T H E N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y JO U R N A L. N YSSA . O REG O N . T H U R S D A Y . S E P T E M B E R 17. 1953 r rvl*£. t U 'JH Sunday dinner guests oi Mr. and their guests Sunday night Mr and he and O w n C ■ Beer <jf Twin Fall »ere over- Sinclair Lewis was the fir - 1 Amer- literature Mr Cits r .> tV. hu tn. : Bill ftammilLm and Mr. and Strickland o ::.er and smashed the night guests of Herchel T:..-mp on» ican to receive the Nobel Prize foi . A Kanaka is an Haariian. •' • * | fronts of the.: oar Mr Bcireeixer Saturday night Mr- Baer ti a Ml ■ v M L. • ' Mi J*«e Bi rge and had eight stitches tace:. in h;.- head daughter of A1 Thump- n new grand .tn. Kiplon John IX *:.er MiHl.rn Plonrtr ( lub to the ! -otball pinbora and was somewhat brui-ed. Mr \tr and Mrs Claud Day u d fur. born Saturday in Caldvell Little 'Council wa.> unhurt ily were guests at a surpise suppe: (>>•1 :i35 H vivr i' 'pending th. week at I’ .rma. with her grandparents. ’ ■ Mi Mr. ana v ■ w . ■> a . * > e h n »* e ■ a 1} 0 v ** nle iiulld* > Carolynn of Adrian were Sunday supper Mr Hoffman she *ed moving M: and M: th. < K pe:.: t . v* Lake City evening gue-ta at the Kenneth Me- pictures of hxs trip thr ugh Vellc »- Saturday evening at the Dudley M M N ” by_pl* " e *° * * • - Donald home stone Park and Nebraska telev. i. n and M Rube Graham went t j Kurt/ home watching , attend a potato grower» Mr and Mr- Ed Hale and Mother Frances Thiel accompanied Don Pendlet n t ■ the rvundup Mr and Thursday. On Satur Onta i on Mi and * :> ’n Hatch and Dick Sta i Mr Hun M Byard and family of girls visited with friends and rela day he fie * to Portland to attend Hale tives from Boise and Meridian at the Western States Potato associa Mr- Oscar H u»ton and Mrs. Rosa to the < » « » over Labor Da> wees Boise stayed with Oar.'. the Wayne Warren home near Par tion meeting. Kirtley Sunday evening. , en<J Mr a:id M:- Oeorge Eiter. were ma Sunday afternoon. Mrs Harlan Koer went to Ontario Hurf ? * « * * [ • ^ rprlf Miss Dune Smith was an over Friday afternoon where she spent £*rty for^ jDb> night guest of Karla Kriegh Wed- until Sunday evening visiting with [ ^ “ y » ftefrr‘« ° n P 1«“ *r° uP ne-day her son and daughter-in-law and * !"?*” “ * * * Sli u el>s P3**- M cnildren. Dr and Mrs. L M Koger **^ 7 *"*} *t ■w fck * Mr Koger weru to Ontario Sunday ^ e high school ag building Sept 21. Musculir Pains Relieved B i-e were Sunday dinner guests at Mrs. Kenneth M < l>*naid . . 1 * ' " Presbyterian board meeting was the Rube Oraham home Mr and Mrs. Frank Miller and DUI Î2W In Few Minutes Jack Sumpter of Pendletoln spent * ? L Sparks laSt Mr and Mr- Jim Miller were Sun :he week-end at the home of his T ^ S^ f y evening. WitK Doctor’! E»t«rn«l Pmcnptio* Tuesday evening a pot luck supper day dinner guests at the Gerrtt .--..'.day evening Mr and Mrs- Earl father. E L "Fort” Sumpter. Timmerman home. H man and Lauda cf Parma and Mr incj Mr Byrd Walters went was given at the Jim^Phifer home M ake This 24 Hr. Test Mr and Mr' Elvin Worden and i \lr and Mrs. Howard Hatch of to Boise to get her mother, Mrs in honor of Mr. and Mrs Carroll family and Mr- Lydia Worden had I Adrian brought a a birthday V » r MUSCLE HUB f -r th... • • tir-«f . Ui urougni oirtnaay »upper; ,1 Ralph Jones, 'v.-. will -pend a daw Ret tig and son ” of * Victorville, 4 *' w wi4C’A Calif. a.‘“ srliliig all-.... r Mu u. .i |>..u . tlU S a family picnic at the Caldwell park A •i surprised Mrs. t»r.ald Halt or. (>r t wo with them Mrs. Jones and ° thers att*“ dln* Mr’ apd Mr* THOROUGH is fh* word for our lub« jobs! C L E K I B gives fa-! . ..thing relirl Sunday with Verna C — birthday. .e> an., tier Mrs Walters along with Mrs. Ellis Wayne Robb and children. Mr. and from all nagging pam* an i aches Our skilled mechanics give every moving fanulv Lot. Rathbun and Mr and Pr.:nary president seats were re- Walters went to the cannery in Mrs. Keith Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Apply M U SC LE -H l'II :• ally ..n --»re part a thorough going over . . . including aching apoU, an i enjoj that instant Mrs B b Hilvorson. i-' i Sunday night at the Owyhee Adrian to can corn Monday morn- Jim Miller, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Price. Ross Lane and France' Thiel. Mr and M r' Irvin T pliff and •«M.thm v.arm r - P .f that tli-> ui.lt ■ L D S church Pre-idem Mr mg under-carriage and chassis joints. You’ll FEEL Mr and Mrs. Rolland Hall of of M l'S C L K -H l'B u have know t fam.ly were dinner g.ie-t. Tuesday Mary H oper and her counceilors. Ed Wymer of Parma called on his nn.i p ra i'. J fur >ear Wenatchee, Wash, were unexpected a: the LeMie T pm ome. The d:n- Vera Patterson and Genevieve Sto- granddaughter. Mr the difference in the smoother performance Donald Hatt, dinner guests cf Jame- Phifers Mr and Mrs N o Internal dosin No waiting ner was in he 'iT icre released and president Mrs Sunday mornu.c of your car! Tuesday noon. M t’S f l . K kl B «Jiff of Malvern. Iowa »Id-fash Charles Ckodi ;r. i* Garner and counceilors June Bobby Skinr.er was h nored with | ioned lint men ti* and Mr and Mrs Art Sparks attended i ne, I*. Mr and Mr C M M ' -'v and Cits ne Maw were m- » surprise birthday party Sunday t t saf**. quick girls were dir j the dinner Sunday at the Pie.-byte- inner gue.-t- Saturday talled afternoon give by hi' m ther. Mr- relief, ««imph h j j !\ * pleasantly rian Church, given in honor cf ¡.he evening a i« o i ;: i l :: h mi Kentoil liquid KXTF VLIiY where- Mi ' Wanda Fos< and children re- 1 Claude Skinner, and his grand teachers of the Adrian schools. I >: and M H N Flora left a ever you f* el p un .1 Friday morning to their mother, Mrs Louis Skinr.er. Guests j Mr and Mrs Jim Phifer and girls shoulders, n*vk, l*a. I week ago Friday ! for their home in I N yssa D ia l 2346 me in Ogden after visiting here were Jean C: -ker. D 'm Cook. visited with Mr and Mrs. E: win more cornfortaM« > Vo| ail day Otta va. Kan The had been visit - 1 er father. Rudolph Hite, and! M’anda Ba -e' A n ti Pi t , Cr.ar hi»VA many hours of ¡• ' p >01 ing -ari: m ther Mr- <7 irl Hill lotte Parker. Dick Winter. Jimmy- Wolfe of Meridian Sunday. get at m^ht other relatives. David Hurst attended a going Jim N* rris is not progn Chamberlain. Billy Glenn. Larry Mr. and Mrs. Grant Patterson a way party for Jimmie Nelson and Don’t ho unpr< j 1 wh< n pnlr A-ell si nee hi S opera tion. Kieager, David Hurst Shirley Skin •trike*. K eep n hot MrSCLL Carl and Stanley Hill left la : vLited in Parma Sunday afternoon ner and De i and Allen Nicholson. Marcilyn McKinley Thursday night. HUB handy at all tn1 Mrs Jim Phifer and girl' called on ru iy for . • e-s tn p to the at :he home of his cousin. Mr. and The young people, went swimming at Mrs J;m Miller cf Big Bend Mon Ora nd C- ulcip project and t Grand M: Ralph McDonald. Snivleys and returned to have re Money Back Guarantee day. Cmlee dam They returned Friday al: and Mrs George Srhweizer freshments at the Skinner heme, C f t M turle-Rub t ln\ from your Mr and Mrs. Willis Cor.ant and Dinner gueM- Thursday at The tod a; the Lee H u eh aide: home Mr and Mr Frank Dye of Nampa Pru ggist. U m half tbs botti*. I f you Dudley Kurtz 1, me were Mr and I \ group f friend' called on the spent Thurso ■■ vi-iting wnth Mr family called on Mr and Mrs. Glenn aro noi delighted with result*, return Brown of Oregon Trail Friday night. Mr- Dale G l-nn. Mr and Mr Hugh W ley Olson- Friday night and sur- and Mrs Ge : S : weizt r w hat'» left to your Druggist, win Glenn and Mr and Mr- M L p: ed them with a deep fryer for will cheerfully refund >.-ur money Russell Gressley They enjoyed watching the T V. Mr and 5Ir Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hurst and Mr. Regular sue bottle $1 25 Tou sav« Kurtz their anniversary Sandwiches and spent Saturd. y evening in Ontario when buying the : . I any Mr- Duriin Hamm ■ V Ken- coffee were served by the hosts to visiting in th' e home of their son. and Mrs. Ret tig and son went to STATE fC CS s u e Boi-e on business Wednesday. noth Sinr.t'.i and Mr- Elvin Worden the 17 gue ts after an evening of Keith. Gre -1/ IN SPE CTE D helped 0*n peaches and pears at vLsit.ng. Sundav di:-.ner gue ts in the MEATS At Your Use the Journal Classified A d ;, the Ad rian grade school Oil Frida y Oeorge Schweizer was involved in 11 > - r ; • 8 r heme were Mr Drug Store Mr and Mr- Dudle;i K ir:/ had a.' 1 ■ llision Thursdaj morning when and Mrs B ; . Van-.-'y and children tl-.ey get results. of Pavette ar. Mr and Mr Ken- B E T T Y SUE B Y P E T E R S O N F U R N I T U R E CO. neth Ahrens a IN Sunday event: _ Mr ,r.d Mrs Llovd BETTY 5UE, D ID SO U Petrick and farnily » f Boi-e called K N O W ADAM W A S A in the Schweiz r 1: me ' luc.iter. Vir- Bill C. ok t k -w D A N i r t o ? g:n:a and D hj W a... ■ of B ise t La Grande Saturday where they me: 'ome frie r.d' and went to Jos- eph to atter. Lae wedding of a 0 'chocl chum The girl» returned : their heme- .•Sundav evening. Mr and M: Mark Hartley and children. J a:; Hartley cf Ontario and Pete Ha:: :uon of Adrian were all dinner g\. ■ :r the Sam Hartlev heme Sunda .a :: -r:r.g Sam on his birthday. Newell Heights Prove FREE Owyhee You’ll Appreciate the Difference la Our Lubrication Work BERRETT'S SERVICE SMALL FEE FOR SLAUGHTERING BEEF We Cut, Cure, Wrap and Freeze Mvsdc-Ryb DANOE Saturday, Sept, 26 EAGLES H A LL Y o u ’ll fall for our complete stock of beautiful furniture . . . and for our amazing F rigid aire appliani o O u r aim is to simplify your furniture problems . . .to treat the farnilv budget u n ii .ourtesy and care. B u y frniture and furnishings from us and S A V E . V/E G I V E S & H G R E E N S T A M P S P E T E R S O N F U R N I T U R E CO. “Y O l ’ R D E P E N D A B L E F U R N I T U R E C O .” 217 M A I N . N Y S S A — V A LE . O N T A R IO . P A Y E T T E per month BUILDS THIS GARAGE ' M* H m m planned fhi* garoge especially for the climate and pockefbook of this area. Its practical design combines maximum m 1 auto protection on a minimum budget. W hat’s «1 more, you can reduce this price as much as $39 00 by pointing it yourself Or, if you are handy with fools, do your own building and cut the price nearly the mercy of the elements w hen you can afford . . . GET THESE QUALITY MATERIALS THROUGHOUT m in half. You ca n ’t afford to leave your car at a g arage such as this. REMEMBER M 1 M g*. M O S S 'O R C H E S T R A « 1 mile North, : 4 mile W est on Columbia Ave. I m m mm MODEL COMPARISONS SHOW Ckevro/ef Advance-Des/gn truckt outsell the next fv*o moke« cornisi ned! M ore Chevrolet trucks m use than ony other m oke! The lowest priced truck line of all! You pet m o'c t'uck . . . you pay less No ek offers j advanced features, the nippedne-s and economy you pet in Chevrolet Advance- Design t:ucks. ^ et thev re A m cru us . 0 »*- est pnceJ truck une! large or small. Come in today You’ll save on operation and upkeep! Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks are built to haul your loads for less’ Two preat Total price — including m aterial a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n — is o n l y $ 5 1 4 . 7 5 ($624.75 with concrete floor and ramph N yssa 1 1 SSs' «S Boise » 3 ü ; i « « w J u g i 4 DON UD- m m 11 s n a 5 a a 0 9 s m n s « & t: a is n n m s & m Ù, _____ SR a n d learn how easy it is to have yours. H Hi ■ by K 1 Payette has plans and specifications for every type garoge Music ■ 1 ? ^ HF FRAMING Douglas Fir SIDING i TRIM Perderesa Pine ROOF 2 )0 lb. Thick Buff Asp^olt S^.ng’es PAINT Devce Rancho Red and 1-Ccc* Wh fe m Families and Friends TODAYS BIG TRUCK BARGAI N ! $1 6 .4 5 ' ': For Members, Their Polly anna ( lub Dial 2855 HOPKINS WHOLESALE MEATS 'S/y/ion//or • . . as little as | I K i n g m a n Kolony Mr and Mrs A1 Shand f San Diego. Calif v;-::ed Mr and Mrs evening Mr Shand is NL- Day’s aunt. N reen Ms n attended a fare- well party for Jimmy Nelson Thurs day evening. Mr. and Mrs Beutler and Mrs. I D i a l 2830 423 M AIN Chevrolet valve-in-head enpines bring you gas-saving performance in both light- and heaw-duty models. And you’ll find that upkeep costs are lower, loo. A better trade-in, too! You’re money ahead when you buv a Chevrolet truck . . . vou’re monev ahead while vou drive it-and you're ahead again when yoil trade it in! That’s because Chev rolet Advance-Design trucks traditionally command a higher resale value. Buy no truck until you get our deal! See how little it will cost you to own a rugged new Chevrolet truck that's just right for your needs. See how much you'll save on the low, low price . . . how much you'll be ahead on the trade-in. Buy right— right now.’ H EV RO LET NYSSA MOTORS N Y S S A . ORE. D IA L 2224