THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 24. 1953 PAGE EIGHT Job's Daughters Installation of Guardian Council The Job’s Daughters, Bethel No. 33 met Thursday night at the Ma­ sonic hall. Grand Guardian. Jean Yeo and a ; ¡ate guardian, Orville Barr\ and grand chaplin, Mr O r­ ville Barry were visitor Marjorie Jo Tyler of Ny a was a a candidute for initiation. Mr- Yeo installed guardian coun- I cil members for he f 1 . vmg year C until m tm bir- ir. tailed i re Mr Helen Maulding, guaroia.u: Lou. e Wernick. secretary; Pa: Hou-e trea-urer; Helen Wil-on, mu-ic Mar­ ion Cheldehn, -ccabiluy; Bet;.'. House, paraphernal.a; Minnie Ad arns, publicity; Grant Rinehart fi­ na nc*; Lola Alfred, h pitality Pilone 2233 Paul House, Masonic relations, and i Bonnie Ward, Ea-tern Star relation- Associate guardian, to be installed r and assisted Mrs. Yeo in the - nigh; at the i.-une ol Mr and Mrs. Ke-ler. Mrs. Frell Bla.r and Mrs. later is Dr. L A Maulding I Gordon Oxnam Aft ,-r, they Lloyd Le wis attended M I A meeting Mrs, Tyson, grand guardian of ,ri 'ailing ceremony. Refreshments were served at the n ” ' he ev-. ; : in Ontario watch­ in Parma Wednesday evening Idaho and Mrs. Gladys McDaniels, ing TV. Mrs. A. L. Heldt returned Friday grand .secretary of Idaho were visi- 1 e of the evening. from St. Luke’s hospital where she Every horn« n eeds Mumetal W eather Strip, o n the w in d o w , and d o o r. . . e v .r y day ol Ih . year Numeral k e e p , out cold d r o ltl ro a. .n o w , dart. Mel. S to p . rattle.l C u t. yout iuel bill! Protect, your health' I NEX PENSI VE. PERMANENT E A S Y TO PUT ON! Nurntflcil Wc-aihoi Strip* are so easy to in ­ stall you can pul them on by yoursell. No m uss . . . no inconvenience ... it isn't e v e n necessary to rem ove the w indow s an d doors. Numetal is inexpensive, too. Ask lor dem onstration and estimate STUNZ LUMBER CO 707 Adrian Blvd ££,S ff TSMYAF- EDER HARDWARE CO Top G - t A u t o m a t i c W asher Features at a p r i c e to fi t y our budget. • Activator1* Washing Action • Damp-Dry Spinning • Deluxe Design • Water-level Selector • Permanent Lubrication • Dependability f u r i a i J\ r i i li i t i f s v. h many Id friend- in Goring as they were f rmer residents. V L Ke-ler left Monday night for Salt Lake City, where he enrolled as a Fre man at the University c f Utah. Carole Wilson, Editor "Robert Morris” and fall friend- hip nigh: wa- ob-erved Monday a. ne meeting of Ea-tern Star Golden tule chapter No. 131 The meeting ,ield at Masonic hall was attendee by many friends from Chapter 69 Ontario; Golden Chain chapter 103 Vale; Mt. Olive chapter 52 of Par- na Meridian chapter; Beulah chap. :ir, Wilder; Hermo.-a, chapter 32. Caldwell. Among the honored guests were Myrtle Peter.-on, past grand matron I chapter 69, Ontario; Jane Bereth W ,rthy Matron, Ontario; Edna Car­ penter, worthy matron, Beulah chap- ter; Louise Johnson, worthy matron, ind Walter Freeman, worthy patron, Mt. Olive, Parma; Alice Chambaugh, ;rand committee woman. Golden Rule chapter 103, Vale; Elsa Mat- II w , Hermosa, 32, Cald well and U rothy Roark, guardian of Bethel 25, Ontario. An interesting talk was given by : William Schireman on the life of JOSEPH I < YLLAHAN of Nyssa R bert Morris and a dedication ser­ announces the engagement of his vice was held. Refreshments were served b y ; daughter, Louisa Fae, to William D. hi te.-.-es, Mrs. Hilda Ter.sen, Mar­ Fryer of Salem. Ore. The wedding date has been set for October 13 in jory Shuster and Amelia Pratt. the Idaho Fills I,. I). S. Temple. Miss Callahan has been attending Hales Entertain Long Beat It Nurses institute in Talk of school days and old time- California. Mr. Fryer just returned t'-tether highlighted the evening from a mission to New Zealand, lie Monday when a group of friends got will attend winter quarter at Ore­ gether for the first time in over gon state. ;hree years. Getting together for the first time since high school gradu­ ation were Mr. and Mrs. Leo Long i Angela Peterson* of Palo Alto, ’ Ir. anti 'Its. George McKee at­ Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wooley tended a family picnic in Wilder -Donna Garneri, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Fred R-i-s (Marlenp Mo-s) of Ontario and Ru ell of On; trio, Canada returned Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hale iRuth Rus­ with them t -pend the veekend. sell). Dr. and Mrs. till win Oldham anil ; their daughter. Mrs S. O. Sclv.veizer Janalee Wilson Honored and boys of Reno, Nev., spent last Janalee W-lson was honored guest week at Sun Valley and Kotchum, on her 1st birthday at a party given ! Ida., visiting Paul and Arthur Monday evening by her parents, Mr. Troutner. Mrs, T. .1. Hillman left Saturday and Mrs. Marvin Wilson. The occas­ ion alent Powells Entertain Tuesday in Nampa. Mi and Mrs. Eddie Powell enter­ Mr. and Mrs. Chet Rusk of 1‘ heo- tained nineteen guests at a garden mx, A riz, and former Nyssa r e s i­ party Wednesday evening in honor dents arrived Sunday to visit Mr. of their house guests. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Owen Gann. Robert Merrick of El Centro, Calif. .Mrs. Bill Hadley of Owyhee visit­ ed Friday with Mrs. Jim Shatv. Yount* Adults Meet Carl Bair was a dinner guest Sun­ Member 1 the Young Adult Lea­ day at the home of V. L. Kesler. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Flseher spent gue >f the Methodi-t church met Sunday nielii at the home c f Mi Sunday in Nampa visiting Mr. and and Mrs Norvelle Robbins. Harold Mi Bud Ol a ¡it. Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Watts of Ta- Kurtz had charge of the program and Mrs. Cliff Main the devotions. c- ina, Wash., are visiting in the E. Refreshments were erved to 13 A Liming heme. The Watts are member- and Mi Don hy Harper, Mrs. Liming’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKinney re­ a guest from Payette. turned last week after spending ten days vacationing in Californi; Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb re­ Dinner guests Friday evening at turned home Wednesday from a trip Mr. and Mr- Jake F: her were Mr. into Canada which took them 2700 and Mr- A T Maxwell of Vancou­ miles. They visited Mr. and Mr-. ver. The Maxwell’s are an aunt and James Robb, son and daughter-in- uncle of Mrs. Fischer. law in Moses Lake, Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gueck Banff National Entertain At Bridge park. Glacier National paik. Hun­ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brendle en­ gry Horse dam and into Calgary. tertained Saturday evening at They returned by way of Arco and Sun Valley and reported a wonder­ bridge Mrs Edward Boydell and Mrs ful trip. Mrs. O. P. Williams, Mrs .V. L. Houston Wiyson won high scores. LOCAL NEWS Temporary Quarters of the Bernard Eastman Mr. and Mrs. Arvel L. ( hild re­ turned Tuesday after -pending three days in Utah. They attended a special meeting at the church wned coal mine in Southern Utah. Mrs. W. W. Foster returned home Saturday night after spending a week in Boulder and Meeker Park, Colo, visiting relatives. Gerald Jackson of Seattle and hi.- friend, Marilyn Raymond of Walla Walla visited at the home of tne Rev. and Mrs. Robert Jack-on over the weekend Gerald Jackson is a nephew of Rev. Jack < :. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Merrick re­ turned to their home in El Centro, Calif . Sunday after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Powell, Herman Towne and with friend and rela­ tives in Ontario. Mrs. David Johanason of La- Grande is visiting in Ny.-sa this week it the home of her father, Herman Towne. Air. and Mrs. Ralph Capper re- Insurance Agency are located in the old Telephone Bldg. 19 So. 2nd St. — Corner 2nd and Good during construction of a new office building at permanent location at 315 Main St. Business As Usual — Dial 2G43 RSON FURNITURE CO AUNT GL.ADVS, O U Q LAND l a o v s h a v in g » p l e n t y o f trou ble betw een her H U S B A N D A N D r - t ------- ~~~V T V lE F U R N A C E I J / f w h a t do V ou m ea n , B E T Y V _ SUE P E V E R Y TIM E S H E W A T C H E S o n e r— — T h e ” ym * o th er You never need lo w orry about your DUO-THERM Oil Heater going out when you have the exclusive Electric SELF-LIGHTER. Come in and see our Complete Line of DUO-THERM HEATERS From S59.95 up. WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS P E T E R S O N F U R N I T U R E CO “ YOUR DEPENDABLE FURNITURE CO.” 217 MAIN. NYSSA — VALE. ONTARIO, PAYETTE FOR FA LL-W IN T E R take ad vantag e of this Fam ily HALF"FARE Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Barton of Vale and Mr- Dorothy Bibbey were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr and Mr.-. Tom Chandler. Entertain At Country Club C O M E IN T O D A Y ! Now only for a limited time ONLY $ 2 6 9 . 5 0 Plus At No Extra Cost TW O CASES OF TIDE Mr and Mr.-. S. C McConnell en- tertnined Saturday evening at din­ ner at the Payette Country club for Mr and Mrs Forrest Moore and Kay and Margaret of Nampa I he occasion was the Moore’s wedding anniversary. igine . . . a private room for your family maximum comfort at bargain fares! A tte n d s L u n c h e o n Mr- K E Kerby attended a luncheon In Vale last week at the home of Mrs Neil McCarthy in hon­ or of Mr- Ros-vell Waltz of Forrest Grove, president of the Oregon state Medical Auxiliary Mrs Han I Da\ of Portland, pre-idem-elect of the auxiliary wa- also a guest. Place- vere laid for six. Bring the Family! Eating treat Make it to dine ALSO ANOTHER GENERAL ELECTRIC SPECIAL 40 gal. G. E. Water Heater— only SI 19.50 50 gal. G. E. Water Heater— only S124.50 Plus one case of tide with each water heater at no extra cost. Eder Hardware Co Lynn Jackson was honored on her 7th birthday at a party given Sat­ urday afternoon by her grandmoth­ er, Mrs T J. Hillman of Victorville, C a lif. at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Wilton Jackson. Guests were Tone Wahlert. Ilent Pearson, Trena Rinehart, Patricia Dor tty and Marcia and Caren Jack- son. After refreshments, the girls at­ tended the movies. Shaws Entertain Mr and Mr- Jim Shaw entertain­ ed at a canasta party Saturday even­ ing in their home for six gue.-t- Higl rert * M M Wll on and Eldon Barker Guests For Fish Fry M. an . \L Or rgi and M am. M:> B .IlO x. . O at • were guests at a fish try Saturday . Board any Union Pacific train carrying sleeping cars on any M onday, Tuesday, or W ednesday. Stopovers permitted provided the train is b oard ­ ed again on a M onday, Tuesday or W ednesday. out is a great for everyone. a family custom here freqently. Birthday Party Given Pay only ONE full fart, othtrs in family, HALF fart. The fam ily group rides together, one parent paying full fare , the other p aying h alf fa re . Those under 22 years ride for h alf f a r t , and those under five years ride fr e t , You travel by Pullman on Streamliners, if you wish. Th# w ay and man • DINNER PARTIES • GROUP LUNCHEONS • FAMIL DINNERS Brownie's Cafe Dial 308S g o es our ,— Dinner Guests Regular Price S299.50 202 M a in turned Saurday after spending - x week in Colorado and Nebr* ka They visited their two sons and their familie- ui Plattville and Den­ ier and Mr-. Capper’s sister ar.d family in Gering, Neb They visitec Fam ily tickets, Dining space. F a rt Plan applies to first class one good in Sleeping C ars, Club Lounge Cars. Regular rates ap p ly for Pull­ Reservations a r t rtq u irtd . For details on farts and for help in planning trip, set your nearest Union Pacific Ticket a j a for D e p e n d a b le P a s s e n g e r a n d F r e ig h t T r a n s p o r ta tio n Be S p e c ific - - - G o '