THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA , OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27 1953 Days G o n e ___________ um By in Nyssa C o m m u n ity From the Journal Files 5 Years A ro Aug. 19, IMIS e ut its stock f shoes be- Henry H Hartley, -iipcrir.ter.d- lining i; 25 cen.- per pair. -- A tnt oi Ny a ■ 1-. ant: ju n:ed that ’• ci-’ . i r t v l u c h 1 dged b .- it w uld be . ece ary again ;hi • trig plank- on the bridge &- year ta u e both the Arcadia and r.ver. ea t : Ny.- a had Oregon trail -ch:.,ls. School Till - ' en the b ard> nicely cn fire open Sep:. 7 — Earl and A1 W il­ Ml W mp : Nj i iam- hate pcried -n electric ¿hep i dry. happened along. — C. S. a: Ny- a Lumber Co. -- Mi Madre c • ‘--i cf Ny-.-a ha- opened a Reyn Ids and Calvin Wihon, both ■ : > h -taad just ve.-t of Powell Ser- o i Ny -a. vere married in Idaho '» n . n Main Facet -- The Tails Aiij 9. -- The Idaho Canning 1 rado M ill'ng Co’s $50,000 el- Co plant a- Nyssa is running full " - r i, completed and open for b!a-t, following the inital run las- ~ " D A. R ;t r- f Nampa in Friday. -- Mr- Frank Parr of Ny.-.-a — Aug. 23 has L h . d sat for Tas elected chairman of the M al­ the date of the fir.-t annual flower heur County Women’s Committee. ;hnv cf th? Civic Improvement C.ub -- Building permits granted 10 Years Ago Aug. 1913 R. G. Lar on. Her.-h?l Thompson oy the city council for the month of July up to the lC.h of August a- an d Grant Rmehart Tere appointed m anted to $35.950, according to R by President George Mitchell at a ^ -Millar, recorder. -- Idaho Power meeting of the Chamber of Com­ merce Wed. to inve-tigate the feasi­ Co. announces a reduction in rates t from nine cent- to 8 cents per bility of erecting a monument or ith vatt hour for each, re-idence other suitable structure to honor md commercial lighting. Nyssa men .-erving in the armed 30 Years Ago \ug. 17. 1923 forces. — Mr. and Mrs j H Kvgar o f Nyssa, Route 1 received word that A carload of trout fry will be lib­ their son. Me-1 is a pri-oner in the era *-d in the waters of Malheur Philipine Islands. -- Frank D Hall. County by the state fhh and game Nyssa ha- been appointed justice of commission as soon as the weather the peace of the Nyssa district by cool- off. -- One of the richest Gov. Earl Snell -- J. C. Ol.-en, local quartz ledges ever uncovered in biack-mith has leased hi- shop to Oregon has been located at Malheur J .hn Murphy and George Pul-ipher bv James T Worsham and T. S When Robert