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About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1953)
THE N Y S ^ A G A , t P A G E TE N I M .U \ l»U IU M M i L M .\ L \I>\ t U T I S I N U CI a Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . U G M 4D4 tiK T IS IN G T H U R S D A Y . A U G U S T 2 ?. 1953 LEGAL M H E lt T I S I N G L l t. %L tD V E R T IS IN G I ! I, \ I tliVH îl l'IN(< LI. G AL %l>$ E K T IS IN G 1953. rner oI said Sv>u*h vest 29th day of July, V,. 4 qui.-.m«.. c rr.par . testimony was iuara as to *ha: o f way line, to the Ncr.hwe.-t corner, $ 60(10 M. A. B.ggs Quarter; Quarter cf Southwest i i .and would tie bene u ai.d > of the Scuthea t Quarter o f th' John C O K Ci: j. C i ex Acting in the Absence of the a H V c i H rn. Trea-urer. Sai- .ands would not be benefited if in- N-.'itnwe t Quarter ox .said Section tntnee Ea-t to th:- S-uth ,ea¿t corner : pense, $10 oo . - County Judge. S NJaed in the boundary a- -et out 32, Township 20 South. Range 46 of the Northeast Quai Robert C. Gro- . Circuit Court ex- of said Secti n 6; Fir i publication Aug. i, 1353 west Quarter •ii the Petition. The hearing was VALE—JORDAN E.W M.; thence South to the South [¡' :i-e, $15 00 to the center o f said Last publication Sept. 3 1953 :hen:e North I ounlv < ourt Journal Regular then adjourned to a day certain and west corner of said Southeast Quar- G R A Z IN G DLSTHICT John C. Elfering, Revolving Fund, Sect-on 6 thence Ea t to the Scuth Term. HiilncMlay the l 't l**> *»f $147 30. Quinn River Mercantile Company, :e-adjourned until the 29:h day of :er nf the Northwest Quarter o f said ea t <• m e r e ! the Northca •: Quarter C IT A T IO N luly, 1953. July. 1953. Section 32; thence We.-.t to the Vale Supply Company, Pri oner Groceries, $*5.35 of -atd Section 6; thence North to Order approving Budget f"r {¡ cal and Jail expen-e, $!363. N rthwest corner o f the Northwe-t Ba.-ed upon the testimony and the In the County Court of the $>tate of Richfield Service Grocery, G ro period of July 1, 1953 to June 3u, itateinents made, the Court finds Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of lie Southea-t corner of the North- Dr. Neal E. McCarthy, Prisoner and ceries. $35 13 Oregon for tiie County of .Malheur ea-t Quarter f the Northeast Quar 1954. as adveru-ed. T:,e f. 11 vir.g c'a:m against Mal- -hat all the land included in the a.d Section 32, and which point is Ja.l expense. $15 00 In the Matter o f the E-tate of ter ol -aid Section 6: thence Ea t to Order approving contract with Welcome Inn Cafe, Prisoner and r c all >w< d Monday, July boundaries hereinafter se: out wall al.*) on the Easterly right of way the Sou'hea t corner cf the North- FLORENCE M A Y SEE VOSS, D e John E Denenk l r Audr ( f County Jail expense, $206 46. be beneficially affected by the for line of the .-aid Owyhee Ditch C ni- 113, 1953. w. ,; Quarter of the Northwest Quar ceased. books for a period beginning July 1, mation o f the District and the in pe.ny M ain» Canal; thence in a Stockman's Club, Pri-oner and G EN ERAL C O U N TY ter c f Section 5. Tc wn.-hip 21 S uth, 1951 and ending June 30, 1952. T O : Ru:h B Russell, Arthur K Southwesterly direct.on along the clusion of the lands within the Dis Jail expense, $1 35. William E Leggitt, Advance on trict. Certificate of appropriation of a.d Easterly right of way line of Ramre 46 E.W.M; thence North to Servoss ar.d Nina M. Lowe and to Vale Supply F o o d Mart, Pri-oner Salary, $100 00. funds for agricultural r farm de and Jail expense. $.»89 * NOW, THEREFORE, IT 13 HERE the said Owyhee Ditch Company the Northeast corner of -aid North all other heirs unknown, if any such monstration and field work signed, G ENERAL RO AD FUND BY CONSIDERED, ORDERED AND Main Canal as said right of way we.- Quarter of Northwest Quarter, there be. Wilson’s Bav Mi r Drug, Prisoner .hence East to the Southeast corner calling fcr an expenditure of $12,- and Jail expen-e, $14 55 G H Van Horn, Treasurer, Sal- ADJUDGED that the land- included line traverses through Section 31, of the Southwest Quarter of Section IN TH E NAME O F TH E S TA TE OF €50 00. T ■ v.nship 20, South, Range 46 E.W.- in said description will be benefited Durin Service Station, S heriff’s iri : . c liff rd Hyke, $139.71, Th e following claims again t Mal travel expense, $3 67. The i 11 claim against Mai by the creation of a fl.-od control M and through Section 6. Town- 32, T vn-hip 20 South, Range 46 OREGON: You and each o f you are E \V M : thence North to the South- hereby cited and required to appear heur County were ordered paid a. J. & W Auto Repair, Sheriff'.- heur County allowed Tue.-day, July district pursuant to 289 hip 21, South, Range 46 E.W.M and follows: General Laws o f the State of Ore a portion of Section 7, To wn-hip 21 west comer o f the Northwest Quar- ! in the County Court Room in the travel expense, $10.38. 14, 1953. of said Section 32; Courthouse at Vale, Malheur County, GENERAL CO U NTY gon o f 1947, and Acts amendatory S. uth. Range 46 E.W.M. to the Quarter G ENERAL C O U N T Y Western Auto Supply Company, thence Ea-t to the Northwest North west corner of the South vest thereto. Th at said District will be Sherriff's travel expen-e $1.47 H. S. Sackett, O ffice Expen-e. $14 Oregon, on Tuesday, September 22, Robert C Gross, Circuit Court ex known as and is hereby designated Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of corner of the Northetst Quar 1953, at the hour o f 10:00 o’clock Abell & Falk Standard Service, pense. $38.05. »0 ter of Southeast Quarter; thence -aid Section 7, Township 21 South. Th e Gate City Journal, Official S h eriff’s travel expense $4.17. The f ii sing claims against M al a, the Owyhee River Water Control A.M. o f said day, then and there to Rai g • 46 E.W.M.; thence E t t ' South to the South west corner o f the Schaffer Motor Company, Sher heur County were allowed Wednes District. Advertising. $147 51. show cause, ii any exists, why an Southeast Quarter of Southeast I T IS FU R T H E R ORDERED that the intersection of the North line of M A. Bigg.-. O ffice expen -e $60 00 iffs travel, $4 88. day, July 15, 1953. the 4th day o f September, 1953 at the Southwe-t Quarter o f the South Quarter of Southeast Quarter o f said order o f sale should not be made Utah O il Refining Company, Richard Humphrey, Rent Health G EN ERAL C O U N T Y the County Court Room at the Court west Quarter o f said Section 7, Section 32; thence East to the North authorizing, licensing and directing S h erriff’s travel expense $10 00 j O ffice, $100 00. Sym- York Company, Duplicate House at Vale, is fixed as the time Township 21 South, Range 46 E.W M. west corner c f the Northeast Quar W illiam T. Lowe, administrator ol Frank Elfering, Travel expense, Mary Acevez, Circuit Court cx- jf Check No. 8456, $220.81. and place for the final hearing on with the West meander line o f the ter o f Northeast Quarter of Section the estate of Florence May Servoss, $25 00. pen-e, $15.00. said Petition and if written request Owyhee River; thence following said 4, Township 21 South, Range 46 deceased, to sell the following de WEED C O N TR O L Mary Acevez, Special Deputy, $5.- John K I Sal E.W.M.; thence South to the South 00. em and O ffice expen-e, $26 13. Harry E, County Agent, for an election is not filed before W e-t meander line, in a Southerly west corner o f -aid Northeast Quar scribed real property belonging to direction, to the intersection o f said that date as provided in said law, Powell’s O ffice Supply, Tax Col J.D. Dyer, Mileage, Deputy A -c s- Weed Control, $736.72. said estate, to-wit: lection exp $9.40; Assessor’s o ffic e 1 The following claims against Mal- the Court will at that time and meander line with the North line of ter o f Northeast Quarter; thence or. $117.92. Lot Eight 18 ) in Block Seventy East to the Southeast corner o f said the Southeast Quarter o f the South Ralph Bigelow, Mileage, Deputy exp , $18 00; Clerk’s O ffice exp., $1.- ■ heur County was allowed Thursday, place make and enter its final or Northeast Quarter of Northeast (70 1 c f Green’s Addition to the west Quarter o f Seotion 18, Town- der creating said D. trict described 65; Circuit Court, $2,30, $31 35. Asse-sor, $104.08. i July 16, 1953. City of Nyssa in Malheur Coun hip 21 South, Range 46 E.W.M.: Quarter; thence in a general South as follows, to-wit: The Malheur Enterprise, Tax Col- M ey Ingebritsen, Mileage, Deputy G EN ERAL C O U N T Y ty, Oregon; Beginning at the Northeast corner thence we-t to the Northwest Corner easterly direction across Section 3. lestion exp., $13 00; Assessor's office Assessor, $76.72. Paul Watkins, Advance cn Salary, of Section 25, Town-hip 20, S.R 46 o f the Southeast Quarter of the Town hip 21, Range 46 E.W.M. and for the purpose of paying the funeral exp., $1 70; Offical Adv , $9.24, $23 94. Edna Farris, Health Office ex E.W.M.; thence We-t to the North Northeast Quarter of Section 13. along the North boundary line of Th e Haloid Company, Clerk’s o f $125.00. pense, $271 83. The following claims against M a l west corner o f said Section; thence Township 21 South, Range 45 EW.- that certain irrigation canal known expenses, claims o f creditors, and Louisiana Society for Mental fice expense, $42 50. expenses o f administration of the Charles W Swan, District A ttor heur County were allowed, Friday, South to the Northeast corner of M ; thence South to the Southwest as the Collins Ditch to a point where Health, Health Dept expense, $75 (Ki July 31, 1953 the South H alf o f Southeast Quarter corner of the said Southeast Quar said Collins Ditch intersects the Sec within estate, said real property to Raymond Ruff. Health Dept, ex ney expense, $196 00. of Section 35, said Township and ter of tiie Northeast Quarter of -aid tion line between Sections 2 and 3, be sold at public or private sale, for GENERAL COU NTY Payle.s.s Drugs, Health Dept, ex pense, $113 20 Township 21, South, Range 46 E W.- cash or on credit, or both, upon such Idaho Typewrite r Exchange, pense $2.19. Leland Triplett, C.rcuit Court ex Range; thence West to the North Section 13: thence West to the west corner of the said South Half o f Northwest corner o f the Northeast M : thence North and along said terms as the Court may approve. David F Graham Agency, Offical pen-e, $17.40. Health Dept, expen-e, $21 90 Seotion line to the Southwest corner Aldred Electric Shop, Health Dept Bonds, $25 00. Frank Elfering, Deputy Sheriff, Southeast Quarter of Section 35. Quarter o f the South west Quarter of W ITN E SS : The Honorable S. . said Township and Range; thence -aid Section 13; thence South to the I of tiie Northwest Quarter of said We tern’s, Courthou; r> expense, $9,- $262 86 expense. $5.65. Stanton, Judge of the County Court Section 2; thence Ea.-t to the center Pow ell’s O ffice Supply, Health 45. Jean P. Pond, Deputy Tax Clerk, South to the Southwest corner of Southwest corner o f said Northeast o f the State of Oregon for Malheur of said Section 2; thence North to Quarter o f the Southwest Quarter of said Section 35; thence West to the William E. Leggitt, O ffice exp., Dept, expen. e, $8.70 $173 86 the Northwest Corner of the South County, and the seal o f said Court Malheur Enterpri e, Health Dt p! $8.60.; Travel, $46 88, $55.48. Genevieve L. Kennedy, Deputy Southeast corner of the S W ' i of -aid Section 13; thence West to the S W 'i of said Section 35; thence Northwest corner of the Southwest west Quarter o f the Southwest hereto affixed this 13th day of We.sco Service, A lessor's office ex Tax Clerk, $14661. expense. $3.65. Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of August, 1953. pen-e, $481. Wil Peggy Ed wards. Deputy Tax Clerk, North to the Northeast corner of Quarter of the Southwest Quarter A TT E S T : H. S. S AC K E TT, Clerk said Southwest Quarter o f Southwest oi said Section 13: thence South to said Section 2; thence Ea.-t to the Malheur County, Gas, Water- $127 04 expense, $16 68 West side o f the Highway right of By P. Watkins, Deputy master, $30.49. Idah- > Pow< r (' H P Watkins, Deputy County Clerk, Quarter; thence We t to the North •the Southwest corner o f said Section west corner o f the Southeast Quar 13: thence East to the Southeast way o f Highway No. 201: thence Kinney Bros, ft Keele Hardware, $ 101 65. Dept. $3.75; Ci urth u-e, $19 70, $58 - Date of first publication: August Northeasterly along the said right O ld F olk s Home expense, $53.40 $5 M B Blamires, Bookkeeper, $285 - ter o f the Southeast Quarter of Sec corner o f the Southwest Quarter of 20, 1953. tion 34, Township 20 South, Range the Southwe-t Quarter o f Section of way to its intersection with the L. M. Koger, County Veterinarian 37. City o f Vale, Water, $15 10. Date o f last publication: Septem South and East meander line of the Fred Weldin, Courthou e expense. $104.70. Sybil M Mosley, Clerk Stenograp- 46 E.W.M.; thence South to the 13, Township 21 South, Range 46 ber 17, 1953. Owyhee River; thence following said E W.M.; thence North to the North Southwest corner of the said South Glen W Peterson, Bangs Indem- $14 90 $207.47. meander line to a point where it in Th e National Ca -h Register Co. nlty, $8.00. France V. Fonda, Clerk Steno east Quarter of the Southeast Quar east Corner o f said Southwest Quar Use the Journal Classified Ads, ter of said Section 34; thence West ter o f Southwe-t Quarter; thence tersects the South line o f the North Doyal M. Anderson, Bang- Indem grapher, $158.02. Courthouse expen.-e, (Furniture». H alf o f the Southwest Quarter of they get results. nity. $8.00. $2.355 00 Ralph E Bigelow, Deputy Assess to the Southeast corner of the West East to the Southeast corner o f the Half of the Southwe-t Quarter of Northeast Quarter o f Southwest Section 25, Township 20, South, Ontario Laundry and Cleaner G E N E R A L RO AD FUND or, $265.80. Range 46 E.W.M.; thence East to the expense, $2 03 Mill rd S. Ingebritsen, Deputy As said Section 34; thence North to the Quarter o f said Section 18; thence Idaho T ire Exchange, Recapping, Northeast corner of said West Half North to the center o f said Section; East line of said Section 25; thence Hoxies, Court sessor. $288.10. $ 20 . 02 . North to the point of beginning be Vale Supply Company. Circuit Donald G. Fonda, Deputy Assess o f the Southwest Quarter of said thence East to the Southeast corner Toft Machine Shop, Repair Ser Section 34; thence West to the of the Southwest Quarter o f North- ing the Northeast Corner o f said Court expense, $2 91: Old Folks vices, $11 35. or, $35.50. Section 25. Home, $66!» 43, $672 34 Geneva Graham, Clerk, Assessor, Southeast corner of the West Half east Quarter o f said Section 18; Albert Buckinghham, Petty Cash, of the Northwest Quarter of Section thence North to the Northeast cor I T IS FU R TH E R ORDERED that Paul A. Roberts Garage, Water-1 $29.80. $184 95. master expense, $1 6f>. Je--ie L. Hart, Clerk, Assessor, $- 33, Township 20 South, Range 46 ner of North west Quarter of South notice o f said final hearing shall be C. A. Wood Rebabbitting Service, E.W M ; thence North to the North east Quarter of Section 7, Township given by publication o f a copy of B E Ross, County Veterinarian Services, $75.20. 165 70. T u b e s , Antennas, Parts east corner o f said West H alf of 21 South, Range 46 E.W.M.; thence this Order for four successive weeks $182 05 Anne R Leggitt, Clerk, County Phillips Petroleum Company, G as Northwest Quarter of said Section West to the center of said Section 7; in the Nyssa Gate City Journal, a L. M. Roger, County Veterinarian, oline, $1,491 00. Sell ol Superintendent, $146 92. $142 Leland L. Triplett, Court Reporter, 33; thence West along the North thence North to the Northea t cor newspaper o f general publication in I) N Nordling Parts Co., Supplies, Section line o f Sections 33 and 32 ner o f the Northwest Quarter of this County. First publication to be Rufus King, Bangs Indemnity j $449.11. $228.60. Claim, $40 00 L A Mauldins, Health Officer, to the point o f intersection o f said said Section 7; thence West to the made on the 6th day o f August, 1953, Valley Auto Supply, Supplies, $11.- line with the Easterly right of way Southeast corner of the Southwest $97.50. GENERAL ROAD I 34. and the final publication to be made Edna Farris, Health Nurse. $282.75. line c f the Owyhee Ditch Company Quarter of the Southwe-t Quarter of Bci-e Payette Lumber Company, Intermountain Equipment Co., 501 Main Nyssa, Ore. on the 3rd day o f September, 1953 Main Canal; thence in a South Section 6, Township 21 South, Range Edith Knott, Clerk, Health Office, 1 Lath, $7.50. Part -, $9138. westerly direction, along said right 46 E.W.M.; thence North to the Done and dated in Chambers this A ft B Woodcraft, Repairs, $2.50. $185.27. Nelson Equipment Co., Parts $2,- Raymond Ruff, County Sanitar We tern Auto Supply, Supplies, 250.87. ian. $263 17. Ba sche-S Hardware Company, $1 53. Wanda Hedin, Clerk, Health O f M i .neto St Diesel Supply, Coupl Supplies, $3883 fice. $24.26. ing, $1 28. Part Oakley Whole »ale Inr Alice Coleman, Clerk. Health O f C liff-' Ola-- and Body Shop, Ser $1391. fice. $18 37. Oakley-M wxly Service Inc., Gen- vices, $68.45. Di liner L Edmonds, Janitor,! Bu y Corner, Tires and Tubes, erator rebuilt, $28 42. Ileal h Office $39 00. M , • \: Ii Part , $3.22 $462.78, Thus. Jone- Justice of the Peace, Hoh ult's Repair, Pipe, $3.00. Ol-on Manufacturing Company, Vale Supply Company, Supplies, $320 31. Tart l, $13 01 Donald M. Graham, Ju-tice of $2 50. Malheur Home Teleplione C< Owyhee Truck A: Implement Co., j the Peace, $177 11. Telephone, $22.20 Mary F. Graham, Justice of the Part and Service-, $304 90. Homer Knott, Propane, $4 00. J ■' Ret d, Board for Reed, Wilson, Peace. $120 90. Th e Lang C impany Truck Part E. E. Jones, Justice o f the Peace, St Lakey. $33 00. $13.04 Ki ler Chevrolet Company, R e $60 01. Northwe t Oil Company. Supplies Benardo Alcorta, Ju-tice of the pairs. $12.25. $841.09. Jordan Valley Garage, Oil and Peace, $24.37. VA LE - JORDAN grease, $3 60. Elmer T iffan y, Janitor, Court G R A Z IN G D IS T R IC T Inland Machinery Company, house, $224 46 Glen Hammonds, Labor, $230 0!» Parts, $57.76. W illiam E. Ross, Watermaster, Avi j i Merritt, Labor, $K)193 Kowalli.s and Richards, Inc., Sup $254.70. John Ruiz, Labor, $99.61. U. S. Nait’l Bank o f Portland, p lies. $21.42. Antone Stopar, Labor, $182 19. Eastern Oregon Equipment Co. Federal Witholding Tax, $742 55. Alva Thomas, Labor, $130 62. Parts, $597 95. State T a x Commission, State Louis M Stebbnis, Labor. $11.24 Withholding Tax. $78 74 City of Vale, Water. $2 50 George Simpson, Labor, $10186. Public Employes Retirement S y Boise Brake & Wheel Service, Ives George, Labor, $211 07. stem Social Security, $236 30 Parts. $17 18 C ity of Vale, Water, $2 50 State Industrial Accident Com., G Y. Chester, Mileage. $70.80 Pioneer Sand and Gravel, Gravel, Firestone Stores, Tires and R e Workmen's Compensation, $21.75. $4$ 75. pairs. $251 35. G E N E R A L ROAD O liver Oldham, Labor. $14 33 Bullock Auto Repairs, Supplies, Albert Buckingham, Bookkeeper, $81 44 * C O U N TY L IB R A R Y $204 19. Holloway Auto Wrecking Com Malheur County Library, Salaries, G. Y. Chester. Road Superinten pany. Services, $12 50. ■and expenses, $700 00 dent, $274 01. Schaffer Motor Company, Parts Th e following claims against M al Roy L. G riffith , Labor. $221 00. heur County allowed Wednesday $167 John W. Knie, Labor, $24301. Armeo Drainage St Metal Pro July 8, 1953 Orville Lakey, Labor, $248 15 ducts. Inc , Culvert. $194 76. Donald Hatch, Labor, $207 89. G E N E R A L C O U N TY Home Lumber Sc Coal Company, Gordon Pemberton, Labor, $265 13 A P Ooodell, Commissioner's Supplies, $3 26. Carson Pierce, Labor, $267 47. Pees. $57 77. Vale Welding Sc Machine Shop, Joe Reed, Labor, $202 36. J eff D. Dorroh, Jr., Circuit Court Repairs, $10 46 Blen Shelton, labor, $192 45 James Shelton, Labor, $254 12. L o v e ll Shelton, Labor, $ 23447 . Earl Shlery, Labor, $21133 Carl Sperling. Labor, $292.24. Earl Thompson, Labor.$248 00. Gustav Tledman, Labor. $254 92 Jess Tuning, labor, $243 34 Theodore N. Tuning, Labor,$326.99 P C. Weber, Labor, $237 65 Ray C Welding. Labor, $259 25. Ted Wilson, labor, $280 99 G. G. Holley, Labor. $223 32. Duane Bates, Labor. $129 47. Harold Shepherd. Labor, $235 73. L. O. Fredricks, Labor, $47 53 James Conner. Labor, $61 72. Jack Smith, Labor, $50 51 •M b Clifford Hyke. Labor, $129 71 U S Nat'l Bank of Portland, f e d eral Withholding. $422 60 the easiest, fastest way to hitch implements ever developed! State T a x Commission, State Withhholding, $66 41 Public Employe« Retirement S y bo w you can change Fast-Hitch implements quick as » click. Hitch- Y •we iram$ and addrata stem. Social Security, $199 28 State Industrial Accident Com , ing’i a S N A P ! f r — m i y owe regu lar poraooal check». Workmen's Compensation, $258 57 S S TA N TO N For your convenience First Notional how you can control hydraulically exery implement a c tio n -a u to ' 1 County Judge A P O O O D ELL is open 10 to 3 six days a week, includ maticallv, instantly, effortlessly, precisely. County Commissioner L. E Hammack in g S a tu rd a y . t County Commissioner how you can do better w ork with F-H implements. 1 ORDER J la »he Coanty t aurt of »he State of Oregon for the County of Malheur In the M atter o f the FVrmation of NYSSA MANCH THE O W YH E E R IV E R W ATER C O N TRO L D IS T R IC T This matter coming on reguarly h>r hearing on the 27th day « 1 Aprii 401 M ain P h o n » 2121 1053 « m A m u ( COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS TV and RADIO REPAIR HERB'S RADIO SERVICE SEE THE NEW FARMALL for the McCormick Formal! Super C o l Iho big F it t o DCM 0NSTRATI0N AUGUST 27-28 2 P.M . Miles North of Nyssa on Highway 20 Everett Taylor Farm J r . PERSONALIZED CHECKS iff SU su OWYHEE TRUCK & IMPLEMENT CO. to fore pnbl; bed and » , aid bearing © •