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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1953)
THE N YSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N YSSA , OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 27 1953 Days G o n e ___________ um By in Nyssa C o m m u n ity From the Journal Files 5 Years A ro Aug. 19, IMIS e ut its stock f shoes be- Henry H Hartley, -iipcrir.ter.d- lining i; 25 cen.- per pair. -- A tnt oi Ny a ■ 1-. ant: ju n:ed that ’• ci-’ . i r t v l u c h 1 dged b .- it w uld be . ece ary again ;hi • trig plank- on the bridge &- year ta u e both the Arcadia and r.ver. ea t : Ny.- a had Oregon trail -ch:.,ls. School Till - ' en the b ard> nicely cn fire open Sep:. 7 — Earl and A1 W il Ml W mp : Nj i iam- hate pcried -n electric ¿hep i dry. happened along. — C. S. a: Ny- a Lumber Co. -- Mi Madre c • ‘--i cf Ny-.-a ha- opened a Reyn Ids and Calvin Wihon, both ■ : > h -taad just ve.-t of Powell Ser- o i Ny -a. vere married in Idaho '» n . n Main Facet -- The Tails Aiij 9. -- The Idaho Canning 1 rado M ill'ng Co’s $50,000 el- Co plant a- Nyssa is running full " - r i, completed and open for b!a-t, following the inital run las- ~ " D A. R ;t r- f Nampa in Friday. -- Mr- Frank Parr of Ny.-.-a — Aug. 23 has L h . d sat for Tas elected chairman of the M al the date of the fir.-t annual flower heur County Women’s Committee. ;hnv cf th? Civic Improvement C.ub -- Building permits granted 10 Years Ago Aug. 1913 R. G. Lar on. Her.-h?l Thompson oy the city council for the month of July up to the lC.h of August a- an d Grant Rmehart Tere appointed m anted to $35.950, according to R by President George Mitchell at a ^ -Millar, recorder. -- Idaho Power meeting of the Chamber of Com merce Wed. to inve-tigate the feasi Co. announces a reduction in rates t from nine cent- to 8 cents per bility of erecting a monument or ith vatt hour for each, re-idence other suitable structure to honor md commercial lighting. Nyssa men .-erving in the armed 30 Years Ago \ug. 17. 1923 forces. — Mr. and Mrs j H Kvgar o f Nyssa, Route 1 received word that A carload of trout fry will be lib their son. Me-1 is a pri-oner in the era *-d in the waters of Malheur Philipine Islands. -- Frank D Hall. County by the state fhh and game Nyssa ha- been appointed justice of commission as soon as the weather the peace of the Nyssa district by cool- off. -- One of the richest Gov. Earl Snell -- J. C. Ol.-en, local quartz ledges ever uncovered in biack-mith has leased hi- shop to Oregon has been located at Malheur J .hn Murphy and George Pul-ipher bv James T Worsham and T. S When Robert <Pud» Long, a pre Glenn and owned by George H datory animal hunter employed by B:dfish. Assays run from $190 a the fish and wildlife service, trapped ton to $15.000 a ton. --- E. M Blod- 317 predator < 30-4 coyets and 13 c t, L. B Hamaker, Ves Go-hert, bobcats» la-t September in Malheur J. J. Fleming and C liff Tillm an com County, he not only broke his own pet'd a delegati ii of Nys.-an’s who 1937 record, but established a new ’■'cnt to Ontario Wednesday to hear Senator McNarry discourse on the record among service hunters. probability o f the Owyhee p roject- 15 Y'ears Ago Aug. 18, 1938 Mrs. Crail, county School Superint The Ny.-sa Associated Credit Bur endent, states that the Ny- a .school, eau is new located in its of lice in the under the supervision of Miss Louise Wilson building according to W. E. V. Kennedy did better work last year Baker, manager. -- The New In than either Ontario or Vale. Boost dustries committee of the Nyssa for your home school with a lady Chamber of Commerce has asked superintendent. to investigate possibilités of bring 10 Years Ago Aug. 21. 1913 ing to Nyssa either a creamery or conden.-ary. On the committee are The advance guard of a construct Messers. Morgan, Mitchell, Snrazin ion crew that will enlarge and and Fletcher. Mr. Frost, president of double the O. S. L bridges o f this the C. of C. appointed A. P. Goodell vicinity are in Ny- a arranging and I B. Allen, local- farmers to camp and making ready for active serve with the committee. — The work. At least 150 men will be em portion of the Wilson building oc ployed on the work which will cupied by Bob’s Tavern was re probably take a year to complete.— roofed by the new tinsmithing firm, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D Hall returned J. E. Pade and Co. located in the from two weeks spent at Yellow oid Journal office. -- The P. W. A. stone. — Last week C. M Gillette grant application of the Adrian high sold a carload of hogs at the yards school for $25.880 has been approved in Burley for $3.25 per hundred, the according to Congressman Walter highest price ever reached in that section. -- Members of :he M eth Pierce. odist choir had a big picnic in G ib 20 Years Ago Aug. 17. 1933 son’s Grove last Friday evening. Dr The price of sugar reached a new Sarazin’s automobile furnished a low record in Nyssa Saturday when comfortable means to and from the it touched bottom at $2.15 per hun picnic. - - E. H McDonald bought a dred at the close of a “ sugar war” big gray automobile last week and between Wilson Bros. Grocery and this week traded it to Henry Me Nu Halversons Pure Food Store. Streets for 40 acres of land. were crowded with onlookers taking in the battle which ranged from S4.95 downward. ----- W ith the ap proval of Supt. Leo Hollenberg the -choolboard has accepted the ap plication o f Grant Rinehart o f En- terpri-e to teach in Nyssa grade Oregon’s 36 ccuntv assessors and chcol.-----Barney and Ernest W il ether county and city officials con son have a crew of men engaged in cerned with tax valuation and ap putting in a three acre patch of praisals will attend an in-service strawberries near the Barney W il- training school September 8 and 9 on residence. -— - Nordale Furni at Oregon State college. ture advertises spring filled m aî The school sponsored by the Ore tre--es at 519 each and good mat gon State tax commission in coop tresses from $5.90 up.-----Dr. J. J. eration with OSC. is designed to Sarazin’s .residence has been painted bring equality in appraisal values an attractive tan with green trim. and a greater degree of uniformity With many new shrubs and a rock in appraisal method- throughout the ’ ery it’s one of the prettiest homes state. It replace- the individual in Nyssa. ----- The Dwight Smith, schools conducted each year, at var Arties Robertson and A V. Cook ious towns throughout the state by families returned frqm the moun the tax commission. Annual train tains in the Keating district with 10 ing for county tax workers is re gallon- of huckleberries.-----Wilson quired by a 1947 state law. Bros, are selling wool and part wool Gov. Paul L. Patterson will discuss blankets from $1.39 to $3.98 — Joe ‘•Oregon’s Reappraisal Program” at Dyer, cashier of the Ontario Bank, the opening session. Special classes stated that a money exchange may are planned on appraisal of farm be conducted in Nyssa on Saturdays lands and buildings, land values ag to cash the large pay checks which ricultural prices, fruit production, are difficult to handle here. — Nyssa range land classifications and tim firms have added employees as a ber valuations. Representatives from result of the N. R. A. shortened the OSC agriculture and forestry week. Dwight Johnson is at Eders, staffs and the tax commission will Herschel Thompson at Larsen G a be instructors. rage, Harold Hoxie at Powell Service Station, Harold Hoyt at Shelton M ENTION THE Dairy and Bob Closson at Wilsons. GATE C IT Y JOCRNAL 25 Years Ago Aug. 17, 1928 WHEN B U Y IN G Nyssa’s Furniture store has decid- School For Tax Workers At OSC @1 & How to get more work from your heavy-duty engines _«*v ft r jK w i' .-'•v Cooler Weather and School Re-opening mean sturdier breakfasts, and heartier dinners are required. Shop Wilson's for those school lunch necessities. Your family will look forward to meals prepared with our foods. -- /* O fC Prices Effeciive Thursday-Friday-Safurday .ti» V Amazo Albers " ' 8-oz. package L - ' -/ $ ¿ jb 'CARNATION" nstant Pudding Corn Flakes 2 1er Albers te apjack 19 Each Sunshine 24 ounce Nalley's 2 packages SYRUP • . . . . . 49ô Sunshine CoV%rf»et CUSTARD CUP COOKIES P a c k a g e ................ 3 4 c f ^ e! 2 for large MARSHMALLOW PEANUTS "LUMBERJACK" • Valuer. ' Til 10, v C, o U ftU T Y N E 4 r V ^ : LUNCH MEATS . . . Lb. 4 9 * Assorted CANTALOUPES_ _ _ _ Lb. 7 ^ Local CABBAG E. . . . . . . . . . . . Lb. 5^; Small RIB S T E A K ........ L ,b. 6 9 c Choice, Good CELERY HEARTS . , Ea, 19 c WHITE GRAPES . . , Lb. 19^; BEEF ROAST . . . . L,b. 3 5 c SHORT RIBS . . . . L,b. 1 8 c You can reduce “ down tim e" and save on operating coats by lubricating your diesel and heavy-duty gaaolina engines with R P M D E L O H eavy Duty Lubricating Oil. Specially com pounded, it resi sts corrosion, prevents the formation o i harmful angina deposits, kesps contaminants dispersed and stops foaming o f oil in the crankcase. & fo */ # W ilson’s W ith R P M D E L O Heavy Duty Lubricating O l keeping engines clean and cutting wear, they will run smoothly, develop more power and do aeore work. T h ey will stay on the job and need lees over hauling. Get R P M D E L O H eavy Duty today. hr mare infar mot io» about Standard Oil Company of Caldaria prodotti, call yoor local Standard moo WILLIAM E. SCHTREMAN T n FRANKS, large . . . 3 lbs. $1 . ,r ij NysM PAGE THREE DUi 3131 9mm: +0- tor Super Market 'Modera Mtiboda Maka Shopping Etaiar Har*" Dial 2231 204 Good A to c .1 Jr