THE NYSSA GATE C IT \ JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1953 PAGE FIGHT e LOCAL NEW S N r and Mrs, Joe Hartle and fam­ ily spent Saturday In Harper visiting Mr. Hartle's sister and brother-in- jow, Mr and Mr Willi.- Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. Parley Webb and daughter, E\a Walton and three frau d children. Oreit. Betty and Brad o f Kay ville, Utah spent . t Webb’s si-ter, Mr- Hannah Bur­ bank. Their son. Bu-ter J Webb, of the west coast met them here for the week end. Mrs. Marcella Sparks of Minidoka, Idaho and Mr- Ruby Smith and young son and grand daughter of Ogden visited last week end with their mother, Mrs Hannah Burbank. M i ami Mrs. (ile a K illin gs return- anc: wer« dinner g ie t ■ i h rr.r M n diy a liar spending two Mr. and Mrs. Caroll week., on vacation in Denver, Colo., family of Warden. Wa and Yellowstone. week end v. « in,’ Mr Mr and Mrs. lam es K u * n of 3m h. Bridger. Montana were house guests Mr and Mrs Edison ( ■ • week Mr. and Mr- Jte Nelson ■y returned after -pendi: and Efiie Jm -rn. Mr Jensen. Mr Sacramento and Ogden Nel n and Mrs Kucera are sisters friends and relative Mr and Mrs. Jay Bunn attended Mrs. Susie Pin« «» k of da ho Falls the Boise fair one night last week is visiting at the h- me ol her da ugh. Ten minutes behind the wheel of a GMC with 1 ruck Hydra-Mafic Drive* is an eye-open­ ing experience. Try it —see what this gas-saving truck that shifts for itself can do for you —your business — your pocketbook. Come in — today — for a demonstration! *Standard on the Package Delivery model; optional at extra cost on 18 other light duty models. ter and -on-in-law, Mr and Mr Gordon Williams. Karma K. -ler of IV»se has been w Mr and Mrs. C R Kt v^ler, for the two weeks while recovering from an arm injury. She will return to Bci.-e nex: week Mr. and Mr« Artie Robertson and Mr and Mrs Dwight Smith spent the weekend in John Day at the Clyde Smith heme Mrs. Lewis Larkin of Tacoma is visiting in Nys a at the of her parents, Mr and Mrs. J M Ray­ mond. Colleen Bybee, Claudena Wilson and Darlene Sesler of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. S. P Bybee and Gary spent ; la- weekend at Payette Lakes. Mr. «.nd Mrs. Hamilton Chadder- ion and Lionel spent the weekend Mr and Mrs. Grant Sasser at Wall wa and Mrs. G, E Bright at Joseph, Ore. Mrs. Bright and Mrs. Chadderdon are sisters. Miss Eva Boydell visited over the weekend in Boise 'With Mrs. Britt Nt dry. Edison Child spent the weekend in P rtl md. Mrs. Lewis Riggs spent the week­ end in Pocatello attending a fam ­ ily reunion. Mr. and Mrs. L< land Ricks and Del and Jean Walker -pent Labor Day in Silver C:ty, Ida. Mr. and Mrs. tieorge McKee re­ turned home Tue.-dav right after -pending a week in Kennewick, Wash., vi'itin g with Mr. and Mrs. Ma\ Schweizer and Mr. and Mrs. J tek M c K e e . The TV Football 2nd St. Good Gi an , e of thè Week every S a t i r d a y sta rti ng September 19 —a General M o t o r i Key Event sisters. Wilma and Wilhemer.ina of Maine. Other guests at the dinner were Mr and Mr- Jack Bare, Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson of Vale and Dr. and Mrs John Long. Methodist Group Holds Meeting mg Mr and Mr.-;. S B Goodfellow of Members of the W om an» S ciety Roy, Utah, Mr. and Mr-. Ray T o f Chri-tian Service met Taur-day CL dfell- v of Bountiful, Utah. Mr. at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Tobler, and Mrs Gerald Goodfellow and Mr. Devotion., and program were ]ea and Mr Gary Oo dfelkoff of W ei- by Mr- Ben McConnell and Mr-. -er, Mr and Mrs. Wayne Wheeler Anna Johnson assisted by Mrs and family of Rupert, Mr and Mrs. Carlos Bucluier, Mrs. VeriiLii T a y­ A1 Mladenich and daughter o f lor, Mrs. C liff Main, Mrs. Russell Seattle, Mrs. Howard Stalhcy and Ccthrun and Mrs. Eugene Grasty. family of Cow Hollow, Mrs. Emma During the meeting, Mr. Tobler P. Kesler o f Burley, Karma Kesler wai host to the hu.-bands in the of Boise and Mr. and Mrs. V. L. basement. Ke-ler and family, Mr. and Mrs. Refreshments were served by the Ne l Pettei-on and family, Mr. and hostess assisted by Mrs Russell Mrs. Jay Bunn and family and the Cochrun, Mrs. Hudson Robb Mrs C. H Kt'-ler family o f Nyssa. Leroy Herman, and Mrs. J r ’ Cun- In attendance at the reunion were dall. all of the living children of Samuel Burt Goodfellow o f Roy, Utah who 1 Miss Boydell Entertains is 71 years old. His children are Eva Boydell entertained members Emma Kesler, Ray T. Goodfellow, Gerald G; odfell v. Fern Kesler, c f .he Tue day bridge club at her Norma Wheeler, Ver Dean Mlade­ home with Mrs. Ten sen and Mrs. Edward B iyd ell as gue-t tolav- nich, Don and Jay Goodfellow. ers. The out o f town guests returned I Mrs. Henry Hartley won high score to their homes Monday, except Mr and Mrs. Jesse Morgan won -e^ond and Mrs. A. F. Mladenich and high. daughter of Seattle who will a few more days. It's Sooner Than You Think for Furniture Nyssa, Ore Ave Phone 2233 Members c f the Eagles auxiliary will meet next Tuesday for their an­ nual birthday party. The meeting, dedicated to all past madam presi­ dents, will be preceded at 7 p m. with a potluck supper. The commit­ tee in charge o f arrangements is for refreshments, Florence Toombs and Alan Cottle was honored on his Eveline Thompson and entertain- 6th birthday Saturday at a party ment, Ruth Collins and Opal Holmes, given by his mother, Mrs. Kenneth Cottle. T velve boys helped him celebrate by attending the movie and returning to the Cotile Lawn for games and refreshments. That new furniture you’ve been ’.anting, can be in your home sooner Sunday Dinner Guests than you think. Just stop in and Sunday dinner guests o f Dr. and talk over our handy terms. You’ll Msr. John Long were Dr. and Mrs. find it easy to say "Deliver it now.” George Simmons o f Eugene. The You'll like our wonderful selec­ Simmons were en route to the East, tion and wide range o f prices, too. inve-tmen: in fine living. So why Alters Entertain wait for that new furniturey ou want. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Alters enter­ Stop in now at. Nyssa Furniture Co., 9 Good avenue or call Phone 6633. tained members o f their Sunday evening dinner club at their home. Adv. Prize winners at bridge were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bracken and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brendle. Get a real truck ! Soo Carole Wilson, Editor You'll do better on a used truck with your GMC dealer LO C AL N E W S -Mrs. Edwin Oldham returned re­ cently from Sun Valley after -pend­ ing a month visiting there. Dr Old­ ham will return next month. Mrs. Irvin Frandsen arrived last Monday to visit with Mr. and Mr-. Ken Pond. Her husband arrived Sat­ urday to spend the week end and they returned home Monday Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Howe of San Martin, Calif, returned home Tues­ day morning after spending the week end visiting in Nyssa with Mr and Mrs. Joe Nelson and Effie Jen­ sen Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Richardson spent the weekend in Springfield Utah. Mrs. Wilson Entertains Mrs. Aden Wilson entertained members o f the Wednesday evening bridge club at her home. Guest players were Mr-. John Ostrom and Mrs. Helmer O.-trom. Prizes were won by Mrs. Helmer Ostrom, high, Mrs. Verne Duus, second and Mrs. Elmer Jaques, traveling. Pinochle Club Meets Mrs. S. C. Me Connell was hostess to members of her Wednesday a fter­ noon bridge club with Mrs, Cecil Morrison and Mrs. Verne Duus as guest players. Mrs. W illiam Schoen won high; Mrs. Holmer Ostrom, low and Mrs. W alter Fox and Mrs. Carl Sebum, traveling. Bring the Family! Eating out is a great treat for everyone. Make it a family custom to dine here freqently. Eastern Star Met Monday ONLY s4 Order o f the Eastern star met Monday evening at the Masonic hall for their first meeting following the summer recess. A potluck supper was held prior to the general business meeting. W orthy Matron, Kathryn Simmons gave a report on her visit to Grand Chapter held in Portland Mrs. Lillian Dunn was honored with a handerchief shower. She will be leaving soon to join her husband in San Diego. Several members were given birthday honors, including Mrs. Polly Marquis, who with her husband, Claude Marquis was a visitor from Golden Chain chapter o f Vale. Mrs. Bernice Lane o f Chap­ ter 69. Ontario, was also a visitor. Th e next meeting will be held September 21 with rehearsal sch- eduled for September 20 at 2:30 p. m. WEEKLY! ; j DINNER PARTIES GROUP LUNCHEONS FAMIL DINNERS i ' i Brownie's j i 1 j ' 1 I Fleseys Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Flesey enter­ tained Monday evening at a dinner to honor Mrs. Flesey’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris and her T U N E S A LL 82 TV C H A N N E L S ! T U N E S A LL AM RADI O S T A T IO N S ! PLAYS A LL RECORD S I Z E S AND S P E E D S ! Modal KU2216. It’s incredible—but true! In a gorgeous hand-rubbed mahogany cabinet less than 2 feet u idc you get TV s biggest 21' picture— a full 252 $q. inches . . . super-powered "TV-Integrated” AM radio . . . Super "600” 3-speed phonograph—most dependable ever built! Your Admiral will instantly tune all 82 UHF-VHF channels with its deluxe, single dial, gear-driven Tuner and powerful Cascode Chassis. You get the luxurious Golden Picture Frame . . . Tone Control for TV, radio and phono . . . built-in Omni-Scope antenna . . . a wonderfully complete home theater at history’s lowest price! Admiral 8 2 .channel TV Priest Hart al Federal Tax end Wo»ratifies included See At Our Grand Opening II your Properly is «ound and well kept, it ean probably qualify for our famous “ Preferred Risk” rapital stork fire insurance. Be- ruuse bad ri«k« are ne>er accepted, losses are fewer, which lias been reflected in a l.s^c lower net rost t o ‘ ‘ Preferred Risk" policyholders. Get detail«. ASK US RENSTROM A G E N C Y Dial 6697 Thr r IP t T a STOCK f 217 Main S t. Nyssa And at Vale, Ontario and Payette o f ‘ P R I F E R R E O R ISK S’