THE NYSSA G A T E C IT Y JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. PAGE EIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Dick Turnrr and in B< i f Tue day and Wedne»da> with Mr and Mr- R E Stoddard and Mr and Mrs. A. R. Turner. Mr and Mrs. Ira I re. Sr. of Kup- m visited over the week end with family visited :heir son and daughter-in-law, Mr and M: Ira Ure Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Whitaker visited recently in Ogden with rela­ tives and friends Mr. and Mrs. Ward Wieneke spent Thursday in Boise "S ' THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1953 p o r t a l r i i It i í i i ' 5 Carole Wilson, Editor 'S * Parma Motor VU 1 Miîe North of Parm a On H ighw ay 20 Starting Time— Approximately •: ______________ Phone 2233 Thursday’, September 1 1 JEFF CHANDLER— SCOTT BRADY in SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Jim Olsen Honored Jim Oi»en was honored at a birth­ day party given recently by his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mr Ralph Olsen. Other guests were Mr and Mr Eddie Powell, Mr and Mr- J<’-eph Maughan and Mrs. L a:-* VtcOaven and Mrs. Olsen. — + and Roto-Rooter Sewer Service BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE Sunday Dinner Guests Nyssa Dial 2322 Get in our big LAY & PAY CONTEST Pick the B est Pullet and W IN A P R IZ E Come in and see the pullets who w ill be competing in this Purina e g g - la y in g contest until Novem ber 30th. These birds were selected from flocks managed by your friends and neighbors in this area. A ll you have to do is piek the pullet that «vill lav the most eggs in Septem­ ber, October, November and December. Entry blanks available at our store. T R Y FOR O N E OF T H E S E F IN E P R IZ E S Sunday dinner guests at the home f Mr and Mrs. O. O Anderson were Mr and Mr». R. N. Morse and boys i Wilton Jackson Honored <>t Nampa They spend the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wahlert enter­ in Vale visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robert tained Saturday evening at a dinner Th- mp-on and family. party in honor of Wilton Jackson's birthday anniver ary Other gue»ts were Mr». Jackson and family. Mr Dinner Guests Monday Dinner guests Monday at the home Nora L. Jack»on and Mr». T. J H ill­ o f Mr and Mr.». George McKee were man. Mr and Mrs. Prank Leavell, Mr. and Mr Fred Russell and Mr. and Mrs. Honored At Baby Shower W aller Russell of Ontario, Canada Mrs. Charles Bealvil was honored and Mrs Margaret Clark o f Wilder. at a surprise pink and blue .-hewer at her home Wedne day tfternton. Those surprising her included Mr Surprise Party Mr Roy H o ff was surprised on Mary Taylor, M: J e Hobson, Mr her birthday at a party given Sun­ Raymond Ed vard Mr. Don W il- day night by her husband. Fifteen »on, Mrs. Eldon Barker and Mis. gue • were present. Refreshments j Robert Jack»on. were erved including a large birth­ Barbecue Guests day cake baked by Mr. H off. Mr. and M r» Don Walker and family, Mr. and Mr Herb Cox and Fellowship Members Larry and Mr. and Mr Jim Millard Met Thursday were guests Friday evening at a Members of the Christian W o ­ barbecue dinner at the home cf Mr. men'» fellowship met Thur.»day at and Mr.-. Allen Butler. the church for their regular business i meeting and program. J. E. B row er Honored Mr Richard Mason, president, J. E. Brower wa- h nored guest ::idu ted the bu ine- - meeting. Mrs. at a dinner party o.ven la.-.t week by D r thy Bibbey presented the pro- hi- wife. The occ n was hi» birth­ . ram. "Make Her Mrs. More Active day anniversary Guest» were Mr. Mt mber,” assisted by Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Carl Burning ham, Mr. and and Mrs. Tom Chandler. Mrs. Charles Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Mr Webb Rennie led the devo­ Delbert Hooper and Mr. and Mrs. tion» and refreshments were served - Marvin Jefferies by M i». Edgel Wood and Mrs. Raul They attended the theatre after House. dinner. Rebekahs Meet Dinner Guests Yellow Rose Rebekah lodge met in session Thursday evening at! the I O O. F. hall. Mr» Nettie Bennett, chairman, announced that plans are completed for the annual district convention, to be held in Nyssa September 24. at which time Lela Osborne. Assem­ bly president of Oregon will make Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Oxnam and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Ure were dinner guests Saturday evening at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. D E. Mitchell. T Y P E W R I T E R S This contest is just our w ay of proving the value of feeding the Purina W ay for lots of big early eggs. her offical visit Be.i rice ledge i f Ontario and Golden Rule ledge cf Vale will also be pre en: The meeting will »tart at 1 p m and the banquet will be .»erved at 6 30 at the Christian church. Yellow Rose ledge will pre-tde during the evening -ession. Mrs Herb Cox and Mrs. Irene AI- sup served refreshment at the close of the meeting. All Makes Bought— Sold—Rented—Repaired Fletcher's Typewriter Exchange Hiway 20 West P.O. Box 459- Boise. Ph 26961- Idaho St. P au l’s Guild Meets Members of the St Paul’s Episco­ pal guild met Monday evening for the first meeting for the fall season at the home of Mrs. Dick Tensen. During the busine»- meeting, a com­ mittee was appointed for the annual progressive card party to be held in October. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. John Stringer. —-y Missionary Society Gives Shower NEW H O N EY E N T E R N O W . . . Entries must be in by November 30th. Contest Closes D e­ Bring Your cember 31, 1953. Own Containers 15£ lb. at the TOBLER'S FEED & FUEL, Inc. Dial 2201 Nyssa, Oregon %V%%SVVV-V-VA%V. FALL HONEY SHOP 9th & Bower In Line With This Line W hen we selected our lines of Fall and W inter hats for men. w e selected them with a thought for quality and price to meet the desires of men who might be our customers. Q A Name That Spells UALITY W H E N YO U BUY YOUR F A L L H AT BU Y MALLORY . . . First choice of value-wise men “1 Buys these All-fur felt hats. Styles, colors and sizes to meet your desire. EVERYBODY’S Inc Nyssa, Ore. Where You Get S & H Green Stamps Members of the Senior missionary society o f the Nazarene church met Thursday afternoon at the church. Following the business meeting. Mrs. Leona Scott was honored with a pink and blue shower. Farewell Dinner A farewell dinner was given at the Christian church last Friday evening in honor o f the Rev. and Mrs. Austin J. Hollingsworth, who are returning to make their home in Lincoln, Neb. The program was directed by Mrs. J W. Rigney. Musical numbers were given by -members o f the choir. The scripture reading was given by H ar­ old Robbins and a poem, in keeping with the occasion was given by Mrs. Harold Robbins. After dinner speeches were made by members of the different depart­ ments in the church. J. C. Smith represented the church board and Mrs Richard Mason spoke in behalf o f the C.W.F. Responses were made by the Rev. and Mrs. Hollingsworth. They were presented with a three- piece set o f luggage as a going away gift. LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Krederiksen (Eva Lee Brown) and son. Dallas, o f Spencer, Idaho, arrived in Nyssa thi» week to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Drown and family .«pent last week in Rexburg visiting friend- and relatives. Thurs. day, Mr.- Drown was called back, due to the death c f a brother, Teddy Stacy. Edward Smith left Sunday night for Nampa to attend Northwest Nazarene college. Mrs. Emma Kesler returned home Tuesday to her home In Burley. Id a ­ ho after visiting In Nyssa with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. \rt Sparks of Adrian visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. T J. Sparks. Mr and Mrs. Russell Smith spent Saturday in Ontario visiting Mr. and Mrs d . E Taylor and family. Mr, and Airs. Arthur Hove of Clarkst n. W adi., left Tuesday morning after visiting 5 days with Mr and Mrs Pete Fleissner. Mr and Mrs D. L. McNeil of of Monrovia. Calif., spent Thursday evening visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gus Liming. Jerr> Browne, son of Air. and Airs, J Wesley Browne left Thursday night to enter school at the U niver­ sity o f Oregon as a freshman. Air. and Airs George Eichner and family o f Oakridge. Ore., spent the Labor Day week end visiting in N y­ ssa with friends and relatives. Air and Airs. Leo Child returned home Thursday after spending a ’Vf ck In Utah They attended a H irst family rf‘union In Clinton. Ut ah. and visited Mr » 1 : M H OI en. in reter»« n and wiih other end» and relati ves En route ha me [>y visited Mr. and Mrs W infield H iirst in Delco. Idaho, 'lis» \ir¿mi.i Du Ere of ( hc'fnne A * ' H N. a a* t C ài» me o f her sister and brother-in-law, Mr and Mr». Dale Garrison. Mrs. Johnny Goddard returned Friday after spending four days in Boise at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Boyd Shaffer Mrs. Shaffer and Mrs. Jay Simmons re­ turned to Nyssa to visit Friday. Air. and Airs. Lorin Saunders ar­ rived in Nyssa Thursday to make their home after spending the sum­ mer in Idaho Falls. Airs. Jim NichoLson arrived home Wednesday morning folkw ing sur­ gery in the St. Luke’s hospital in Boise. She is reported in fine con­ dition. Mr. and Airs. Everett Miller and daughter and son-in-law. visited in Nyssa with Mr. and Mrs A1 Thom p­ son, Mr and Mrs. Clyde Long and Mr and Mrs Pud Long. Air. and Mrs. J. II. Aloore of Prine- ville were week end guests of Mr and Mrs. Grant Rinehart. Mrs. Moore i» Mr. Rinehart’s sister. Air. and Airs. Kennv Chard and boys -spent Labor day with Mr. and Mr Henry Gannan in Madras. Air. and Airs. Basil Barrichman and daughter, Gail o f San Diego visited la -1 week at Payette Lakes with Mr. and Mr . W J. Meitcn and with Mr. and Mrs. Bud Wilson. John Hughes returned to San Diego Thursday with the Barrichmans. Air. and Airs R. W. Wilson and Carolyn and Mr and Mr». Howard Lovejoy and family spent last week end at Anthony Lakes. Oregon. Air. and Airs. Cecil Alorrison and Billie spent the week end in Cor­ vallis where Billie entered Oregon state college as a fre-hman. Dr. and Airs. Charles Poling of Wickenborz, Arizona and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Evans o f Albuquerque. New Mex., were over night guests Wed- nesdav of Mr. and Mrs. Henry H art­ ley. Mrs. Poling is Mrs. Hartley's sister. Air. and Airs. Bill Buxton of Cald­ well vi- ted Thur-day with Mr. and Mr Mel Beck . Airs. Tom Chandler and Airs. Richard Mason were in Nampa Wednesday afternoon where they took Dennis Mason nd Diana Chandler to the doctor. Miss Donna Bestial of Grants Pass visited last week at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. Ed Case. Miss Best­ ial was en route to Nashville. Tenn., where she will attend college. Air. and Airs. Earl Sager and fam­ ily o f Mt. Vernon, Wash, were here Monday and Tuesday to attend the furneral o f Mrs. Sager’s father and to visit Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Klin- kenberg, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sager. Richard Forbess left yesterday after spending a week visiting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Forbess. He will enter Oregon state college as a Junior. Nonie Cromar of Boise was a house guest Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. La Mont Fife. Mr and Airs. Leonard Beard and boys o f Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. | Richard Ma-on and family spent the week end near Starkey. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Flinders re­ turned Wednesday after spending a week visiting friends and relatives in Salt Lake City, Hooper and Peter­ son, Utah. Airs, llenry Hartley, Rob Hartley, Dan Lovejoy and Elvin Alexander left Nyssa Saturday morning for Corvallis The boys will enter Oregon s'taet college as Freshmen. Mrs. Hartley will spend a week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Grant in Dallas before returning home. Air. and Airs. Tom Chandler and Diana and Mrs. Dorothy Bibbey were in Nampa Friday night. Air. and Mrs. Richard Alason and | family were guests Friday night at the home of Mr and Mrs. Don Strickland for T V. YANKEE BUCCANEER CRAIG STEVENS— JOYCE HOLDEN in MUHDER WITHOUT TEARS C A R T O O N ________ __ Fridav-Saturdav, September 18-19 ALAN LADD— AlONA EREEAIAN in BRANDED a h »—GEORGE BRENT— DOROTHY PATRICK in TANGIER INCIDENT C A R TO O N & N EWS________________ Sundav-M ondav, September 20-21 G A R Y COOPER— RUTH ROMAN in DALLAS AIIKEL CONRAD— DORIS MERRK K in UNTAMED W O M AN C A R TO O N & NEWS Tuesday, September 22 G R EG O RY PECK— W ARD BOND in ONLY THE VALIANT F A M IL Y N IT E —Cartoon Wednesday-Thursday, September 23-24 RALPH RICHARDSON— ANN TODD in BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER •JOHN PAYNE— DONNA REED in RAIDERS OF THE SEVEN SEAS Technicolor—CARTOON \ From where ï sit...// Jos Marsh : -UL -'J &■&& i iv Cream W h ip s M a in Street Traffic Big traffic jam in front of the office last week. Thought every­ body in the county was coming in to buy The Clarion, hut they w eren’t. Seems a 5-gallon can fe ll off W hitey Fisher’s truck, spilling cream all over the street. Our cop on duty, Tin y Fields, halted tr a f­ fic so W hitey could pick up the can. Tin y was about to w ave the cars on when a kitten ran out and started lapping up the cream. green three times. A fte r the kit­ ten had enough, Tin y waved the traffic through. From w here I sit, this w as just a “Tiny” demonstration of the way people in our town are. They’re usually pretty consider­ ate and tolerant. If one of our neighbors prefers a good glass of beer to his friend’s coffee at din­ nertime, it's just each to his own taste and everything's “smooth as cream” between them. W ell, traffic piled up, but Tin y paid no heed. L igh t changed ^oe 1954 TV PRICE FLASH! yiow UOtl fyTVHv! The answer to everyday insurance problems* ^ P H IL C O GS S r BY RALPH AT NEW 10W PRICES FOR '54 I LAW RENCE èw j Today in the entire T V industry, nothing matches the fame of Philco Golden Grid television. Now it's here— new for 1954—at the lowest price in Philco history! Shipments just arrived include the Philco Model 4002. shown above, with new larger 21-inch picture. Come in—be among the first to see it. QUESTION: AVe have just bought a puppy for our little hoy and my father thinks we should take out Comprehensive Liability Insur­ ance. I'm sure the dog wouldn't hurt anyone so why should in­ surance be necessary? ANSWER: Even the most friend­ ly pup ean be provoked into nip­ ping someone thereby bringing a suit for damages. Comprehensive Personal Liability Insurance will protect you to the policy limit and will assure your defense against suit without cost to you. • If you'll address your own in­ surance questions to this office, w ell try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. Nytsa Insurance Agency 1*6 Alain SC Dial Î54I New 1954 PHILCO TV JUST ARRIVED Beginning at $ 1 7 9 .9 5 A sensational bargain in quality— the Philco 3000 with 17-inch pic­ ture. In richly-styled cabinet it’s the biggest value news of the year. Including Federal Tax and warranty EASY TERMS NYSSA FURNITURE CO. 9 Good Ave. Dial 6633 1 Block Weal Depot