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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYS3A. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER t. IIS) PAGE FO U R Wednesday. » p m.. prayer eryice and daily at • a m. 9 a m , Catechism c l* «« s . L D 8. 1st W ARD «■onion Ray. Bishop Wednesday. 10 a m , primary meeting 8 p m . sacrament meeting. L. D. 8. 2nd W ARD I). Hubert < k r i « n u H 9:15 a. m . priesthood meeting. 10:30 a. m . Sunday school. 8 p. m , sacrament meeting Tuesday, 2 p. m , relief society. Wednesday. 4 p. m . primary; p. m.. M.I.A. DEAD ANIMALS FREE M E TH O D IST ( H I R< H Adrian, Oregon 10 a. m., church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. h ie DUANE Ill/ gate R. ALTE R S l l l l l l l II A' . . . and Adverlisiiii! MuniEcr Geo. L Whorton, Owners NÍWSPAPER PUBL I SHERS A SS O C IA TIO N S U B S C R IP TIO N KATES 1 year $3 00 6 Months $1.75 1 year outside Malheur Co. and Parma, Ida, rural routes, $3 50 ::gleC op ir, .07 1 O i l I C l i y Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act Pride Is Patriotism jo u r n a l . V ÍW T Duane K. Alters . c it y ill A U V t l lU / C I at Nyssa, Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission Malls, as second class matter, under of March 3. 1879 1 Speed Overhaul Jobs With Homemade Piston Cleaner I f you do your own mainte nance on your car, you may be interested in making this little gadget we heard about. It makes the scraping o f pis ton ring grooves fast und easy. • ,v . ■ section of piston ring break off square Call us about it. Fine products like this plus faithful service are the mainstays of our local business. t wooden 'handle The American people are sometimes accused of being lacking in patriotism because of their laxity in observ ance of the old customs that are now little more than memories or a record in history books. Probably the fundamental love of country is just as deep and just as sincere now as it was with our fore fathers. but like our homes and our families, our country is taken for granted because we are “too busy” to take time out for outward expression of our feelings. We Americans are inclined to make more noise about the things that annoy us than we are about the things that give us satisfaction. To be actually patriotic, one must take pride in his family, his neighborhood, his community and on upward through his county, state and nation. About each of them and to each of them, we frequently complain, but the average American will never express any of the com plaints to outsiders. In an area like the Lower Snake River Valley, we have much to be thankful for and can express our patriotism in many ways. An area like this has many God-given blessings, which are taken for granted, but without all those tilings in which we take pride, the blessings would be of little value. Like all other Americans we have our freedom to say and do just about what we please, but unlike some Americans in congested areas, we have the additional freedom from snobbery, prejudice and domination by special groups. We can say without fear of contradiction that the true patriots outnumber the indifferent many thousands to one. That is shown every day by the pride the average person takes in his community. It is shown by a general spirit of friendliness and the “hello” from strangers, it is shown by the activities that go on around us and it is shown bv the many accomplishments that a generation ago were considered impossible. CHI KCH NO TES O f course, you won’t huve to worry about this job if you use Heavy Duty R U M M otor Oil. First oil developed through atomic research, it reduces en gine wear, greatly increases time between overhauls, keeps engines clean and protected against the formation of car bon deposits, acid, corrosion, rust and vurmsh. A tfaeftarrf Off Cjm peey •i C a llid a ,a P ia d a il D istrib u te d b y WM. E. SCHIREMAN Phono 61-W N y s s a , Oregon I ” !' ' P O W E R M Fûk PROFITS! / ’' ' Y / . s ship. Lyle Wilson, president. 8 p. in., chapel period. ASSEM BLY OF OOD THE CHURCH OE THE Frank C Coley, I*a.stor NAZARENE South 2nd and Keece Ave. Robert Jackson, Pastor 10 a. m., Sunday school. 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. in., morning worship. 11 p. m , morning worship. 8 p. in., evangelistic service. 7 p. m., N.Y.P.S. and Junior meet Tue .day. 8 p in., prayer service. Friday, 8 p. m , young people’s ser ings. 7:45 p. m „ evangelistic service. vice. Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer meet ing. CHURCH OK THE BRETHREN Christian Center Mission C O M M C N ITY M ETHODIST East 2nd and’Ehrgood CHURCH 10 a. m., Sunday school. Dr. II. G. MeCallister, Minister 11 a. in., morning worship. 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. m., morning worship. A D R IA N C O M M U N ITY CHURCH 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. Henry E. Moore, Pastor 10 a. in., Bible school. ST. P A U L ’S EPISC O PAL CHURCH 11 a. m., morning worship. C. T. Crenshaw, Rector 11a. m.. Junior church. 9:45 a. m., Sunday school. 11a. m., worship services. 7:30 p. m., evening service. E IR S T CHI 1ICH OE C H R IS T (Christian) CATH O LIC CHURCH Austin J. Hollingsworth, Minister Park Avenue and Third Street 10 a. m., church school. Elvin Kembert Ablea, O. F. M. Ballou, superintendent. Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m. 7 p. m „ Christian Youth Fellow - F A IT H I I T H C R IV CHU RCH Fifth Street and Park Avenue John L Briehl. Pastor 10 a m .. Sunday school. 11 a m . divine worship You are cordially invited to wor ship with us. Free Pickup M ISS IO N AR Y B A P T IS T CHCRCH Elder llu k r ll D u e . P u t or 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m.. morning worship. 3 p. m , evening worship. Fast Service Phone 98 Phone 100-R Parma Nyssa The seven-day week originated in prehistoric times. A borzoi is a Russian wolfhound John Cabot, the explorer, was a native of Italy. The Panama Canal was officially opened on July 12, 1920. Buffalo Bill and W illiam P . Cody were the same person. Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. Nysaa. Oi egon We Carry A Complefe Slock of— it RED B R A N D II FENCING STEEL POSTS * 5—6—6‘/ j ft. BARB W IRE There's no better time than now to lay in all the supplies you need to do your fall fencing and fence repairing. Stunz Lumber Company PHONE 110 N YSSA , OREGON On* FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Washer Iws it! Th is weeks — SPECIALS 1950 Chev. Fleetline 2-Door Radio — Heater — Seat Covers Z TRACTOR P jo w P o w e r C l o s * ,You ’ re, p&wer « ’head — money ahead with the M M Model 7. Tractor. You get the low-cost power to do M O K E work and do it right . . . to booet your profits and lower your overhead. You get the built-in quality that means lower maintenance costs, operating economy— the «ability to stay on the job season after season . . . for many years to come. THIS* IMPORTANT PIATURIt <MVt YOU MORf WITH THE MM MODfl Z POW1R TO IPARI— 31 h.p. on drawbar and 36 h.p. on belt. 015 rpm at power-take-off. JTIPPID UP in o in i -'.¿•6 cu. in piston displacement and high turbulence combustion chambers to give you power reserve when you need it. CONTROILID COOliNO —Thermostat controls cooling sv stem. Stur dily built radiator with cast top and bottom tanks, steel frames and removable core. Pivi FORWARD SPUDS -2.4, 3.6, 4 6, 6.4, 13.1 and 2.2 mph reverse. Convenient hand-opernted clutch, oversize brakes . . . double or single action. MORI COMPORTS — Floto-Ride sent, adjustable steering wheel, wobble-stick gear shift and many more to make the job easier. Visionlined for complete visibility. UNI M A TIC POWtR—Th e modern hvdraulic height and depth control of mounted or pull-hehind implements, optional With the Model Z. D aiva la today mmd Imi ira (Iv a , •w « I Is ymmtmM ta a s s M s tn Smithy Muffler — Good Paint Job — Overhauled 24 M ONTHS TO P A Y Fvoti "d eep d o w n “ dirt woahos out ond a w a y w M i $1495 1950 Special Deluxe Cub Coupe— Radio — Heater — Seat Covers Extra Clean — Overhauled rf* V E / I C A 9 n tw Frigidoiro Select-O-Dial doe* everything for you! 1949 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door— Spie and Span $1635 1948 Chrysler Windsor 4-Door— Major Engine Overhaul Radio A ll Weather Heater if I 9 I w C l S Radio — Heater — Seat Covers Door Panels Recovered Good Rubber A m c w m t n j 612 Arcadia Nyssa A Phone 444 F r ig id a ir o ’i exclusive Select- O - D i a l letj you p re -sele ct the p ro p e r w a sh in g tim e y o u w anf fo r a n y kind o f clothes — r a y ons, nylons, w oolens, etc. All hot, w d i y w otor d o o il Iho w ork o f waahing. A n d tw o y o u d o is put in the clothes a n d s o a p . .. set the d ial once . . . a n d fo rg e t it. The w asher fredi w a te r,liv e -W o te r Rrnsee float oh dirt a w a y I does all the rest. $1145 OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM N O l l M T W a i no ro ugh sorufcbtng of «loth«> in a F rig id o iro Auto- m o tk W o t h e r. C lo lh o i o ro a ub m orgod In w otor ALL Itva time, while rolling current! at 1948 Dodge Custom 4-Door— I M s ¥ ¥ Mod.1 l b a d s ' Y a s v s amd I 1r s f s a « , - l b i -vot.saa W A N T f 1 W < r B & M Equipment Co. no scrubbing or rubbing by hard motol portal Peterson Furniture •YOUR DEPENDABLE FURNITURE STORE' Waggoner Motor Co. Good A t *. F fc o n a 180 © W * Gitrg S It H Groan Stamps N Y S S A - O N T A R IO - V A L E - P A Y E T T E &