Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199?, September 10, 1953, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    S A G ATS CITY OU EN AL- NYSSA. Cn^G Cïl. THURSDAY £EU7fiM3£R 10. 1953
sack on an island in the Pacific,
Don Graham. G unner’s mate first
class, U. S. Navy, sat down to a
typewriter and inscribed a letter on
tiie sack to R. G. Larson, district
manager of the Amalgamated Sugar
Co., Nyssa. ----- Nyssa schools will
open Monday with a complete fac­
ulty with the exception of a music
supervisor. Frank Parr, Principal
announced. ------ Lightning struck
and damaged the house and chicken
hou-e on the Don Reardon farm
near Nyssa. ----- Mr*. Bud Wilson
returned home Saturday from Boise
with her infant son. Michael Bruce.
Mr T. Carol Bybee was guest a rt­
ist at a summer resort in the San
Eernardino mountains while visit­
ing relatives in Los Angeles.
13 Years Ago Aug. 25, 1938
Th City of Nyssa was notified last
Saturday that P. W. A. Administ­
rator. Harold W. Icke* had approved
a P. W. A. project for the city and
that $8100 was now available to pro­
ceed with the work of straet im-
pr vemer.ts. Eight blocks will bene­
fit with tria l cost estimated at $17.-
868 ----- A V. Cock, city marshal of
Nj jsa for 15 years and a member of
the city band, was presented with a
valuable horn by the other members
of the band during an open-air
concert last night. ----- The subway
under the O S L. railway right of
way on Main Street is now in the
prelim.nary stages with the state
high vay dept., making test boring*
to determine the soil conditions to
confront engineers in the actual
construction. ----- Voters in Nyssa
school district will vote on two is­
sue- Monday, the issuance of the
bond issue of $13.500 for building
and equipping additional rooms and
the formation of a Union high
school district with Oregon Trail.—
Pud Long reported seeing a black
bear running loose on Ironside
Mountain 91 miles from Nyssa.-----
The local V. F, W. auxiliary will
present a three-act musical com­
edy "Coast to Coast” at Nyssa
Theater Sept. 22 and 23.
20 Years Ago Aug. 24, 1933
The Wind having moved the
greens and fairways on the Nyssa-
Parma golf course to slope and
swale, the club is considering a per­
manent move to one c f two poss­
ible sites, the hilltop near the O te r -
kamp farm across the river from
Nyssa, or a green pasture in Apple
Valley C. L. McCoy, club president,
appointed A. H. Boydell ar.d C. C.
Hunt, Nyssa and Charles Albertscn
and Glenn Merriman, Parma to in ­
vestigate sites. ------ Wm. Connolly's
"penthouse” and all other buildings
at Connolly tunnel camp near Owy­
hee Dam. headquarters for the com­
pany during three years work are
being razed this week. ------ A
bumper crop of grain is reported in
the valley and Charles Overstreet
who completed a 35 day run with
his combine report* the average
yield for wheat in the entire valley
is 45 bu. per acre and for cats ar.d
barley from CO to 65. Dick Siam 's 10
acres of what averaged 65 bu. and
barley 93. Ward Bros, ranch yielded-
ed 75 bu. per acre for oat* and Fred
Keopman, wheat. 55 b u .----- Scout-
mu ter H* vard Lar>en and Ernest
Wilson took Joe Robertson, John
ja y Sm .th, Raymond Graham ano
Calvin and Lloyd Wilson to Calci veil
vhere they passed swimming re­
quirement* for first class scouts. —
Apple civp in this vicinity, deip.te
extremely het weather in July and
August is in fine condition, larger
than la t year and the price out­
look is encouraging.
25 Years Ago Aug. 24. 1928
The Nyssa flower show sponsored
by the Civic Club and held at com­
mercial room Thursday is reported
very successful. ----- The work of
clearing the frontage on the corner
of Mam and Second Sts. in read.-
ness for the erection of a new ser­
vice station for W. W. Tensen was
started this week ----- That Ny.**a
water is absolutely free c f deleter-
ions germ* was determined by a
*ample sent to the state bacteriolog­
ist of Idaho. ------The Malheur cou­
nty bank building ha* been resurf­
aced with a gravel coat this week
improving the look* greatly .----- Mr.
anti Mrs. W P.erce and children
moved to Payette this w^ek and Mrs.
Pierce vill continue to do hem ­
stitching in her new location. ------
Mr* E. M Craii. county sch • 1 sup­
erintendent received a shipment of
$300 worth cf school library becks
this week to be p.lloted in the county.
30 Yars \go Aug. 24, 1923
A second gold ledge which pr. m-
ises richness has been di*covered by
Jim Worsham at the Apple Tre-
Mine, -ev t.a l hundred yards fr.n .
the Red. White and Blue mme on
> jr t e k Mr E-> n
. .ccia.es. C. 1 L. V Patch c i Pay­
ette. as president and Mayor I R
Woodward, secy-trea. . have organ-
• d
Mallieur C> Id dredging Co
ci pr po.-e u> put a gold dredge hi
•hi* Held v..hin a short time. —
ju rors drawn from Nyssa fer fall
. :.n of Malheur County circuit
i : . are V L Green, C S Sk.
T. M Lo ve. Ernest C W.l cn. E. J
Burrough. and R 'bert Over-tree!.—
The vind Tue -day evening ble v in a
plate class window at Wilson Bro*
re. ----- Miss Ruby Minton has
. cc p.ed the position as tx *k keep-
a; E cer Hardware. ----- Jim Kak-
abeeke. Pud Lcng ar.d Charles Xew-
b.ll, champion spud p ick t.-. picked
521 -acks of tubers on the Cha*
G arr: on ranch one day this week
¡0 Years \go Aug. 28. 1913
Surveyors for the Beaver River
Pc ver Co. are working in the vicin-
hy for the extension c f their line
from Nctu* to Nyssa. ----- W, \V
Sanderson and H A Chapman have
plans well unded vay for e-tabli.-hing
and maintaining a farm for raising
and training polo borwa for the
world's markets. ----- A Caldwell
man was in town Monday sizing up
a a- a location for a si co-
hand store. ------ Chris Wh teacre
h is resigned his position as steward
at Nyssa Cafe and has been suc­
ceeded by W alter Ellithorpe.
Ruber. H.iun et ..x
Y-.ie O- -pe.
Tabernacle—L, t 2, Block 1, ciag-
g tt:* A,!d to Vuir. 8 .5 5J $10.
of Malheur County, \ug. .il to
F:vd L. Orcutt et ux to Clarence
Aug. 29
W Clark et ux-part t>f Lrt 21, Bleck
Real Estate Transfers Recorded
5. High way Subdivision, 2nd Add.
Juntura lave-Linent Co. to State 8 27 53 $850.
f Ore: n—L. t 13. Block 28, Ju n -
Glenn Themas Scot» ft ux to Ar­
:ura 6 23 52 $1. <Q C Deed'.
chie E Kardell e: u x -N j N 'j Sec
J ■ S eranka et ux to Lewis G 14-18-45 8 25 53 $10.
3- an e: ux L i* 3 and 4, Block 146, Marriage Licenses Is s u e d
Ontario. 7 30 53 $10.580
O.iiy M anch a:..i Marianne Mc­
Un.ted States to Martin Joyce— Farland. both cf Nys*a. 8 26 53
all Sec 13. E ‘_. Sec 14; N ’-j Sec C o n .p la in ts Filed in Circ-uit Court
24- 20-10 8 10 53
Alberta Don.- Neely v* Clarence
Glenn H race Knottingham et ux Ncl.-on Neely 8 24 53 Divorce
to Oven Parker Crunsil et ux—un­ l'etition s l lltd in l ’rohate Court.
interest In N '. NF I
Guard.an hip of Gerald Donald
Sec 19-20-46 6 24 53 $ 10 .
Skubal. a minor. 8 22 53
Frank W Kuo. tingitani et ux to
August 29 to Sept. 3
Owen Park« : C null >■; ux undi­
United State* to William L Cra­
vided 1 8:h intere-: in N '.N E 'i m e r - E '-N E 1* Sec. 26-19-41 4 13 -
Sec. 19-20-46 6 22 53 $!0
J , hn H Kr.citingham to Lois
John S Conway et ux to Raymond
Kr.cttingham Counstl — Undivided E Norman et ux Lot* 7 and 8.
1 8 interest In NENE 1 4 Sec. 19-
Block 3. Hadleys l.-t Add. to Vale.
20-46 6 22 53 $10.
6 24 53 $10
Bill D Jenkins et ux to Earl
Georro C Her.r.eman e: ux •• R, x
B la k a b y et ux—Lots 16. 17 and E Voeller—So. 55 feet of Lets 1
N' - of L t 18. Block 292. Ontario. and 2. and So, 55 feet of East 18 feet
8 17 53 $10.
of Lot 3, Block 29. Teutsch* Add. to
Duncan F. Fraser et ux to Preston Ny**a 3 22 53. $1
R M rtimer et ux L ts 45 and 46.
L. C. Lexis et ux to Nettie B.
B1 ck 6, Villa Park Add. to Ontario.
8 19 53 $10.
R V. Rusk to E O W alter et ux—
Let* 1 and 2, Block 242, Ontario.
8 26 53 $10.
United State* to Philip Coyne—
S E '., E'-.-SW 'i Sec. 24; all of Sec.
25- 20-40. 8 13 53
Cht-um—Let* 51 and 52, B1
Villa Pars Add. to O:. no. 8 4 53
10 .
Or ire • Reitenbaugh t> Fred P
Sim* et ux L 't* 1 and 2, Block 46,
Park Add. to Nyssa 8 28 53 $4.500.
Clyde A. Dale to Helen Irene Dale
undivided >, intere*t in 46 acres
in S 'jS W 's Sec. 27-16-47. 8 31 53.
Perle Richard et ux to Sydney E.
Cut tiers et ux 50 by 147 feet West
of intersection of nerth line of Park
Ave and West line c f 7th St., Nv -a.
11 12 52. $10.
Robert S. Lynch et ux to J. Vear
Van Noy et ux Lots 17 and 18, Block
82, Ontario. 9 3 53. $10.
Charle* Warren Farm er et ux to
Bishop of Protestant Episcopal
church Lot 4. Block 3. Teut.-chs
Add to Nyssa. 9 1 53 $10.
Marriage Licenses Issued
Karl Fi-her and M arjorie Jurgens,
tx th of H medale. 9 2 53.
Vernon R Olson, of Ontario, and
Delight Patsy Annn McDcle, of Cor­
vallis. Ore. 9 3 53.
ri: ( I nr JOURNAL
W o W e lco m e
We Were Happy to Install
All ihe Plumbing Fixtures in the New
As a
B u s in e s s N e ig h b o r
We Join Other Building Tradesmen
of Nyssa
in Offering our Hearty
to the
in Acquiring its Splendid New Home
i mm 2 üéS
Failh in the
Sound Economy of Nyssa
Now and For ihe Future
Has Been Shown by the
With Their Completely
Remodeled and Larger Building
Nyssa Business Building
has Been
Saturday, Sept. 12
in Keeping with the expansion
and growth of the community.
We Are Proud to Have Been Chosen to
do the Work in Remodeling the Spacious
Building Now Housing the
Building Headquarters
Decorative Ceiling Tile
Used Exclusively in
Nyssa, Oregon
Their New, Spacious Quarters and en­
larged Stock of Beautiful Merchandise
are a Huge Asset to Nyssa and an addi­
tional Convenience and Service for Resi­
dents of This Area.
We are Happy and Proud to Have
Been Able to Supply Many of the
New Materials Used in the Exten­
sive Remodeling Program.