THE N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y »S A . O R E G O N , T H U R S D A Y . SEPTE M E Ez PAGE SIX Mr. and Mr S. B Gocdfellow ol R y. U'ah; Mr and Mr.- Gerald Gov dfeU- w and family and Mr. and Mrs Gary' Good fellow of Weiser and Mr and Mr C R. Kesler. G ary E. Blanch and Mariane McFarland Married Wednesday Gary Euge Blanch and Mariane McFarland were united m mar­ riage Wednesday evening at the Birthday Party oarsonaire i f the First, Christian Honors Miss Stunz church by * Rev, Austin J. H o i- , Miss Suzanne Stunz wa- honored iin g s w : th. ,• a birthday party Saturday afte - The couple a ., attended by Mr« noon given by her mother, Mr., Gene Minnie McFarland, mother of the Stunz. Thirteen boys and girls spent trid e and Mr and Mrs. Ralph A -he afternoon playing games Birth­ Blanch and little d-aughter. of Ad­ day cake and ice cream were served rian. Both the bride and groom atter J- Dinner Guests ed Adrian high >chool la-t year. In Nampa Dinner Guests Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mr Claud Willson were Bill Graham and Warren Cox of the Mountain Hume Air Ba * and then daughter, Claudena Willson. Dinner Guests Sunday dinner guests at the home o f Mr and M r V.bert Kesler were The Rev. and Mr Robert Jack-on were honored gue t: at a dinner Sat- urday evening in Fayette at the hi me of Mi Ja: k- n’s parents, Mr and Mrs Roy Olm lead. The occas­ ion was the Jackson’» wedding anni­ versary. Younff Adults Meet Members of the Adult Young Are Possible Wilh The Frozen Food Locker Plan ' W e can supply you with everything you need for processing foods for your locker. CONTAINERS, POLI-ETHELENE BAGS ' ' W e Pay Market Price For Fat Hogs 3, 13'* veek in Rene. Nev , and in Oakland. home la t Fr day a r e . a two weeks Calif., where they visited Mr B y- va i.a itn which : k them to Lake „¿L j si_t;r a..d orcthcr-in-law. Mr Tanoe a .id San Francisco, Cali , Mrs E. H They returned where 'they visited -Army ..lends and Salem. that they knew in England: n-i-ie v.a the Rcdw. the Oregon cia-t. and fishing in Cr-gon. Mr. and Mrv < liarle- Fisk of El Ber.d Mrs. John Stringer. Su-an and Monte, Calif, arrived Thursday tc pend t vo week, with Mr. and Mrs J-hn returned home Thursday after -pending the summer at then ranch Phone 2233 G. W Cummins. The music committee of the Meth­ in Eastern Oregon. Donald Shaw returned home i n - odist church met Wednesday even- , ,ng at the hi me of Mrs. Dwight W y- lay night, after spending a aeek in League of the Methodist church met Christian Youth ckoff. Members of the committee Homedale with his grandparents, at the par.-.onage Sunday evening for •Manned the program for the year the Rev and Mrs. E J. Wilson. Fellowship Meets Mrs. Ray Bybe and son. Kim Kay their meeting Following a weiner Mr. and Mrs. Barry O’Conner of Members of the Chri-tian youtn •pu iejajce c a lif left Friday morning I of Spokane. Wash., left for their roast, Tom Foster led the devotions - • i l . . „ — ~ . "T”i 1 1. rlnv ci-oninff a ’ ... , after ivon rltnor days . in * Nyssa at * heme' Wednesday pending At t wedding rite- solemnized Aug- ' Kell. vJnp met Tue-day evening at J af%7TlsiUng three and the Rev. Vernon Taylor pre­ _ ____ Mr __ _____ Fall, Temp,e, the home of Mr and Mrs. Richard ^ William Wahlert heme. four days vi.-iting at teh home of her sented the lesson. Eleven persons list 14 in the Idaho ‘ife of of Nyssa Nyssa | M Via for a a home home made made ice ice cream cream i O'Conner* Q'Qonner l T m t - W W ahlert’s ahlert’s nephew nephew, parents. Mr-. Earl Earl Bmg- Miss C a rd Demce Fife a o on n for parents' Mr. Mr ar.d ar.d Mrs. were present. became the bride of ,.eri Glen R. G ieen H. Green -octal. ocial. Farrell Farrell H lling-wor H oiling -worth h < of Mr anjj and Mrs ( ieorge George Gilbert, Gilbert, Vi- Vi- ham. ham. ol Ontario. Parents of ----- -------------- ~ ’ " a - house --------------* A the couple Berkley, Calif., gue.-! o f his oJa ¿ ^ a ard Loi- Mrs. Ray Roda- Mr and Mrs. Cilea Billings left Church Picnic d R gchrmdt o f Rawlins, last week to spend two week- visiting : are Mr. and Mrs. Lto Fife and Mr. parent-, the Rev and Mrs A J. ^ • A Faith Lutheran church picnic and Mrs. R e - Green of KaysviUe, Holllngs i Hollingsworth, e n t e r t a in e d t h e Wyoming returned to their homes] in Denver. Colo. was held la-t Sunday after services Utah. group at the piano, j, ana and lea ied tne the Su'nday. g uncja y They They have have been been here here and and in i n j , Mr. Mr. and and Mrs. Mrs. Jim Jim Shaw were in the Vale park. Eighty-five per- A reception in the Nyssa L.D S group singing. , po rtiand visiting friends and rel- guests Thursday night of Mr. and -ons from the W illow Creek and Other guests were Mr.-. Hollings- atives. In Nyssa they were house- Mrs. Kenny Chard, Nyssa chur hes attended. After the church recreation hall was given in guests of Mr and Mrs. Richard Mrs. W. H. Hofstetter of Mom- potluek dinner, a ball game and their honor the evening o l August worth and Mrs. Dorothy Bibbey. 1 21. | ❖ —* I Mason. ! outh, Oreg. returned to her home various other games were played. The bride w. re her wedding gown \ j rs Barclay Entertains Mr. and Mrs. I.ou Spielman of this week after visiting with her rt» of white satin with a fitted bodice Mr- Carl Barclay „„fa entertained Marsing visited Friday night at the grand children, Nancy and Kent H o llin g s w o r t h s Guests Boy dell. and a full sWrt nel1 Thursday evening at her home with G. W. Cummins home. Dinner gue ts Friday evening at accent was an all a cund nylon net Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cruson and Mrs. Robert L. Simpson of Rupert ^ of bridge M l,. Everet. the home of Mr and Mrs. Elvin B al­ ruffle which crossed over the long Hickox o f Ontario won high score fam ily attended a T V party Satur- «oent Thursday in Nyssa visiting her lou were the Rev. and Mrs. Austin pointice sleeve-, and va- duplicated Kenneth Danford won sec- day at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and J Hollingsworth and their son F ar­ at the wai-t. Caught up in the fold- • Mark Jchan-en in Caldwell. Mr- Bill Blodgett and Billy Mrs. rell of Berkley, Calif. I of the ruffle- were tiny daisies c e n -, '■“ u “ i8“ - Carl Burningham and Tanya and Simpson was enroute to Seattle, tcred with tear drop rine .tones and . . __ Irene Brower returned home Sat- Washington on business, l>earls. The daisies also formed two j Anniversary Dinner urday after spending three days in Miss Sharon Cruson of Nu Acres Chesnuts Entertain Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson were Starky. Idaho fishing. They met the left Sunday after visiting a week at Thursday evening dinner guests at chains down the front of the skirt Her double illusion finger tip veil honored at a wedding anniversary boy scouts from the L. D. S. 1st ward the Elmer Cruson heme, the home of -Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Chesnut were Mr, and Mrs. Sam was held in place with a lace tiera dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. who were there on a camping trip accented by the daisy motif. She Geore Wilson Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Mel Beck attended Use Ka wakami and family o f Seattle. carried a bouquet of pale rose Burma Other guests were Harold and Vera the fa ir in Friday and visited lillies centered with roses. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy •with Mr. Beck's sister and brother- Gate City Journal Dinner Guests The maid and matron o f honor Hessler. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Buxton were Elsa Sanders and Mrs. Milton •>— •> in Caldwell. O f Dr. Longs Ncl on. Miss Sanders wore a bailer- G u e s ts In Fruitland Guests at the R. V. Wilson home Classified Ads. Mr. and Mr- Merton De Long of ina length g wn of yellow brocaded . . Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Salem and Portland were dinner taffeta and an orchid gladiola cor- M r- anc* Mrs- Tom Eldridge weie Qpentin Clarkson of Corvallis. guest- Monday of Dr. and Mrs. John age. Mrs. NV! , n core a gown o f pinner guests Saturday evening in Mrs. Sid Flanagan. Mrs. George T Y P E W R I T E R S Long. pale blue and a rose gladiola cor­ Fruitland o f Mr. and Mr- Frank Schweizer and Mr- Bud Wilson All Makes Eldridge. sage. spent Thur-day in Heavens Gate, Bought—Sold—Rented— Repaired Paul Nel-on performed the duties Cub Scouts Hold Idaho getting material for the A. N. Fletcher's Typewriter Exchange Fireside Held as best man. K Garden club bocth for the county Picnic Wednesday Mr-. Green, mother of the groom Hiway 20 West P O . Box 459- Mia Maids and Explorers gave a fair. Forty cub- and their parents a t­ « i • repe fr ck and a red Fireside Sunday at the home <-f Mr Boise. Ph. 26961- Idaho Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wilson and tended the Cub Scout picnic Wed- - • 1 da e r- M in r t the bride and Mrs. Dennis Fife Mr. Fife en- family and Kaye Hammon returned nesday evening at the park. A high­ wore a white gabardine suit and a tertained the group by showing light of the evening was a father-] peach cor age. movies o f Mexico and the Utah o n softball game, the boys whipping Highlight of the evening was the Canyons. Refreshments were served their dads. bridal waltz which featured the to 30 guests including leaders, Sam In charge o f the arrangements bridal party Lemon, and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Cox and planning w ire Mr. and Mrs. Mr- Howard Bair was mistress of Raymond Sager and Mr. and Mrs. ceremonies for the program with the Hen reservoir on a camping and 1 Daie Blngman. following: Carina and Irene Taylor fishing trip. Dr. and Mrs. A. Abbott and Dr. o f Ontario: Anna Mae Fife, Janice Williams, Vela Dee Poulsen, Nan- and Mrs. John Long returned home | nette Bybee. Glen Burgess and Clay, Friday after spending a week fish- i ing at Hazard Lake. ton Cornish of Payette. % Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tucker and Mrs. Max Whitaker of Vale had Mr. and Mrs. Norton Randolph o f j charge o f the guest bock. Mr- A. C Swensen and Mrs. Leo New Plymouth returned Saturday- Child served the wedding cake and night after spending a week on vac­ Mrs. Dennis Fife and Mrs. Le Roy ation. They visited Craters of the H r Moon, Yellowstone National park Bair poured the punch. The gift tables were presided over and the Grand Tetons. The Rev. and Mrs. Richard Jack- by Mrs. Lamont Fife and Mrs. Jack Nelson assisted by Janell F ife and son and fam ily were dinner guests Toni Fife and Glenda Moses. Ann Sunday at the home of the Rev. and \ House, Doris Rigney, Patsy Yone- Mrs. Robert Jackson. Mr. and Airs. C. A. Neely spent yama, Thelma Takami and Amy Responsible . . . for accidents Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs. Lewis. for which you may be at fault? After a wedding trip in Idaho, the Dave Stohr at Payette. Airs. Icel Dunn of Pasco, Wash., ! couple are making their home in Responsible . , . for ihe secur­ was an overnight guest last Wed- ; j Ontario. ity of your home, family, busi­ nesday at the home o f the Rev. and | ness, and your future? Mrs. Lloyd Pounds. Mrs. Cottle Entertains Air. and Airs. Gil Ihfe of Gothen­ R e sp o n s ib le . . . to protect At Bridge Tuesday burg, Neb., visited last week at the yourself with adequate insur- Mrs. Kenneth Cottle entertained home o f Mr. and Mrs. Vernal P a t­ the Tuesday afternoon bridge club terson. Mr. and Airs. S. P. Bybee and Air. and the following gue.-ts: Mrs. Bur­ nell Brc vn and Miss Norah O'Brien and Mrs. V. L. Kesler were in Boise Dial 6697 1 of Ogden, Mrs. C. A. Mally, Mrs. Saturday evening wltere they a t­ Tom Eldridge, Mrs. Carlos Buchner, tended a Boise Yankees ball game Strong Capital Air, and Mrs. Ross AtcPhearson of M: Grant Lewi-, Mr.-. Richard Fur- Portland were in Nyssa Thursday , bss, and Mrs. Lew Herriman. Stock Protection Prize- were won by Mrs. Buchner. afternoon at the home o f Mr. and ; Mr.-. Herriman and Mrs. Campbell Mrs Bill Blodgett. Mr. McPherson is Mrs. Blodgett’s uncle. Baer. Edward Danley of San Francisco. Darwin Danley o f Friant, Calif, and C F W Meets * Doris Danley o f Friant. Calif, and Members o f the Christian W o­ Nvssa residents, spent Sunday even­ men’s Fellowship met Thursday ing visiting Mr. and Mrs. Claud W ill- New Fill-and-Rinse Fovtet afternoon. son. Group one met at the home of • Hi-Speed Spin-drying Claudena Willson of Boise spent Mr- Ralph Curry. After Mrs. Curry the weekend at the home of her • Automatic Overlcod Switch led the devotions, the group worked parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Willson. on their project. Air. and Airs. Edward Bovdall re­ • Preven Performance Agitator Group two met at the home of turned Sunday after spending a and old washer Mrs. Elvin Ballou. Mrs. Paul House led the devotions and the ladies Famous 2-tub Easy Spindrier d o « a week’s wash in 1 hour! -pent the afternoon working on shirts for their project. d u c t a l j\ i* i i h t i i i's Carole Wilson, Editor L.D.S. Temple Rites Unite Pair w Pitted Pie Cherries ARE YOU RESPONSIBLE? In 30-Pound Tins CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CURING W e Butcher Beef for the Hide FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE *2 Open Til 7 P. M., Monday Through Saturday mile west on Alberta Ave. Dial 3093. locker plant Dial 3103 slaughterhouse and cutting room. FO lii) A tétrica's faxtest sellini’ convertible Ford's Smiliutr is tiic "t o p downers” delight! A n d it's the onh low- priced convertible with ...... V-S power. M IN I K 1953 EASY Renstrom Agency POWER FLUSH-RINSE only $ 149.95 FORD \ H I URIA >-.» •* a ., ' < e America's most beautiful car of its type \ym for ’53, Ford'» Victoria i* America's lwst-AH. I« « C N ■ t K i V9T tA T (l> ) A m erica’ s most popular Station H’a p n s Ford's wood trimmed (ountrv N|tiirc is a "doulJe-duty” beauts. Foni offers two other "«|iiu k change artist-” . . . the 2-door, fi passenger Ranch Wagon and (lie I-door, V-pam-nger jU-iutul Country Vdan. Rad HERRIM AN M O TO R CO. D ia l 2288 Spindlier trim faencM 3 Best Sellers! b O P IT tV V i v i t i peMPP/BW-2 TU& 314 Main, Nyssa "Only Ford De»!ers Stil A l Usod Cars and Trucks" LOCAL NEWS 1st Lt. and Airs. Clay Alorgan and family lef: Nyssa Monday after visit­ ing with Mr. M organ’s mother, Mr.- Frank Morgan and with other rela­ tives and friends. Lt. Morgan will report to Mather Field in Sacra­ mento. The Rev. and Airs. Robert Jackson and boys -pent three days last week at Payette Lakes. Mr. and Airs. Hugh Ingram and Mr and Mrs. Laurance Ingram and ■ son o f Clarinda, Iowa, were iver- night cue-ts Wednesday at the home of Mr and Mrs. C. N. Neely Airs. Milt an Connelly and Airs. LI 'vd Pounds spent Wednesday in Boi-e. Mrs. c . K. OLsen and Janet re­ turned Sunday after spending 10 day- in Portland where Janet was under medical care at the Good Samaritan hospital. Mr. Ol-en re­ turned home last Sunday, returned home last Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Arvel Child and Reed and Lynn returned home Saturday after -pending five days in Idaho v Mrs. Victor Haburchak and fam­ ily returned Sunday after spend- ■ ing a week with Mrs. Nicholas Sch­ mitt at Seattle. Martin \lsup of Eo* Angeles visit­ ed last week with Mr. and Mrs. Uel Al-.ip. • Airs. Owen Gann and Mrs. Walter Looney visited this week with Mr and Mrs Danny Norland at Ander- der-on Ranch dam Air. and Mrs. Morris Wemick of Joran. Wise : Mr and Mrs Leavitt Jcnes. Oregon. Ill : Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fulton o f Mt Morris, 111. and Mr and Mrs. Hillroy Brown were guest at t he c A W em i g Mr and Mrs Brown are en route to make their home in LaGrande. AC nt<- and Di ane Wnrdon of A|os. 1 cow Ida., are visiting at the home o.o,.ar. ■: M ar.d M Air fam ì Ri ard Airs. Dirk Trnsen and i«.d M r and M. Ot i • .md fam ily sjur.t fr m iVruM u.ij until Saturday a; Sate TV and RADIO REPAIR One tub washes while the other Power Flush-rinses, then spins clothes damp-dry - 25% drier than any svringer. Clothes dry faster indoors or out - Tubes, Antennas, Parts without hard-to-iron creases. Complete with convenient Fill-and-Rinse Faucet. HERB’S RADIO SERVICE 501 Main Nyssa, Ore. Ed Case Furniture Co. 118 North Main R E X and T E R E S A A N D E R S O N Have Taken Over Management of Berrett’s Cafe "Service As You Like It" BREAKFAST — LUNCHES — DINNERS E N J O Y Y O U R C O F F E E F R E A K W IT H U S Home m i Je Pics Cakes — Donuts Emison & N ) Main Opt n 6 a. m -- l ) p m CLOSED SUNDAYS Phone 3316