O « THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, N Y S S A , OREGON PAGE TWO ■— THE CATE CITY JOURNAL DUANE R. A L T E R S ................................. Editor and Publisher RIC HARD U. V YOST ______ Advertising Manager Duane R. Alter» sod Geo. L. Whorton. Owner- . o -------- ---------- SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Malheur County. Oregcru an* Payette and Canyon N E WS P A P E R c-rirtte». Idaho. \ S3 ’X) PUBLISHERS $- N ASSOCIATION Ei-ewhere in the VJS.A . ■ pies . Strictly m ACtv&r.ce) Published «rery Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United State» th“ act $3 X) 07 at Ny -a. Malheur County. Oregon at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1379 Nazarenes Held Fevivol Meet , V 1 • extending thrm rn Sunday. N v l. was ccndu.ted Wednesday r.ight at the Ny -a CJP.-r a of the Nuzaxer.e. f* v...ch the Rev R ber; O Jack- sen is pastor. Heading the "harvest-time" re- •. ,.a l i the Rev I. f Younger, su- pera.tender.: f *..ie NAzarftle Idaho- OreRfen d . A s j . - t m g him is El-.anor Mat '.fcie-er. gospel ,-inger. , Services are held in the church at South 5th and Good avenue begin­ ning at 8 p m One Sunday service vill be held at 11 a. m Prior to his appointment as dis­ trict chairman, the Rev Younger held a pa,: rate in Indiana ST P U L i EPISCOPAL ( HURUH Officials Visit The Kev. Carl H. Gross. Ph.D. Christian Church FIRST Sunday. 10 30 a. m., church schorl Three member- of a Visitation t hurofc of Christ 11 30 a. m morning prayer and :eam vi-ited the Ny. a First Christ- (Christian ( nursery. rian church Oct. 1J with a p :t - Guest sp< akcr in the absen.e of Wednesday, church school: luclr dinner for the vi-itor. a local mini.- tar. 9-12 a m , kindergarten. and congregation preceding confer - It a. m . B.ble school, D->r. Per.me. 3-1 p m . primary and field repreeetative for the superintendent. 1-5 p m.. Junior 1 Northwe tern Chri,:ian heme at 11 a. m.. Sermon. 7-3 p rn., Young People’s Fellow- B* avert- n: Mrs. Howard Rice nev d-.ip. late pre.-.dent o f Chn-*>an W o­ ASSEMBLY OF GOD m en - Feh w,h;p. and Walter Lantz. FAITH LUTHERAN t lit R( II Rev. Ha-krli I rit-nd. Pastor .- w dir lot •_ f Chr. tiar. Education Fifth Street and Park Avenue South 2nd and Reece Ave. in Oregm . were the visiter John I.. Briehl. Pastor ID a m , Sunday school. Charles H. Addleman. .-.late sec­ 10 a m , Sunday school. II a. m . morning worship rete: . ras Iter at the 11 a m divine worship, 1 p m . evangel., tic service. ,-hurch Sunday. Oc: 11 He retr ained Tues . 8 p m., prayer service, i here for a few days to assise in r r l , 8 p . n i , young pe ypir COMMUNITY METHODIST planning the church program for c m RCH he .mmediate futurv- Vernon L. Taylor. Minister CHURCH OF ( HRIST Monty Smith of Nampa i- co n ­ 4 45 a m , church school tinuing to serve a- an interim pas- Parma. Idaho 11 a m . morning worship. t r intU a new minister is named. McConnel Ave. 1 p . m . Youth Fellowship. O. E. Robinson. Minister 10 a m , Bible study. Hollingsworths Are CATHOLIC CHURCH 11 a m , morning worship. Park Avenue and Third Street 8 p. m . Sunday evening serv.ee Located In Nebraska Remberl Ahles, O. F. M. Wednesday, 8 d m., Bible study Word has been received that the Mass Sunday a*. 8 and 10 a. m Rev. and Mrs Austin J. Hollings- and daily a: 8 a m FREE METHODIST CHURCH Saturday. 10 a. m , Catechism vorth have arrived at their new heme Adrian, O r e * » :r Lincoln Neb . where they moved classes. last month after hi- retirement as 10 a. m , church schooL 11 a m., morning worship. pa-tor of the Ny -a Pust Chri.-tian Christian Center Mission MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHI R1 H church East 2nd and Ehrgood Their trip to Nebra-ka involved 10 a m , Sunday schooL Elder Lee Jolliff, Pastor l i a m . mirtTting worship two fiat tires, a visit with relatives 10 a rn., B unday school. 7 3D p m . evangelistic service. at P roton . Idaho, and a: K.mball 11 a m . morning worship. and Sutherland. Nehr 8 p m., evening worship The He-. Hollingsworth ivas been ADRIAN COMMUNITY CHURCH Wednesday. 8 p m.. prayer service supplying pa,torless pulpits in var­ ious parts o( Nebraska since they moved there CHURCH NOTES 3 < CHICKEN for Adrian News Sunday Dinner! ■ ■ Serve the BEST Why be bothered with the messy job of dressing poultry? W e Are Equipped to . . LET U S .................... DO IT See Us About Other Produce GEM PRODUCE CO. 6th and Good Dial 2315 Hose W illi- Bri.lal Shuwer A bridal -ho ver was given in honor o l Mr Jame- Stephen-, nee Betty Jarvi<. at the Adrian Presbyterian church Thur-day evening with 48 ladies attending A very nice pro­ gram wa- g;ven Mr Raymond Holly plaved two ,-eleitior.- on the pian also sang two song.- acco mpanied by- Mr- Deffer, Mr Dudley Kurtz gave a reading. Mr- Mark Hartley .ang M Jim Phifer and Mr- Bethel Martin read a poem about the bride and ■ :i I decorated with white bell-, yellow candle and fall ft ver- A three- m ling cake centered the aer- vn. c tt Je. I', e l • -e - ' e Mi. Fern Hatch M: - Bart at.» Hatt Mr- •riu M ' Mr L ui-e Hill. Mr Hazel Shaffer and Mr Bethel Martin A birthday dinner honoring John Jan and Mr Colleen Oip -f J hn : I ; - * J A( Mr H ward C m ig THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22. 1953 dlprrgram of Irier.d’. L visitations In the services, assisted by Mrs. W. W. WESLEYAN GUILD PLANS MEETING FOR MONDAY ih.e church's parish ouruig the past Foster and Miss Letha Sager. All the evening services will start week. © •• Mi-.- Emma Zwemae will be ho-t Sunday mart.mg the Rev. Noth- at 8 o'clock and W ill be held in the Monday evening to the Wesleyan durf: will preach on the subject to Methodist church. Special music will guild o l the Methodist church at her home, 419 North Fourth street, be u-ed that morning by the minis­ be siffig by the choir, directed ter- involve* in the pulpit exchange, Mrs. Dwight Wyckoff. with Mrs. Ro-anelle Copeland a.i pamely “The Haiy Hub:*. #f Church Final phase of the Spiritual LBe coi-hoatess. HLarimg at 8 o'clock, the program Attendance", tne first in a .e.-iei mission of the church will be a lay inreu gh an exchange >i pulpfc*. for the evening will be under the aa-ed on the tneme "The Holy visitation program, led by Mrs. R the Rev Nothdurft. p i't c r *f Bjker M Cochrun, chairman of the com ­ direction ol Mis Myrtle lie tt. Mr M ethidi t church.w.Il preach Sunday H .o .u f the Spiritual Life Dies Yost, church lay leader who mission on evangelism Murl Duncan will lead the devo­ mornfhg and evening a* the Nyisa tion«. Ccmm jiiitjr Me^hr-dist church wh- -e ha- made arrangements lor laymen participation. wiU conduct the All business girls o l Nyssa are in­ GET RESULTS :>a*t ir. the Rev Vernon L Tayl r :r. r:;mg service, a ,,i,ted by M. - vited to attend GATE CITY JOURNAL ADS w.ll be gue^t speaker a: the Payette . jti. H rrman ar.d Cliff Main Methodist church Sunday evening, the services to The occasion marks the beginning ::n at f o'clock, the Rev Nothdurft if a preaching mission !n the local vill discuss the second subject m church. fcllo*»r‘.ng on the heels of the he -erie-. "The Holy Habit of Fam­ preparatory work of mvt»b- rs ir. a ily Dev tion ," Henry Hartley will Pfiday and Saturday w.th ‘ ..e.r c r.duct the servuce. assisted by 8th ANNUAL gnnhparentv. Mr. and Mr F r: Charles Sielfins. The Rev. Tom Hill, pa-tor of the Marlin, whose home i- near P.,rmi LEWISTON HEREFORD ASSOCIATION Mrs. Connie William rn Cald­ Vale Methodi-t church, will continue well spent the weekend with Brto.e the series with, a d.-eussion on "The Jo Webster in Adr.an. Connie va- a Holy Hab.t o f Tithing " Hugh Tobler fermer Adrian resident will conduct the services. Susan, Pa:. Pete .«nd S tt H**v - Fourth subject In the sene- "The children c f Dr and Mr H Hoiy Hablt of p-gyer’,” w.ll be dis- C«Ww«!l. have beer. Wfeker. : cu, ;: ' ca5ied 0v ^ R i , Ral j a Kuller November 5 and 6, 1953 a. the h e m e o . Mr, Ea.. W .nc w.... ^ lCT of Welser Methodist church their parents are attending a medi­ LIVESTOCK PAVILIO N — LEWISTON. IDAHO Tue-day evening. Grover Lytle will cal meeting in Yak.rr.a have charge o f the service,, with L Mrs. Vernon Parke: and girl spent Sunday in Ny.--a v. ng her E R- ooins and Giloer: Klmkenberg — 23 HEIFERS 35 BULLS father. Robert T-xm b- Sr and Mr assisting. "The Holy Habit c f Witnessing-' is and Mr Robert Fangan These cattle will all be of the usual good quality that our breed­ Mr- Junior Mathew ar.d gir'. to be discussd Wednesday evening ers have offered you in previous sales. All animals will be judged spent several days in Calc * -U v isit-, by the Rev Stanley Andre*,, pastor mg her sister. Mrs. Et .el Kadel. f Payette M eth.dist church. W. W and graded by outstanding judges of the Northwest This is y*ur Haward Hatch attended a iamih. Stated by Lltyd Tobler ar.d opportunity to buy quality Herefords at the right priee. dinner with his parent Mr ana N . Snider. ........... Mr Harvey Hatch. Sunday. H vices. brether, Henry Hatch and family Auctioneer Write for Catalogs President O '.adtr.g dtscu, . m in the ser- were there from Joseph Howard B r vn J. W. Themetz. Manager Fred Richardson ies wll b r . ' Mr and Mr- Henry H ' it Merle. Woodland, Calif. Orofino, Idaho Lewiston, Idaho Gene and Dean ar.d Mr. ar.d Mr- Bible Read.ng" by the Re. Taylor, Ted New,on and Ed of J. -eph. f r- pastor. Melvin Spttze will c.nduct mer residents of Adrian a t nded the Joseph-Adrian f toah game Friday evenmg. Merle Hatch and Ed Newt ti played cn the ' e; a t am Reuben 3a ket: and Mr and Mr- George Cart rright left earlv Sun­ day morning for Unity where they spent the day hunting Mrs. Bill W ’ llis va a Saturday afterncon caller at the heme of Mr. and Mr- Ronald Huffer ar.d son in Parma Mrs. Zola Coons a:.d Betty Mr- Anr.a Sparks and W ivne and Mrs. Henderson were Sut.day d r.r.er guests at the home of Mr ar.d Mrs. Bill Looney Mr. and Mrs. Glenr. Brown of Adrian were guests of Mr ar.d Mr Herb Thom .a - Thursday evening. Harold Newman left Sunday for Salem where he attended a school Oct. 25-26-27-28-29 convention. The Rev and Mr Her.ry Moore and Hank and Mrs. Edn3 Cowling I li Nyssa, Oregon — 8 P. M. were Sunday dinner cue t- at the Mr. and Mrs K T Peter- n h< me Ruben Ba-kett and Mr and Mr George Cartwright left early Sun­ day morning for Unity where they spent the day* hunting. The juniors o f Adrian high school REV. DONALD NOTHDURFT are presenting their junior clas- play. "Incognito." Oct 27 at 8 p m Baker, Ore. at the Adr.an high school gym. Preaching Series For Melhodisis Starts Sunday ANNOUNCING : : : S H O W and S A L E METHODIST Preaching Mission Community Methodist Church 1954 Preaching Twice Sunday, Oct. 25 11 A. M. "TH E HOLY HABIT OF CHURCH ATTENDANCE' 8 P. M. PHILCO "TH E HOLY HABIT OF FA M ILY DEVOTIONS" Chancel Choir Directed by June Wyckoff TELEVISION IS HERE ! lip 8th Annual FIREMENS B a ll SATURDAY OCTOBER 24 o ° Featuring . . . . JIM BAKER’S a ’ O o 10-pc. Orchestra . Proceeds W ill be Donated to the LOUIE VENDRELL FUND $ 1 .0 0 Per Couple S1.00 6 fe * IMMEDIATE DELIVERY , afternoon Mr and Mrs Ted Te-ki and g rl- ot Ny-.-a were Sunday caller- ol Mr- AJvon McGinnis 1 Mr and Mr« Alvon McOlnni.-. B;.. Will, and Jamet McGinnis returned 1 home Wednesday evening from Quincy. Wash., where they have - b; > and '-ir anc M B-^b Mice W I M , left Thursday noon to go hunting in i the Unity untry and Mr and Mr- Jame- McOinni and Junior left Friday evening to join them. H« M .. * D p 9 15 a . m . pne.-th .1 meeting. 13 30 * m Sunday school HI R( 1! OF IKK N 4 / t M ' > Robert JirVsei Pastor 10 a m . Sunday sch 1 ; 7 p m , N Y PS. and Junior meet- o 7.45 p m . evangelistic servie*. © __________ 0 L. DJ>. 1st W ARD < haría) Mann. Bishop 9 15 a m . priesthood mee'.iRd. 10 30 » m . Sund^* school 7 30 p m . -wcramer.t meeting Tuesday. 2 p m relief society Wedne-day; 4 p m , primary; f?80 m M I A C HOLY & \I REV. TOM HILL 17 in. 21 in. 24 in. 27 in. t Vale, Ore. Monday, Cct. 26 THE HOLY HABIT Habits REV. STANLEY ANDREWS Payette, Ida. Wednesday, Oct. 28 "THE HOLY HABIT OF WITNESSING OF TITHING" of the TV Antennas L. D 8. 2nd H \RD llu her» t hristrnvrn R>1 • • "THE 8 | ( III R( II OF THE BRETHREN Henry K. Moore. Pastor 10 a m Bible school. 11 a. m . rn-rntng worship. 11 a tn . Junior church. Old School Gym » pa. Mr- James Stephen- i Alsmedv CM I M f Onta I Lee 1 Mr- Hal John n of Cald veil, wa­ ft Friday evening gue-t at the home . f \! F re t P rkt Mr- Sue Ashcraft. Mr-. Denna Han ' no M I in M i Mi Mrs Dick Richard, and family Mr- Leonard Smith and girls 10-ft. 20-ft. 30 ft. 10-ft. 20-ft. 30-ft. Conicals Conicals Conicals Combo Combo Combo S19.95 S29.95 S39.95 S30.0C S45.0C S55.QÛ Spiritual .* • . Saturday, Oct. 24,°is LOUIE VENDRELL D AY Wilson Bros. - Dept. Store LIFE 19 REV RALPH FULLER Weiser. Ida. Tuesday, Qjjt 27 REV VERNON TAYLOR THE HOLY T í ABIT OF PRAYER" "THE HOLY HA£?T OF BIBLE READING" Nyssa Ore. Thursday. C*W 29