Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA. OREGON. T H U R S D A Y . SEPTEMBER 17. 1953 PAGE SIX Bulldogs' SRV Schedule Calls For 7 Games K O R T Y - T H K I I 'll '1151 It ■> coin- l>.‘ isc the N;. ssa lii^‘i school football scjuail, only five of whom h u e had previous experience, l ie Hulldogs will |. 11 their I . . s i on I riday night by hosting the I nunett I I j s - $M m NM*0 pmn RM kit s in a Snake River Valley class \ . loyd 1 lompson. Dee Shuster, lia r, lin, I.vie Wilson, ( arl Tyler anti Ron conference game. I roni left to right ' I \. fiene .Waxfleld, Darrell Buchner. Third row: llarry McGin- nt wight, manager. Second row: ley, coach; It II Lovejoy. Jerry Lese- .11 the above photograph are, front -» w ; Pat Patterson m anager; Larry J '.’i t trrall, Miles Conley, Don Sav- herg, Jerry Gordon, I’.os; oe Tatinrr, S< henk. lion Wiel, Ilirk Itir.ehart, U>\ lohn Simianer, Stan Bybet (iordon Hunter, liar dd Bumgarner, Jerry I.ankford, I.ouis Vendrell, Dan Giron, Val Garner, Jack Frank. Gerald I linders. Don Noien, Doyle TRIO GETS GROl'SH LIMITS Bag limits of grou-e were taken by Charley Zinn, Jay Bunn and Evan Tobler, who spent the Labor Day weekend hunting in the area at the head of Hells Canyon. (Continued from Page 1) Wives of the three hunters ac led by six majorettes, wa- first to companied them. On their return, vvrade. followed by its team out the Zinns and Bunns were supper fitted in new white uniforms and gue.-t-s of the Toblers. Nyssa Holds Emmett, Vale to 0 0 Ties In Jamboree; Weiser Champs ATTENTION DEER HUNTERS Sight in your favorite Deer Rifles NOW at The NYSSA RIFLE RANGE ocated Just Halfway between Nyssa and Vale on The OLD VALE ROAD RAN G E will be OPEN from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20lh A Competent (Junsmith will be on hand to help you with your sighting problems. A Small Range F ee o f 50c will be charged to cover cost of targets. A ll other Range facilities will he available at no extra cost to you. Dont Pass Up This Service ! ! CAY WAY BOWL Gate City gold head gears.’s blue-clad.s was the next band to march, led by Majorettes Lois Wilson, Lynette Hickman. Bar bara Hickman, Margaret Bate.s and Joan Zinn. In order followed O n tario in red suits, Payette in all- white, Vale in black and white and Wei.-er in all-red forming a march- ng -quire about its team. Emmett was the only scheol net epre ented by a band, but its blue and white clad football team fcl- v cl closely behind the Wolver ines. file coaching staff and band d i rect t f each school were intro duced a> the groups marched by the trand-tand. Ontario American Legion post pre- ented the colors, marching from ■enter field to the west goal post vith the field in darkness, with the :lag spot-lighted by two Idaho P: ver Co. service trucks. During the raising of the American flag on the flagpole, the massed bands of the .schools, directed by Ford Smith of Wei-er standing in the tonneau of an open car, playee te National Anthem. JOURNAL O.K. Rubber Gets Plaque for Service Sipt. 8. Kenneth Rookstool, dis- rderly conduct. $35 Edward A. Rios, public intoxication, $25. Nicolas Ri bera, public intoxication, $25. Pete Pacheco, public intoxication, $25. James D. Gonzales, public intoxi cation, $25 Sherman Garvin. Jr., public intoxication, $25 Cecil Dixon, public intoxi 'at.on, confined in l eu of $25 fine. Juan F-tada. public in- I boxicatton. $25. Sept. 9. Tom Chavez, public intoxi cation, $23 Sept. 10, Vernon L-iwtrip. intoxi- ! rated while interdicted. $23 Paul D. Elliot, reckles driving. $50 I limmie Lee, public in ixication $25. Sept. 11. J> e Nunez, disorderly conduct and public intoxication.$35. confined in lieu of payment. Lloyd Cleaver, voiding in public. $25. Paul I). Elliot, obstructing traffic, $15. Opening Sunday, Sepl. 20 Edited By DICK YOST SPORTS Trash Fish Plentiful, Gay Way Bowl Buck, Huni~rs Trout Scarce In Lake Opens Sept. 20 Choice Deer A gwod catch of squaw fish was Gay Way Be .vl. located at Gay way reported by Ed Case, who, with M Seasons to Open ..tag;. Sunny Takami, Fred Takami, e rners in Idaho, will be opened for A 14-day hunting ra- in, Satur day, Oct. 3 to Friday. Oct. 16, in- lu.-ive, will epen in all counties for black-tailed and mule deer; and in Douglas county for vhite-tailed luck deer. The bag limit i ae deer, having lot less than a forked antler. Hunters are warned that the re port card attached ; i the deer tag s required to be returned to the ame commission within 30 days ifter the close of the deer season, vhether the hunter is successful or not. Failure to comply gives the tamecommisoion the right to refuse i deer tag the following season. A four-day hunter- choice deer eason is open from Saturday, Oct. 17. to Tuesday, Oct 20. inclusive, in described areas east and west of he Cascade range. Bug limit is one mule or black- The O. K Rubber Welders, ownet ailed deer of either sex for uhose ind operated by Roy Wild, ha- hunters possessing unused deer tags. oi en presented a plaque by Seiber- ling Rubber C >. to mark the fifth MALIIEI'R MELDS BIG ONES anniver-ary >f the firm's exclusive Smallest of seven treut caught franchise wi„h the Akron rubber Sunday in the Malheur reservoir .'oncern. O K. Rubber Welder- was vas 12 inches, it was reported by {ranted its franchise Sept. 7, 1948 Howard Myrirk. Others in the party The firm ha- been hi business in vere Jerry Myrick, Ed Warren and Nyssa for the past 10 years. Uel Alsup. curt Cases Twenty-one games comprise t;-.e 1953 schedule of the Snake Rn?.- Valley class A conference, which officially opens Sept. 18 with game to be played by six schools. Of these 21 games, the Nyssa high chccl Bulldogs will compete in sev en. four of 'which are home game and three away. The Bulldogs open the season against Emmett’s Huskies, whom they held to 0-0 tie in the annual iamboree iast Friday night. The tame will be played on the Build field, starting at 8 p. m. Other .conference games the ^ame night are Weiser at Ontario anj Vale at Meridian. Payette play Fruitland in a non-conference til Nys.-a’s schedule i.-> as follow-: John Day here, Sept. 25 inon- cenference»; Ontario here, Oct _>: it Vale, Oct. 9; at Weiser, Oct 23 Meridian here. Oct. 30. and at Pav. ette Nov. 11. The Bulldogs have a bye on O 16 and there is a possibility of a n conference game being scheduled f Carroll, Byron Caldwell, John Smit D.c Winter, Bert ( have/, Bob Tur- that date. ar.d Howard Lovejoy, head coach. .¡•r il yr.), Jolin Lienkaemper and Fourth row; Ted Keck (1 yr.l, Rod- teaben Thompson.—Photo courtesy Rice is uced nure extensively ney Holcomb il yr.), Junius iannei daho Statesman. any other food. 2 yrs.l, Jim Points, Ned Snider The name Engl ind originated : »ave Hartley il yr.l, Jolin ( haver he words Anglo-land. oept. 12. David A. Carter, public Intoxication. $25. Ralph C Green, disorderly conduct. $25, confined in lieu of payment. Oscar H. Gardner, disorderly conduct, $25, confined in lieu of payment Gilbert Ridriquez, disturbing the peace. $25. Guadalupe Rodriquez, disturbing the peace. $25 Sep- 13. Glenn Burgett, using nr fane languge and disorderly con duct $25. confined in lieu of pay ment. H :ner Craig, public intovi- cation. $25. Fidel Rodriquez, dis orderly condu ., $25 Ausencio S C.i tell), disorderly conduct. $25 Fer- min R Mendez attempted forgery, confined pending hearing. Neva Bri- xey, breaking parole fr,;in justice court order. 30 days county jail, sus i pended with orders to leave city Olen Brixey, public intoxication. $25. Vernon Lewtrip. public intoxication. $50. confined in lieu of payment. Sept 14. William Rios, no opera- l o t ' s license, pending. John Music, public intoxicat’on, confinded pend ing hearing. Walter Livingston, no ape rat jr’s license, to appear Sept, 19 Sep 15. Benturi Martinez, public int xication, confined pending hear- ng Manuel Flores, public intoxi cation. confined pending hearing. Sept 2. Blanche Zinniga, drunken Kaz Sadamori and Kayno Saito. fished over the weekend at Beulah reservoir, on the Malheur river. Case was perturbed that the res- ervoir is infe ted with trash fish. He said he caught but one trout, but brought heme better than 20 squaws. NYSSA RETRIEVER TAKES :jRO IN MONT. TRIALS Jug of Sheridan, a golden retriever \to i b> J <> D i.’ y v . , ; . k third-place honors Sunday in the Western Montana Retriever club's American Kennel club licensed trials in Missoula. Mont. Winner of the event was Oak- creek's Van Cleve, owned by Alfred H Schmidt cf Portland. Both dogs were handled by Cliff Brassfield of Boise. Recording fo r I/.IV . Radio for the 1953-54 Season Women Bowlers Meeting 8 p. m. Monday, Sept. 21, at G A Y W A Y BOWL ■ ■ Registration of Teams Election of League Officers Separate League to be Formed for Inexperienced Bowlers DANCE Saluiday, Sept. 19 OREGON TRAIL HALL (Old Oregon Trail School) TMBAWKIAM) ACTION AM FM I Of OBSTRUCTIONS Open to the Public, 2 P. M. the 1953-54 bowling season at 2 p m. Sunday, according to George Vaughn, operator. ! The popular bowling center has been closed to the public for a num ber of weeks for remodeling. With the re-opening this Sunday, the public will be greeted with two ad ditional bowling lines, making the Total number c f possible poker Gay Way Bowl one of the largest hand- in a deck is 2.598,960. CONTROL FOR THREE WEEDS TOLD IN NEW OSC BOOKLETS Control of three serious weeds in Oregon—white tup. quackgra-s, and leafy spurge--is outlined in a series of extension bulletins just published by Oregon State college. Rex Warren, extension farm crops specialist, recommends early fall -praying with IPC for quackgrass and Chora'« for white top and leafy spurge which are confined largely to eastern Oregon. « Dr. Virgil Freed. OSC farm crops | department agronomist, and Warren are co-authors of the bulletins which de-cribe in detail weed control with sprays, cropping and cultivation. Copie.-, of the four-page, illustrat ed extension bulletins may be ob tained from county xtension agents or Oregon State college. Titles and order numbers are White Top, 733; Quackgrass, 734: and Leafv Spurge, 735. Ju-tice Court driving, $133 and cc.-ts. Sept. 4. Kent B Beus, truck over load. $78 and costs. Sept 5, Freddie L Harris, no op erator’s licen-e, S3 and costs. Sept. 8. George T. Sadamori, no operator’s license, S3 and costs. Sep 9. Herbert L Fischer, truck peeding, $10 and costs. N la Gibson, no motor vehichle license, $3 and costs. Stpt 10. Dale L. Haney, failure to stop at through highway, $3 and Sept. 12. Earl Post, truck speeding, $10 fine. $5 supended, and costs. Al bert Oliverez, no motor vehicle licenses, $3 and costs. recreation centers of its kind in the country. It is complete, with equipment rental services, snack bar and pri vate lockers. In announcing, also, the formation of bowling leagues for the new sea son, Vaughan said that the allev- are sanctioned by the American Bowling Congress. This means that all bowlers using the alleys will be eligible for the Ida ho state bowling tournament, to b; held at Caldwell some time in March. First in a series of Saturday night dances Leagues Sponsored by ß*W U N & lea gu e Oiegon Tiail Grange and . IN.Sl KANCF A B C Sanctioned— Bowlers on These Alleys Are LOW RATES Eligible lor the Idaho State Bowling Tournament For Publii- Liability and Property Owyhee Riding Club Damage Ins. at C aldw ell Next March. Music by Hi. Ed.—3.000— 10.000—.5,000 "Bowl for Health—Bowl for Fun” SNACK BAR SERVICE A» low as *3.27 «emt-annually U IN B I M I S « M li » \N K STORM R et. E l i . « » $ 3 « A I’ nited Nations Information Officer covers the events in Korea. Mere. Dimitri Andriadi*. of Turkey, Information Officer with the I nited Nations C ommission for the I nitiiation and Keliabilitation of Korea. makes a tape recording for a broadcast over I N. Radio. Mae Cook's Orchestra