o d D a y s G o n e ß y in N yssa C o m m u n it y o o $ $ FREE fO-TV SETS-10 DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING •o NOW! ■ii# time K-BAR SPORT SKO? * RINGS • DIAMONDS ) • EAR SCREWS Aprili Valley • LONGINES WATCHES • SILVERWARE A NEW HIGH RECORD • FRANCISCAN WARE • BONE CHINA WINTER GROW METHOD JACKSON JEWELERS ELECTRIC LIGHT IS A BARGAIN - USE IT FREELY ! SIMPLE STEPS TO BETTER LIGHTING o Everyone spends more time indoors in winter. That calls for plentiful electric lighting — to speed your household chores, brighten up bleak days and nights, and protect your fa m ily * precious eyesight. Here's a simple check to make sure your lighting is up to par: Dust shades and wash reflectors and light bulbs. Don't let dust and d irt rob you e t ligh t that belongs to you. » * instead of losing hi« .sheep he has, w a s « nf.,c i th* “ enjoyable trips lost three fresnos. He is o£ the opin- ^ ls an<1 iie ii°Pe> to be able i ion that they have been borrowed by 1 8 ° 1° £h e World Jamboree in ; 'o m f of the neighbors end would be Canada in 1955. ■tl*d if they would return th em — ja ck Reed made a ypeech and j Hrs. Will Coleman, accompanied by presented Mr. and Mr,. A. G. Shultz , her husbhnd returned home from a VUh a corsage from the community •elek’s visit at Camp Lewis Mr ., honor o{ their 40th wedding Ccltnian will spend a brief furlough . - ,. , .. „ at his home here. ------ Norvell anniversary. They have lived in the Thompson, student at the Univcr- commun'ty for several years. /O'Y o f Oregon, wro*^ that he was ■ Mr. Engtilking introduced the high recovering from an attack o f the school teachers and the parents en- ftHnush Influenza. ----- Mrs. F. D. j yed the opportunity o f meeting Hall and Mrs. C. C. Hunt o f the j tnem. local Red Cross went to Ontario to • ;md Mr,. Norman Maron of deliver a cenfig.iment of supplies Junction City. Oreg., were Monday consisting of .^uils of pajamas, 67 I pairs of socks, 12 boy, suits, 10 ye»ir overnight guests of Mr. and Mr C ;d l Leigh. The M.i-ons run a fruit old siad. ! store in Junction City and were in 10 Y ears \go O c l. 16, 1918 ’ this community buying produce. Contractor Phelps is making quick Mrs. Conley Wil.-on and Mrs. Don time with trie earthwork and laying F.-itts left Sunday for La Grande to 1 of pipes for the city rater sy* spend a fe w days with Mr. and M rs I Thanuel Botner. Mr. and Mr.« Floryd ! C .Id veil ..re staying ut the C o n le y 1 Wilson, it me in the absence cf Mrs. Wilson. The community wishes to extend empathy to Mrs. Helen Booth ' a vi family in the recent death o f I ..-r fa her. Elbert Eugene Lydall Mr. Lydall died on the way to the \ ho-pital following a collision with an ! •.-. r au: mobile at a crossroads o nr quarter mile nerrh of the Apple Val- : ley school Thursday evening of last j week. Sara B Miller was a Sunday din- , gue t at the Hick's home. Mr- Tom Franklin, formerly Bar­ bara Nelson, gave birth to a 10 pound boy at the Nyssa hospital # a ft . irday night. Mr jn d Mrs. Caniel Norland of Anders on R inch Dam and Mrs. Martha S. Norland and Raymond Driving By? were Sunday dinner guests at the Ervin Hetrick heme in Wilder. The . . . . Then the dinner wa- in honor oiM r. and Mrs PLEASURE Le ter Norland who were celebrating their first wedding anniversary. w ill all be yours Lavonna Ellibee was a Sunday- if you stop in. overnight guest of Barbara and Joan Dick Mr and Mr- t^ yl Dunn o f Nojuis . were Tue.'day evMnng dinner gu O > at the C. L. Fritts home. Mr and Mrs. Howard Jamison Tere«a Anderson and children of Napa. i*olif.. Mrs Manager Roy Boston o f Vancouver. Wash., Nyssa Dial 9972 and Frank Jamison of_Cambrid«e. Nebr , spent Sunday C / i Sunday- night at the Earl Boston home. They See Owyhee Produce, Inc. Nyssa Dial 3944 Just Check location of lamps and fixtures. Is fu rn iture arranged to give you the most advantageous use of light? Are additional lamps needed to insure adequate light? NOTHING REFRESHES L ,R E j S * V> Berrett's Cafe % Wake sure the right s!*» bulbs are in us«. Close seeing requires 150 W atts or b e tte r; *'Z X ^ Rainier Beer 100 fb ^ 0 W atts is sufficient for most brewed in overhead fixtures Your de*?er w ill be glad W a s h in g ^ a to advise you. [Ì • r : r s O is first in quality, first 9 O in taste. o Be sure o 0 o o R up on light b u lb s^rin a variety of sizes. •lbs b" tied. fnu s tt ReplaceOold d a rk e n ^ that all crf ^ t y sockets are ElectricityOosts r ^ O t tle in Snake R'\er Valley, you can enjey^f w ell-lighted b e f^ e for |ust a few pennief^TToy. ^ 93 o o o C t T AtfOfPOWER ¥ Do«» So MUCH-Co»ts So LITTLE I o o