T s U .'S D A Y . OCTOBER I. 1. s3 rHE NYSSA 3 A ï E C i l Y JOURNAL. NYSSA. CREGON PAGE SIX Mi m Mrs D Nyssa. 5?u cia l A c t U n tie s •>- 4* i wo Table of Bridge Ml Phone 2233 I i i- ii 1 Vi * if Eldridges Entertain Mr and Mr.- Tom Eldridge enter- ained members of their Mr and Mrs. Club at their heme Saturday venir. Mr and Mrs O, rdon Ox- nam were guest players ar.d they won high score. .;._.}» ASK YOUR Dinner Guests Sunday Mrs Murl Duncan and Barbara and Jack were dinner guest- Sun­ day i Mr- Le>ter Smith. HovV f j csi mere heat from pot-type burners Brackens Entertain Mr and Mrs. Fred Brackei tained members c f their :er- iday rlub. rokl Brendle w :t high ar.d Mr ar.d Mrs Duane Alters .von second high. We have the answer to higher efficiency from your circulating-heater pot-type burner in Standard Stove Oil. Because all impurities have been remove»!, it burns without smoke, soot orodor. .gives constant.comfortable heat. And becau-e it is completely distilled and al­ ways uniform, its flame won’t (lure up or die down. It flows freely in the coldest weather . every drop turns into clean, dependable £s heat. Switch to Standard Stove Oil today. For pres­ sure-type burners, ask ■ATINO OILS for Standard Furnace Oil. Dinner Guests Dinner guests Sunday a: the home o f Mr and Mr- Richard M s- r were Mr and Mr- LeR. ;■ Barton of DANCE 0 W M Every Night With HAPPY TIME CLUB ■VO 2'-j mi. So. & For prompt fïûUACi.WHft&t servite tail Saturday Night Music Dial 3131 H iI W iY " ! . 1 ri i mi. Ea Parma Junction WILLIAM E. SCHIREMAN N "yssa v r m • Mrs. Cliff Mink entertained two tables o f bridge Tuesday evening with Mrs. Dwight Mason, Mrs George Cobern, Mrs. Pete Fleissner and Mrs Bert Ross as guest players. Prizes were won by Mrs. Robert Wilson. Mrs. Cobern and Mrs Dwight Wyckoff. Lim.ng won h. h core. v — %* Utah Pioneers. Ivy Fowler. June miniature lob cabin *r;th figures in Monday Bridge Club Meets Ki-teler. Eva Darger and Minnie pioneer dress pulling small hand- Mrs Houston Wilson entertained iris. Old-fashioned kerosene lamps Sorenson were present from the members of her Monday afternoon Cenrtral company, who.se headquar­ and a bouquet of roses also deco­ bridge club Mi s. John Stringer won ters are in Salt Lake City. Mrs rated the room. iugh score and Mrs. Ted Morgan Howard Ba;r. president of the Mal­ A featured attraction was a relic •on low. heur county chapter conducted two ;i play in the foyer which contained sessions. patch quilts, hand-made shawls, Vale Garden Club Members Reports of the counties were giv­ divhe.s, old tune pictures, hand work G u e s ts In Nvssa Garden en ar folio* ' Mr.'. Loal Stocking of pioneer tools, and an old time wood­ Mr- Oernt Stam * a hostess to Boise, Ada county; Mrs. Arvella en “hand cradle” syihe and a large members of the Vale Garden club in Srneed, Washington county; Mr- chair, formerly owned by Brigham her flower gardens Monday. She Bell Felt, Canyon county and Mrs Y ’ung Mrs E W Irving had charge served refreshment' at the close o f , of the relic table. Bair, Malheur county. the afternoon. During the afternoon session. Ivy Colorful pioneer histories were Assisting Mrs. Stam were Mr*. given by 23 living daughters of pio­ Fowler addres.-ed the group on "The Oeore Schweizer. M. Carl Hill, neers. duties of a Parhmentanan." Iren Mrs T N ■ ' - Mrs. Brown of Ontario led com­ Heed of Boise sang a vocal solo craft and Mr Bud Wilson. June Ki'teler spoke on laws and munity singing. Dinner was served at noon by procedure of meetings Mrs. Minnie DUP Convention vomen of the Gate City Camp of Sorenson of Nampa also spoke :c Nyssa and o f the Oregon Trail Camp :he group. Held In Nvssa Each board member and officer Two hundred women from five of Ontario. The tables were deco­ counties met in Ny u Friday at the rated with fall flowers and tapers in ; \ and visiting member was present­ LDS. stake hou-e to h Id their an­ fall shades. A highlight was the: ed with a cor-age of Mrs Leo Child nual convention of the Daughters of centerpiece It was a hand-made I The next DUP convention will be held September. 1954 in Boise. ,.k ¿ . V ter tamed Su ..ny evening taole-, o f bri Mr and Mi - Gus Tuesday Evening Bridge Carole Wilson, Editor .¿ '¡,1 a M M birthday of some member of the Bea-..e- They a l- v .sited in Cali- ' M family Place were laid for .19 Srown. I tr Nyssa ID -e present were Mr. Child, Mr. u and Mr.-. Arvel L. Child and family. residents. Mr and Mr Lorin Saunders, Mr Use the Journal Classified Ads, and Mr Leon Child and family. Mr and Mrs. Elwcx'd Flinder and they get emits. family, and Mrs. Marvin Wilson. tained members of their Wednesday evening Mr. ar.d Mr club recently v v.th Mr. and Mr- Edward B< ydell a- guest players. The Boydell' won high score and Mr. ar.d Mr; Lloyd ,V il.-cn won second high. ■ — -j. at two r m ( by the WILKERSONS s :2 CWF Groups Met Thursday LOCAL NEWS The Kev. Robert Jackson Showed his slides o f Africa to a church J group in Vale Monday night. T/Sgt. Robert Jones left Sunday for Craig air force base in Alabama after spending a week in Nyssa visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richwwine | and daughter of Burbank, Calif have been visiting at the R. Richsy home. Debbie Brower, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J E. Brower had a tonsil­ lectomy last Tuesday. Robert Jackson, Jr. has been con­ fined to his heme with illness for 10 days. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Heither of Meridian visited Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Joe Hartle. Lt. John M. Light and family stopped one day this week at the home of his sister, Mrs. R. Richey. They were enroute to Ft. Lewis, Wash. Lt. Light has been stationed in Germany with the First Engine­ ers for the past three years. Mrs. I-loyd Lewis and Mrs. Soren Cox spent Saturday in Payette. Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell re­ turned home Sunday night after spending t vo weeks on vacation. They -pent the first week with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mitchell at the Oregon Two group <>f the Christian Wo­ man's Fellowship met Thur'day af­ ternoon at the church, where they prepared the Rebekah banquet to be served that evening. Carl Burnighams Honored A short bu-iness meeting was con­ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Burmngham ducted by Mrs. Richard Mason, were honored guests at a no host president and Mr- Elvin Ballou had dinner given Saturday evening at charge of the devotions. the "Homestead’’ in Nampa. The occasion marked their wedding an­ Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. niversary. Bridge Club Meets Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. E. A L.nung and Earl Hol- Eldred Brower, Mr and Mi - Marvin ling- worth won high score Tuesday Jetfries, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hoop­ night when membeis of the Tues­ er and Mr and Mrs. Charley Mann day eveniiu Mr and Mrs. bridge .4 club met at the heme of Dr. and Dicksie Servoss Honored Mrs, John Olsen. Dicksie June Servoss was honor guest at a birthday party on her 8th Girl Scouts Camp Out birthday given Saturday by her Mr>. Grant Rinehart and nine mother, Mrs. Art Sarvoss. The members of her Girl Scout troop afternoon was spent playing games No. 3 camped out over night Sun­ on the patio. A large pmk and whit« day. They c eked their evening meal birthday cake centered the refresh- Saturday and breakfast Sunday morning. Mr- Joe Bellon helped ment table. Guests were Suzane De Groat, i with the transportation. Doreen and Janice Flippance, Caro­ lyn Lowe, Sonda Holmes. Mary Jane Bovdells Entertain Mr and Mrs Edward Boydell en-j Turner, Becky Medlock. Linda Mul­ tertamed members o f their Sunday lins. Linda Beckham. Linda Reece, evening Mr and Mrs. Bridge club! Marjory Kratzburg. Barbara Glover, for the fir-: meeting of the fall sea-1 Louise Carter, Susan Roth, Judy -on. Mrs S: \n Newman won h ig h ; Bingham and Joan Hewett. — • {* ar.d Mrs. Glea Billings won second Nvssa couple Married high . , In a cermony Saturday evening, Jesse Carrilo and Julia Madrid Longs Give Dinner Dr and M-s J, hn Long were host 1 were married by Justice of the and hosce- - : ' ,i dinner Sunday at Peace Don Graham. The bride wore a white taffeta Br vine's Cai» Guests -.vere Mr. and . g .. :r. M. and Mr> dress w»th a three flounce skirt, fhe E E Bd » a id ' and W A Fuson, all j carried a bouquet of rid gladiclas, covered with tiny stars, and featur­ of Salem. ing a net over-.-kirt. She was at­ Mrs Morgan and Mrs. Billings tended by a bridesmaid in a blue net formal who carried a yellow glad- Entertain Friends Mr- Frank M rear, and Mrs. Glea iola bouquet. Completing the wedding party was Billings wen' he-teases to two bridge parties Wed;.- -e.ay a: the Morgan the best man and an usher. heme During the afternoon play. Mr- Herb Ft.-rer * r. high. Mrs. C Local Couple Wed A m »::> won to gta and Mrs In an early evening ceremony last Emma Quimby won traveling. Wednesday, Lupe Rodrigue? and Three tables were ir. play during Mary C Rodriguez were married by the evening Prues were won by J«»stice of the Peace. Don Graham Mrs Hou-tor. W:'.- high: Mrs The bride wore a white tafetta Mrs. Ken­ empire style dress with a Spansih neth Cottle traveling lace veil She was attended by two 4*—4* bridesmaids in pink and blue for­ "M eet Me At Mutual” mal length gowns. Meet Me At M.ital was featured The groom was attended by four a: the MIA m.-:-tir.g '.Vedr.esday ushers. evening at the tase house. Under the direct, r. c f D;r. Fife, the pro­ Birthdav Honored gram featured music dance, speech Mrs Leo Child was honored guest ar.d drama Featured .r. the or.e-act at a r.o-host birthday dinner Tues­ comedy “ Rosalie’ were B b Esplin. day evening a; the heme of Mr. and Sharon Glover and Nancy Skeen Mr Elw od Flinders Centerpice f r the table was a large cake featuring the month of September, with can­ M- r gt'.s Entertain Mr and Mr- Tea Morgan enter­ dles on each dat - to symbolize a The pleasure is all yours, (the work, al^ ours) when you bring your guests here for dinner. It's a gracious gesture that means much (but costs little). Berreii's Cafe Teresa Anderson Manager Nyssa Dial 9972 CERTIFIED PUMICE BLOCKS For Better Building SIMPLE. FAST TO USE And they come in many designs, colors and sizes. ECONOMICAL No hidden “extras", accurate footage of wall area figuring. square LOW INSURANCE You ¡r**t B-4 Underwriters* rating that saves you money. Low MAINTENANCE No paint for protection, will not warp, buckle or twist from rain. Freedom from termites, dry rot and vermin. FOR ALL USES For exterior and interior walls, base­ ment ■, foundations, fireplaces, fences, patios, walks, roofs and floor structures. FARM BUILDING ! Pumi Blocks arc perfect for all farm 1 buildings. Writ" for Free farm plans. Complete planning and financing ser­ vice. NO DOW N PAYMENT on r»-modeling work, garages, farm buildings and small commercial build­ ings. Wo Have Had These in Our Closet Too Long and Are Opening the Doors Wide Open - Prices Are Marked Way Down . . . D aveno.. $7 9.95 Used Oil Heaters I don’t think Magee hail this in his closet. Monarch Electric Range So many people have bought Duo-Therm that we don’t have room for all of thorn. An apartment range— four burners on top. Molly told Flbber she was sorry to see this go because it only takes up a 20-in. space. ONLY ONE $14.95 As Low As Plastic Rocker ;v Come In and Check Our Prices - You'll Be Glad You Did! SPARKS — NORGE — ESTATE — Etc. $179.95 One Only RED ONLY $ 2 4 .5 0 9-Dra\ver Mr. & Mrs. with Bookcase 5-pc. Bedroom Suite Headboard— 2 Nite Stands Solid Ash Large Dresser Don't Miss This $ 1 4 9 .9 5 y.; ' V . . ■ ' . --V-- ' BU ILD ERS HEADQUARTERS, CO. 6001 Fairview Ave. in BOISE a 572 Caldwell Blvd. ° in NAMPA KEEP OUT BAD WEATHER WITH For only $99.95 Daveno and Chair This is a Re-cover Job Big Value for Coal Heater a steal at Only . . . . $ 4 4 .5 0 /«A 7 . . . SAVE 1 3 01 YOUR F U E L BI LL! Only S 1 2 9 .5 0 Every horn# needs Numetal Weather Stt \ y on th# window* and door* . . . every day of the year. Namrtal keep# out cold drab#. tain. mow. duet Solid Oak TABLE LAMPS Westinghouse Electric Range Kitchen Stools Many Colors Deep Well Cooker. Has never been used, looks Ideal Gifts for Christmas like a new stove $ 3 .9 5 Save S 1 2 5 .0 0 O n ly .......... $ 3 .9 5 TV LAMPS Many Stvles and Colors S6.95 •cel. Stop# rattle*! Cut# your fuel biUI Protect# youi health! IIEXPEISIV E.PERM AN EN T EASY TO PNT ON! Nuatetal Weather Strip# at# #o easy to ui •tall you can put them on by youreell, No r i# # Visit Our Maple Corner Upstairs Something Different WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS Peterson Furniture Co Your Dependable Furniture Stare” ______217 MAIN NYSSA — VALE — ONTARIO — PAYETTE . .. no inconvenience . . . • ven necemary and door*. Check Our Selection of Brass Upstairs it w i remo«# the window* Numrtul tm me a pensive, too. A d lor demotvOt»i*iot! tnd ••« nate STUNZ LUMBER CO. 707 Adrian Dlvd Dial 3926