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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 3, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON PAGE TWO cm tiik g a t e OLA NT R jm : •• . it; cc -r.c.l was contemplating a salary increase i r tie citv but he refused the increase with the c mment. Y .u can't afford it now without going utaticn. If y o u m u st ra is e tai use the money f:r some of the badly needec improve ments ar.d not for my salary.'* Wi. . .r ir. wishing Mr Burton the best of luck or. his new ; .b in Ontario. When a successor is named, he will profit -y the groundwork laid by the city’s first manager arc Nyssa will continue to expand and be in a better pos.'.i.r. tc cvpe with the multitude of increasing pro* o.err.s facing a., growing municipalities in the nation knai A l T E R * ................................. r v l ^ b r t RIC HARD H. X T O S T ----------------- . M T*r t t a * H a m « « » D u i » R tkcff »»4 Gea L Whorton 0 *B fn im C R im O N R\TTS In Maineur County Oregon, xnd P it pi :e » n i Cxnytm Count.*? Ii* h : * If 5- * ZUrvherc m ih* C S A ppr yexr ----------------- ■- P ^ Single C pie* - B Str:eily x. A i T i r .t 1 Published every Thurxday Entered at the po»u>fi.:e through th* United State* ih* art a: Nysaa. Malheur Cc-nty Oregon at Nyssa. Ore*»r. fir trarvnritsrtngl MxUs. a» second cías» matter under of Marob ) 1879 Ted Burton Will Be Missed Nvssa is temporarily without a city manager since Ted Burton has assumed his new duties with the City . Or> '- : jes to Ontario as a city engineer afte: taru service to Nvssa with wide and varied duties, t 1 part o f which were engineer, street and - mmis- sioner. clerk, ju ¿relian of *r.e couACll« tax exper.. muni* clpal ¡awver ar.d tne cnief defendant when .*•:sa ci.izens wanted *.» c-ma.ain about sand in their water, a t-rnec light or the reason the wind was blowing south- easterly instead - r. . .r. ••• e.-.e ..% is of hi i - . . . c o r i ..- - Never a man t remin a cco m p lis h m e n ts . Mr. B urin has always oem rstrated modesty, yet he oeer. definite in his views which r.e was usua.Iy successful in > .o .r.e counc.-men. A r.e.. his suggest:: 5 were not accepted, it was a.* a matter of a dav's work to the city manager pt ” will be * made No attemp* " " 1 here to list Mr Burton's ac- at are recorded on the overa.l record of ither than Dn the pafaes of hist :ry books of mumcipa. .aw ar.d taxati.r. . has been H is k r .o w .e :ere in Oregon as is evidenced bv state- Ulaikad • D ments of att me ■'5 and League of Oregon City • nffiz-iafe npubiicised incident is worth y of com- loute to Mr Burtar. ?•! re thi*n a year O th e r s S a y . . . Along The HOW TO INM Ti DEPRESSION A f i - _ r « sy uv* xide c i th* ro*d and »old no: do«». He txs hard of h-exr.n* so h* had nc radio He had trcunle w*h his eyes so he read no newspaper B h e »rid ho-r d r«.. He ? j : »-in» en fu*n»ay tel_n* i - c -u:*> *ere He -:> :c oy the >.de c i :n* rrad .r .7 rr.ed 3-;- x hr: dog M. rer " And peap.« Szugn: He m.rrea»ed h_- meat and bun Oregon Trail Mrs. Erxax B?ers Phone ZSZi ni tr D rm jn xnd Mr and Mr Earl F :x xhc are Mr and Mr: vi*.ting here fr:sc Dur*» Ku xcre d.nner guest» Wedn«--cxy a: the B.— vr. h e n » Mr D:rmxn Mr B n : . : Mr and Mr; *.VDr. R^eve :i Sin :.f, r C :..f x:“ j : h â*t y ttz \*sxizzg roer» te taxe »: >_», p G H ime H* i zzeiz i > : « mermng C-._rge Mr ar.d M P fa- H .me and ZT.tiT r>r''_L>r gdi-ns Mr and Mr happened— R *?**.e; : f 5a Mal*»: Cafad er haven'; . - he radio? ou been lutenur i: h:znc : f Mr and Mr There a depre H . .. n i» ter- Tr.e Eurc-pean W ed reid i; r evenir.» h:m e mzv.e» Arad colored» x»re .-h:xn at Tr.e D:me-txr n _» t .;r»e the F G H :l o h me r .-:.r fa W here-pm ir.» fxther thought nent» Tere 3*r .ed Th. - e sharing Well, my »en » seen to c : liege the evening aere Mr x_d Mr- Wm He re-xi» the papers and l*»*en Reeves o f San Mat. Cs—' Mr and the rt 7 . and . e ugr.t to 0 1 s Mr a n i Mr- F G H fatte» Mr and à: the ixiner cut d-oxn c c fan- Mrs Frank B -*r rt f;-m...y Mr bun orderi and Sir Relian i H xr.d -:n- T->: g á-y n'. his aiverusm g signs Mr and M r. R. K .me me Mr ar.d And ao <xiger b::nered V> stand Mr» G -I bert Helm.' ¿r.d d i-rn ter. c ut on the h-grvray to »ell hoc do«» and Mr and Mr Glen H: fanes And his Mr and M-» G .err. B rere and cvem-ght. the fxtr-er fxmfaT rere Sunc.y r-e 't» - Yc u re x: the Richard C heme m »aid to ih me < u y the m .ic > Orttarx: "We cert ucly are V— »- e-- — lCr H :f a zrea: Ne t ■ St An then y hosts a-, a telrr-s. .. pir T - e - ii y evening Guest» rere Mr xnd St.- Wm D Reeves ci Sir. Mat.-: Cafaf Mr and Mr F O K far Mr ar.c Mr» Frank Bye.-: xr.i f.m„ly Re- FIRST fre-lnmem» rere -er.ed after the Chur h o f Chris* prr-gram C H R IS T IA N Mr and Mr F G H .me- Lxrry \s«4in J HoUmgsworth Mmirter md Mr ar.d Mr» F S 1 - S.d.i :h :-.- Dxn Penrue. Helase» ar 3yer» Dcttxld ar.d Stanley rere » -permtendent 11 a = Serai: n 'Tue Ino lui. ve f. n.n? near Ur..-; Sunday They Drcught back a n e :,T h of treut «xinsí - N f-en-nr i_rm g A _r_¿: c io r 3. •y J^-vi :r :-' 217 Main St. (III K< II OF CHRIST Pxrma. Idaho McC'onre! I t f . O E Robinxon. Min.»ter 10 a m . B.ble st udy 11 a nt. morning r::»h_p 8 p m Sunday even—g »ervice. Wednesday. 8 o m B.ole -rudy. FRf E METHODIST CHl'RCB Adrian. Oregon 10 1 a . church achocfa 11 a m m.Thing rtrship With a Larger Stock to Serve YO U S2 000 // SAVE TIM E . . . with FREE PERSONALIZED CHECKS Mr 5 N rfar. ; .r c - mond attended a family dinner a: the J c Stephen b dm in Oow Hoi- l-.-T c:ntm.ur-:v USE JOURNAL CLASSIFTED .ADS Home beorfy begtms wrth . . . t Start paving bills by mail . . . open a Personalized Checking account at the First National Bank of Port land. Enjov the pres'ige and convenience cf immediate identification . . . hate bank safety uith pen point availability . . . and avoid confusion. Your name and address printed FREE on each Personalized Check. First National »s oocn 10 to 5, Monday tnru Saturday. • ^ 1 ' F 9 i£ £ T f1 N Y S S A B RA N C H M AT ION A L B A N K . *1 •um nor o r PO avLA N ■ taiaoKt HfatU. MPC-i-1 ».1 -CAMCi CfatJfaAAÎc^i fyCTM M tet/ IT'S IN THE BOOK" \wer Picture The Be»'. Way to Keep Small Fires From Becoming Headline News See Your FYR-FYTER PRODUCTS Sales and Service Man Fire Extinguishers For Every Need Claud Willson 616 No 4th Dial 6601 Nvssa, Oregon The anrwer t« everyday insurance problems* CATHOLIC CHCRCH Park Avenue and Third Street Reuihert Ahlrs. O. F. M. Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a m and daily at 8 a m Saturday. 10 a m , Catechism classes. BY RALPH LAWRENCE CHI R( H OF THE BRETHREN Chrtsrtiaa Center Mivuon East 2nd and Ehrgv-od 10 a m Sunday I d » . 11 a m . morning worship 7 30 p m , evangelistic service. ADRUN CO'fMUNITY ( HI R( H Henrr £ Moore. Pastar 10 a m . Bible school 11 a m . morning worship. 11 a m . Junior church. in MERCHANDISE L. D S înd W\RD D Hubert ( hristenxen. Rishap 9 15 a m . priesthood meeting 10 30 a m Sunday school THE l HI Rt H OF 1 HR To be Given Aw ay N 4/.AR FM Robert Jackaoa. Px>«ar 10 » * Sunday school U p n: . worship 7 p m . N Y P S a:.2 J- r meet- SEPT. 12 WE GIVE S 8t H GREEN STAMPS J5 COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH Vernon L. Taylor. Minister 9 45 a m . church school. H a m . morning worship 7 p m . Youth Fellowship. REMEMBER . . . . Over Pick Up and Delivery Monday — Thursday Phone Parma 3-3131 Collect enc with h_- pareri". • Mr ¿nd Mr I \ITII Ll l HER\N ( HI R( H Fifth Street and Park Avenue John L. Briehl. Pastor 1 0 a m . Sunday school. II a m . divtr.e won-h.p Over 5 0 PRIZES lo Be Saturday, Sept. 12 PARMA DRY CLEANERS P f: and Mr Bill R.rhe-m ci F rt Lew-.- Wx»h -pent the "»e<a- ST. PAUL'S 8 PISCOP 8 L ( HI R< H Rev. Carl Gross. Rector M trrrship ar.d Sunday school, 9 30 a m 8 p m . sarrxxnent meeimg Tuesday. 2 p m.. relief society Wedr.e»day. 4 p m . prur.ary; 8 p m . M I A a FREE TICKET for Lar.-a.-ier ar.d Only the ALL NEW 54 MISSIONARY ItXPTI'T ( HI R( H Elder Lee Jolliff. Pastor 10 a m . Sunday schoofa 11 a m . morning wrrstup 8 p m . etentng worship Wednesday 8 p m_. prayer service Come in and Receive Given Away M ..* r ------ 1 tain Nxucnal park r>-: Mr- Cheof.u: tKoe x:L*nd_ag a family pu rue »xnxeaM C on : h* extreme^ they xad » r.T .x :r,i Sunday *7 G.rtr. » = xt on them tr.p The boys playec H_: Spring » u icljctd M: and H r ,n the s a r t m the part? they v_s:ted Jxcx Reed and sen Mrs Stephen xnd ye: Western Ic »a is very, very Mr and Mrs. A 3 Reed and Julia dry f Pxrma Mr ani Mrs C C M e l - ________ Mr and ______ -Mrs Ted Ru«ell and « ~ - - " - : . 7 ... - . f ? . r: r. : ed Thui N _z?r c i Ceunc-l mgh: and Pndxy a: the Muri Lan- Mr a n i Mr» David 3a; a: herded ..e f_r.eral of h_- grandfather John c: Nora» a: Caideel T X£ Monday af: Mr and Mr? c Pr::*-» and Mr' and V :r. and »:-n ad f.ihm* m the pen; the D-adx-tcd : .ex- Î -wmxn Tro f Mr» c Fr-.:: brother» and them lam. .he xe: i there M: Mar -r. r.d xfaienied the S:a:e Fa.r a: 3:i»> Wedr.e.-dav Mr and Mr Laurence Tr. ~ r . •:f ?“îy r ::e v_;.:<-c ¿-. the Ker. R.:o- _n>:n home Saturday evenmc Mr and Mr- Roy Wdker r. and iam..y vere d_nr.*r g_r at tr.e Orville W_xe.---:r. heme _. Em- ASSEMBLE OF GOD Rev. Hxvkrii Fr. nd. Pastor Sooth iod and<e Are. .0 a an. srboot 1pm evxngehit.c »ervice Tuts , 1 p m . prajer ^ m 8 p m . j o .x i i* ,*t Mr LOCAL NEWS • m KCH \UTL> New in Our New Location home ItidT-; >.n S*r.d*y 7» «'• Mr Ruxxell »ere college chorus Mr F. -e-.r. fc me »ere Mr «no ________ Ru^ell lx manager of the den'al i . - A R EX, .•* : M. la c Mr . : . r- » , ■ ¡ O Ù 3.en T _ ::> «.-.i ra=: Mr *r.d Mr Mr and Mrs. Harold Hall of Lhieo. S r Stir, ague ir.l .1 «ne : home Wednesday after -* 9 *r.d- Calif., visited Sunday a: the home -.g ; to Trek- on vacation Places Mr .z i Mr, a .-, si — ; sy- ihey vu.ted included the Ca-per. of Mr and Mr CUff Main X 177 W iM f R e*.*: C-Í B u s i Wyr .1 field» a Che m o: f«n».ly re- Mr and Mrs J i i Falten of Pay- -p. » : S e s p o n Neo and a Snoff t it x*re Su : —tu» : evenmg nsE or. :.» :y y reunion a: Woodbine, I «a SEND YOUR CLEANING i: _he Dxv.d Bay heme Theu .-ins Barry an2 David, «"he Mr - Year H*..e underwent an ap- h x- 5 pen: th* summer ».th the.r to oenoeevamj « i l > Mah-.e—- Memcr- jrxr.; parent» m Neora-xx and Ic *x hcipit«. -r Nysti We-dr.e-aay Sne - __ ec with -.r.em On th* QUESTION M hen Ira carr»ing t oenprehensive P e rs o n a l Liability insurance nho pays the cos* of defending a suit brought against me for damages covered by the policy? ANSWER The insurance com pany pays all cost» and all dam ages oithin the limit» of th* policy. This is television you’ve been waiting for! Motorola’s thrilling Double-Power Picture brings the station nearer, makes the pic- ture e’e a r e r . . . doubles your viewing pleasure. Enjoy all this at the lowest price in the quality TV field! Don't w now! MO 0(1 1TTIJ Mc^ojo-r plov c tab I* ■>od*C 8 9 1 7-^scf, U H n m t r*c,< N.D» S-_-o. TV ir> *< »* -« . f , Set •« J * 1 loA*r. » w « « U N f.V M F w t w i 5ovcJett Ip »».* -— »or Sw.»cfc< 8. • In UM8-VM* T„ O pt.o «o ll fwll I T ^ , , W o r r a n l. on A 'k F a r H I -7-- .ng.« 7 45 p m . evangeli-:., sen .e «ira:.’* q.- •. ns to :h_« rff » t n s t«t w tun PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Coed»« Ra* Rcseap 9 15 a ir pr^-th -od r ••* ng 10 W » rn .Sx^-.a» ssh "Your Dependable Furniture Store« NEW LOCATION 2J7 MAIN STREET. NYSSA l 7 30 p ir sacrarne: 1 - *e?..-« TiesJav 2 p m re:.e? s x e » y Wei» evia» 4 p m primary 7 39 ? at M X A yev can »ok*. Fri<# ix<k/d*l f»<H« To »1 Eiclvti»« Onlooc* s*l»<- » a » * »* » » no charge or tlk fstn a of an* s_oa N y m Inaura ac « Aytn c j m Mam st fimi : A4 DON B. MOSS FIRESTONE STORE 417 Main Dial 2124