• (V i • THE BUSSA GATE CITY JOURHAL. ÎTYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBER !. 1953 PAGE TV.'( the OLTANE k (. a t e c it y j o u r n a l A LTE R * - - * Bit HARD H N VOST Nu Acres News Editor and Publisher Farmerette* Club First Publication O. 1 1953 La-: Publication O ’. 22 1S53 S John C Ehering Sheriff of Maineur C canty. Ore Advertising Manager NEIGHBORING TOWN TOPICS New Plymouth—The enrollment < fer the New Plymouth grade school 1 has dropped under last year'; figure while the high school enrollment is j remaining about the same, accord ing to school superintendent Arthur Hiemstra In the grade school 415 pupils are now attending school while the highest figure last year was 452 Hiemstra said that it was amaz.ng and could n?t be explained react:!' just why the grade school enroli- men: went down this year while most other schools in the area re ported an increase. At the high school 191 student- are attending clashes which is only six under the 1952 figure for the high school — Payette Valley Sent inel. M. - Mary Jo Jenkins has return ed to Cheney, W ash . to attend coJ- ege Tius is her senior year. SUBSC R IF T IO N K \TES Justice Court Mr and Mrs. David SpUde are the In Malheur County O re sti, Sept. 25. Leonard A Phiil.ps. vio re ..r c f a c y. born Sept 21. and Payette and Canyon lation basic rule, to fine and costs. NEWS PAPE« ; 1: Ed ward Neilsen returned Counties. Idah. Sept. 26, Raymond M Shield;, 13 00 . m f. m the hospital Thursday. PUBLISHERS o M ):.:as »2 00 V. :.g at the home of Mr. and la-lure to yield right-of-way to on ASSOCIATION Else ■»nere m the U S A . O a. Samuel; past week r.m in g traffic and failure ;o make S3 où _ M. and Mr;. Rcy Moore r.ght hand turn signal S3 fine and Single Cop:-- 07 and Da: C .rd.n gtcn c f Paloo, K a ; , costs on each count Strictly X. Advance) . M. and M r; Lawrence Cod- Sep: 29, John C Carr, failure to . K ; M: M stop at through highway. S3 fine and Published every Thur>oay at Ny^sa. Malheur C nty. Oregon a - ter to Mrs. Samuels and cost Delvin L Mare n mud flaps, Entered at the p to if ice at Nyase Oregon lor transmits!-): Lawrence Ccddington is a brother. no scop light, third warning. $3 fine Don C o d in gto n is her father through the United State. Mails, as second class matter, under and costs Waiter H Pinkston, fa.l- Mr J J Montague and Barbara ure to yield right-cf-way. S3 fine me act of March 3. 1379 and Mr and Mr;. J J Montague. and costs Dave L Gorley. failure to 7-9 p m., Young People ; Fellow Jr ■•. ted at Meridian Sunday with stop at through highway. S3 fine Payette— Ftr-t official step- t Mr and Mrs. W allace Hutchinson and costs Harry H Matsui, failure ship. Su:. w;th Mr and Mrs Wallace to stop at through highway, S3 F IR S T Hut n.nson and in Boue with Mr. fine and costs. F A IT H LU TH ERAN U H lR C H ( hurth of Christ and Mrs. Amo« Ott. (Christian) Fifth Street and Park Avenue Police Court Mr ar.d Mrs. Earl Ccddington John L. Briehl. Pastor Guest speaiter in the absence of sept, 22, Fine Shi ep Co., imprcper Thursday, O« t. 1— American L e were ruests at the 0 ;c a r Samuels 10 a m . Sunday school. a local minister. parking, fa.led to appear .Arthur sion Auxiliary meeting at the Vet- 1 1 a m , divine worship. home Tuesday. 10 a. m.. B.ble school. Dan Pennie. Williams, arrested ;. r Cald well pc- Mr and Mrs George Smu a l Fridwv. Oct. 2— Sunshine club superintendent. Lee on forgery charge C O M M U N IT Y METHODIST ter. • i a whist party at the Pete I.O.O.F. hall. 8 p. m. 11 a. m., Sermon. Sept. 23, Wilhelm Craven, Ten-er. heme in Nyssa Sunday. CHURCH 1 erans hall. 8 p. m. Vernon L. Taylor. Minister R rer Jenkiru answered his call rancy, floated. John Madrid. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Monday. Oct. 5— Past Presidents 9:45 a. m . church school. t.\. etk to go to work at Nampa =ign violation, S3 Rev. Haskell Friend, Pastor | parley of the \mer:ian Legion aux 11 a m , m im in g worship. Sep: 25. HiUrio G. Y’ n.gjez. pub ,i- a o.-akeman on the railroad, hav- South 2nd and Reece Are. iliary at the home of Mrs. Don 7 p m , Youth Fellowship. lic intoxication. $25. confined in lieu Graham. 2 p. m. 10 a. m., Sunday school. .ng previously taken his training. 11 a m , morning worship H ry Maine and Terrel Samuels : f payment. Tuesday. Oct. 6— Eagle- auxiliary 8 p m . evangelistic se -vice. C A TH O LIC CHURCH are home fer the weekend from S:pt. 27. Paul Rivera, violation meeting at the Eagles hall at 8 Tues., 8 p m., prayer service. N.tmp.t Northwest Nazarene college. basic rule license .-u pended by Ju - Park Avenue and Third Street p. m. r r . . 8 p m., young people. Rcmbert Ahles, O. F. M. Visiting Thursday evening at the tice court. *25. Friday. Oct. 9— Amity dub meet Mass Sunday a: 8 and 10 a m J J Montague heme was Mr and Sept. 28, John P. Hayes, public ing at the home of Mrs. Charles C H I'R t 11 OF C H R IST and daily at 8 a. m. Mr Charles Bale and family of intoxication. $50 R end,; P. Ramos, Saturday, 10 a. m , Catechism Ten Davis and Lee Montague. Mann. Parma. Idaho stop sign violation. S3 classes. M<( onnel Ave. Richard and Ruthele Jenkins and Sep:. 29, Ber.tur.z Martinez, pub Mrs. L. Roess has been confined O. F. Rohinun, Minister family left last Tuesday for a two lic intoxication, $25, confined in this week to the Malheur Memorial CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN 10 a. m . Bible study. week visit in Missouri lieu of payment. ho- pita! for medical treatment. Christian ('eater Mission Mr and Mrs. Warren Elwood have 11 a m . morning worship. Mrs. J i m Shaw and Donald and Ea-t 2nd ar.d Ehrgood GATE C IT Y JOURNAL ADS < Id their ranch to Mr. and Mrs. 8 p. m , Sunday evening service. 10 a m., Sunday chooi. Larry spent Saturday in Homedale. GET RESULTS Wednesday. 8 p. m., Bible study P; *ett ar.d family cf LaGrande. 11 a. m., morning worship Mr Elwood plans to go to farming 7.30 p. m., evangelistic service. FREE M ETH O D IST C H I Rt H v.th his father, who lives at Em Adrian. Oregon mett. YD R IYN C O M M U N ITY ( HI R ( 11 10 a m.. church school. Mr and Mrs. Ed Wild of Nyssa Henry rl. Moore, Pastor 11 a m , mornmg worship. were Sunday dinner guests at the 10 a m., Bible school. h me cf Mr and Mr . O car Sam 11 a. m.. morning worship. M IS S IO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH uel- and family. 11 a. m . Junior church. Elder I.ee Jolliff, Pastor Mr. ar.d Mr-. George Pul-ipher 10 a. m Sunday school. went t Tremcnton. Utah, la - 1 M on l . f L. D. S. 2nd W ARD 11a. m.. morning worship day to attend the funeral of Hr. I) Hubert Christensen. Bishop 8 p m . evening worship m y J 13 a m . priesth od meeting. Wedne day, 8 p m.. prayer service 10:30 a. rn , Sunday school. Rhodes. THE CHURCH OK THE A girl was born Sep- 17 to M r ST. PAU L'S EPISCO PAL CHI RCH a::d Mrs Wayne Durrington. former I lie I n ( r i l l (. n>-- P h I > NAZARENE re-idents of this community. Sunday. 10 30 a m , church school Robert Jackson. Pastor Mr-. Oscar Samuels, Terrel and 11:30 a. m. morning prayer and 10 a m., Sunday school. Vclda attended the wedding cf Dean nursery. 11 p :n . morning worship 7 p ni., N Y.P S. and Junior meet- Lancaster and Mary J Almond in Wednesday, church school: Nyssa Friday evening. ngs. 9-12 a. m., kindergarten. 7-45 p m evangelistic service. 3- 4 p. m , primary. NOTICE OF S H E R IF F ’ S SALE 4- 3 p. m , Junior. In the Circuit Court of the State of L D S. 1st W ARD Gordon Rav. Bishop Oregon for the County of Malheur 9 15 a nr. prle thood meeting. TH E S TA TE O F OREGON rep- 10 30 a m , Sunday school re.-ented and acting by H C. Saal- ' 30 p m , sacrament meeting. feld as Direct r of Veteran Affair- Tuesday, 2 p m.. relief society. under the authority granted by Wedne-day. 4 p m . primary: 7:30 Chapter 4C3 Oregon La v 1945 and o m . M I A Acts Amendat r> and Supplemen tary thereto. Plaintiff. , vs. DR. JOHN D. LONSDALE LEO N ARD ARNOLD P H IL L IP S ar.d M ARJO RIE ADELL P H ILLIP S , ( hiropodist I oot Specialist husband and wife. Defendants. of Boise By virtue cf an execution, judg ment order, de.ree and order of ale W ill accept appointments issued out of the above entitled for Wednesdays Court in the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the 29th day ' '■ RENSTROM In the offices of of September, 1953, upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said court Dr. Eugene Carroll AGENCY on the 19th day of September, 1953. 823 ( enter \ve. Phone % in favor o f the State of Oregon, rep. Dial 6697 resented and acting b> H C. Saal- Payette. Idaho feld as Director of Veteran A ffair- tmder the authority granted by Chapter 403 Ore.: n Laws 1945 and Act- amendatory and supplemen tary thereto. Plaintiff, and against Leonard Arnold Phillip- and M ar jorie Adell Phillip-, and each of them, for the sum c f $4244 89 with intere-t thereon at the rate c f four per cent per annum from the 1st day of May 1933 until the 19th day of September. 1953 and together with interc . thereon fr m the 19th day of September, 1953. at the rate of s:x per cent per annum, and for the further sum of *500 00 with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from the 19:h day of September. 1953. and the further sum of $15 63 with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per an num from September 19th. 1953. and for the further sum of $5 60 costs and disbursements and the costs of and upon this writ commanding me to make sale of the following de scribed real property situated in the County of Malheur, State of Oregon, to-wit: Lot Nine i9> in Block Sev enty-eight 1 78> of Oreen's Ad dition to the City of Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon, ac cording to the Revised General Map thereof on file In the Coun ty Clerk's O ffice in Malheur County. Oregon. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, judgment, order, de cree and order of sale and in com pliance with the commands o f -aid W rit. I MU on Thursday, the 5th 1953. at 10 00 day o f Novernb* ic North front o ’clock A M at door of the Cum : v Court House in ty. Oregon, sell Vale. Malheur C (subject to re- at public audio highe-t bidder demption*. to tl for cash in hand al he right title and Interest which the within named Defendant* and each and all of them In the above entitled suit had on the 9;h ay of March. 1951. the date i f the mortgage herein fore- cUv-cu. or since that date had in and to the ab-ve dc cribed pr< iie-U Open Til 7 P. M.. Monday Through Saturday or any pa:f there f. a:.-l> - iM ’a mile w*. ;t n Alberta Ave. Dial 3093. locker plant cxci .it. n l>uanc K Court Cases. . . alter* *nd G e«. L. W horton. Owners — gram with representatives o f Ro - * .... V UR ( 111 Ki ll NOTES Coming Events gan:ze a Payette Junior Chamber of C- mmerce will be taken Tuesday by member; af the Boise Junior Cham ber meet in Payette with local en- thusiasts. The meeting is open to all men bet ween the age; of 21 and 40 ar.d will begin at 8 o’clock at the Manser, Inc. building. Glen Lungren, president of the Bci-e group, and Don Pruitt were in the city last week to make plans for the meeting. They announced at that time that they would return Tuesday evening with a delegation of at least ten Boiseans to explain the workings of the organization. Lyle Graden and Dr. Richard Thompson, who have been making some o f the preliminary prepara tions. stated this week that they had met with general acceptance of the plan frem young men in the com munity. Payette, they said , is now the only Valley city without a j3>cee club. —Independent-Entrprise the sponjonng group of the PTA i: tables the lunch pd"grum soon ga.:.. ed popularity, with Mr- Hartw:_ who is still in charge, as head coo* A new refrigerat ,r and water heater were donated W hile government commodities were -hipped regular.;. the program ;h t wed a profit and the committee was able to install a new sink, buy dishes, 2 stoves, hear, duty cooking uten-ils and other eq uipment.— Parma Review. I We Print Every thing But Money Ontario— No more will parcel post fr m Burns bound for Portland come out to the mainline by way of Ontario. The hm cric change was made September 16. according to the Burns Time.s-He.-ald of la;t week The new ruling frcin the postal de partment permit- Harney county packages to be ;ent by vay c f Bend, aving a day's time. Portland parcel post will also arrive daily over the same route. Darrell How.-er. who went to high.schcol in Ontario, is the Burns postmaster— Argus-Ob- server. And it takes but a little money here to buy the best printing to be found anywhere . . . and that goes for everything, from cards to catalogs. Parma—In the six years the School lunch pregram has ben in operation, the facilities, (quipment, and number of children served have been doubled, the Parma P T A was pleased to note when it took stock this week. On Tuesday 208 lunches were served: 72 o f them to high school students under the new pro- ¡m JOURNAL PRINTERS I IV ltli / JOIN IN T H IS S 11 W 1 M ' ¿ f iiS S I S i »4 « »by s a v i n g r o a ! m o n e y on t h e p u r c h a s e o f a new lì! Æ 7n t foodto'&eiCf KEEPING IT FRESH Is Possible With The Frozen Food Locker Plan w A Luxurious Mattress You Would Expect To Cost At Least We can supply you with everything you need for processing foods for your locker. CONTAINERS, POLI-ETHELENE BAGS OUR SELLING PRICE IS We Pay Market Price For Fat Hogs Pitted Pie Cherries In 30-Pound Tins D U RIN G THIS EXCITIN G SILVER JUBILEE SALE CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CURING We Butcher Beef for the Hide Intermountain Furniture Co. FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE Dial 3103 laughterhouso and cutting room. 19 North 2nd St. (n { . Dial 7792 ,mm' ■ — I. ■ m .nil