PAGE TWELVE IH E NYSSA G \T E C»T v JOURNAL. NYSSA CFEGCN. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 1*. Ï3SJ piritual is a man who believes the titled "Th e Spiritual Man Wi ses.” world is in the hands of God " Or. the ether hand, the minister Concluding sermon c f the -er Signed letter» to the editor are a.d. many l man’s attribute may "Th e Spiritual Man Share wlrcmcd and »ill be printed if they bt ref.« . .is c f a spiritual life, but do not contain comments oi a libel • * ■ *■ nwm* i he still is not a spiritual man. ous nature or attacks un religious The Rev. Taylor gave three requi- and racial group-.. Publication of the site> c f the piritual man: regular letters does not signify the agree attendance at church, faithful read ment of tills ne»>paper with opinions Second In a series o f sermons on ing o f the Bible and praying regu expressed. "Spirituality ’ was delivered Sunday larly. Editor jDurnal: morning by the Rev. Vernon L. Taking part in the morning ser Tne first Monday in September Taylor. pa-tor of Community Metho vice were Ned Snider, conference nas been declared a National holi dist church. youth president, who spoke briefly day. honoring the working men and In his fir.t sermon of the series, on the Youth Emphasis program of women of tne United States of delivered two weeks ago. the Rev. he church, and Ruth Herrman. America. It was set a-ide an the one Tavlcr gave answers to the question: Methodist Youth Fellowship presi- 1 day in the year that the working "W hat is Spirituality” ?" dent of the church, who led the re Thone 3-2452 people and their familie- could call Sunday morning the Rev. Taylor sponsive reading. ! Next Sunday morning the Rev. wav thev liked It was meant that , w a broad staleme? statement t o1 of all places of business, schools ect ual Man. t In " a dellver third term n Parma, Idaho would be closed so that all employ-1 deflnitk)n. he said the man who is ! o f the series on "Spiritlality. ” en- outstanding bull. He was bred by- ees and their families could spend Herman lleep. Buda. Texas, proved that one day in the year doing the in Ihe M. N. Tibbies herd at Inde- things they most wanted to do. It peB-(TOe> 0r<.„ . _____ ls ,.urrPnt|y „ in . was declared a National Holiday for SPrVii c at ihe Oregon Dairy Breeders this purpose and vas to include i.11 association at Corvallis. laboring people and their families \mong local dairymen who have whether they be organized or un daughters of this sire in their hertls , organized The business men and are Roger Dunn, K. O. Dillon and School Boards and all other public Irvin llart of Vale; I’aul Hunch of institutions in most states and Ontario and Rose! Hunter, Elver Counties are observing this National Ncilson. George Coleman and Grover Holiday, but a few business men in I. Ml.- of Nyvsa. some localities through selfishness and a desire for personal gain force their employees to work on this day thereby disrupting plans that they and their families and friends I have already made. Also some school boards and County School Letters to Ed ito r NY SS A T H E a TRE DIAL 393* Starting Time Sat.-Sun. 1:30 p.m Fvrnings 7:30 p.m. . ^ ’ With MARJORIE MAIN PERCY KILBRIDE RAY COLLINS 1101)11. MILLER The Kettles are back with another hilarious comedy. SATURDAY, SEPT. 19 "WINNING OF THE WEST" W ith GENE AUTRY SMILEY BURNETTE Also "ANGEL FACE" JEAN SIMMONS ROBERT MJT< HI M SUNDAY-MONDAY SEPTEMBER 20-21 "BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER" With RALPH RICHARDSON ANN TODD NIGEL PATRICK JOHN JUSTIN Reckless test pilots crashing the sound barrier in the latest jet planes. Matinee Sun. 1:30 TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 22-23 "BY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON" In Technicolor with DORIS DAY GORDON MACRAE LEON AMES ROSEMARY DeCAMl* You will laugh with a lump In your throat at thU Nostaglic story o f small-town life. THURSDAY-FRIDAY ^ SEPTEMBER 24-25 ~ "CALL ME MADAME" In Technicolor with KTIIKI. m EMM W DONALD O'CONNOR VEKA ELTON GEORGE SANDERS T h e year’s top musical—loaded with laughs. SATURDAY, SEPT. 26 "DESPERATE SEARCH" W ith HOW ARD KEEL JANE GREEN PATRK I \ Ml D IN\ Kl I \ \N W Y N N Also a special subject "The Hoaxters" SUNDAY-MONDAY SEPTEMBER 27-28 "MOULIN ROGUE" In Technicolor with JOSE KERRIR COLETTE M AN!'H AN D SUZANNE FLON 7.SA ZSA GABOR Paris In the eighties and the un- forgetable story of a strange man. .Matinee Sun. 1:30 TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 29-30 " "TITANIC" M W ith CLIFTO N W EBB BVKBXIt \ ST A N W Y C K ROBERT W AGO NER THELM A RITTER Th e never-to-be-i> r r ‘ ten tory ©f the bigge i Marine di-u >ter of mfKlern limes. Spiriiualily' Sermon Series By Rev. Taylor * I MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS Estimates Gladly Given T ------ HEATING SXS2 Ä f Ä i Ä ! THURSDAY-FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 17-18 "MA AND PA KETTLE ON VACATION" it According to the American Jersey Cattle dub. Standard Draconis Dreamer has just been proved as the highest tested sire of the Jersey breed with a rating on his 120daugh- ters of 731 pounds of fat and 12,931 pounds of milk. Type classification on his daughters is 85.5 percent. Service from this sire has been available in Malheur county for more than a year and many local dairymen have heifers sired In this GEORGE J. KINZER «3~- flilow to !/£ in one: easy lesson $A NEIGHBORING TOWN TOPICS New Plymouth— The New Ply- mouth school board met in special session Monday night to consider setting an earlier opening date fur the Plymouth schools. The meeting was prompted by the continued reports that high school students are not being employed in the food processing plant in any great number.-, as previously antici pated. to warrant holding o ff the opening date of school for some 600 students in Plymouth schools. After a lengthy discussion it was decided to hold as to whether " 14 « * or leave it date up to September as September 21 A special meeting was set for September 1 at 8 p. m. at the high school to consider the m atter—Payette Valiev Sentinel. their new status and welcomed them as citizens. Suyehira, who is 73 years old, was the oldest member o f the group. He ha resided in the United Suites for 56 years and has lived in the Em- mett Valley for 47 years. He has one •on. Henry. The Suyehiras operate a farm at the f'o t o f Freezeout. — Emmett- Index. DI P CONVENTION PLANNED six county Daughters of the ®uPerintendents lrU i* )/ne c* ,untiej> have entirely ignored the rights and privileges of the working people and their families by ordering school to be held on this National Holiday the ! same aJ* an^ other day in the year thereby forcing the parents o f school children to cancel all other plans made for that day. I f this practice continues it will behoove all free and clear thinking people to refuse to patronize such business places and on next election day re place all members of school boards « y * N y »a « r t . 1 ,U S - rie,™ S e n ’ A1^h the Malheur county n s the way 0f the Dictator and like amp as the host camp. | all other forms of dictatorship has ‘ n ral president, K ate B. Car- no place in our democratic form of ter. of Salt Lake City will be present government for the meetings scheduled at 10:30 _ . a ' „ . . . _ . . for members of Boise, Ada, Canyon Ru‘!?e, ' Piesldent Ceniral Washington and Payette county I Labor Council for officers and mem- camps * bers Ontario. Nyssa, Payette and À luncheon will be served at noon vicinity Central Labor Council and affiliated locals. RE( LIVES TRANSFER Our many regular custom ers have learned this lesson by experience. That's why they're regulars with us. If you haven't shopped with us before, you've a real treat in store. Come today. You'd be surprised how the savings mount up. ***■ «y . » .i< vi e Parma— Plans for the opening of the Parma schools September 8th were announced today by Superint endent of Schools Rex Er.gleking High school registration will be held Tuesday, September 1st. Freshmen will register in the morning between ®rady* -stationed at the hours of 8 a. m to 10 a m . ° " at M ®nt-Utor th<? Past year Perry Coleman of Eugene, Mr. and i and one half, has been notified o f a sophomores 10 a. m. to 12 a. m.. jun Mrs August Bippes and daughter of iors 1 p.m. to 3 pan. and seniors 3 transfer to Hawaii. M Sgt. Brady bad completed a 3-year tour o f duty Portland, and Mr and Mrs. Ralph p. m. to 5 p. m. — Partna-Review at Hickman field in Hawaii previous Hodges and daughter of Grand R ap to his transfer to the Great Falls ids. Mich., arrived in Nyssa this week Payette— All present and ac air base. because of the illness of their father, counted for. Mr and Mrs. J I. Brady o f Nyssa William Coleman, who is in the vet Payette county's second prisoner- are M Sgt. Brady’s parents. erans hospital in Boise. of-war was released this week and as Joseph Maughan was a Boise near as the Independent-Enterprise visitor Saturday could determine, that accounts for Mrs. George N. Bear returned all local men reportedly held by the I I home Thursday from San Diego, Reds ns a result o f the Korean war ! Calif. Claude Ingalsbe of Payette, was | Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear released Monday and turned over ' 1 burs., Sept. 17--I). U. P. meeting, I visited at the veterans hospital in to American authorities at the ex 2 p. in. at the home of Mrs. A. C. I Boise Sunday. change center at Panmonjom, K o Swensen. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brewer and rea | family and Mr and Mrs Noble Pu l American Legion Auxiliary meet Inga Is be's release was announced len and family were dinner guests approximately three weeks after o f ing, Veterans hall, 8 p. ni. Sunday at the home of the Rev. and ficials revealed the release of Dale Friday, Sept. 25--Jayeee-ette hoard Mrs. Robert Jackson. Smith o f New Plymouth. And the of direetors meeting at Hie home of Mr. and Mrs. James Rigney of release news came within hours o f Mrs. Ross Grover at 214 So. 4th. 8 Eugene visited last week with Mr. p. ni. Smith's expected return to New Ply- I and Mrs. J. W. Rigney and Mr. and mouth. — Independent-Enterprise. Mrs. Frank Parr. CONVENTION PLANNED Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shaw and boys Vale - The appointment o f Rob Th e annual two stake primary con- spent Sunday in Homedale, visiting ert D. Lytle, Vale attorney, as a j vention will be held in Weiset qexi with Mrs, Shaw's parents, the Rev member of the Upper Columbia Ba I Monday for primary workers from and Mrs. E J Wilson. sin commission, was announced by the Nyssa and Weiser stakes. Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Kay C. Lewis return i garet H Stromness and Bernice A. ed home Saturday after spending Gov. Paul L Patterson this week. in California ----- They visited Lytle will fill the position left va- . Einzinger, general board members , t vo weeks ------------------------ , -------- cant by J D. Bennett of Ontario 558 *t Lake City will visit and con- a son and daughter, Richard and * I Thelma and their families at Sac who resigned to accept an appoint duct the meetings scheduled for ramento: a daughter, Elaine at Red ment on the state water resources morning and afternoon. wood City and a niece at Yuba, committee. Malheur Enterprise. A special luncheon for ward exec utives, stake board and presidency Calif. Baker 'Plu* date of the auction and tfishoprics, has been planned feeder sale has been advanced to for noon, and will be served by the Nov 16, the change being necessary, hostess stake. Boys continued to gain on girls according to Le Roy Wright, county in births at Malheur Memorial hos agent, due to a conflict with the pital, with three o f the former and Wallowa county sale. The auction sale will be held at FOR SALE 30-30 Winchester rifle, two of the latter being born during the sale yards of the Baker livestock like new Fred Stitz, 1 mile north the past week, as follows: Sept. 10— A son to Mr. and Mrs. exchange. Parma Jet. on 95, at Johnson Cabi Chester Barnes, Vale. net shop. 36-Up. It will be a producer’s sale spon Sept. 12—Sons to Mr. and Mrs. sored by the Farm Bureau and the Baker County Livestock association FOR SALE 1960 Oldsmobile 4-door i * ancla Leal- I'arma- aild to Mr. and The closing date for consignment !'8 d* juxe sfda'1' Radio* heater, etc. ^ ' d T u ir h te r o Mr and i, oot 15 Excellent condition No trade Call , , p, daughter to Mr. and , ! Nyssa 2860 36-ltc Mrs Jamos Kawamura. Nyssa. Committee In charge ok ° _ I Sept 15 A daughter to Mr. and ex;»-.-- .it leiiNt 2000 head of feeders, FOR SALE One room house on ^ rs Harold Marcum Parma. both calves and weaners and also in. Zink property, to be moved \lso ' ------------------------ eluding steers and heifers and the lots 13 and 14. block 69 Green's ad- SON TO FORMER RESIDENTS -.ilo limited to straight beef type i dition. Glen Zink Mt Vernon Ore Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McDermatt, livestock.— Courier-Record. ________ I_____________ 36-4tc. former Nyssa residents now of We c P ^ability tha; the State EOK SALE Sweet corn. 2 cents per Nampa, are parents o f a seven Softball Tournament for next year t’ar, 25c per Baker's doz. $i 00 per pound, 12 ounce boy born Sept. 9 Wei ei at Walter bu hu Melons, selected In the field in Nampa He has been named Den Johnson Memorial diamond was In Walt's 66 Place. 1 mi; N. o f Nyssa. nis Gavle dicated a - the result of action taken 36-Up. Roosevelt declared the famous last week in Blackfoot. Use the Journal Classified Ads, bank moratorium the day after he At the meeting of state and dist took office. rict representatives Saturday night they get results. a Blackfoot, District Three repre sentative Red Halpern made an of- flcal bid to bring next year's state tournament to Weiser. The final de m o n will be made at the m id-win ter meeting but Red seemed to think that, if Weiser wants it, it can have it. • Weiser Signal. PICKET 25 Lb. Bag * 1.79 Flour LOCAL NEWS | Coming Events | HEINZ STRAINED Food Sw ift's CREAMY 20-OZ. JAR Peanut Butter ROLY POLY PEAS Hördens C UUD DRESSING Emmett— Fran* Suyehira, F.m- mett. wa< among the group who took the oath of allegiance in feder al district court In Boise Tuesday to become citizens o f the United States. The naturalization proceedings were presided over by Federal District Judge Chase Clark, who explained to the new citizen, the merits o f E lberta a n d H ale TREE RIPENED Reasonable Price TOMATOES DOUBLE LUCK BEANS ^ 3 can s A o u 1 . 33 OT n u COLORED—CUBED SUN VALLEY Margarine Lbs. DERBY REG. 29c VALUE Chili W ith B eans C an s 65c This W eek en d W e W ill Be F ea tu rin g the 4-H Beef P u rch ased at the O ntario Fair. This Beef W a s R aised a n d Sh ow n b y L arry C ulbertson, lo c a l 4-H C lub M em ber. CANNING PEAC H ES Homedale— A meeting was held Tuesday night at the city hall, when tin* Owyhee county chapter o f the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis was moved to Homedale from Grandview, where it has pre- i viously been. Elected officers of the new chapter are Victor Utla, Owyhee county j chairman: Delorls Wright, secretary: chairman: Delorls Wright, secetary; Sliareen Conklin, treasurer: Mr« Tony B.vsabe, women’s advisory chairman: C E Oough, publicity chairman: Dr Oeorge R W olff, medical officer — Owyhee Chronicle Q STATE FAIR N yssa Births Too Late To C lassify C an s LARGE - JUICY LARGE - PANREADY FRANKS FRYERS $ 1.19 lbs. TAYLOR’S FOOD MARKET BEAT THE PRICE BY SAVIN G TWICE— LOW PRICES PLUS SYM E ORCHARDS 5 mi. south Fruitland on Highway 95 425 A rc a d ia Blvd. D ia l 3111