• • THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. her grand daughter. M:.-s Janice J.ne.- of Boise w-ited Tuesday with ' t : parents, M: and Mrs Tern Jones, Guy and Mary Ellen. MU* llrlrn HaUh Word has be.n received ’ hat Miss Phone Parma 1-FI1 Pat Eachus. ycunge t daughter of Mr and Mrs. Claude Eachus, and Mr and Mrs. Leo Burgert and fam­ Mi-:s Joyce Jeknt-k. daughter of Mrs ily of Ba vnee C.ry, Nebr . left Ida Bullen have beer, transfered to Thursday for their home after .-pend­ a station in Fort Benjamin Harri­ ing a fe v days at the John Thom­ son, Ind. son home. Mrs. Burge: and Mrs. School epened Monday in B:g Thompson are cruisins. Bend school district with Mr- Clara Mr. and Varner Hopkins. Fuve Marie Collin.- and Mr- Gladys Fr.z-:mions and Kenney, attended the redding \ as teachers. of their neice. Miss F tfgy H Mr. and Mrs. Dick Oldham of Ny- Robt Vinson of Portland Sunday in i were dinner gue-ts and spent Caldwell. Also attending va- a groat the afternoon Saturday with Mr aunt. Mrs Robt Weir and two cous­ and Mrs. Joe King ins, Mi-s Mary Weir and Mr- Betty Mary Stradley and Bernard Gam- Samer and daughter, Catherine. mex of Parma were married in Mrs. John Chur?h and Charlene Wilder last Thur.-day. o f Sacremanto, Calif, and Grand­ Mr and Mr.- Bernard Gammel ma Bennet were supper gue.-t- at and father. Mr Ganunel of Parma the Leroy Bennett home Wednes­ accompanied her father, Walter day evening. Stradley. on a fishing trip Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartwright Joe and Benny Witty are leaving visited Sunday with her sister, Mr-. soon for Sterling. Ka-. to enter col­ Wm. Lawlei of Sunny Slope who lege for the coming year. ha- been in the hospital Mr- Cart­ Mr. and Mrs Paul Hatch, who wright received word that her nep­ have teen visiting their parents the hew, Jimmy Wright left for over past few days left Boi.-e Friday seas duty. morning by plane for San Francisco Benny and Johnnie Witty return­ where they will visit a friend and ed home from John day where they prepare to leave Sunday morning were working in the Fcre-t Service. for their home in Hcnoulu, their Jce Witty came from North P w- I first stop after a short leave on der to spend a few days at home the first plane out for Sidney, Aus­ before going to school. Johnny will tralia. attend the College of Idaho the Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch, Helen coming year. and Phillip attended the wedding Mrs. Freme Stradley spent the of their grandaughter, Miss Peggy week end visiting at the heme of Hatch to Robt. Vinson of Portland her son, Elmer and family in Nyssa. in the Beone Memorial Church in Maryann Jones attended Mrs, O. Caldwell Sunday. C. Callision’s Sunday school class Mr and Mrs. Homer Hatch, Peggy weiner roast Friday evening. and Ralph, of Mt. Heme were din­ Mr. and M: Milh n Wat ner guests Thur.-day at the home of Peck, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Dale his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clary family of Parma. Mr. and Hatch and visited brother, Paul Mrs. Earl Clary and Martha were Hatch who left Friday morning for Sunday dinner guests at the Dar- Australia. rill English home. Harvey Hatch attended a special Those attending the reception at Beard of Control meeting in Boise the A. J. Hopkins home in Parma last Wednesday, Sunday for Mr. and Mr.-. Hcpkin's Mrs. Drrcthy Keller and Mrs 50th wedding Anniversary and the Goldie Roberts attended the ex­ wedding reception for their grand tension officers meeting in Ontario daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Vin­ last Tuesday, son of Portland, were Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woods moved Varner Hcpkin-. Faye Marie, and into tela, tenant house at the Dyre Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch. Roberts heme. Helen and Phililp, Mrs. Betty Samer Mr. Grace Bawtinheimer and son. and Catherine and Mrs. Robt. Weir Billie, of Roswell visited her sister. Mrs. Herb Thomas Monday. and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller enjoy­ ed a visit last week from their nep­ Dickie returned home Sunday from hew, Mrs. and Mrs. Wm. Holly of their fishing at the coast. They went Springfield, Oreg. Sunday they en- Salmon fishing and Dickie got six enjoyed a picnic dinner on the lawn. nice salmon. Mrs. Herb Thomas entertained Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Holly, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holly of pinochle club Friday afternoon with Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Miller, Mr. several ladies present. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas was and Mrs. Garritt Timmerman and two little girls o f Newell Heights. an over night guest of his brother. Mr and Mrs. Tom Jones and fam­ Bruce Thomas, in Baker on their ily attended the riding club field way to visit their son, Ralph Thomas day in Parma Sunday. Their son, and family, of Carson, Wash, and her sister, Mrs. Lyle Smith, of Van Guy, entered several races. Mrs. Guy Strong of Parma and Couver, Wash. They spent Monday Big Bend Pre - Labor Day TIRE SALE % the Countless fAiles Ahe^ For extra long, safe, trouble-free - service Hood "400" is your buy. Why? Triple - Action 1 read of longer wearing Cold Rubber runs quietly grips safely, de­ livers c tra mileage. Super- Strength cord body with Free- Flex C o n stru ctio n p ro te cts against bruises and blowouts, lengthens tire life. You'll be countless miles and money ahead with Hood "400" tires. Trade- today! LIFETIME GUARANTEE Speed Protected For S a fe ty For a stronger, longer lasting tube, get Hood "400” . Holds air pressure longer . . . tires give better service, longer mileage. ASK ABOUT THE HOOD "400" TODAY AT B E R R E T T 'S SERVICE This Offer Good Through Sept. 5 30?i OFF ON TRUCK TIRES Ehrgood fe North Main Dial 2348 HURSDAY. SI *LM.TER 195‘J PAGE TH FE Ï evening with their daughter. Mrs. x? R:lr_\ Dille. returning home Tuesday. Mr and Mrs xoayuund Cart­ wright vi-h to anm un.e there is a misprint in the pit ne bock of their number Correct number is 33432 Mr and Mrs Roy Wvnian of Oregon Slope accompanied Mr. a n ; Mr.- Herb Thoma- .0 Cambridge Sunday to attend the fa.r being held there. Owyhee Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Dial 3309 Cliff G.rard and Mrs Betty White and Karen left Monday for their home in Cahforn.a after visit­ ing here f, r a seek at the Lotlil Skinner home. Bob Skinner went to Madras last Monday with Mr- Raliegh Cham­ berlain and Jim where they visited relatives until Friday Bob stayed with the Frank Crockers. Mr and Mrs. Doc Pullen of Kuna ■ and her son, Elwood Anderson and wife and daughter, who are on va­ cation from Los Angele.-, called at the Silas Bigelo v home one day- last week. Mr and Mrs. Darrell William-. Mrs. Fred Deffer, Mr. and Mr- T H Brewer were among the group who had dinner at the Homer Brc ver home Sunday honoring Homer on his birthday. Mr and Mr.-. M Atagi attended a dinner party given at .he Oriental Cafe in Ontario by Mr. and Mr- Sunny Takami for hi- sister from Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moses return­ ed home Friday from a week- va­ cation in the Yellowstone and Teton National parks. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Shelton and son of Boise were with the Moses. Mrs. Gerald Slippy attended a den mothers meeting Tuc-day even­ ing at the Ernest Seuell home. Sunday afternoon a picnic was held on the la wn of the Harlan Koger home with 34 adults and nine children attending. The eroup were fnend from the Methodist Church in Nyssa and the Koger-' son Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Koger and sons of Ontario and Rev. C. E Trueblood of Seattle. Saturday a pot-luck dinner was held at the Louis Skinner home , Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Skinner and children, Mrs. Neai Nicholson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Patte and Mr and Mrs Jerry Patte and son, all of Nyssa, l Mr. and Mrs. Roy Skinner, Mrs . I Betty White and Karen, Cliff Girard, all of California, and Mary English I Mrs. Orville McEwen and children j and Mrs Grant Patterson and children spent a few days last week at McCall. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Hite and Louise drove to Emmett Sunday to I see Mr. and Mrs. Jess Chadwell. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Bigelow called at the Niss Hatt home Sunday j evening. Upon on their return home Mr. and Mrs. Hudson Robb of Ny­ ssa called at the Bigelow home. Mrs. L. M Koger and sons of Ontario and Rev. C E Trueblood of Seattle spent Thursday afternoon at the Harlan Koger home. Rudolph Hite and his grandson, Sonny Hite, went to Haines Friday and returned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Keith Moore and son of Notus spent Sat­ urday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Crocker. Mrs. Jessie Fisher of Cove stopped by the O wyhee Grocery Thursday; afternoon to visit her old neighbors, | Mr and Mrs. Harlan Koger Saturday Mrs. George Schweizer, Mrs. Sid Flanagan and Mrs. Bud Wilson drove above Riggins to get material for the Garden Club fair | booth. The ladies took a picnic lunch j and spent the day. Den 5 from this community had a part in the pack meeting held Wed­ nesday evening on the lawn of the Presbyterian Church In Adrian. Junior Atagi was awarded a boy scout knife for selling the largest number of tickets to the circus last spring. Junior was also given his Arrow Award. Mr. and Mrs Grant Patterson and children and Mr. and Mrs. La wrence Hislop of Fruitland had their dinner in the Nyssa park Sunday. Mr and Mr-. Jim Belveal and daughters of Nyssa were Sunday guests at the Gerald Slippy heme. J ^\Ve extend our Congratulateions Let Us Pause on This Day From Our Holiday-ing to Consider the Debt We Owe America's Work­ ers, Not Only for the Many Won­ derful Things They Have Helped Produce for Our Need But Also For the Role They Play in Creating That Free Society That Is America. Proud of Their Accomplishments, Staunch in Defense of Their Rights, American Workers are as Beacons to the World. Prices Effective F rid a/-Salu rday- Sunday Tuna ■' Idaho Foods Reg. 39c Pkg. Van Camp's No. 2 Nalley's 15-oz. 2 for 2 for Mt. Whitney Standard Tall Can 2 for 4-lb bag Sperry COUNTER SERVICE MEATS Fryers *a. $1.39 Picnics Lb . 57c Extra large— Pan-ready Nu Acres News Farmerettes Club Four Do-More 4-H club members will represent the Payette county- judging teams to go to the Pacific International Fair at Portland in October. Placing on the girls team are Velda Samuels. Joanne Martin and Geraldine Fry. On tne boys team is Harley Sager. Visiting at the J J. Montague home last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs, Zeb Evins of Vale. Duane Orcutt, Gary Thomson and Mrs. Merle Thompson spent last Friday and Saturday at Evergreen and Starky where they went on a camping trip with Mrs. George Champion and her Sunday School class of boys from Fruitland. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Junior Montague are visiting at the J. J. Montague home from Washington. Mr and Mrs. Charles Daudt and family of Payette visited with the A. P. Chesney family Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Bill Smith and fam­ ily of Vale, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hutchinson and Donna o f Meridian, and Mr. and Mr-. Joseph Junior Montague of Washington had Sun­ day dinner at the J. J. Montague i ! home Sunday. Mr and Mrs. George Grasmick 1 and Paula visited with the Frank i Ned bale* family Sunday. The Payette county girls Judging I team placed third at the Judging ! contest at the State Fair last week Velda Samuel- and Joanne Mar- ; ;.in visited Mrs. Olive Thompson i Sunday afternoon. 1 29 c 33 < 69 < Ï 3 < 49 < 5 cans Clearwater Potato Chips P o rk V Beans Beef Stew Olives Pancake Flour I» "!J Morrell's—Ready-io-eat Sausag e 3 Lbs. st Pure Pork Lb., Liver Tender 39 < B eef BAKERY SPECIAL market v itJ u J ^ •- V1 6th & Main at ih» "Y " Nyssa French Bread 2 loaves 2 9 e