THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1953 f>\Gf EIGHT -..i \! i * d Mr O F Ri Lbun of B en - ■ l Wa.'h. Piate • were U:d b u r i a l A c t h ir t ie s 20 R usm IU Entertain ;; Spies, Animals Psychology Are Book Subjects Mr and Mrs. Ray Hu ell en’ er- .ained at dinner Saturday evening 4 '1 1 C >u «U.'-e-p onag_- the Cihavi. r Phone 2233 H Hu *;il and family of Los An- animals a - seen by a di-Ungulsh- elf L u Pieiler cf Ontario, Mr ed naturalist, and a ccntinuaticn of ,,:id M: f-iy u afale and Mr- Phil- I a study on ruatur.-y are the subject- ___________ _ couple are making t! eir home in f he books on tne top of the li-t Mr. Cooper Blackfoct, Ida , when j f tho e going into circulation on is employed. Family Reunion Saturday, August 23, at the Milheur A family reunion was held at the C'jun.y Library, Henry Day home at Adrian last Dinner Guests Spy-Catcher by Ore te Pinto is Dinner guests Thursday evening Wedr.e-day Five of Mrs. an account by a counter-e-p.onage M i - Shirley Marie Th -ma-.c. iu. n- at the home of Mr. arid M: - J L yjay -even children and their fami- -iger.t who served with -he Briti-h ter of Mr. and Mr . David Thoma- were Mr-. Frank William l:e- were present. Mr. Day’s 66th authorities during th. war and later of N.V'-a and Bill Dean C per f Vancouver; Mr-. Dan McKinley birthday anniver-ary was also cele- I as chief of Dutch C unter-Intelh- Mountain H me. Ida: a 1 I of San Diego, and Mr Mae Herri- prated He was given a decorated I gence, of his expierence- detecting and Mrs. Fred Cecper of Pendk: n man and Mr-. Bonnie Buerson of birthday cake and a gift from his and interr: gating -pie.-. were married Sunday, Aug. 16 ir. an Caldwell. j children. Ne w light on the ways of animals Impressive afternoon earn ny. rhe v ■> If rn-made ice cream and cake * is shed in King Sokm.-n’s King by Bee. John Briehl peri, rined the i.i e r .'d to -he foil wing: Mr. and Konrad L rer.z, who .-ay: 'One can double ring ceremony in the Faith Family Runion nly ge: to knew the higher and 1 Mrs H L Day, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Picnic Held Lutheran church. Day and fimily, the Rev. and Mrs. mentally active inimal-. by letting The families of Mrs. John Ray- Mr Briehl played the wedding K'nry Moore, all of Adrian; Mr. them move about freely." held their annual reunion picnic at marches. The author of The Mature Mind and Mrs. A. J. Sorenson and family The bride cho.-- a wedding frock her home last Sunday Thirty-nine f Cairo. Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H A. Overstreet, enlarge- upon hi- of white organdy ar.d wh.t* cmbroid- attended including the Dwight ' Flerea and David cf Coos Bay, Mr. thecry of the mature personality in ery trim. The short capped sleeves Smiths, Artie Robertsons, Elmer and Mr Howard Day and Sandra The Great Knterpr and scolloped neck line accent! .. the Stradleys, and Harold Dails. Mr- Harold Robbins that maturity evolves not alone Out of town guests were Mrs. and Mr and Kt,..r„ fitted bodice She wort a cor net f from forces within the private self Mr and Mr H. A. irA *ir1' ci Ny’. ^ n Mi mm a* are daisies, and carried a white Harry O hert Mi but through the elf’s growing out­ Teut oh o f Boise, the Ray Ooshert I _ , * orchid on a white Bible. ward into relationship with the family of Idaho Falls and the John . ’ lnnei CiUCStS Miss Marilyn Chadd wa maid of 1 world about it. honor. She wore a yellow organdy and George Ray families of New j In Apple Valley F .W . Kenyon in his fir t publish­ Dinner guests Sunday at the W il­ ed novel The Emperor’s Lady writes dress and an orchid gla diola cor - age. Plymouth and Frank Fry. lie Huff h. me in Apple Valley were • he story c f Empress, oon- Carl Co. pe:r wa­s best man and El- Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Getner ar.d -ort of Napoleon B n .parte. win Harold- in wais an u-her. Young Adults Meet family of Washington; George For her dtnight er* vredding, Mrs. Venturing for the fir : t me into Members of the Methodi-t church Thomas eh" e a p:ink lit with white Young Adults met Sunday night at Hughes and Johnny of Baker and historical fiction. Margaret Kennedy accessorie- .iind 3 i whi te carnation the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff and Larry. writes of the per::a of the Regency Afternoon callers were Mr. and in early nineteenth-century England corsage. Mr-. Coo]per, nnot her of the Kurtz Marian Tyner had charge of groom, wore an £ifternoon dre - o f the devotions and Bob Keveren had Mr Kenneth Hughes and girls of in a tale c f the dual personality of the Owyhee dam. aqua blue r,;ylon with N ITJ 1 Miles Luftcn called -Troy Chim­ the program. »cries and a pink and white carr.a- neys.” tion corsage. A view of vehirlc from -'agecoach Following the ceremony, a recep­ Dinner Guests to jet airplane can b ' seen in the Dinner gue-ts Friday evening at tion wa - held in the church parlors John Hartnett of Tuscan, \riz. '• I H Miss Gail Maze had charge of 'he the h «me of Mr, and Mr Roy Wild fame Thursday to spend several of American Transportation” edited guest book and M: Elmo Chadd. included Mr. and Mrs. Darin Roger- week vi-:’.ing at the home of his by Edward Throm. Mr-. Pete Reib ar.d Susy Reib . - of Palco, Kan as. Mr. and Mrs. Dal- diugii.iT and son-in-law, Mr. ar.d A novel by Helen Huntington las Rogers and daughter of Notus, Mi Charley Grider. sii ted at the reception which takes its name from a Mac- Following a wedding trip, the Mr and Mr- Dwight Seward, Le.-ter Guests at the home of Mr. and Ir ;h quotation i - the story of a Mr . B. F. Rook- tool over the week group c f young people linked by end were their grand children, Don- friend-hip and common experience See this amazing new FARMALL FAST HITCH na. Diane and Teddy Rook-stool of who-e lives did not all work out as for the McCormick Farmall Super C Tractor at VV( -: n. Ore., and Allen Mitchell of they had hoped: "Which Grain Will Walla Walla. The group had a fam­ Grow?” "The Barking of a L >nely Fox" ily picnic dinner Sunday on the j by Guido D Agostino is a novel of i Owyhee river. .Mr. and .Mrs. A, R. Bumingham I man against the land in the Pen­ nsylvania blackhill country. left Ny. -a Monday for their home ‘‘The Lore o f the Ne w Te-tament" in Salt Lake C.ty after .-pending a is Joseph Gaer - c mpani in volume week at :he home of Mr. and Mrs. to a similar bock on the Old Testa- Carl Burningham. j mer.c, and presents the life of Jesus Mrs. ( lift Main and Kent and I in selections from the folklore which Karen returned Sunday after spend- | has grown up around the Ne w Testa­ ,ng 4 days in Baker at the home of ment. of Mr. and Mrs. George Henneman "Parliamentary Law for the Lay­ and in LaGrande with the Rev. and man" by Joseph O’Brien is a handy Mrs. Henry Gernhardt. manual on procedure and strategy Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hillman of Vic­ for meetings, making rules of order torville, Calif., arrived Sunday nigat the servant rather than the master at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton cf group meeting-. Jack-on. They brought Lynn and With the fall sport- season almost Marcia Jackson home with them af- here, two small "how-to" books may it pending a month in California. prove useful to athlete and coach: They came via Zion and Bryce Can- j "Football Techniques Illustrated” yon and Salt Lake City. The Hill­ and 'Basketball Techniques Illus­ man-, parents of Mr- Jackson, will trated.” visit here for two weeks. Farrell Lowe Hollingsworth of See the FAST HITCH demonsfraied in a unique 4-fraclor Berkley, C a lif. arrived Wednesday I square dance at Nyssa on August 27-28, starling at 2 p.m. to visit at the h me of his parents, ' the Rev. and Mrs, Austin J. Hol­ 8 mi. north of Nyssa, on Everett Taylor farm. lingsworth. Fast-Hitch now on display at Modern Pioneer Club Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Dtius and fam­ ily returned Friday after spending a Dial 2135 week In the mountains. Mr. ami Mrs. Jane Fischer spent Captain and Mrs. Iferrol Webb Sunday in Wilder at the home of I and two children from Denver, Colo., Mr. and Mr-. BUI Leffler. and Mrs. Milt Butler from Gooding, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shaw and Larry Ida., visited Monday with Mr. and and Don and Mrs. E. J. Wilson of ; j Mrs. Dick Kreigh. Homdale returned Saturday even­ Mr. and Mr.-. Ronald Saxton, Mr. ing after spending last week in Car- [ , and Mrs, Dale Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. lin, Nev. with Mr. and Mrs. Howard j Stanley Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Hand. fopliff, Mr and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. It. F. Kookstoll. Don Mr and Mrs. Jim Phifer, Mr. and na and Diane and Allen Mitchell. Mrs. Mark Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Ol-on and Mr Frank Whipple Dick Kreigh and Mrs. BUI Hamilton drove to Boi-e Saturday to visit Mrs. enjoyed a housewarming for Mr. John Ridder at the St. Alphonsus and Mrs. Kenneth Price Saturday hospital night. Mr. and Mrs. Don llumblr and Mr. and Mr- Lyle Kelch and fam­ family and Mrs. Charley Grider and ily of Mode.-to, Calif., visited her sis­ John Hartnett of Tusoon, Ariz. at­ ter, Betty Glenn. They will also tended the Western Idaho State visit at Pocatello, Ida., with rela­ Fair in Boise Tuesday. tives. Lorraine Fischer and (alenda («en­ Kay Hanrmon returned home Sat­ try left Monday to spend several urday from California. days in Indian Valley visiting fri­ Patsy Patterson spent Sunday at ends. the Hammon home. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hathbun and Billie Glen and Dan Perkins spent family of Benton City, Wash, re­ a week at Moses Lake visiting turned home Saturday morning af­ friends and relatives. THOROUGH is the word for our lube jobs! ter visiting three days in Ny- a at Mr. and Mr- W. E. Piercy visited Our skilled mechanics give every moving tire home of Mrs. Rathbun's parents, Mr and Mrs. Ed Wild. part a thorough going over . . . including (Juiniin D. Clarkson, O.S.C. staff view. Idaho is visiting in Nyssa at under-carriage and chassis joints. You'll FEEL member arrived at the J. I Brady the home of her daughter, Mrs. I home last Friday night to Join his Frances Bates. the difference in the smoother performance Mr. and Mrs. W. J . Feinen left wife and children. Mr. and Mrs of your carl j ciarkson and'Y.Ym’uy s ^ n t WednVs'’- M nda>' fl'r :h,' ir home in Bremer- day afternoon visiting Mis.- Patricia :on’ " ashington after visiting at the Parkard, former research fellow at home of Mr and Mrs. A. H. Boydell. Sunday dinner guests at the home O.S.C. in Nampa. Thursday morn­ ing, they left for a short trip into of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith were the Jordan Valley area where Mr. Mr- J S Beam of Ontario, the Rev. N y ssa D ia l 2346 Clark-on collected plants for the col­ and Mrs. A. J. Hollingsworth and lege herbarium in which he is re­ Mr-. Charle- Marshall. Judy Roberts Is confined to her search assistant. 'Ir. and Mrs. Fd Wild and Iheir bed due to Illness. She is the daugh­ house guests, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. ter of Mr and Mrs. Leon Robert.- Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Whitney of Rathbun and family of Washington wore dinner guests in Nampa of Mr. Glendale. C a lif. left Nyssa Monday after .-pending five days here at the and Mrs Bernice Gibson. Mrx. Jack Medlock and children home of Mr and Mrs. Elwood Flin­ tier- The Whitneys, aunt and uncle and Mr mi Mr- Roj Wild went Boise Sunday and were dinner gues - of Mrs Flinders, were on an extend­ er Mr. and Mrs. Williams. Janet ed tnp t0 Washington, Oregon. Ari- Medlock, wh 1 had been visiting the ZOIla and ^ 1 i;1 'Ir. 1,nd and Mrs M rs J<* » aHle visited Williams for three days returned to Mr- m Harper Saturday evening with Mr Nyssa with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Russell and Hartle’s sister and brother-in-law, family of Los Angeles are visiting Mr and Mrs Willis Williamson. The Rev. and Mrs. Vernon L. Tay­ this week at the home of Mr and lor and family returned Thursday Mrs. Ray Russell. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Amn of Cal­ evening after spending three weeks loway. Nbe are visiting at the Henry in Springfield, III. visiting their par­ ents. Mr and Mrs. J W. Taylor and Day home at Adrian. 'Ir. and Mrs. Willis Bertram re­ Mr and Mrs W. C. Barton Mr. and Mrs Leo Child and Mrs. turned home Sunday from Moses Dike, where they had gone to get J. Elwood Flinders and Gall left Mrs Bertram’s father. Ed Jamison, m n lay lght t - apend the week In to bring him to the veterans hospital Idaho FalL- with Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Saunders and Mr. and Mi - Val In Boise. 'Ir. and Mrs. W O \rnold of John Child. Seo Us About Other Produce Day are visiting at the home of Mrs Charles Kanaester. Mrs. Arnold and TYPEWRITERS Mr- Kanaester are sisters. All Makes Mrs. J. Ueslcv Anderson and P -S : Rented Repaired Blaine Ander.-on of Hryburn. Idaho Fletchers Typewriter Eirhange and Miss La V’ern Peterson of Boise - k II.way 20 West PO. Bo* * » - Dial 2815 6th and Good e of M ind Mt J t B »• Bins«. Fh 24®fi. ldah. Carole Wilson, Editor Shirley Thomas Becomes Bride Of Bill Cooper Owyhee Truck & Implement Co. Mr- Luit Siam at the Jim OJ-. n home. Mr and Mrs. Vein Kreigh >t B’ . Ida., pent the latter part of e week With their n and family, Mr a:.d M: Dick Mr and Mrs. Lyn Smith ar.d fam. lly of Vancouver, B C. -pent the fore p i n of the week at the Dudley Kurtz heme. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz, their gue. t', Mr. and Mr Percy Ó.-born Lyn _ and Elfle ___ an<1 [ Mr and ^Irs ^ ~ j.. smith were swimming at Snively’.- Wednesday evening. Mr-. W. E. Piercy spent Tuesday and in Nampa getting her glasses fixed. Mr. and Mr-. Durlin Hammon at­ tended the wedding reception Friday- night at Nys-a stake hou.e far Mr and Mrs. Glen Green. The Thurman Piercys and Donnie Brewers picnicked Sunday evening at Sniveleys. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kreigh, Euhl Ida., Mr. and Mrs. W. E Piercy, Mr and Mrs. Dick Kreigh. Arlene Spark: and Linda called at .he Rube Gra­ ham home Friday night. Mr and Mrs. Harry Warren and Charles Warren, grandfather of Mr- Irvin Topliff, spent Tuesday with he b .y - caught their limit c f sal- , w , m n at W Bay L iu Pr itt and Fruikie went sage t uinner ¿»unda> eveirng w*th B< a .1 M Hears I Moore hen hunting Saturday and Sunday. Ray S;mp-on returned Sunday Mr and M. Ernest Se veTT ana family. Mr. Mr-. Dudley Kurtz fr m antelope hunting with no luck .1 family. Mr and M: Vern Kre.gii ai.d M. and Mi- I-*- k Kri- ee i and family were guests at a weiner roast Sunday evening at i the Irvin Tcpliff home. Mr and Mrs. Lou Pratt and fam- ily took Anna Mae Dunton to Leb- anon. Ore . Wedne.-da> to 'k i t her grandmother. Mrs. Anna D. S. Pratt. can GENERAL A niece from California, Nancy Prat:, returned with them for a M r and ^ T ÿM » t A M E R IC A save 1 5 % on fir* insurance for owners of preferred r i s k s ? The a n s w e r m ay mean money to you. Ask us. ViSit- L - w Mrs. Luit Stam returned home Monday from the Ontario ho-pi’ al. She was operated on last Thur.-day. Mr and Mrs. Percy O-born, the Lyn Smith.- and Dudley Kurtz .-pent Wednesday in Jamison. Ontario and Nys.-.a visiting the former home and relatives cf Mrs Kurtz. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Bill Toomb and Mr. ind Mrs. W. E. Piercy attended Pomor.a grange Saturday night at Jrogan. Mr and Mrs. Jake Borge ar.d fam- ly returned home early Monday ir rning from California. Jake and RENSTFOM AGENCY Dial 6697 DO NT EE LATE FOR THESE " V FOR FRIDAY School bell's a-ringing again — and that means new ideas for school-day meals and school lunch boxes! Ycu won't want to rniss any of the Back-lo- school buys we're featuring . . . and remember that all year 'round we've got the hearty, nourishing foods school days call f o r at prices you like! SATURDAY SUNDA.Y and MONDAY Sweet Juicy ORANGES Cantaloupes 1 0 Lbs. 5 9 C Vine Ripened Lb SWIFT'S CLEARWATER PEANUT BUTTER TUNA u Newell Heights 20 oz. Jar ......... ...... 4 9 c 7 c 5 9 ^ for OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. BORDEN'S SELECT RIPE SALAD DRESSING OLIVES 4 9 £ MARGARINE 8 9 £ lbs. In Our Lubrication Work DENNISON'S — PIERCE'S CATSUP 4 6 59c ■ Bottles POTTED JOAN OF ARC ARGO SLICED MEAT SPREAD PORK n BEANS PEACHES BERRETT'S SERVICE 37^i 3 £ £ for FOWL.. LARGE FRANKS 3 ibs. 89£ 4 O 59« * ibs. Let Us For You! GEM PRODUCE CO. Mrs. Margaret Dribble ot Grand TAYLOR’S No. 2 Vi P P j . cans O O fp ASSORTED LARID CD CO Is an Unpleasant Task Do It 5 9 ^ SUN VALLEY Yea'll Appreciate the Difference DRESSING Tall Cans Q t. COLD CUTS 2 ibs. 69£ FOOD MARKET BEAT THE PRICE BY SAVING TWICE— LOW PRICES PLUS 425 Arcadia Blvd. Dial 3111