Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1953)
THE NYSSA 3AiE PAGE SIX Mr- H pkins f rrnerly lived in th.> c immunity. Mr. and Mr- O. E Cheldelin had as ‘their guests Mr and Mrs. Ted Mrs. Alva Goodell Ullakka of Salem, Mrs. D J La * -on • ' I Dial 3804 Gutzler of Oregon City. They were here ta attend the wedding of Lola Mr. and Mrs George Cleaver left Jraake. with France* Cleaver for Okiihom i Mr. and Mr- Robert Adam- and when they received word that Mrs. Jancie and Mr and Mr- Loyd Ad James Reeder, daughter and si ter, was til. Mr. and Mr- Reeder owned ams were In Mountain Home Sun what Is now Charley's Drive-In sev day. Mr and Mrs. La wrence Low, Mrs. eral year* ago. , Thurman H.U and Oeorge Moeller Mr and Mrs. William Bertram and were antelope hunting Saturday Lucille left for Mo.-es Lake Saturday Mrs. Hill came back with her ante where they will get E. L. Jamison lope. whe is ill. He will enter a hospital Donna Jean Cheldelin returned somewhere near here Friday from Portland where she has Mr and Mr-. Delbert Cleaver and been attending summer school at boys, Mr and Mr- Alva Goodell and Lewis & Clark college Alva Goodell. Jr., visited Sunday at Vaughn E trick pf Meridian .-pent the Henry Estrick home in Meridian several days the past week at the and attended a family picnic at home o f his aunt, Mrs. Alva Goodell Julia Davis park Mr and Mr- and family. Gocdell visited with Mrs. Janie Mrs. Effie Lenon, Ray and Don Goodell at Caldwell that evening. of Oklahoma and Mr and Mrs. flop Mr. and Mrs. Le-lie Topliff. EJ- py Draves and family of Colorado ward Topliff and Mr and Mrs. Alv i visited with Mr. and Mr- Mancil Oocdell attended a shower for M: Bishop the past week Mrs Lenon is and Mrs. Raymond Goodell at the mother, Ray and Don are broth ers and Mrs. Draves a -ister. of Mr. Boulevard Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jamc- Stephen. Jr Bishop Mr and Mrs. Joe Stephen and and boys visited Roger Stephen at family visited with Mr and Mrs Indian Rock I ik out Sunday Howard Day and Ray Griffitt Grover Fnedly of Madras the past went to Mo-e- Lake Monday to 1. >k week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff were for a location. Mr. and Mr Wesley Sander • : in Center Cover Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Bums visited Sunday at the John j Glenda returned last week from two McAlister home. Mr. and Mr Albert Hopkins and weeks' vacation in Yellowstone, Ne son of Havre M nt are hou-egue.-t- < braska and Kansas. at the Loyd Adams home Mr and ' Joyce Cleaver was admitted to Buena Vista SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and Roto-Rooter Sewer Service BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE Dial 2322 Nyssa : Cl'iY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1953 u ... - '• t a- M . > ■ G lava L a pt— Su. h i) n .lp r.g J.m put an addition on his ti;u-e. M. and Mrs. Glen H liman and Glenda p nt Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs. Clyde Hoke. Mr- Fern Rune.'in entertained the Chatter Box club at her home Tue-day afternoon wuin Mr-. Lundy i- co-hostess. Nine memoers ans wered roll call with a news item. Different members were appointed to contact people to make signs with names of person* living on adjacent load Refreshments of ice cre-am. cake and a drink were served. Word has been received of the birth of a daughter. Barbara Ann. ,o Mr and Mrs. Wallace Gregg of M ses Lake The Greggs formerly lived in this community. Court Cases . . . Justice Court Aug 12. Frank Phillip-, no ope rator'.- license. $5 50 and costs. Aug. 13 Neva Brixey, disorderly- conduct. $25 and costs, floated. Ray A. Wi.-e, passing with in-ufficien. clearance. $3 and costs. Luis M. r’ierrt . no ope rator’s license, $3 and co t -, given until Aug. 22 to pay. Aug 14, Charles Montgomery, charge of larceny changed to dis- rderly conduct, $25 and costs. Don ald L Lytle, no motor vehicle license, S5 fine remitted, costs paid. Aug. 15. John E. Butler, truck -peeding, $10 and costs. Police Court Aug. 13. Louis Gonzales, throwing bottle in alley. $5 fine, $3 50 paid Roberto Salas, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, $30 fine, $20 paid, confined five days for balance. Aug 14, Jose Reynosa, public in toxicate n. $25 Manuel Flores, pub lic intoxication, $25, confined in lieu of payment. Aug 15, Nichols A Schneider, pub lic intoxication, $25 John Amos, public intoxication, $25. Aug. 16, LeRoy J. McDannel, stop latlon, $5. Raymond H. Ba’.t- azor, »top sign violation. $5. Sher- Parma— Chief of Police Alfred Kail today warned Parma motorists that he h a noted many instances of excessive speeding within the city limns. Chief Hall says that with school starting in the near future, drivers should drive more carefully, particular)’ when passing the schools, through school crossings and other places such as the city park where youngsters may likely be In the future. Hall said, motorists will be given a ticket when found driving too fast.—Parma Review. Weiser— Preliminary plan- for a survey of trade and industry in Wei ser were Initiated Tuesday at a man A Dodson, public intoxication. $25. Stanford Michael, vagrancy and mooching, floated Balente Bella, public intoxication, $25. Lucianc Leya.-public Intoxication, $25 Felipe Cantu, public intoxication. $25, con- fined in lieu of payment Mato d i ttos, public intoxication. $25, confiend in lieu of payment. Aug. 17. David White, public in toxication, $25, confined In lieu of payment. Aug. 18. Juan Estada, public in toxication, confined. Aug. 21. Rudolph Sanches, no op- ?ra:.:r'- license, $3 and cc«t-. '.ug 23. Arturo E Va quez. drunk an public read, $25 and co.:-. Aug. 24. Jose F Herrerd. drunk on public road. $25 and c< -t.-, $3 paid. Vincente O. Ramirez, no operator’s license, $3 and cost- t Ity Court Aug 18, Juan Estada. public in toxication. $21. Aug. 21, Fernando U. Gallegos, step sign violation, $5. Mauricio Her nandez. public intoxication, $25. Aug. 22. Cary E Blanch, violation of basic rule, driving 45 miles per hour in 20 mile z ne, $3 Leno Es parza, stop sign violation. $5 Aug. 23. Luis Valencia, public in toxication. $25. Aug. 26. Sarnie L. Brown, placing injurious substance on street, re leased on payment $5 bail. David A. Carter, using profane language and oublie intoxication, pending. Only al Peterson’s. . . . AUGUST SPECIAL EXTENUE!) t<> SEPT. 12 F R LE 0 1 L - FR E E IN S T A L L A T IO N KïlPÉRIflL OIL HOME HEATER kdmüjjié Pldum Fimi t WITH AI L DüOTHERMS ¥ Free Insiallaiion and Free Oil - (50 Gallons) or • F re e Aulomaiic Thermostat Control ¥ ONLY DUO-THERM OFFERS A FULLY AUTOMATIC OIL HEATER ¥ Automatic Lighter O P T IO N A L T H E R M O S T A T for trl-h «ml forget-it comfort! (w ilh or without electricity) DUAL CH AM BER BU RN ER gets inurf from every drop of oil! (ns j |L j J f V vJ V+Sj V O P T IO N A L A U T O M A T IC Power-Air Blower turns itself on unJ oft! p tat >e- when cjining through Utah, Idaho and Oregon cannot afford to oerr.e here be:au-e of costs. It . H tN er, seme of the surplus potatoes meeting of Weistr Chamber of Com vcukl go to drouth areas, making merce director* a. Hotel W a sh in g a better market. ton. Loyd Aaams told of the Oregon The proposed project calls f o r : Trail association, which consists of limitation of a questionaire among .he Grange and Owyhee Riding club, • firms throughout the c o m -1 and its bid on the Oregon Trail mumty. in an effort to obtain in -chool house and the acceptance. A discussion on the annual Boost formation concerning the variety of sneerprises located here and their er Night resulted in plans to check methods and quantities of product With other Granges and set a date at the next meeting. There was a ion. Designed to provide useful, in discussion on butter substitutes and teresting facts for local residents as on advertising of local produots. Mrs, veil as for outsiders who inquire Runcorn told of different places that about opportunities, facilities and have milk maohines that work like ra v materials available in this re pep dispensing machines so that gion. the survey will embrace a milk can be bought by the drink. variety of subjects. These will in Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fox furnish clude a tabulation of total retail ed the refreshments. and wholesale sales here per annum. —Weiser Signal. NEIGHBORING TOWN TOPICS servation. Automatic Power Air LOCAL NEWS Modo! 622 DEALER’S NAME und ADDRESS Ads, youngsters to a home-style meal while doing their SCHOOL SHOPPING this weekend • Completely Remodeled for Your Convenience and Comfort —Family Dinners —Dinner Parties —Group Luncheons tant before bids can actually be call ed for early this fall. Principal Donald Gabbert said the b aid decided at Thursday’s meet ing that the new school would have a brick veneer exterior, some pum ice -tone on the interior, and would be heated with coal. The school acreage will be farmed by the FFA boys. —Malheur Enterprise. Grange Asks Care In Spraying; Discuss Markets At the regular meeting of the Oregon Trail Grange Tuesday, Jan- <ie Start! told of Malheur county's exports and imports. George Cleaver gave a report on the PMA election on wheat subsidies and a report was given on drouth conditions in parts of the county. A discussion was held on spraying diseased ground for wire worms and it was revealed that when potatoes are planted following spraying, they are not fit for human consumption. A resolution was sent to Pomona Grange asking the inspector to be more careful of tainted food as it is hurting the potato market. Another resolution sent to Pomona asks that something be done about letting trucks in to haul produce since truck- come from Texas after Brownie's Cafe H O M I Q M tC t ‘ “"•'«"•f'l ¿SHIfrGTQN INSURANCE Are Possible Wilh The Frozen Food Locker Plan W e can supply you with everything you need for processing foods for FIGURES DON’T LIE your locker. CONTAINERS, POLI-ETHELENE BAGS ms OF I IN U M C i HENRY “ HANK-' STORM 201 No. 9th Res. Phone 3392 PROGRESS W e Pay Market Price 7 sQ .« CO«TW O » ?» Ff* Mi * For Fat Hogs Flow ol Oil Pitted Pie Cherries Duo-Therms Model 722 53,000 BTU Only two alarms for minor fires have alerted volunteer firemen dur ing the past week and Wednesday morning three false alarms were at tributed to a short on the siren wir ing. The department was called to a vacant lot back of the Nyssa Tavern Friday morning where an abandoned car's upholstery was smoking. It is believed that a transient had used the ear for a bed during the night and had dropped a lighted ciga.eUe. At 6:45 Tuesday morning firemen were called to the Jesse Ditty home on North Fourth street where a -hart in a radio had filled the house with smoke. The radio was com pletely '’dead” by the time the fire men arrived. treat your PLUS MANY OTHER COMFORT-INSURING FEATURES 41,500 BTU Fewer Fire Calls For Department Payette— School officials in Pay Mr. and Mrs. George Bauer of ette and New Plymouth confirmed Richland. Washington were week reports this week that there is a end guests of Mrs. Ray Larson. Mrs. | movement under way which may re Bauer is Mrs. Larson's daughter. sult in opening schools earlier than Carole and Judy Mink returned the September 21 time already set Sunday after spending 4 days in ?ruitland Superintendent Perry Gooding visiting with their grand Patterson, however, said that the parents, Mr and Mrs. R A. Wright '.ate date probably will not be Mrs. Ernest Bunn, Mrs. Margaret hinged for his district. Schetzlaar, Mrs. Delbert Hooper. School superintendents were call- Mrs. Reed Gyllen-kog, Mrs. Lewi* .ng for special meetings of their Riggs and Morrell Bunn spent 4 district beards to discuss the situa- :on. As near as could be determin- days last week in Salt Lake City. Raymond Larson returned Friday- d, :he reconsideration of the open- ! ing date Is due to an apparent lack night after spending two weeks in of local work for teen-agers.—In- San Francisco and the surrounding area visiting relatives and friends. dc pendent-Enterprise. Use the Journal Classified Mr. and Mrs. S. C'. McConnell they get results. spent Thursday and Friday in Boise Ontario— One of the city housing units in north Ontario vas sold this their daughter, Maxine Moore week, city recorder Frank McShane who had surgery at St. Lukes hosp ital Thursday morning. aid today. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keith and Mothers . . . Purchasers of the six apartment unit were Jack Westfall of Ontario Johnny were visitors last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ken Ren- and J.m Smith of Caldwell. Their b.d of $175 was accepted by the strom. Orbie Neely of Tulsa, Okla. spent city. It vas the only bid put in for Sunday and Monday at the home he building. The purchasers did indicate what they were -u n e of Mr. and Mrs. C. A Reece. Walter Reeves and his fiance, to do with the building but M c Shane -aid they had to have it dis Ruth Altizer of Burns were dinner \ mantled or moved from the city by guests Thursday night at the Jchn December 1 of this year.—Argus- Reeves heme. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. McKinzey of Ob.-erver. Portland arrived in Nyssa Friday evening to visit at the home of Mr Baker— A ‘‘Harvest Days” fall and Mrs. Bartil Ostrom. Jimmy Os- opening event and possible style irom returned home with them after show was placed under study of a visiting at the home of his grand group of merchants here Tuesday parents and on the coast. following a meeting of the merchants Mardi Sallee of Boise is visiting committee of the chamber of com this week at the home of her par merce. ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Sallee. It is proposed to plan the shop Mr. and Mrs. Don Herron and sons ping event for the middle of Sept Kip and Dee left Nyssa Monday for ember. California to visit friends and rel Named to decide details of the atives. harvest event are Mrs. Eth»I Tro- Mrs. A. B. Ballah and Arthur of yer, chairman: Wilma Lcckwood, John Bohn, Francis Schmidt, Geo. Denver is visiting in Nyssa at the home of Mrs. Frank Morgan. Mrs. Henr.eman, Kenneth Lock wood, Ol- . Morgan and her house guests are He Hudson and Henry Levinger.— spending this week at Payette Lakes. Record-Courier. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Getner, Ger- • Vale— Members of the Vale Union high school board, at a meeting Thursday night, looked over final LOW RATES plans for the new high school build For Public Liability and Property ing in the nex;-to-:he-!ast step be- f:re the plans are submitted for Damage Ins. bid-. The plans must be okayed by Hi. I'd.—5,000— 10,00—5,000 the state superintendent of educa As low as Si 7 semi-annually tion and the state building consul f« 4 7 Thermostatic Controlled aid. Dorothy a..d Sam uf Arlington *• ok a: the heme- of Albert and Willie Huff Mr Gctner i- a . to Al bert and Willie and they haven't seen each other in 15 years. Miss Glenda Mammon recently re turned to her heme in Nysaa after spending the summer in Greenville. Mississippi, with her sister, M rs. Carl Mart.ii. On her way home, she visited in Ogden with another sister, Mrs Adrian Draayer and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Huff and faan. Ujr and George Hughes left Tue for a 3 weeks trip to Kansas and Missouri. In 30-Pound Tins As Low As $ 1 . 0 0 Dov/n Buys One WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS PETERSON FURNITURE CO "The Dependable Furniture Stores" NEW LOCATION 217 MAIN STREET, NYSSA 'HICAtrO — \\ hile the cost o f rr ti’tu ally evei yt hing has morca «ed du ring the past six years, U le- \ ; tun sets, parad oxicallv, have de- < U used steadily in price while PI nviiig m screen size. Lee \\ il son P t iphically illus (rates this " el- O * nr exception t v the inflation.iry lit nd bv showing how the cost o f Ad mirai TV sots has dropped ft Oftl 29 per square inch of screen in 11» 17 to oplv 91 cents at presc nt. T e first televisiiin set offered by the largest television manufacturer in the world — a 10-incher — cost $150 or 870 per cent more on a square inch basis than the com* pany's latest 21-inch set listing at $199.95. ---------------------© ---------------------- CUSTOM BUTCHERING and CURING W e Butcher Beef for the Hide FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE >2 Open Til 7 P. M„ Monday Through Saturday mile west on Alberta Ave. Dial 3093, locker plant Dial 3103 slaughterhouse and cutting room.