THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10 1953 L-.SE jo u rnal c l a s s if ie d ads » Gate City % JOURNAL Make a Date Sophs Winner Of Olympics Winner c f the 1953 Olympics. Nys- sa high school version, is the sopho more class, which defeated the fresh man class in the annual mterclass activity last Friday afternoon. This competition, known as the ; Olympics, is scheduled at the be ginning o f each school year to re place the more rugged style of haz ing prevalent in former years. The sophomore class name will be inscribed on a trophy that re mains at the school. Nyssa high school Lettermen's ! club, o f which Junius Tanner Is ; president, officiated over the Olym pics. which consisted o f such events as tug-of-war, football free-for-all. repe tie, sack races, tire rolling, three-legged race and the double roll. Concluding event was a dance honoring the freshmen sponsored by the high school student council. The dance was attended by 220 stu dents. FOR SATURDAY SEPT. 12 A representative from the FToover C ompany Kill be at our store to aneHer any question you may lu te about your Hoover ileaner or the new cleaner you have in mind. He can show you how to make all your cleaning easier by taking full advantage o f the many features built into your Hoover. Vlso find out d etails o f the H oover annual check-up and tune-up service plan. P o n t miss this opportunity to get better acquainted with your H oover cleaner. .Make it a date. You’ll be happier with a Hoover \ . -i* PETERSON Fuinituie Co. 16-IN. T R O l’T TA K E N BY STORM A T U N IT Y A 16-inch trout rewarded the e f forts of Hank Storm for a Labor Day weekend holiday trip to the Unity- reservoir. Accompanied by his wife and son, Bobby, others in the party were Mr and Mrs. Ben Storm. Mr. and Mrs Tracy Mcfford and Tommy Sallee. Tom Jones and Ormond Thomas and son, Dick, reported fair luck fishing Saturday evening and Sun day at Payette Lakes. MAC K R IL L GOES FISH IN G Lloyd MacKrill left Tuesday after noon for an outing in the hills and a little fishing. 217 Main St. Edited By DICK YOST SPORTS Bulldogs Ready for Jamboree Friday; Meet Emmett Here 18th for 1st G am e Tagged as the underdog, Nyssa high school’s Bulldogs will enter the 15th annual Snake River Valley football jamboree Friday night as the only team in the seven-member class A conference to play two quart ers. Coach Howard Lovejoy, although charry of favorable predictions for his team this year, is willing to wager on one thing. And that is the reasonable certainty that the Bulldogs will draw Vale as oppon ent in one of its 10-minute quart ers. “ And why shouldn't I expect that," the coach countered. "In recent years we've drawn Vale in at lea»t six out of seven draws—so we sort o' take it for granted " Game time for the jamboree, which is to be held again thi» year at Ontario, is set for 8 p.m. Team captains will draw for opponent ju.'t prior to the kick-off for the first of four 10-minute quarters. Class A conference teams com peting include Nys.-a, Vale, Ontario. Emmett, Payette, Meridian and Weiser. Coach Lovejoy offered to play his Bulldogs in the extra quarter in order to give his green players a little more experience before meet ing Einmett on the Nyssa field in a night game Sept. 18 to open the conference schedule. A Bulldog team is being shaped round five lettermen including two backfield men, two linesmen and one converted backfield man. Junius Tanner, as the most ex perienced o f the lettermen, is slated to call the plays from a halfback position. Rodney Holcomb seems certain to nail down the other half back spot, with Teddy Keck shifting from center to fullback. To com plete the backfield, John Siaminer seems to have an inside chance at the quarterback slot, according to Lovejoy. The other two lettermen are Bob Turner, guard-tackle, and Dave Hartley, tackle. Lovejoy has been working Bill N1SS \ DOG P L A ( ! S Jug of Sheridan, a Labrador dog owned by J. O. Ditty, Nyssa, and handled by C liff Brassfield of Boi»e came in second during the Spok me Retriever club's trials at Spokane Sunday. Yoi'U Appreciate the Difference In Our Lubrication Work THOROUGH is the word for our lube jobs! Our skilled mechanics give every moving part a thorough going over . . . including under-carriage and chassis joints. You'll FEEL the difference in the smoother performance of your car! BERRETT'S SERVICE Nyssa Dial 2346 ANNOUNCING Novels Top List Gi Library Books; Winter Hours Several novels top the list of books going into circulation at the M al heur County Library on Saturday, September 12. The River Garden of Pure Repose by Grace Boynton Is a novel about a Quaker missionary who finds sanctuary during her illness in an old Chinese garden, where her faith and courage are an abiding influ ence on her small circle o f friends. Charles Shaw writes in Heaven Knows, Mr. Allison a story about a marine and a nun who f.nd them- I selves the lone survivors on a Paci- 1 fic island behind the Japanese lines. The Village by Marghanita Laski ; is about what happens in an English ! town when a daughter o f the im- j poverished gentry falls in love with a working-class man. The Bride by Margaret Freyberg Lovejoy at the other tackle position and Ned Snider, in his first year at football, at end. John Lelnkaemper is working hard to nail down the genter job All other positions are wide open for the taking. Coach Lovejoy said. Tickets for the Jamboree are on .ale at Ralph Lawrence's office Student tickets are obtainable at •he high school office A feature o f the jamboree will be i high school band contest, with the bands from each o f the seven schools competing Th e game's kick-off will be preceded by the massed bands j laying the national anthem under direction o f Ford Smith o f Weiser 4 £ a* V PAGE SEVMT The Bloiler . . . Editor'' N :e The "B lotter" c 1- umn will be pubii.-hed from time to' time to show some o f the aotivitie- of the Nyssa police department— many o f them humorous—other than law enforcement. Three daily re ports are filled out. one by each of the three officer» on duty during a 24-hour period. Item » published in ; this column are not necessarily com plete, most name> are ommlted and Tlie Labor Day weekend was spent criminal charges are given in other news stories Choice o f items is left by Dick Yost and his brother. Frank, to the discretion of the Gate City Df Payette, and their wives on » Journal with the approval of Chief camping trip to the old gold mining of Police E L. Hansen Week Aug 25 to Sept Man wants areas above Sumpter. Camp was pitched on Cracker us to help find his daughter who did not come home last night . . Creek, a mile below Bourne Fishing woman called about a bike in her not being good, most of the time yard . . . boy came in to repert vas spent exploring old mining stolen bike. Above bike his, tick J camps in the area, including the same Checked on family trouble at I once-fabulous Columbia mine on labor camp . . . Broke up crap game Silver Creek in alley . . . woman called about Gold panning was no more suc- knife fight in west end o f town . . . ,-e^sful than wa- the fishing. Checked on complaint o f stolen toys . . . neighbors warned to cau D RIVER EXAM INER tion children about taking toys . . Took boy home after his brother TO BE III H I F R ID A Y A driver's license examiner will be ran o ff and left him . . Car report ■n duty in Ny.-.-a at the city hall ed stolen , . . Vandalism reported Friday between 9 a m and 2 p. m. : Persons wishing original licenses or ' permits to drive are n-ked to file applicaticns well ahead of the sche- ! duled closing hour to assure time j for completion of the license tests. Gold Panning.Fishing Are Unsuccessful MEETING C ALLED LOR WOMEN BOW LERS SEPT. '21 Women interested in bowling are nvited to attend a meeting Monday, Sept. 21, at G ay W ay Bowl for the aurpose of forming a league and -egistering for the 1953-54 season. There will also be an election of ¡elusion of another summer's book ifficers for the league. mobile program which was a means A second league for beginning of extending the library’s services jowlers will also be organized. ; to children (as well as adults) in the | county through the out-of-school WILDS, TU C K E R S SPEND months. The library's station wagon H O LID A Y IN WOODS ; has been used as an improvised Roy Wild and Roger Tucker, ac bookmobile by the addition of companied by their wives, spent wheeled sets of shelves in the back from Saturday evening to Monday that could be reached from rear in a Labor Day weekend outing at windows and the endgate Even with tlie competition of farm work and Halfway. Th e time was spent visiting with varied summer activities, a total of friends and fishing in the area. 2191 bocks circulated between the end of May and mid-August. Places is a story o f human relationships. visited included Adrian. Annex, Jor The bride has asserted her inde dan Valley. Newell Heights, Big pendence for the first time in her Bend, Ontario’s East side, Grove, selection of a husband; her posses Jeffcrson, Owyhee Junction, Pioneer, sive mother and quiet father are Sunset Volley, and W ill twereek. forced to adjust the loss o f an only forced to adjust to the loss o f an only child; and the young couple weather their first quarrel. August Derleth edits a collection • Eyes examined ">f favorite science-fiction tales • Glasses fitted chosen by their authors which he Caldwell Phone 9-2312 •alls The Outer Reaches. Life in the hotel business as ex perienced by E. M. Statler is related n A Bed for the Night by Rufu- Jarman. The Use of Resources in Education by Elsie Clapp reports how personal ind community resources used in daily living were utilized and developed by teachers in two rural chcols in Kentucky and West V ir ginia. Fall brings a change o f schedule is well as the continuation and con clusion o f certain activities by the Malheur County Library. The library resumed its winter hrurs on September 1. It is now open three evenings a week until nine i o'clock and closed only one morning. The evenings open are Monday. Wednesday, and Friday: the morn ing closed. Monday. This schedule keeps the library's facilities open to the public sixty hours per week. W ith the opening o f school the library also commenced Its services | to county schools, beginning deliver- I ies o f book collections to the class- ' rooms. The work o f selecting, check ing out, and boxing these collections began as early as mid-July in order that the schools might have these supplementary collections o f books within the first two weeks o f school. On September 5 the library broad cast its twelth in a series of weekly programs for family listening, begun in June over station K SR V. A Sick’s Spokane Brewery, Inc. children’s story and book notes for young people and adults have been its principal features. 2990 "B ” St The end o f August saw the con- Dr. D. W. Graves . . C mplaint of stolen car . . Com plaint o f stolen bike . . . Report o f lost boy, later found Week Sept l to Sept 8 W man complained about neighbor boy# turning o ff p>wer Received com plaint about cags failing to stop be fore going onto highway at Ease Second and Main. Drivers at packing house warned about complaints of speeding trucks on residental streets. Woman com plained husband was drunk and bothering her Called to local real- dence on complaint of neighbor« about man having trouble with h i* wife W o m e n Bowlers Meeting 8 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21, at G A Y W A Y BOWL Registration of Teams Election of League Officers Separate League to be Formed for Inexperienced Bowlers BROWN SALES C O M PA N Y Baker, Oregon Phone 1046 „mnmnnn;:fC jbuiuu uiutm v :amprammioBnmr:^.:;.'rr..'"' I C S w :- - The Appoinlment of Is Fashion’s Latest Passing You By? It M ay Be O.K. For Business! Everette D. “ M ike” Michaelson BUT how do you look . . . As a Sunday Driver! As Nyssa Representative of ? Why Be Outdated Every Passing Mile The Equitable Life Assuiance Society Your Car Your family Roberls-Nyssa Inc. Associated with ami You . . • 203 Good A ve Dial 2261 “ Watch for School Children!” BOB THOMPSON AGENCY 1— 314 Main Dial 2288 Visit One of Your Nyssa Nyssa Motors Inc. LIFE INSURANCE CG0@S®K] GENERAL INSURANCE • 104 Main AUTOMOBILE DEALERS This Weekend and You’re Sure to 420 Main St. • Deserves a Good Showing Ilerriman .Motor do. M Offering Complete Service In • . . . Dial 2224 Western (lorrugator FARM LO ANS Find Just What You Want in Re conditioned G U A R A N T E E D CARS 101 Good Ave. September Is The Month For Testing For Safe Driving Dial 3355 Dial 2255 WORTH LOOKING OVER-DATE MODEL CAR1—FQ * ADDED SAFETY FEATURE! r»' 1 *“