Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1953)
« THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY SEPTEM BER 17. 1953 na Hard Way Went in 1920 Days G e n e By in Nyssa Com m unity From the Journal Files 5 Vears Ago >ept. 9, 1948 F:re of undetermined origin cau-ed more than $35.000 damages to the Ea-tern Oregon Produce Plant early Sunday morning, according 11 an estimate by Tom Burningham, manager and part owner ofthe plant. The Western Riding clubs associ ation will present its second annual '.eld program at the Nyssa Rodeo WATCH yo ur » ground- Sunday.------ Harold Hen- igson. Nyssa attorney has been ap- P ’.nted secretary of the Nyssa Chamber of Commerce succeeding the late Prank T Morgan who ser ved in that position over 20 years Mark Hartley of Nyssa was named on the all-state softball team as utility outfielder, following the Ore gon tournament held in Baker last week ---- Enrollment in the Nyssa schools shows an increase of 102 pupils over last year Opening day registration was 1154 which is ex pected to reach 1200 or 1225 later in the year. 10 Years Ago Sept. 9. 1943 Total enrollment In Nyssa schools is now 714 ----- J B Oiezentanner. William H Crouse. Arranging Flowers fro Roadsides, Fields, and W Amelia Hill is a guide on to. grasses mosses, foliage, wild and berne- in making centi side arrangments. dried b etc. A bock which shows w omen h ' to live fully without nostalgia self-pity within the circumstances pity within the circumstances modern living i H v t .> Be . Ha py Woman by E Ardis Whitman. Novels on the week's list inclu. The Davidian Report, a spy myste by Dorothy Hughes; Jemima a :< by Auriel Malet Vaughan ab a: t: NEW! LOADED to GUN PARMA DRY CLEANERS ■m Pick Up and D elivery M onday — T hursday Phone P arm a 3-3131 Collect U«e Classified Ads. Gate City Journal NEW! EASIER TO BUY! o Pay every 6 months o No special fees • A continuous policy e No extra charges J Renstrom Agency Dial 6697 IM H B w T * • j '-1 UT? ■ *h-w *v*w 4 • Æ v* * * GcM ERAL IN SU RA N CE CO . O F AM ERICA s When contractors s'artrf bui’dir.i; siate ìli-hways si-iui' 33 y . . ■ 1 i . mo\..l lu-, off ti,e ;ht* of.way by just i tiling them al mg the bent way they could fi( ure. No« thi ;u>t butt the n at de with bull dozers like elephants in the cirrus, quicker and easier. (Oregon State ili .-iMay Commission photo). Appearance Counts Everywhere IT'S EASY TOO! It's easy to look your best w hen you count on us for top notch d ry cleaning. Call us today for rapid, p erfect service. NYSSA P ickup and D elivery operator of Nyssa theater, is build received 13 cents per pound for a the office of city recorder to fill the unexpired term of W Sexton who ing a crying rcom for mothers and band of lambs; averaging $10.50 per has engaged in mercantile business lamb. ----- A young peoples cla>s infants on the second floor of the at Owyhee -----Thos Carrick is has been started In the Kolony theater. —— Bernard Frost. Frank excavating for the foundation of a T. Morgan and Jess Thompson were Sunday school under the leader new d welling on his lots near the ship of Mr>. Archie Moses. appointed on a committee at the Presbyterian church Mrs. N E. weekly luncheon of the Nyssa 30 Years Ago Sept. 7. 1923 Harris, of the Vogue Millinery Co. Chamber of Commerce; to consider For the purpose of investigating at Caldwell was in Nyssa Wednesday post-war planning. ----- Major Ed false statments made by owners of looking after the branch store she gar B Cole, who was shot down property to the assessor at the time is establishing here. Mrs E Hillier while flying over Europe in a bom of assessment, a special session of will have charge. ----- The massive ber several months ago arrived at the grand jury will be called within iron hydrants for the new water the home of his parents in Ogden a ,hort time in Malheur County. — works system arrived from Portland on furlough. Mrs. Cole, the former The European earwig that little bug the first of the week.-----Sheepmen Royce Church of Nyssa and infant which has caused such a furor in have been in the Owyhee buying son have gone to join h im .----- Ny Portland, this year has found its about 1000 tons of surplus hay at $5 ssa Furniture Co. owners are re way into Malheur County as a a ton. ----- Harry Loy of Boise will modeling the front of the store on specimen which came in a bundle open a restaurant in the building First and Good Ave. ----- Mrs. Art of papers from Portland was found adjoining Lewis Orrell’s barber shop hur Cook of Nyssa was elected new in Ontario. ----- The city council Among Nyssa teachers attending in president of the Malheur County accepted the proposition of J. W stitute at Vale are Misses Florence pioneers at their annual picnic at Fogle, proprietor of a pool hall in and Alda McDonald, Eva Boydell Vale Friday. ----- Lieut. Katherine Nyssa, to the effect that he and M and Crete Childers M Peterson, former employee at ( D. Newton, proprietor of the other the Idaho Power Co. office at Nyssa. pool room would consolidate their has arrived at Fort Benning, Ga places of business and pay a license training center, according to Col fee of $10 a month, provided the Sevier R. Tupper, commanding of council would aggree not to issue ficer of the army specialized train any more licenses for a period of ing program and will function as in one year. An autobiography of life in India, terviewer and classifier of the train 35 Years Ago Sept. 13, 1918 a book about the play of children, ees sent there for basic training. instructions for playing The new Methodist minister. Rev. simple chess, and a guide to the repair of 15 Years Ago Sept. 8. 1938 and Mrs. Trueblood and son, Paul, Two new school busses arrived in arrived Wednesday from Wallowa household appliances are books in Nyssa Wednesday morning about The Wilson delivery car and a bug cluded on the list of those that will ; two o'clock when Jess Thompson gy driven by Miss Gale of the East be ready for circulation Saturday, j and his son, Bob completed their Side collided Thursday with the re- September, 19, at the Malheur trip from the bu, factory in Lima. -ult that Miss Gale was thrown County Library. Invitation to Tea is Monica Lang’s Ohio. ----- 815 students are enrolled from the buggy and sustained a In Nyssa schools this year, 315 in fractured leg. ----- Thursday was account of her everyday life in the high school and 500 in the grades. registration day in Nyssa a s well a s jungles of India, where as the wife Three new busses have been added elsewhere and 76 prospective soldiers to a tea planter she spent more to those that were in eperation last' vere enrolled in Nyssa precinct. — than twenty-five years. year and 10 new teachers have been The Presbyterian church has pur The Child and His Play is a plan added to the faculty. ----- The city chased the Thos. Carrick bungalow ning for parents and teachers which council voted to reject the new fire j near the church for a manse. ----- outlines numerous ideas for direct truck ordered last month because j Mi.'s Iva Pounds has been engaged ing a child's talents. Some of its the truck delivered was not accord- ; as teacher at Westfall.------The new chapters are on television, dramatic ing to the sp e c ifie d in th e j Parma theater opened Saturday play, rhythm activities, making toys order. ----- Don M. Graham wa, night with Guy Emprey in "Over from scrap, and telling stories. elected as delegate to the national j -he Top”. Concise instructions, along with American Legion convention for the j 10 Years Ago Sept. 11, 1913 diagrams on kinds of openings and district to be held at Los Angeles Nyssa is to have a park. W. W. defenses, are included in First Book The Andrew McGinnis family who of Chess by I. A. Horowitz and resided in Likely, Calif, the past White of the Oreida Gardens is Fred Reinheld. preparing to level and set out to year have returned to Nyssa. trees a small tract of land at the I A practical guide to maintanance 20 Y'ears Ago Sept. 14, 1933 east of the Ny>sa bridge and will and repair of toasters, electric irons, At the organization meeting Tues convert it into a beauty spot for sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, day of the wheat production control the use of the public. ----- The city refrigerators, etc.. Is Everyday assoc, of Malheur County, Pieter council has appointed J. Boydell to Househould Appliance Repairs by Tensen, Nyssa rancher «was elected president: B. C. Blacksley, vice pres ident, R. G. Larsen, sec. and Le< Schmidt, treasurer. C. C. Cotton and H E. Noah are directors. ----- C L McCoy, president of the Nyssa-Par ma golf club, made a trip to Boise Saturday to close the and start work on the new golf course just east of town. ----- C C, Hock- I ley, Oregon engineer, for the bureau of pubic works, has sent the Nyssa | city council data and application blank for seeking the loan for tht proposed Nyssa city sewage system Leo Hollenberg was elected com mander ' of the American Legion post and Mrs. C. L. McCoy auxiliar> president. ----- Meeting at the home of Mrs. A. H, Boydell, a com mittee from the Nyssa Civic Club made tentative plans tor the annual teachers' reception Sept. 29 at the Eagles' Hall. 25 Y'ears Years Ago Sept. 7. 1928 George Crane of Payette this week leased the old Sharp Building on the comer of Third and Main Street, formerly occupied by Leuck Black smith shop and is preparing to open a poultry and egg store. ----- Nyssa Restaurant, which has been closed for the past month while Mrs. Prior and daughters were on vacation will re-open Monday. ----- Nyssa schools opened Tuesday, Sept. 4 The grades For party-happy appetites, treat your guests to ohl-fashioncd baked enrollment numbers 198 and the high school has 107 scholars. The beans fragrant with sweet unsulphured molasses. The meat topping may be canned luncheon meat or frankfurters. Buns, cheese-broiled, grades each have about 30 with the and cabbage slaw complete the hearty fare. exception of the seventh grade By using dried beans, you will find this a very economical main dish. which has 11 pupils. ----- An epi Though baking time is about five hours, the beans require little watch demic of cholera among Httle ones ing once in the oven. The unsulphured molasses is the sweet kind that in a very severe form Is causing Colonial women spoon« d over baked beans for traditional Saturday much concern.-----Frank McKnight night dinners in New England. For a quickie casserole, canned beans may be used with unsulphured molasses added for step-up in flavor. Old Fashioned Baked Beans 4 cups (2 pounds) pea beans 1 cup unsulphured molasses 2 medium onions, sliced 3 tablespoons vinegar 4 teaspoons salt teaspoon Tabasco Mi cup catsup 2 teaspoons dry mustard 2 cans luncheon meat Wash beans. Cover generously with cold water; soak overnight. Add onions, salt and if necessary additional water to cover beans; bring to Tubes. Antennas, Parts boiling point in covered saucepan. Simmer 1 hour. Drain and save 3 cups bean liquid, ad«l water to make 3 cups if necessary. Mix bean liquid with catchup, unsulphured molasses, vinegar, Tabasco and dry mustard. Place beans in roasting pan; ad«t liquid. Cover. If roasting pan does not have cover use baking sheet. Bake in a slow oven (325*F.) 1 hour«. A«i«l water when neco- ary during baking. Slice luncheon m at, add to beans. Bake 1 hour longer. Non-Fiction List At County Library MONDAY — THURSDAY PARMA CLEANERS Phone PARM A 3-3131 Collect NYSSA ELEVATOR N y ssa 'tfherQ * 6 size e sp e cia l your h e a tin g equipm ent*.'"U tah fc C O A L b o n k s w e ll a n d b u rn s sl< d u rin g m ild w e a th e r - but ro ars a ,;hot. fire w hen yOu o pen up d ig it s -o n c o ld .d a y s ! 25 TIME SAVERS 1NT EACH BOOK- USE EASIER TO BUY! everal months in Paris spent by adolescent Jemima who e parente are »-eking divorce; and The Spire by Gerald Warner Brace about ft college prcffe.vsor who learns that an out-slder at a new school map find hard going in trying to vary thft customs of the college o t i ' «./ B “ ettet ANTO INSURANCE SEND YOUR CLEANING WITH A PA G E S E V E » FREE PERSONALIZED CHECKS Every day...every week...every month Personal ized Checks from the First National Bank of Portland will save you hours of time. Stop wait ing in line . . . stop hurrying about town . . . pay hills by mail with Personalized Checks. They're Safe, Fasv, Convenient to use. And Personalized Checks help you avoid confusion. . .your name and address is printed FREE on each check. First National is open 10 to 5. Monday thru Saturday. NYSSA MANCH M A TRO N A L B A M K. Unsulphiired Molasses Scores At Baked Bean Party Supper SAVE $ 2 5 .0 0 57-pc. Service for 8 1847 ROGERS BROS. A m erica’s F inest S ilv e rp late All Patterns—Special at $ 7 9 .7 5 A $105.25 V alue Sale E xtends T hrough Oct. 15 JACKSON JEWELERS 219 M ain D ial 2521 mini 1111111 m n 111111 n 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Sept. 17-18-19 SHOE CLEARANCE '/% Price ODD LOTS Men's, Women's and Children's. Oxfords and Work Shoes for Men. Sport Oxfords, High and Medium- Heel Dress Shoes for Women. And for the Children, Assorted Straps and Oxfords. Extra Values for you in the sizes available. Thursday. Friday and Saturday Are the Days. W E G IVE S & H GREEN STAM PS EVERYBODY SAVES AT TV and RADIO REPAIR HERB'S RADIO SERVICE 501 M ain N y ssa, O re. YIELD: 12 servings. OPEN T IL • PM . SATURDAYS