Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1953 How-to-do-il Tops Theme of Library Books Out Sai. The boots going Into circulation on Saturday, Sept 5, at the Malheur County Library include the subjects o i dairy cattle, language, music, photography, and astronomy. There are three novels and a further var iety of non-ftction also in the group Fitting and Showing Dairy Cattle by Jack Spearing includes chapters on foot trimming, clipping, horn training and polishing, and going to the fair. Words and Ways of American En glish describes the origins, grow th.. and present state o f English as it has developed in the United States The author, Thomas Pyles, discusses in readable fashion coinages, adapt ations. and adoptions from foreign tongues. The Complete Book of Twentieth Century Music by David Ewen an alyzes the most important works of leading contemporary composers and evalutes the major forms, trends, movements, and techniques. , "T h e book of enlarging" is the subtitle of Bigger and Better, a book for the photographer by Don Nibbe- link which guides him from simple print making to advanced control processes such as monochrome-dye printing. Pictorial Astronomy by Dinsmore Alter and Clarence Cleminshaw is written for the layman to answer questions most often asked. Includ ing many illustrations, the book ex- J plains the Northern lights, seasons and climates, eclipses, and comets, and gives information on the sun, ; moon, earth, planets, and stars It also has a chapter on ‘‘Some Famous Telescopes.’” A long novel of 16th-century Eng land, Th e Man on a Donkey by H il da F. M. Prescott chronicles the lives o f five main persons and the North Country rebellion o f 1536. Paul Wellman’s The Comancheros is a story of how Paul Regret, erst while gambler, became a member of the Texas Rangers and a part of that organization’s attempt to un earth the idenity and hideout of the Comancheros who were behind the frontier raids o f the Comanches. Peter Hunt’s How-to-do-it Book shows how to use paint and brush, color and design to turn discarded furniture into new personalized pieces and to make other items use ful and gay. Th e Guide to Good Hunting and Trapping published by Popular Mec hanics and written by Joe Godfrey is a well-illustrated volume with sec tions on hunting game animals, hunting game birds, guns and am munition, the hunting dag, and trapping the fur bearers. Ruth Gannon’s book on Decor ating with House Plants also gives information on growing various plants, forcing bulbs for indoor bloom, pruning, and growing from seed. Land for Tomorro w by L. Dudley Stamp is sub-titled "Th e Under developed World,” and in it the author discusses world land use, and the need for more efficient utiliz ation of underdeveloped land in the j middle latitudes. A manual brought up to date in its second edition is the Handbook of Engineering edited by O. W. Esh- bach. City is a collection o f science fiction stories by Clifford Simak. OREGON FARM ERS URGED TO M AKE SO IL CHECK FOR F E R T IL IZ E R NEEDS Farmers can profit now by taking inventory of soil conditions which will be helpful in putting in next year's crops, says Howard Cushman, extension soils specialist at Oregon State college. Uneven stands o f grains that are still on the land or notes on recently harvested patches o f light-yielding forage and seed crops will help lo cate hard spots, sandy areas, and poor drainage which should receive attention before wet weather. A spot check ne w will give an in dex for preparing seed beds and ap plying fertilizer for next year. This will be especially helpful in Western Oregon for lime applications, ac- cording to the specialist. Soil tests for lime reccmmendat- an normally be completed by the Oregon State college soil testing laboratory and returned to farmers within two weeks, Cushman says farmers who would like these and other soil tests made in time for next year’s crop should contact county extension agents for in structions on taking soil samples. Nitrogen deficiency may show up in crops that had a pale color and didn’t grow well, even though they received plenty o f water--especially If the land hasn’t been in a legume recently. Another example cited by the specialist is low-yielding alfalfa that had plenty o f water, was free of disease, but may need more phos- phate. Adequate fertilizer supplies are ex pected for the coming year, but Cushman advises farmers to place orders early to make sure fertilizer of the right analysis is on hand when needed Havy dmands for one type of fertilizer in a certain area can cause last-minute local shortages LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Vcrlan Mace and Jan of Eagle visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C liff Main. Kristin and Jan Rinehart rrtorn- ed last Sunday after visiting In Woodland Hills, Calif, with their aunts, Mrs. W E. Bothamley and Mrs. Robert Peterson. Dr and Mrs. C A. Abbott left Wed- ne-day morning for Almo, Nev„ where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Abbott will teach in the schools there. Mrs. John Patterson returned to her home in Oothenburg. Neb , Tues day after v:-iting a month with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Vernal Patterson. DS S, 7 Our Hunt Foods Dollar Sale is one more of our many events each year where we are old friends, tried and true, their quality and goodness never varies. PICKLE SPECIALS Buy at Wilson's, the brands that never disappoint. DILL PICKLES 24-oz. 3 for SI.00 SWEET PICKLES 24-oz. 2 for SI.00 Prices Effective Thursday-Friday-Saiurday W e W ill Be Closed Sunday, Sept. 6th, and Open Monday, Sept. 7th T M ited . Mü< DOWN Pi Æ DOLLAR STRETCHER. $ TOMATO JUICE 46-oz • » < T oooqq ^ 4 ^ v i ^ T ^ U N T DOLLAR 5TRETOME* j V PEAS l íh , ' 300 size •» *\ 7 1 '] C.CWT)„ TOMATOES . . 2 lbs. 1 5 * Local its n's! Hunts JHÎ DOLLAR STRETCHER to m ato JUICE 300 size 11 fcC'NT DOLLAR STRETCHER SPINACH Local ft' . . . ’ k S 'e o o o Q k “ ^ N o . LETTUCE . . . . . . . . Lb. 1 0 * Bath Size Palmolive /ft CANTALOUPE . . . Lb. 6 * % 2 ,/jf 8 > < 7 "? ORANGES ............. . Lb. 7 * Simoniz 'Self Polishing" Quart Sunkist TOILET SOAP FLOOR W A X PEARS—Bartlett Canners Each 3 for OUAUTY meat MNT DOLLAR STRETCHER % Chili epper CATSUP ! : ft ' 14-oz bottle r i ! c o o o Q 'HUNT DOLLAR STRETCHER » • ROUND STEAK . . Lb. 6 9 * NEW POTATOES 300 size Choice BEEF ROASTS . . Lb. 3 5 * j DOLLAR STRETCHER j M U T DOLLAR STRETCHER S T E A K S . . . . . . . . . Lb. 5 0 * CATSUP 14-oz. bottle | Solid Pack TOMATOES No. 2 5 Rib, Sirloin, or T-Bone <7si F R A N K S ........ Lb. 3 9 * j Skinless I I I | , ‘Hunts 4 offer you a well known brand at Fair Prices. Our nationally advertised brands | j ■ 7 ) j 1 J r r v jV N . U U SUNSHINE SUNSHINE Shredded Wheal Butler Scotch Caramels 2 packages . . . 3 5 * P ack age........ 2 9 * Wilson’s Super Market Modern Methods Make Shopping Easier Here" Dial 2231 20-oz. Derby Derby 1 lb. Peanut Butter Chili Con Came E ac h . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 ( 4 fo r............ 8 9 < TU N A FILETS extra co st! \ 12-ounce Standby Pure Strawberry PRESERVES C ,° Ä « 4 for . . 9 9 * \ 204 Good Ay*. (