THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. PAGE EIGHT IN Y S S A a THEATRE DIAL 3932 Startine Time g a t-S u n . 3 30 p.m Evening* 7:30 p.m TUES.-WED.-THURS. OCTOBER 6-7-8 RECORD M MHI It DEER RAGGED OPENING DATE • Continued from Page 1> offered as to where they did their hunting They were Doug Bateman Jay Bybee, J. V. Sha w, Bill Mayden John Reeves, I) W Hooper, Jim Slower and Ron Pruyn. Bybee was a member of a party that included Shay Bybee, Gary By­ bee, Sherman By bee, Junior Cindall, Don Courtney and George Courtney There was no further report on this party. The largest hunting party known PRUYN & TURNER GARAGE "THE M OON IS BLUE" Open For Business With WILLIAM HOLDEN DAVID NIVEN MAGGIK McNAMAKA A charming, frank and amusing discu ■ x he ¡ pic- turization of the Broadway play, strictly an adult film which never over-steps Lie bounds of good taste. Work General Repairing Body and Fender 900 Block on Emmison Ave. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 "CLEOPATRA" With < LAIDETTh < OLBERT HENRY W1L4 OX A Cecil B De Mille production brought back. . i v "FLAME OF CALCUTTA" "REBEL CITY" With BILL ELLIOTT MARJORIE LORD LOST PLANET NO. 9 SUND AY-M ONDAY OCTOBER 11-12 "LOVELY TO LOOK A T " In Technicolor ■with KATHRYN GRAYSON RED SKELTON HOWARD KEEL ANN MILLER A happy parade about youth and love in the most romantic city of all, Paris. Matinee Sun. 1:30 TU E SD AY-W ED N ESD AY OCTOBER 13-14 "THE MOONLIGHTER" With FRED MACMURRAY BARBARA STANWYCK WARD BOND WILLIAM CHING The man whose deeds of daring are done at night Watch for THE MOONLIGHTERS in start­ ling 3D at regular admission. t o have taken to the hill waOtheCJ9A4 BOYVfcCOl T KI ND DRIVE cows in eastern Oregon and western Idaho, and the fourth annual Jer ey }S-member Barker party, 4/hich TO BE HELD MONDAY camped and hunted from Friday to , , _ ,, heifer investment sale, to be held on Monday in the Steins mountains. , ' Con.inued f-cm page the Malheur county fairgrounds, Twelve deer were reported taken tensk,n ior PurP<>“es of maintaining Ontario, Saturday, Oct. 10, will help Members o f the party were M r .’ e n d i n g a vigorous program to fill that demand, according to and Mrs. E H Barker. Eldon B a r -: ° f cher reported that 85 deer had been turned in at his plant of pro­ cessing Just Driving By? .... Then the PLEASURE INSULATE NOW' For ground cork and Palco wool, dial 3354 or see at 502 Arcadia. 39-tfc. Berrei! s Cafe Teresa Anderson Manager Nyssa With KREDHIC MARCH GLORIA GKAIIAME TERRY MOORE CAMERON MITCHELL Filmed under the shadow of the Iron curtain. The year’s most sus. penseful adventure lie gambled •with death and lost Dial 9972 FOR SALE—Collie pups. Dial 2772 39-ltp. DIRECTORY Going io Press SOON! The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Joe Komoto, Ontario, died .shortly after birth Tuesday at Mal­ heur Memorial hospital. Other births at the hospital dur­ ing the past week were a girl, to Mr. j Mrs. Paulino Reyna. Nyssa. and a boy, to Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Stein- haus, Ontario, both on Sept, 30. W.S.C.S. Rummage Sale The Women's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church is holding a rummage sale Friday and Saturday, Oct. 10 and 11, in the old Nvssa bowling alley. All materials to he donated for the sale may be left at the bowling alley this Thursday afternoon. Needed are old clothing of all kinds, luggage and appliances. Further information may he secured from Mrs. W. XV. Foster bv calling NAss., 2345 I \dv.). With JO H N N 1 "LOOSE IN LONDON" DISTINCTIVE "THE STRANGER W ORE A GUN" TUESDAY-WEDN ESP AY OCTORKn 129-21 ► « "EVERYTHING I HAVE IS YOURS" In Technicolor with MARGE and GOWER < IIXMPION 1*1 NNIS O KI I EE MONICA LEWIS The dancing Mars of SHOW BOAT and LOVELY TO f OOK AT doing eight wonderful songs and six wonderful dances. the BEST W hy be bothered with the messy job of dressing poultry? W e Are Equipped to . LET U S ................. RADIO SERVICE 501 Main Nyssa, Ore. DO IT See Us About Other Produce GEM PRODUCE CO. 6th and Good Dial 2315 H ere’s REAL Symptoms of Distress Arising from for STOMACH ULCERS d u e t o EXCESS ACID FORD OWNERS QUICK R E L IE F OR NO CO ST Afir About i5-0ay Tria{ Offer1 . O v e r five million packages of the W illard T rkatmemt ha**, been sold for relief of symptoms of distress arising from S to m a c h and D u o d e n a l U lc e rs due to E xcess A c id — P o or D ig e s tio n , S o u r 01 U p s e t S to m a c h , G a s s in e s s , H e a r t b u r n , S le e p le s s n e s s , e t c ., due to E xce ss A c id . Ask for •• W illa rd 's M e ssa g e " which fully explains this remark able home treatment—tree at It’ s when cold weather strikes that your car’ s electrical and cooling systems may grow balky. Has your Ford been checked over for winter? The radiator, hose connections, pumps and belts should be inspected. The generator, battery and cabían, spark plugs, too. We’re making Special Bargain offers all this month on many timely Shop Services. Here are 4 ways that you’ll save by taking advantage of them: NYSSA PH A R M A C Y OWYHEE DRUG CO. TAKE IT EASY 1 . Ford-Trained m echanics know your Ford best. 2 . They use special equip­ ment and tools that are right for Fords. 3 . You save time and labor costs because they follow Factory-Approved methods. Tubes, Antennas, Parts HERB'S ■ Serve REPAIR 4 . They install only Genuine F or d P a r t s w h e n a n d if replacements are necessary. Forget driving strain and parking problems . . . taka a Greyhound — Now’s the time ••• Drive in ! (You'll save money, too!) STYLING B E A U T Y NOOK OCTOBER 12 • DELAINE BATEMAN • MILDRED PETERSON • MER LYN FIFE • L.UCILE M YRICK For Additional .... THESE ARE SURE SIGNS O f SAUNGS The "W elcome M at” is out for you 511 M ain HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Phone 9912 Nyssa Dial 2288 are waiting to serve you. Dial 2810 h r an early appointment. We Carry A Complete Stock of- LISTINGS WHAT W ill Bt THE DIFFERENCE IN THEIR WEIGHTS? Or Directory S23.40 $19.60 S 9.35 $ 9.95 $ &S0 GREYHOUND Where . . . . Last Date Phoenix Los Angeles Salt Lake Moses Lake Portland P lu s la x ’’R ED B R A N D ” A ADVERTISING STEEL POSTS A 31) in Technicolor with R W DOUM I SCOTT 1 LAIRK TKEMiK JOAN WELDON GEORGE M ACK»\DY n ie story of a girl and a gun- fighter whor-e blazing love kin­ dled the flame of adventure ■ TV and RADIO ¿0H O M D L Can Always be YOURS When You Visit the LOST PI W E T No 10 SU N D AY-M O N D A Y OCTOBER 18-19 Sunday Dinner! SEE THESE LO W FARES! M i l I I II I 11 It \ It it \ It \ Itl STAR A l# The Bowei“ Bov* in • Eves examined • Glasses fitted Caldwell Phone 9-2312 her by thoee who wish to attend to that adequate arrangement- may be made to accommodate all banquet participants Her address Is route 1 Nyssa, or telephone Nyssa 089R1 CHICKEN for Dr. D. W . Graves Nyssa Births . . . TELEPHONE i Friday, Oct. 9— Amity club at the homc of Mrs. Charles Mann, 8 p.m. Saurday, Oct. 10— Lucky Clover i dance, Nyssa stake house. Thursday, Oct. 15—Job's Daugh- ters meeting. Masonic hall, 7:30. Monday, Oct. 19— OES meeting at the Masonic hall at 8 pan. Tuesday, Oct. 20— Eagles auxiliary meeting, Eagles hall, 8 p. m. TOR SALE—2 heating stoves, good condition: grapes Roger Anderson, 1 mile west of school. Dial 2743. 39-ltc. I S A T U R D A Y , OCTOBER 16 "SAFRI DRUMS" Í Too Late To Classify will all be yours if you stop in. Coming Events arranged to follow the banquet. Mrs. William B Toomb. secretary, Mal­ heur County Jersey Cattle club, sponsor of the banquet, requests that reservation be made in advance with W inter Protection On Saturday TH U R SD AY-FRID AY OCTOBER 15-16 "THE MAN ON THE TIGHT ROPE" THURSDAY. OCTOBER 8. 1953 M ^ jv s r u u - 5— 6 — 6 !/2 ft. CEDAR POSTS - BARB WIRE , > i» AT THI STORE WITH THE CHECKERBOARD SIGN BUSINESS OFFICE Nyssa 2218 There's no better time than now to lay in all the supplies you need to do your fall fencing and fence repairing. TOBLERS FEED & FUEL, Inc. Dial 2201 Nyssa, Oregon ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ V . W . V . W . W mm mu W Stunz Lumber Company D IAL 3926 NYSSA. OREGON . V \