THE N Y S S A GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA. OREGON. TH UR SDAY Bible Study Held hi.-, third birthday at a lawn party __.y Members of ih e Methodist Bible study group met Wednesday night Honored On Birthday a: the home of Mr.- Anna Pearl Mr.' Leo Child and Mrs A C Johnson. The Rev. Vernon Taylor conducted the class. There were 16 Sven.-en weree honored guests F ri day when the Sunshine birthday- present. club met at the Svensen heme The afternoon was spent playing games Gary Ross Honored * ith Mrs A Hammon. Mrs. Bessie Gary Ross was honored guest at a Bair and Mrs. Swensen winning birthday party given by his mother. prizes. Mrs. B E Ross Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Child and Mrs. Swensen were for 14 o f his friends. He celebrated presented with lovely gifts. Whether You Are an Old-Timer or a Newcomer, You can Accumulate Your Own Volume of Family and County History by Subscribing to THE PIONEER the Miniature Monthy Feature News paper That can be Bound at the End of 12 Issues in a Size to Fit Your Bookshelves. S 3 for 12 Issues September Copy Now Being Prepared WRITE Doiiie C. Edwards Rte. 1. Box 227 Vale, Ore. Carole Wilson, Editor Phone 2233 Dunferd won the prizes. Karen Fife Entertains Miss Karen Fife entertained Thursday evening at a lawn party and barbecue for six couples Out- o f- town- guest.' were Dan Perltins and Gary WVb.-ter of Adrian. Pinochle Party Held Mrs. Nettie Bennett entertained Friday night at t vo tables of pi nochle Guests were Mrs Cecil M or rison ard Mrs. Daisy Cohen Prizes were won by Mrs Mary McConnell, high and Mrs. Merle Johnson and Mrs. Cchen, traveling •1*— v BOB THOMPSON AGENCY Buffet Dinner Dinner In Ontario Guests at a buffet dinner given Tuesday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Jay Bunn vere Mr. and Mrs. A1 Mladenich and Nancy of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. C R Kc-ler and K a r ma, Mr. and Mrs. V. L Kesler and Mrs Emma Ke.-ler of Burley and Mr and Mrs. Niel Petterson. The occasion was Mrs. Mlade- nich's birthday anniversary. Happy Eight Club Meets Friday Member- o f the Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday Evening bridge club met at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brendle. Three fibles were in play. Dr. John Olsen and Mrs. Kenneth > LIFE INSURANCE • GENERAL INSURANCE • FARM LO ANS Members of the Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. bridge club were din ner guests in Ontario at the Ea-t Side cafe last Friday evening. They returned to Nyssa to the Harold Brendle heme for bridge following dinner. Consolation prizes were given to Mrs. John Olsen and Gu- Liming. _.;. Dinner Guests Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Garrison were Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Holcomb and Rodney, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Hol comb and Connie Jo and Virginia Du Pre of Cheyenne. Wyo. Garden Club Holds Meeting Members o f the A. N. K. garden club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Clyde Snider with Mrs. Elton McCormick as co-hostess. Mr.-. W. F. Savage gave a report on her trip to the coronation. Plans were made for the Flower show school to be held the last three days in October in Ontario. Tentative plans were also made for the district meeting and flower show which will be held in Vale in Mid-October. Twenty-three guests were present. Trudy Jane Olsen was honored guest at a birthday party given last Tuesday afternoon in Uie park, by her mother, Mrs. John Olsen Eighteen boys and girl- helped cele brate her 4th birthday. Refresh ments o f a special doll birthday- cake. ice cream and pink lemonade vere served. V Bring the Family! Eating treat Make it to dine out is a great for everyone. a family custom here freqently. • DIN NER PARTIES • F A M IL DIN NE RS © ,n Brownies Cafe Dial 3085 ) 24-hr. Service 104 Main Mr. and Mr- Ward Wienke, Mr and Mrs. Grant Lewis, Mr. and Mrs Glea Billings and Mr and Mr- Laurence Brown of Torrance. Calif were dinner guests at the Payette Country club Wednesday. Trudy Jane Olsen Honored • GROUP LUNCHEONS Offering Complete Service In Fifteen members o f the Methodist church choir met Wedne-day even ing at the home of Mrs Dwight W y- ekoff. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Country Club Dinner Guests As Nyssa Representative of Associated with Choir Meets Members of the Wedne-d.iy after- neon bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Clyde Snider. Mrs. Huston Wilson, Mrs John OLsen, Mrs. Frank Morgan and Mrs. Tom Jones were gue-t players. Mr-. Kenneth Cottle won high prize. Everetts D> n ichaelson The Equitable Life Assurance Society Dinner guests Monday evening at the home of Mr and Mr- George Wilson were Harold and Vera W il son. Mr. and Mrs. Dim Wilson and family and Mr and Mrs. Tommy Hesler. Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Tuesday Evening Bridge tt Dinner Guests Dial 3355 % The Junior department of the Methodist Sunday school had a party Tuesday afternoon on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Clifford Fox. Games were played and a pic nic supper served to 20 children. Special guests were the Rev. and Mrs. Vernon Taylor and girls. Supervisors present were Mrs Clifford Fox, Mrs. Raymond Sager. Mrs. James Stephen, Mrs. Carlos Buchner and Miss Dorothy Erwin. the BEST in Workmanship Materials W e Supply both Complete Stock of Drapery Hardware W ntermountain urnitüi*e CGntptuuj 1 r0RfeY W y __ Dial 7792 STYLING B E A U T Y NOOK ONE D O L L A R SPE C IA L N. L W ilso n . Mr. and Mrs. I.ouis Mom nr and three sons of Aberdeen, Ida. visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Vern M incur and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Moncur. Mr. anil Mrs. ('. N. Neely were dinner guests Thursday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Messersmith of Weiser. The Kev. and VIrs. Robert Jackson were dinner guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs Arthur Brewer. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Millard and Mr. and Mr- L. G. Jackson o f Idaho Falls spent Sunday at the dam. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reece and Dan visited Wednesday with Mrs. Thane Lankford at Marsing. Mr. and Vlrs. John Reeves and Mrs. Lora Ditty spent Sunday even ing visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ern est Stephenson. Mr. and Vlrs. Janies llolt.m and and family o f Hyrum, Utah visited over Labor Day at the George Ox- nam home . Mr. and Mrs. ('. K. Olsen spent Sunday In Unity. Mr. and Vlrs. Tom Lldridgr spent Sunday in Homedale visiting Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sargent. Vlrs. Mary E. Fischer of Portland left Tue.-day after visiting a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. George McKee spent •he week end in Boi-e visiting with Mr. and Mr-. John Dougal. Desmond Medloek and his friend of Kelso, Wash., visited Tuesday in Six Billfold Size Prints $ 1.00 This is our semi-annual special which we have promised our customers. Offer has been extended until September 30lh. M AK E AN E A R L Y A P P O IN TM E N T SCHOEN PO R TR AITS Nyssa, Ore. 114 South 3rd St. Dial 6648 It's a G A L A T IM E Through all Mrs. Howard Bair has been elect ed new president of the Malheur county Daughter'- of Utah Pioneers. Other officers include Mrs. Edison Child, fir.-t vice president; Mrs. Earl Bingham, second vice president; Mrs. Laurence Brown, secretary; Mrs. Elvin Roberts, registar; Mrs. Glen Hammon. historian; Mrs. Leo Child, chaplin; Mrs. Ed Irving, relics; Mrs. Phillip Woodard, chorister and Mrs. Evelyn Johan.-en, organist. _ Mrs. Ostrom Entertains Mrs. John O.-trom entertained members of her Wednesday evening bridge club at her home. Prize win ners were Mr V, W. Duus, Mrs. Nick Rudlick and Mrs Nettie Ben nett of SEPTEMBER at NYSSA MOTORS, BARGAINS GALORE!! TIRES at WHOLESALE 1st Line 6.70-15 White Side W all only $ 18.00 inc. tax vir .irid virs II. If. Kingrry re turned Saturday after spending a week at Waldport, Oregon visiting friends and deep sea fishing. The Kev. and Mrs. Lloyd Pounds were in Ci-cade last week end where they conducted the morning service at the Full Go-pel church and visit ed the Singing convention there. Vlr. and Vlrs. Leo Long and Bryan Kay of Palo Alto, Calif., arrived to day to visit a week at the home of Mrs. Long’s parents, Mr. and Mrs W. O. Peterson. Mr. and Vlrs. Clyde Warner visited over the Labor day week end with Mr and Mrs. Gordon Oxnam. Vlr. and Vlrs. Ted Diek and child ren of Apple V’ alley were guests Sun- ‘ day evening at a picnic dinner at the Mark Moncur home. VI and Mrs. Bill Harrington and grandson and Mr. and Mrs. Claus Medema of So. Dak , visited Wed- ne : iy and Thur-dey at the home of Mr. and Mr Harry Miner. Mr Harrington is Mr« Miner's brother Mr and M m t rank Anderson and LOOK at THIS . . . 21-in. Hallicrafter Table Model TV Set These won't last Long given FREE with every IV2 or 2-ton New LUBRICATION LOCAL NEW S . . . So, You Want and DISTINCTIVE New Officers Elected for County D. U. P. Carolyn Cobern was an honored guest at a birthday party given Saturday by her mother, Mrs. George Cobern. The event honored her 4th birthday. Guests were Kae Fleissner, Nancy Boydell and Pam ela Wood. Have fo Live With Your Draperies... 'S * Junior Methodists Have Party Carolyn Cobern Honored -Y O U - P A G E N IN B Ny.-.-a Mr. and Mr Ja. k Med- Salem and Portland. Her mother, lock Mr-, Ida Olin returned with her to Mr and Vlrs. V . \\ Duus and visit for three weeks Vlr, and Mrs. Royal Carver o t family spent the week end m Pendleton where they attended the Plain City. Utah were dinner guest# Wedne-day evening at the home of “ Round-up". Mr and Mrs Frank Skeen. Mr. and Vlrs. Leonard llcwett re Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bingham and turned recently following an absence boys spent last week at The D a lle» of two weeks Mr Hewett was in vLsitmg Mr and Mrs. Len Muir and Seattle on the University of Wash family. Mr- Bingham and Mrs Muir ington campus attending the Paci are sisters. Peter.-on They left Nyssa Saturday fic coast banking school Mr Hew- for Portland where they are visiting ett visited friends and relatives in USE JOU RNAL C LASSIFIED ADA. Mr and Mr- Duane Anderson. The Kev, and >lr>. Robert Jackson vere dinner gue.-ts Monday o f Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Seward. Mr. and Mrs. I., (•. Jackson of Idaho Falls arrived in Nyssa Satur- to visit at the home o f their daugh Can Always be YOURS When You Visit the ter and son-in-lav. Mr. and Mrs. J. B Millard. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steffens and Mrs. Allen Butler accompanied members of the Junior home ec. - la-- on a special t ur to Boi-e Mon Where . . . . day. .Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Harris and • D E LAIN E B A T E M A N on, Kenneth of Oregon City and Mr and Mrs T. E Gidding of Pay • MILDRED PETERSON ette vere Saturday evening guests • MER L Y N FIFE of Mr. and Mrs. N. L Wilson. Charles II. Addleman, guest • L U C IL E M YRICK speaker at the Christian church . . . . are waiting to serve you. Sunday, was a guest Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith. Dial 2810 for an early appointment. Mr. and Mrs. lion Cramer of Oa.stle Ford. Ida., visited over the weekend at the J B. Quigley home. Stanley Wilson was an over night ue-t of his grandparents. Mr. and Mr- T. E. Giddings in Payette S at urday night. Mr. and .Mrs. Kd Powell and fam ily of Payette were Sunday evening vi it.■!- at the home , t Mr and Mrs d u c t a l JV r t i it Ì t i c 5 Mrs. B B Lier.kaemper enter tained members of the Happy Eight Cana.-ta club at her home Friday afternoon with Mrs. V W. Duues. Mrs. Carl Barclay, Mrs. Herbert Fischer and Mrs. B. E. Ross as guest players. Mrs. Dale Garrison and Mrs. G or don Oxnam won the prizes. The Appointment of SEPTEMBER IT. 1953 only 6 9 * for Passenger Cara — All Makes CHEVROLET TRUCK Bought at Retail With no Trade Used Cars at W H O LESALE - No Dealers As Low as $ 300.00 1948 Models 1 Full Year or 12.000-mile Warranty all Post-war Models Liberal trade-in allowance— Discounts for cash DON'T MISS SEEING US IN SEPTEMBER NYSSA MOTORS, Inc. Nyssa, Ore. Dial 2224 Steve:. ,>er.i Friday and .Aaturday a; tue home o f Mr. and Mrs. W o ] -