THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA OREGON ’ SDAY. AUGUST 27 . 1953 PAGE ELEVE» Mr K. ed Frl i Mr U. Pria Mii-'. Violet M. live of Likely, e Friday for a tw * *eek at tl le nome c>f her pan?n:>, M Classified Advertising Rates Mrs Walter Plnk'ton On he turn she will take her two ch Two cents pei word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for A’ ílo have been visiting their . ____d- g Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of anv first inseition, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified parents for a few weeks classified advertisement will not be guaranteed when submitted Mr and Mrs Sheff White of page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the King avenue visited Sunday after­ later than Tuesday evening. Dial 2233. noon at the L P Price home. Mrs. Lawrence Ma: tin returned _ * P ' lav Minu ty For Sale For Sale To Buy Or Sell See Mel Mr and Mr> Art .'s>urk Wednesday and Thursday in Buhl 14 No. Main, Nyssa, Ore. FOR SALE— 193» Plymouth 2-door FOR SALE—336 Marlin 30-30 New visiting at the B V E home .— J ¿ — f Lyman FARMS sedan. Dodge engine, excellent oon- condition. 406 Good, evenings. Phone 5% interest. Stockham. Mrs. Sparks, brother — - _ « dition. Phone 3360 evenings. 33-tf. 7128. 20 acres on highway. 5 room mod- Farms Mr and Mrs Herchel Thompson 33-tf. 20 acre - on high vay north o f Nys- j ern liome. dairy barn. 11 head milk- .-a. row crop land, modem home. and two IX’V' .-pent a five day va- FOR SALE—Eligible to register. HoL FOR SALE—Pressure 'cook er like INDEPENDENCE vi* aWl— *■ Portland — ------------- — . . ■ mg cows, all furniture and equip- ........................... | cation this — week * in 400 acres. 3 homes, grade A barn me!U goes $13 qo O. stien bull calf, 8 mo. Out of Mai. new. Call 3385 33-tf 160 acre>, row crop and stoc* -s0t Gregg and Johnnie Thiel went Row crop, hay and pasture. $65,000, 48 acres cheap Dairy breeders 816 bull. Dial 2143 -------------------------------------------- hen hunting near Sheaville w’ater, 5 room up, small heme. $28.000. low down 29% down payment. ; Saturday and returned Sunday Rt. 1, Nyssa. 32-2tc. L? .7 for fishing. west of Nyssa. G em t Stam. 28-tf. ner, Dial 7754, or see at 417 King 125 acres of choice bottom ' land, highway, $8.000. $2.000 down. $50 per "down * Kingman grange will meet at the Ave. 33-ltp. FOR SALE— 160 acres, 98 irrigable. Lon M5 w " a S % downr° P ‘ rri8‘‘ * ™ h e l r f S S ? « S S 'b o t t l e d milk 1« on paid up water right M r a n T M r s ^ r s t e a ^ S 't h e Big 2 miles east, l ' j N 1* of Middleton. FOR SALE—6 year baby bed, mat­ 11 ^ 1 route in 3 western Idaho towns, 60 lots o f free water, 3 bedroom modern Q0Ild community enjoyed T. V at $31.500. Topsick Bros. 33-2tp tress and stroller. Mrs. Ralph Lowe, 709 N. 2nd street. Phone 3182. ATTH-E RANCH head milk cows go with the deal, home, labor house, large barn, sev- ;he Thompson’s one evening 200 head permit, 3 sections leased el delivery truck, the place is er-al out buildings, productive sou, last week 33-3t;> FOR SALE — Electromater apart­ land, i n acres irrigated land. ------------ • with — *- pipeline — ■ Mr and Mrs Warren B1 111 equipped milker and $32,500. $12,000 down ment range. Sparks circulating oil Cheap water. Two sets o f improve- 1 . J , ¿ ¡ ^ pmeati COrreI have cement FOB BALI heater. Both like new. See at Mcr- ments. Immediate possession. 1 fioorSi 7 room modern home. 2 baths, Two bedroom house with bath to be BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Muncie. Ind . were honor gu< -: - $65.000 , 29% down. rison Electric. 33-tf. moved immediately. full ba-'ement, will take your home _ , , 14.090 , - u -quare foot Sunday ------------------------------------------------------ I Onion storage. ,____ ■ , at . . a family dinner at the SAFE WAY TO FARM See t as part payment, $42,000., terms if warehouse. FOR SALE—Two day beds, good hcme o f Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks 60-70 acre row crop land, plus 100, desired. BERNARD EASTMAN Business building in down town shape. $6.50 each. Nyssa Furniture Dial 2613 Xyssa ( acres good river bottom _______ pasture.; 200 acres at Emmett, Idaho, 190 Nyssa. 58-ft. by 110-ft , $21.000. Co. 29-tfc. ____________________________________1 D ' ' *3-> '000- term-' arranged to suit you. acres cultivated, row crop and stock B A- E Cafe, --------- . , all „ „ stock „ „ „ and , equip- - - set up, good producing ranch, 45 nu‘ nt S'*’-', doing $o0.000 yearly gross FOR SALE—Duo Therm oil heater. So. «fN v ' a-P.^nia ju tirtm s i m D^ RY PAf M WIrH COWS acres pasture, 30 acres corn, 70 acres du.'ines'. It ■' a money maker, selling blond finish with fan. Used 5 months. Oft ranch. 33 ltn 160 acre dalry farm, 20 cows and health. $15.000, $8.000 Dial M4S 30-tic. —— — — p milk equipment. $17,000, $8.500 dn. alfalfa, 25 acres wheat, 20 acres bar- because ° f ley. 5 room home. 3 room tenent dovn $10° ^ r month- ---------------------------------------------------- FOR SALE—Spinet Piano. Sacrifice 106 ACRE GENERAL FARM home, 3 car garage, 9 head cow barn. HOMES FOR SALE — Fender skirts, sun for quick sale. Cash or terms. Can be R„ .. , 3 bedroom home, 'j city block- visors, caddy hub caps, wire hub seen in Nyssa Write Tallman P ian o1 * p , e ¡or your family. 83 steel granary, corn crib, and chicken acres cultivated, fair buildings j house, selling because his boys are $2,500, $1,100 down. $500 per year. caps, Smithy and Dynotone mufflers St0res. Inc., Salem, Oregon. 32-3t. $’ ° 575 nn terms * 'I going to the army, will take smaller 2 bedroom modern and header sets, straight and flex home, fire FOR SALE farm in on this ranch. $53,000, terms place, wall to wall carpeting, full exhaust pipe. At your auto accessory- PAID UP WATER RIGHT ! if desired 1951 Huick Koadmaster Heveria headquarters. We are closed Satur­ basement, oil furnace, attached ga- 70 acres cultivated, mostly row • Puncture proof : ---- , 160 acres, 80 acres irrigated, row rage, 100-ft. frontage, corner loca- day but open all day Sunday for your ED CASE • 1 owner car crop land Balance fenced pasture crop and stock deal, land lays well tion. spotlessly clean, all for $9,500. convenience. Frostys Auto Wrecking. • Radio and heater land, part irrigated, $28,000. j for irrigating, 5 room home, $18.500, $2,500 down, loan can be obtained on Hiway 30, East of Nampa, Idaho. • 19.000 miles I IRRIGATED PASTURE 1 $5.500 down, $1,000 per year plus balance. 30-4>tc • 1st class condition. FURNITURE CO. 44 acres of good tame pasture. ‘ VA L BE C K E R Good home and other buildings i Taking a trip? Better take along tin enn MEL BECK— REALTOR $10.500 Phone, Ontario 276-W one of our FAMILY Vacation Acci­ Westinghouse Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. 33-5tp. 1 ACREAGE FOR VETERANS dent policies. Covers the whole fam- ■ __________ LOANS INSURANCE Uy. Pays all medical expense up to FOR SALE — ^Peaches' Frank' 3 bedroom modern home on one 214 No. Main, Nyssa, Ore. 118 No. Main Dial 3316 face of policy. Very reasonable rates. Graham Dial 2319 Dial 2033 32-3tp acre choice land. Close in. $5000. BERNARD EASTMAN __ ’ \ We’ll help you get your state loan. Complete Insurance Service FOR SALE — Peaches. Frank Homes Nyssa Dial 2643 Graham. Dial 2319. For Rent For Rent NEW TO THIS OFFICE EDER FOR SALE__G M C 303 truck, 270 FOR SALE—Good, 51 New Hilland, 2 large bedrooms with closets h a ll! FOR R E N T-M odern two bedroom FOR R E N T-240 acres virgin land engbnef" uip condition Good tires. Model 77 string tie baler Don , ,, , . home with ba-ement apt. Will rent ! suitable for row crop, grain or hay with large linen closet, family size 1 eny re house or each apartment sep- -------- * — * — “ good beet bed. Dial 3189. 23-lic. Bishop, phone 2053. 32-3tp. HARDWARE CO. bathroom with shower and tub, ardt,ely. Mrs. Willis Bertram, Dial Located in Baker Valley. Irrigation ----------- FOR SALE — Montgomery Ward kitchen with double sink and lots 0376 33-tfc. water from deep well equipped with turbine pump L. H. Williams, of built-ins, large utility room ---------------------------------------- washing machine. Needs minor re- RCA—General Electric FREE with built-ins for everything, large FOR RENT New Clarke 8-lncn Haines, Ore. Telephone 32-R2. j pairs. Call Dwight Smith, 6617. 33-2t. living room with closet at front {'™ r senders and 6-*ich edger. 32-tfc. 202 Main Dial 2133 Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals door, shiny hardwood floors, auto- Stunz Lumber Co’ 16-tf' FOR RENT—Apartme: . I in. 7 Dial Nyssa 3017 FOR SALE—Between 17 and 20 acre matic oil furnace, double garage. and 11 Long Dr. 33-tfc. island above Adrian. Good two room $8,500. Terms to suit you. Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. house, orchard nou-e, orchard, tractor and equip- HOME 1X3R CHIDREN FOR RENT 3 room furnished Apt. FOR QUICK BEST BUYS Those attenditi Ml ;,d M.-f. iJiclt st ich.tni ml Beverly oí Nys- a. Mary Conn uid Sharon of Cul<$. veil. Mr. and M Kenneth Alti« Oreenleaf and Dale Sparks. Mr M We -ley ~J Pie • *■ re ‘ 'J y and »“ U Mr and Mr- William Toombs went to Pomona grange at Brcgan Sat­ urday night. Dick Spark.' left for Boise Sunday where he has employment in the Continental bank. Mr. and Mrs Willis Conant at- tended a Conant family reunion at lay. Mrs Hornet and two boys and Mrs. Carl Turner of Caldwell were Thurs- day night supper guests at the Wal­ ter Long home MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS Estimates Gladly Given HEATING Phone 3-2452 GEORGE J. KINZER Parma, Idaho Television Dealers INTERMOUNTAIN FURNITURE CO. Motorola—Capehart 19 No. 2nd Dial 7792 NYSSA FURNITURE CO. Philco—Emerson—Sparton 9 Good Ave. Dial 6633 Wanted EZ CARR NYSSA mel?î a!} d.** cable terry, 'a mile; Nearly new 2 bedroom home—safe Close in. Dial 6684. H. H. Kingrey. south of Adrian. C. E. Hensley, Box FOR SALE—6 room modern home WANTED—to buy, a good hay der­ 32-tfc. “all on one floor" plan. Back yard 32-2tp. plus 3 rental homes. Will take trailor 326, Adrian. fenced. Productive garden spot. rick, close in, reasonable. George FOR RENT Private sleeping rrms- ings. tie. Dial 3233. 2320tp James Phifer and girls attended the . Payette county fair at New Ply­ WILSON BROS. DEPARTMENT STORE commercial size chicken house, about IDEAL FOR COUPLE Residence and business lots. 3 h p Ct ntury mouth Friday. o 2 acres __ _ on paved „ road „ j $8,500. Nearly J __ new . single bedroom _ mod- WANTED—To Philco — Zeniih The Day boys went to Prairie City I BERNARD EASTMAN motor for 1/3 or Vi h. p. variable 2 bedroom. 4 basement. Excellent with the scouts this week. Real Estate 118 Main Sales and Service Dial 2721 speed motor. Inquire Gate City Insurance location, $6500 Terms WELL WORTH THE MONEY Mrs. George Besendorfer and her [ Dial 2643 160 acres, fall delivery, $28,000. Nearly new 3 bedroom home. Floor Journa' 12-tf. mother. Mrs. Joseph H. Day, of i . . . furnace, • utility ' room, $7,000. 4 . houses on two acres, . hiway Utah, visited Wednesday at the Leo ! CHARCOAL WANTED frontage, $17,000, terms. Business Opportunities Hart home in Caldwell. Dead Animals 69c Bag Blacksmith shop with equipment Y® U.R. BUSINESS Mr. nnd Mrs, James Phifer at­ Removed Free. and house on 1 4 acre fronting high- | Established bakery business. Take , tended a house-warming party for Ideal Gas & Appliance , . , __ . over equipment, supplies, and pro­ Mr. ar.d Mrs. Kenneth Price Satur Dial Nyssa 3947 fits >SO OOi Msy tenn5_ 20-tfc way in good farming center. $2,900, day night. Payette 670. ---- $1,000 down. HOME AND 100 MONTHLY Charles B o w ers accompanied USED APPLIANCE Idalio Animal Produrla Co. 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An Lovely new home with 4 modern Clyde Bowers and Bill Norris to Jor BARGAINS dan Valley Saturday for sage hen I l * » * easy S U ° terms t e f £ e eraVity Water’ ren,tal 10 bUild seV i slallRht(,r W ANTED-Highest prices for hunting. Physicians Used Washer $25 ! M $31.500 eral more. $17.000. Terms arranged horse, clyd e pakl Smlth Dentists Sew Gem Electric Cabinet The M. I. A. o f the Owyhee L. D. i 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $500 REAL ESTATE phone 306. Ontario. Across from sewing machine and j down, balance like rent. I v L ilx tr V x i’IJ-/ INSURANCE ! Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc j S. church Is having a swimming SARAZIN CLINIC Acreage—2 bedroom house, barn ; » D;al g g j j ------------------------- ! party and weiner roast at Givens DR. C. M. TYLER attachments $119 16 Norlh 3rd and chicken house $4,200. ------ Hot Springs Saturday night. Dr. J. J. Sara*zin WILSON BUILDING FIRESTONE STORE ------ Mr. and Mr.'. Claud Day and farn- Dr. K. E. Kerby Dial 2771, Nyssa 19-tic. FARM LOANS I ily attended a surprise birthday Miscellaneous O ff'ce Hours From 9 to 5 Dr. K. A. Danford | party for Henry Day in Adrian BOR THOMPSON AGENCY Miscellaneous Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 Physicians and Surgeon« We have several used electric andj , , ------ :---- ;-------7 Thursday night. Dial 3355 Septic tanks and cesspools cleaned. Mr and Mrs j ames Phifer accom- gas refrigerators traded in on the "For what shall it profit a man if ! Dial 4-3763, Parma or 4-2161 Parma p ^ ie d Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Toombs J. R. CUNDALL new Servel. Come in and choose one. | he gain the whole world and lose' Hardware. 13-tic., ^ Ontario Monday evening to the DentfSt Ideal Gas & Appliance, Nyssa. Help W anted his own soul.” For whatsoever a man J ------------ ' tournment of thrills. 17-tf.! Dial 2638 sows, that shall he also reap. For he ARTIFICIAL BREEDING Mr. and Mrs Magnus Ekanger and Sarazln Clinic Used Servel gas refrigerator $89.50 WANTED—Someone to care for 1 that sows to his flesh shall o f th e ' For - re;lter nli|k production in the Mr and Mrs John cleaver werc OREGON L. A. MAULDING. M. D. NYSSA Ideal Gas & Appliance. 16-tfc. j year old girl 6 days a week, either in j flesh reap corruption, but he that! _____I .. i sows to the spirit, reap life everlast- y,‘ars tw con,,‘ ' h " -"* your dairy «’« " s Sunday dinner guests at the Paul Physician and Surgeon ! own home or in my home Mrs Mar- , inf? Pr„ pare to m’eet £ to the proven bulls and sons of pro- Cleaver home. DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Dial 2216 FOR SALE—4 room modern house Vin Wilson, phone 2233 before 5. r t.L t . _ _ * V**n f i n l l u 4 .... . ___ l ____ . — ri I your Bible. 33-lt v**n hulls that ■■■« we . are offering to you The « Lynn Hurst family enjoyed a Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 trees. with nice lawn and shade Dental Clinic 33-tfc. by artificial breeding, $7 per cow. four-day vacation this week fishing Daily Except Saturday and equipped with gas. Dial 3914 7th and Bower ■ j ¡L et’s gravel the lane before it trete Haiheur Dairy Breeders Assn. Phone on the little Malheur with much Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 10-tfc. j WANTED — Reliable middle aged . ^ DUI 3311 ^ . e , L ,£ £ £ 11 gets >010 Nvssa nr u m w rin, iri„ u cce " -------- woman for light ight housekeeping, housekeeping live 1 muddy and * can l - D,al 3993. eyen- 2010’ Nyssa or ,0,J-W > 0 n U r,° - . -- - 25-tfc. I 5dr. and Mrs. Dean Montgomery 5 ACRES FOR SALE 44-tfc. ' in. Dean Smith. Dial 3969. 215 N. 4th. mgS Lynn Snodgrass. ______________ are the proud parents of a babv 2 bedroom modern home with Chiropractor 32-2tc. j MISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin. Gone are the days when auto- boy 1 la) night at basement, excellent location, good comes eolor. color. a A e u h i w , rub- m ----------------------------- Here comi -, washable, rub-; mobiles were horseless , carriages and bo,l*r ^ ^ mt’r*al hospital. . , rees, barn .. chicken .... „ . ’ I „ k i . p WANTED. MALE AND ) F PE-I •Oil. gardt . . E - t, tor Interior and yVlteVl Doctor »rinr walls . . j i ro - - .. 6 Mrs. Lawrence Martin took her house, hou'e. and other outbuildings. ! Vf AT v A ----- *— *- . — I . -----I 7 cnaiiiei* turnea xeuowi Doctor New reduced price. $11.000 Terms. . ' , , r' ice ta ^ ren- wood trim. . , mghter and Dcnna Guy to the EDGEL W WOOD C. R. VAN PATTEN •covers most surfaces In one u ni-' ^ T r v n im ^ iin r c m Nampa plunge Wednesday for swim- Chiropractic Physician form coat. and todays WHITE IMPERVO ming Chiropractic Physician N « i '» ? . ™ mur.ity, $200 guarantee. Well edu- Evenings Ity Appointment •dries to a satin sheen in less than ! ENAMEL tays super-white as long Teddy Ratlgan visited with Ncr- Physiotherapist Nv-wa. Oregon I ^ “ ed have car. full time. Offices at 2 Arcadia Blvd. one-hour. I as the durable fini'h lasts . . . You man Price Tue day at the L. R. ____________ _______________________ | Write, giving phone to Box 138-A. Offices at 2C5 North Oregon v> .'.i D ial 39S9 IMPERVO from your Ben- Price home. 32-2tp I •twelve hand.ome colors all ready 1 can Ontario Phone 478 FOP. SALE—Fuller paints and wall to use. — jamin Moore Paint Dealer. Nyssa Mrs Andrew McGinnis o f EDWIN W. OLDHAM, D. C. paper. Budget terms available. Fire- j Nyssa Lumber Co 16-tf.1 Lumber Co. 13-tfc. pent Sunday afternoon at the Wal­ 101 E.i t Ut St. Dial 3230 •tor.e Store. 2-tf. ter Pinkston home. — start yo u r better Physiotherapy Electro-Therapy Mrs. Alvin K iberson of Wilder. ------ | ()K SAt ,r HERD TODAY Nyssa, Oregon KEYS MADE Mrs. Wayne Warren of Parma and •> hednom home new construe- Potato Digger with VF 4 motor with j Artifical Insemination to Sires While You Wait Optometrists ‘ cnmuletelv modern, dining j clutch and gear reduction. A1 I pr0Ved in the top 2% o f each breed j Veterinarians $500 1!Guernsey, Jersey, Hoi. Brown Swiss,| room, 11011 • attached com p.cie.j garage; very good . i shape . FIRESTONE STORE location on King ave. $12,000, terms. No 114 John Deere Combination Hav I — '• ««*• m ow n awis* i 2-bedroom modern home, F.H A. and grain chopper-trailer J short NYSSA VETERINARY MISCELLANEOUS — ElrctroluX ner horn. r/.af Also 2 beef m __ I JUÄr.UL.x.'icAJUJ DR. J. A. McFALL approved, gxxid location, corner lot. m o u n t e d __ * $395 ,Q!; j return 0reeds- »7.50 per cow. erVice p, _’ No V, chars* ge r ‘ i cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. CLINIC ‘ $9500.1 - .............. ,3JJ How, DR. JOHN EASLY R • New Ander n. route J. Weiser. Id*ho. paved street, very nice yard. Allis Chalmers Mow« $125 Plymouth, 4041 Dr. B. E. Ross Dr. D R. Mason For Canning. Freezing ! phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. Rural grocery store with cold sto r- 1 Oliver 70 Hang cn Mower »as Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon IDAHO PROVED SIRE Large and Small Animals age lockers, excellent location on 3 Used Side ^ Rakes _ See SERVICE Remember < Id King Midas, whose 407 Main St. Dial 2010 busy highway. Reasonable terms. | them now e ° e€ I. O. LAWSON 17-tfc.1 ] b uch turned everything to gold? 2 bedroom modern home, full ... l basement, extra large lot well Im- ‘ ' ' *’ 1 .... _ J Tr.f r e i n . ' .i< ii" th; sea.son Turn left at Nazarene hn°U or to ’*’.th BMjarr...n paint , won’t . Pwved, $5,000, ea-sy terms. East H o llin g S W O r th flM n c money to remodel your home , . ,, Moore ... Fourth street.__ Nvsee. Oregew Dial 2251 &ulld outbuildings or garage? We I ciiange to gold, but Its new-found sign on highway 20 NYSSA INSURANC* AGENCY i _________ can arrange a loan for you and give beauty will amaze you. . . . Your Ralph G_ Lawrence. Age«» Use ‘M Journal CUl'.'iiied Adi you up to three ytare u pay it.1 friendly dealer, Nya-a Lumber Co. going north. 195 Mata St. Dial 2M$ < they get rttults Nyssa Lumber Co. Static I I f - t f c .. Kingman Kolony PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY t l t Used Macninory CORN <9