THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 10. 1953 n ss — ££*QCWC K Kingman Kolony I'olhunna ( lub Dial 2S.55 Classified Advertising Rates Two cents pei word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents ior first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the For Sale For Sale Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement w ill not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. Dial 2233. To Buy Or Sell See Mel BEST BUYS 214 No. Main, Nyssa, Ore. FARMS acre- pasture, 30 acres corn. 70 acres FOR SALE Pressure cooker, like 33«. 40 acres, level land, highly pro­ alfalfa, 25 acres wheat. 20 acres n e * Call 3385 Farms ductive. located at Wilder, 2 bed­ barley. 5 room home, 3 rxom tenant POR SALE — Montgomery Ward INDEPENDENCE room modern home. $16,000, $3.000 home, 3 car garage. 9 head cow barn, steel granary, corn cr.b and chicken washing machine. Needs minor re­ 400 acres. 3 homes, grade A barn. d^wn $1.000 per year. Row crop, hay and pasture. »65,000, pairs. Call Dwight Smith. 6617. 92 acres. 63 acres irrigated. 10 head house, selling because his boys are to the army, will take smaller 29% down. 32-tfc. ccw barn, leafing shed. 5 room mod­ going farm in on this ranch. $63,000, terms IDEAL ROW CROP LAND ern home, close to Nyssa, $18.600, if desired. FOR SALE—Field corn ensilage. FOR SALE OR LEASE to right 160 acres with 134 cultivated. About $8 600 d» vn. 160 acres, 80 acres irrigated, row Prank Skeen, phone 2613, 35-2t. party, extra good, 2-bedroom house, 125 acres of choice bottom land. 1 acre on Nyssa-Ontario highway. crop and stock deal, land lays well full basement with apartments. V Lots of water for row crop irriga- 1 bedroom semi-modern home, f. r irrigating, 5 room home. $18.500, j o r SALS—American motor scoot­ V. Grider, phone 7749. 31-tf. tion $65.000 , 291 down $3.000, $1.200 down, easy terms er $35 Dial 3249. 35-3tc. 20 acres on highway. 5 room mod­ $•>.500 down, $1.0000 per year plus FOR SALE — Westinghouse range ern home, dairy barn, 11 head milk- 5 : int. Seller will co-operate with FOR SALE—3 Jersey cows, two Just and other household furnishings. i’ ATTLE RANCH 200 head permit, 3 sections leased ing cow«, all furniture and equip- you m obtaining an Oregon Veterans fre-h, third to freshen soon. E. W May be seen at 112 Park Ave. Dial State loan. land, 117 acres irrigated land, ment goes, $13.000. Irving, 2 ' -i miles west on Columbia i 3049. 35-2tc. Ill SINESS OPPORT1 NITIF.S Cheap water. Two sets of improve- 145 acres on paid up wat*r right, Ave Phone 2778. 35-ltp Business building in down town ments. Immediate possession, lots of free water, 3 bedroom m. d- ‘__ 1____ _________ _______________| FOR SALE—5 room house, modern $65.000 , 29% down. ern home, labor house, large barn, Nvssa 58 feet by 110 feet, $21,000. FOR SALE—8 acres silage ^ corn. ^ xcept heat. (2 bedroom-» with 2 1) & E Cafe, all stock and equip­ 35-ltc. acres of land 1 4 mile East of Ap­ SAFE WAY TO FARM several out buildings, productive soil, phone Ny*sa 3265 ment goes, doing $50,000 yearly gress ple Valley Packing House Clifford 60-70 acre row crop land, plus 100 $3^ 500- $12,000 down business. It’s a money maker, selling POR SALE—Corral poles and cellar Brown, Rt. 2 Parma, Phone 3-2771 acres good river bottom pastuie... 48 :hM <> * aU>r’ 3 roo n because of ill health. $15,000, $8,000 logs. 1 4 mile east of Apple Valley 35-tfc. $32,000. terms arranged to suit you. 60 acres irrigated. place 1« down, $100 per month. packing shed Cliff Brown. Dial j 34-tfc.j HOMES 32771. Parma. FUK S U B | DAIRY FARM WITH COWS in pasture, corn, alfalfa, and gram. 1 bedroom modern home, well lo- go, 3 bedroom modern home, po o SALE — Trash burner, good i Nice 2 bed room hou-e, garage and) 160 acre dairy farm, 20 cows and crops , cheip 616 North 4th street ! commercial size chicken house, about milk equipment, $17,000, $8,500 dn. cattle feeding set up, $18,500, $10,000 cated, $2,650 down. New 2 bedroom modern home, 100 Dial 6601. ‘ | 2 on Paved road. $8, d 00. J 106 ACRE GENERAL FARM 4 acres, 2 bedroom modern home, h o t tot, $5,400. $500 do wn, _____ _____________________ 2 bedroom. _• basement. Excellent! 3 bedroom home, city block. FOR SALE — Used, large brown location, $6500. Terms , Be Idaho. where the Foxs visited their son attachments $119 heat, all utilities provided. Laundry clutch and gear reduction. A1 h a n a . I4 44-tf. over one weekend. facilities. Phone 3080 . 34-2tp. sh ap e----------------------------------- $500 1 Oilbert Holmes has moved his po­ FIRESTONE STORE 19-tfc. FOR RHNT - New Clarke 8-Inch No H4 John D ^ Cornbmation Hay Remember old King Midas, whose tato harvesting crew to Sand Hol­ floor sanders and 6-tich edger. , ^ d „grain ch o p p er-trailer ^ ^ touch turned everything to gold? low near Vale to harvest potatoes. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Blair of Long We have several used electric and Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tL mounted .. . . . . The room you “touch” this season Beach. Calif., visited last week at gas refrigerators traded in on the Allis Chalmers M o w e r----------- w U h B e n j a m in Moore paint won’t new Servel. Dome in and choose one. FOR RENT—3 room furnished Apt. Oliver 70 Hang on M o w er--------$85 change t0 gold, but its new-found the home of W. P Hendricks. Mrs. is Mr. B lair’s sister. On Ideal Gas & Appliance, Nyssa. Close in. Dial 6084 H H. Kingrey. 3 Used Side Deliver Rakes — S e a t beauty will amaze you. . . . Your Hendricks Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Hendricks 17-tf. 32-tfc. them now. friendly dealer, Nyssa Lumber Co. and their houseguests visited Mr U.-ed Servel gas refrigerator $89 50 See us for bargains on used tractors. 13-tfc. and Mrs. Dee Montague at Nampa Ideal Gas & Appliance. 16-tfc. FOR RENT—Paint spray gun. Ftre- and on Sunday they were dinner j stona store. 2lFtfc. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thane Lank­ FOR SALE—4 room modern house, Nysaa, Oregon Dial 22.51 ford and family of Marslng with nice lawn and shade tree*, Mr. and Mrs. F S. Byers, Donald equipped with gas. Dial 3914. and Stanley were fishing near Unity 10-tfc. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holmes and WANTED—Custom grain grinding. Misa Janet Parker 5 ACRES FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Finley Shuster of Nys­ Paul Baker. Dial Nyssa, 3288. MISCELLEANOUS — W all-Satin. 2 bedroom modern home with ______________ sa made a trip over the weekend to basement, excellent location, good WANTED—Baled straw and woven Here comes color. A washable, rub-1 Mrs. Myrtle Parker, Arch P ark­ Orangeville, Ida. berized finish for Interior walls and er and Mrs. Irene Dottie were Friday soil, garden, fruit trees, barn chicken j ence phone 985, Ontario. wood trim. visitors in Caldwell and called on house, and other outbuildings. 34-4tp. •covers most surfaces In one uni­ the Cliff Looney family. New reduced price, $11,000. Terms. USE JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADS form coat. Patrlca Smith, who is in nurses WANTED—Custom grain grinding. NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY •dries to a satin sheen In less than training at Boise, wa.s home for the Call Jacob Schoussler, 065-J1, On­ Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent one hour. weekend. tario. 29-tfc. Nyssa, Oregon •twelve handsome colors all ready Mr. and Mrs George Cartwright to use. went to Kennewick, Wash, for the , FOR SALE—Fuller paints and wall WANTED — To do custom baling, Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. weekend to visit with her sister and paper. Budget terms available. Fire- MM Wire tie Dial 3233.___ 2320tp family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elliot. «tone Store. 2-tf. WANTED-To trade 3 h. p. Century Mr. and Mrs Bill Willis and fam ­ START YOUR BETTER ily and Alvan McGinnis returned motor for 1/3 er V 4 h. p. variable FOR SALE HERD TODAY home so the children could start to 2-bedroom home, new construc­ speed motor. Inquire Gate City Artifical Insemination to Sires school and went back to Quincy to Journal 12-tf. tion; completely modern, dining proved in the top 2% of each breed complete the Bob Rice home, which ! room, attached garage; very good Guernsey, Jersey, Hoi. Brown Swiss, they are building. WANTED location on King ave. $12,000. terms. Milking short horn. Also 2 beef Junior McGinnis spent the week­ Dead Animals breeds. $7.50 per cow. No charge for end with his sister and family, Mr. 2-bedroom modern home, FJI.A. Removed Free. return service. Ray Bowns. New and Mrs. Dick Davis and Stevie. approved, ®ood location, corner lot, Plymouth, 4041. Dial Nyssa 3947 paved street, very nice yard. $9500. Rural grocery store with cold stor­ Payette 670. IDAHO PROVED SIRE age lockers, excellent location on Idaho Animal Products Co. SERVICE busy highway. Reasonable terms. | -------------------------------------------- --------------- -— I iT-tfc. 2 bedroom modern home, full basement, extra large lot well hH M ?* PClyde ^Sm ith. j MISCELLANEOUS—Do you needj proved, $5,000, easy terms. East phone 30«. Ontario. Across from r*rj®del your home or | Fourth street Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc bu‘ld ■ NYSSA INSUBANC* A G E N C Y -------------------------------------------------- ! can arrange a loan for you and «t«V Ralab G . Lawraaca. Ageat 1 Use tha Journal Classified A4>. you up to three years to pay it I 1M ff r - i SL 1 Shay fa t m a lts . i Nyssa Lumbar Oo. 2>a«l«j s a l e —5-ro o m modern house. • wo lots, lots of shade Also, 4 room h j Use two lots, nice shade Modem. Priced to sell, with a small dcwn Daymen*, and rest like rent. Con­ tact H E Collins, owner. 112 E 3rd 35-tfc. Dial 783 _________________________ i MEL BECK—REALTOR Livestock For Sale FARM LOANS SPECIAL HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER Television Dealers ED CASE INTERMOUNTAIN FURNITURE CO. FURNITURE CO. Westinghouse Motorola—Capehart 118 No. Main Dial 3316 19 No. 2nd Dial 7792 NYSSA Oregon T ra il HARDWARE CO. FURNITURE CO. RCA—General Eleclric Philco—Emerson—Sparton For Rent Used M achinery Hollingsworths', Inc. Adrian News NEW HONEY Bring Your Own Containers 1 5 * lb. Use Gate City Journal Classified Ads. MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS EDER Lost and Found M iscellaneous Earl French of LaGrande. form­ erly of Missouri, vi-ited hi.- father. N P French, Saturday nigh: Mr and Mrs C D Putinger orough. ice cream and cake M n- ua.v night and surprised Charles B> wers on his birthday Mr and Mrs. Donald Burd of Tacoma, Wash , and Mr. and Mrs C A Burd of Cairo Junction were dinner guests of Mr and Mr- N P. French Use the Journal Classified Ada, Mr and Mrs. Tom Duncon v .uted they get results. Earl Kygers Sunday night M r s R Batt and Mr and Mr- C. R Mills attended the fair in On­ tario Thursday. David Hurst won blue ribbons on both his Black Angus heifers, win­ ning reserve champion on one. Pollyanna club met with Mrs Loretta Conant with nine member- Estimates Gladly Given present. Lunch of fruit salad nnd cake was served by the hostess Nex meeting will be Oct. 1, with M ix Dorothy Fox Phone 3-2452 Karen Sue Ccnant was a weekend guest of Beverly Ann Brown of Ore­ gon Trail. Parma, Idaho Mr. and Mrs R L. Price vi-ited ... • • « - zw Along The M iscellaneous W anted with Mr and Mrs. John Hickey o t V a Sunday even; - They enjojretf watching T V N rrtiAn P: 1, e Will am and Duana Price and Jack Chard went f.shiny a: the Malheur reservoir, reporting a gciod catch Mr and Mrs Willi-. Conant ami family were Sunday dinner guest* j of Mr and Mr- Olenn Brown o f Oregon Trail A break in the irrigation ditet» northeast of Adrian caused the farmers of Creeling Bench to be without water for three days. Gene Haney ar.d Prea Schaffer' helped Ronald Day celebrate h i» birthday. at the HONEY SHOP 9th <5i Bower 202 Main Dial 2133 9 Good Ave. Dial 6633 EZ CARR NYSSA APPLIANCES MOTORS Hoffman ''Easy Vision" So 1st at Good Hallicrafter ‘‘Guaranteed 1 Full Year 420 Main Dial 2224 DON B MOSS PETERSON FIRESTONE STORE FURNITURE CO. Emerson—Motorola Firestone 417 Main Dial 2124 Admiral—Bendix Stromberg-Carlaon 121 Main Dial 3211 WILSON BROS. DEPARTMENT STORE 118 Main Philco — Zenith Sales and Service Dial 2721 PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Dentists Physicians SARAZIN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K. E. Kerby Dr. K. A. Danford Physicians and Surgeons DR. C. M. TYLER WILSON BUILDING Dial 2771, Nyssa O ff‘ce Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Dial 2638 Sarazin Clinic L. A. MAULDING. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Dial 2216 Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Dally Except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 13 NYSSA OREGON DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Dental Clinic 7th and Bower Dial 3311 Chiropractor Doctor C. R. VAN PATTEN Chiropractic Physician Physiotherapist Offices at 265 North Oregon Ontario Phono 47$ Doctor EDGEL W WOOD Chiropractic Physician Evenings By Appointment Offices at 2 Arcadia Blvd. Nyssa Dial 3939 EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. Veterinarians 101 Eas*. 1st St. Dial 3230 Physiotherapy Electro-Therapy Nyssa, Oregon NYSSA VETERINARY CLINIC Dr. B. E. Ross Dr. D. R. Maoon Optometrists Large and Sm all Animal» «07 Main St. Dial 2010 NEW PLYMOUTH VETERINARY CLINIC Dr. Marvin M. Prentice Dr. Clinton W. Colenbaugh Large and Small Animals Veterinary and Pet Supplies Small Animal Board Facilities Open Every Day Clinic Hours: 9-12; 1:30-6 Phone 2341 After Hours: Phone 2341 DR. J. A. McFALL DR. JOHN EASLY Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon DR. GEO. E. COBERN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Nyssa Dial 6649 o