You Can Get It N y ssa G ate C ity Jo u rn a l In Nyssa — Shop The Journal Ads VOLUME X XXXV III NO. 33 Frosh Lead In Registrations; 247 For To!al If You Want To Buy or Sell, Use Classifieds THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AU3U8T 27. 1953 Kansas Reunion Is Unexpected Nyssas Fame Cn Blood Drawing Gels Àtiention TWELVE PAGES Cannery Opens With 2 Shifts Eleciric Service Shows Increase In Population An unusual and unexpected meet­ Nyssa’s employment fig :ures were , ing of four families, all former welled by 400 this week a s the local ne.ghbors in Kan as, was reported branch f the Idaho Ca nning Co. Saturday night by Walter Burdette swung into operation Mend for the processing . f a bumper < op t f I Incomplete high school registra­ | operator of the Phillips 66 Service Nyssa’ fame as a record blood There were more families 1 ig in ! sweet corn. tion figures, based on student regis­ Station a mile north of Nyssa. drawing center may figure prom- Nyssa in July of this year uhu here Mark N el, resident mar.agi A Kansas car stopped at the stat- r.ently in the blood bank campaign • i .d tering last Me nday and Tuesday, veie a year ago, according to Ic Tuesday that two crews are being stand at 247. according to a report ion and Burdette recognized them of a western Oregon city, it was Power Co. records which showtx an i used for the fir.-t time the year, from the office of R V. Wilson, high a- Mr. and Mr~. C. F Combs and di-closed here this week I the extra help being needed i pro- increa-e of 30 residential meter ser­ Mrs. Grace Barrett of Dunlap. Kas., In a letter written to her mother, school principal. vices for the t wo comparative peri­ : cess the i0 per cent more acreage of ods. Broken down by classes the fig­ vho live only six miles from his for­ Mrs. Emil Stunz, Mrs N K >Greta' j corn before it becomes too mature. mer heme. Nearly at the same mom­ Blcakman stated that Roseburg had ures show 76 freshmen, 70 sopho­ The same set of statistics revealed Even wi.h day and night crews mores, 45 juniors and 56 seniors. It ent, Mr and Mrs. Marion Kendall of set a g al of 250 pints in a foith - .hat there are eight m 're business working, Noel estimates that it will Ontario steppd in and were surpris­ ccming blood dra wing. was stated, however, that a num­ , take five week' to complete the pro- firm- here titan there were a year Mrs. Bleakman requested a copy ber cf students will not complete ed to meet the Combs who were ago. Even though at least five i> ! cessing. tneir former neighbors in Dunlap. of last week's Gate City Jcurns’ registration until the first day of ness firms have closed cut during Quai.ty of the corn is exception­ Discussion of ‘‘old times’’ revealed be mailed to her so that she could classes next Monday. ihe past year, at lea-'t 13 new busi­ ally good this year, according to Advance registration last year that Kendall is re kited to Burdette's sho v the editor of the Rcseburg Noel, .who said worm infestation is ness firms have opened and are con­ News Review a daily) ju>t how Ny- brother-in-law, Frank Kendall, of total 238 students, with late-enter­ tinuing to operate as of July, 1953. at a minimum. ing students bringing it up to 280, Herington, Ka>. The Combs did not I ssa goes about making one record A decrease wa shown in farm ser­ The cannery was 12 days later kn^, w they were stopping and Burd-I after another, short of the 300 expected for last than las* year in starting, the delay- vice for the comparative months, al­ R osebu rg ¡n i' a popula in of 8390, ette’.s and the Kendalls did net know year. being occa-ioned by the lateness of ine; t all of which were the re ult of of the relationship before their stop. as compared to Nyssa’s 2525 That’ - Junior high school students have the corn reaching the proper stage tenant houses on farms in the Ny.ssa enough difference to populate two been requested to report for regis­ area, it was reported by Paul Penrod, of development. more towns the size of Nyssa, yet tering after 1:30 p. m. Monday. Idaho Power manager. He stated the latter collected 132 more pints Students and their parents are mere farmers are using laborers in its'last drive a Civic club, the Army in February, 1950 and re­ relations among nurses and guard the city council, Manager E B Bur- Portland institution's branch in that for more than two years, said in her vl]j staged Sept. 16, beginning at ceived his basic training in Texas. and foster their material interests. TO ENGLAND ' ton said Wednesday. Burton, who city. letter that the ‘situation looks quite o p with four local stores par­ Other objectives are to enlighten He later attended a mechanics Neil Ransom, son of Mr. and Mrs. announced his resignation several Announcement of Amble’s transfer serious this morning, and seems to ticipating. according to Mr.; Fred school in Illinois and was stationed and direct public opinion in regard Farrell Ransom has been called to weeks ago, will assume his new du- be developing into a quarrel between for two years in Georgia. He is now to the standard of nurses so that the fill an L. D. S. mission in the Brit- ties as city engineer at Ontario next was made by George Mitchell, wie labor unions as well as an at­ Bracken, chairman of the event. branch manager, who said Walter The show will be held at the Nyssa at Barkshade. La. and making profession can become more capable Beck is being transferred from Bend tempt to liquidate the government L.D.S. stake house. flights to and from the United and honorable within itself and ish Isles. He left Monday night for Tuesday. The most serious thing for me, ob­ The latest in fall fashions furn­ more useful in the prevention and Salt Lake City where he will enter Burton said that application' are to replace Amble. States with supplies. care of disease and in prolonging the mission home prior to his sailing ! coming from various parts of Ore- | Amble came to Nyssa in April, viously, is the fact that I can neith­ ished by the Stork Shop, Wilson er receive nor send mail . . Cpl. John H. Toombs entered the and adding eo,r f''r t to life. Brothers Department Store, Every- September 1 on the Queen Elizabeth I 8 °n and California and one as far 1951. ’’ . . . It looks as if we’re really going btdy’s, Inc. and Bracken’s Depart­ Army in May, 1952 and received his j I a way as Massachusetts. Some of the i __________________ At a meeting Tuesday of last week for Liverpool, Eng. basic training in California after | to get it this time, and I must re­ ment Store will be modeled. The applicants making inquiry have been . . m» | . which he went to radio school in in Ontario, the following officers member to buy some candles. Who’s event is open to the public. sent official application blanks and M r t T J l f n | y ia f* lfp t were elected: Mary Ellen Nelson, Scott, 111. In April he was shipped in the right is hard to say. There only part of them have been re- 4 IlU I I lV l Initial plans for the style revue vice seems to be a general air of ’we’ve and program were formulated at a to Japan where he Is now attending president; . . w Blanche ... . Davenport, . . . turned. All applicants who have giv­ T. V. school. He expects to be stat- preskiei l t: MaJ?’ Wakabayashi, treas- had enougih and can’t stand any committee meeting Tuesday after­ en complete Information about I urer; Mary Craft, secretary; Edna more restrictions’, and the few peo­ noon. Assisting Mrs. Bracken with loned there for 30 months. themselves are being considered by Fairs, Mary Gustavsen, Enid Wise ple I talked with seem to agree with arrangements are Mrs. George Ox- Pvt. Vernon A Toombs joined the the special committee headed by and Lois Leavit, board members. the strikes and say, in effect, that nam, Mrs. George Cobern, Mrs. John Army in June, 1953 in California and i Councilman Emil Stunz Other registered nurses present at was sent to Kentucky where he is an attempt by the government to Broad, Mrs. Lamont Fife, Mrs. E. D It is probable that Nyssa will be | make economies at the expense of Michaelson, Mrs. Joe Cundall and taking his basic training as a para­ the meeting were Bonnie Batt, Ma­ without a city manager for a brief Maylin Maxfield, Muir-Roberts- rie Conklin, Esther McCormick, Col- the lower classes is abominable. trooper. Mrs. Don Graham. j period during September and until Burningham Co. official, spoke on i leen Wilks, Dortha Hartle, Marga- “ For instance, half of the employ­ One mar. is dead and seven other ' a definite appointrtlent is made. | potato and onion market conditions ers . . . make less than 30.000 a : ret Galey and Emma Nishizako. persons suffered from minor to ser­ Friday noon as guest speaker for the month (about $85> and must pay Regular monthly meeting will be ious injuries in a wreck early last Burton reported. Nyssa Business Men’s association. I held on the third Tuesday of each Saturday morning south of the Par­ 7,000 to 8,00 (around $20) for a mis­ His report was none too bright, erable place to live . . . I month. ma junction on highway 95 in Idaho, | but he did say that the growers . . . “ Whether this strike will re­ Peter T. Morizawa. 36, of Los Ang­ would make a little money on the sult in some kind of sound and hon­ Sale of the Nyssa branch of the Tentative plans have been made eles was killed instantly after his White Rose spuds, which, he said, est. government economy Is also hard by the Malheur Development asso­ B & M Farm Equipment Co. to car stalled on the highway and was [ had good distribution several days two Vale brothers was announced to say . . . Anyway, the populace is ciation, composed of Nyssa, Ontario hit from the rear by another car Seven students from Nyssa high last week. this week. up in arms against the government, and Vale Chambers of Commerce, driven by Fred H. F*eil of Dallas, school have been granted admission Virgil E. Johnson, Boise consulting New owners are Theo and Albert Price he quoted that growers were and although it’s not pleasant to fer a visit of Gov. Paul Patterson to Oreg. According to Canyon county to Oregon State college for 1953-54 Tagon, Vale farmers, who took over engineer, has been engaged by the officers, the lights failed on the j getting was $1.10, He expressed con­ live in this fashion, if the results eastern Oregon on Sept. 28. operation of the business last week, city of Nyssa to assist with the $65,- Morizawa car and the driver stopped according to the OSC registrar’s o f­ fidence in the Russet market, with are good, then the sacrifice Is worth Pres. Jake Fischer told members fice. They are Elvin Lee Alexander. and will do business under the firm 071 street improvement project which :o locate the trouble. Feil approach- current quotations at $1.35 to $1.40 it. I have a feeling tills Is going to of the Chamber Wednesday that ar­ Betty Ann Boenig, Violet Rose Dry- is expected to get underway this name of Taghon Tractor Co. rangements have been made for the ed from the rear and did not see j dale, Robert Grant Hartley, Eliza- to the grower. He said also that the continue for quite a time.” Active management of the firm week, City Manager E. K. Burton the parked vehicle. The two cars Aside from these conditions and governor to be Nyssa’s gue-t at a Ny.ssa area would have to ship 2,000 beth Ann House. Billie Neil Morri will be under direction of Theo Tag­ announced. cars of Russets to equal the average the inconveniences occasioned by breakfast at the sugar company club were thrown a distance of 261 feet son and Glenda Gayle Moss. hon for the time being, assisted by Johnson and Burton will start the from the point of impact and neith­ shipment of potatoes from here. them, Miss Kohl wrote that ‘‘life has house at 7:30 the morning of his Other names may be added to the Les Burbank who managed the busi­ survey work today and C. E. Lese- er of them turned over. Morizawa Most significant statement made been pleasant in the at-long-last visit. A tour of the sugar plant is ness for the former owners during berg, Nyssa contractor who was low- was thrown from his car and was list since the registrar’s office is ac­ by Maxfield was that there Is not an summer weather." much of It enjoy- being arranged later In the morning the summer. bidder for the project, will be able run over by the Feil vehicle, the ting daily on new applications for over-supply of potatoes on the na ed with an "ancient bicycle”—a mode and a reception will be schedul'd the fall term. Taglon expeetts to move his fam­ to start actual construction Thurs­ investigating officers reported. tion’s market. Rather, It Is what he of transportation she Is especially before noon with the general public New student week at OSC is termed a “ physcological disturb­ glad to have with "no transporta- invited. ily here soon. There will be no day afternoon or Friday. Mrs. Morizawa and two children scheduled Sept. 13 to 19 with classes ance.” tation in Paris.” change in present personnel, ac­ Burton said that state highway Highlight of the visit will be a cording to Albert Taghon, who for department engineers have been were treated for minor injuries at set to start Sept. 21. During new •’The boys in the east,” he said, banquet Monday evening at Ontario the Malheur Memorial hospital. student week, they receive special “read about our big yields out here, the present will remain in Vale to hired in the past for such projects, with a quota of 90 persons to attend take care of interests there. but a recent ruling prohibits high­ Feil suffered head injuries and a instructions on courses of study and then they manipulate the market by from the Nyssa community. crushed chest, Mrs. Feil had facial registration and complete placement ’laying out’ and down goes the The new firm has brought the way employees from engaging in At yesterday’s chamber meeting, cuts, broken ribs and a broken ankle examinations. Minneapolis-Moline tractor and im­ outside work. price." the organization voted to b;d three and a broken arm. Three Feil child­ Miss Genevieve Eachus, blind Nys­ cents above base price for beef the plement franchise back to Nyssa. In Speaking of the onion market, ren suffered facial cuts and bruises. | addition, it has announced the re­ Maxfield stated that the price was sa girl who was graduated with high 4-H club and FFA Junior Fat Live­ All were treated at the Nyssa hosp­ taining of the agency for such major fair on the small whites at $1 25 to scholatic honors with the Nyssa stock will have on sale Friday, Sept. ital. farm implements as Farm Hand, $135 for 50-pound bags on the car. high school class of 1952, is expected 4, during the Malheur County Fair. The Morizawa family had been Gehl, Gemco Beet Harvester and The yellows, he said, are bringing to arrive home the latter part of An Improved potato market this only 65 cents on the car. the week from Chicago. Miss EachUs There’s no doubt about that “ fall visiting at the George Mizuta home Oppel Beater. feeling” in the air, for temperatures north of Nyssa and were returning week has caused continued heavy There definitely is an over-supply and her seeing-eye dog. "Thunder,” of the past week verify the end of to California when the accident shipments of potatoes from the Nys­ of onions, Maxfield said, and the have been spending the summer in Nyssa’s hot summer weather and happeened about 12:25 a. m. Satur­ sa station, U. P. Agent Torn Jones outlook is that growers will have a Chicago where they have partici­ reported. During the past week 287 hard time coming out on top with pated in Y.W.C.A. project work. the approach of cooler to colder day. Forty-five members of the local cars have left here for a total of this crop. She plans to spend a week at the A. F. L. Sugar Factory workers days. There was a sharp decline Mrs. Vernon Robertson and chil­ 1,055 cars during August and a sea­ J. W. Rigney home and then go to union of Nyssa met last Friday night A charge of selling liquor without from 96 degrees last Wednesday to a license against Howard Bright, 73 degrees Monday for the coolest dren are spending the week at Eu­ son total o f approximately 1,500 so Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steinke were Eugene where she will begin her and heard a financial report prepar­ who was arrested Aug. 16, have been day since June 24, when the ther­ gene visiting at the homes of her far this year. hosts over the weekend to cousins .second year at the University of ed by Treasurer Joseph R. Bingham two sisters. dropped because of the lack of suf­ mometer registered 72 degrees. Onion shipments have been late visiting here from Kansas and Ne- Oregon. Miss Eachus was listed on on the Tasco Employees Federal ficient evidence, Deputy Sheriff j Last Monday’s rain, first since Mr. and Mrs. Austin J. Hollings­ so far with only 10 cars leaving here, bra.ska. They were Mr. and Mrs. H. the U of O honor roll during her Credit union. The credit report was Frank Elfering said Tuesday. Bright j the middle of June, measured .07 of j worth and son, Farrell, were Sunday However, favorable prices indicate C. Hamilton, Smith Center, Kans., first year of college. for a voluntary savings plan for all was arrested by the sheriff and an inch. sugar factory employees of Nyssa and dinner guests at the J, W. Rigney stepped-up shipments during the and Miss Doris Hamilton, Aurora, deuties that included deputized Nys­ next week, Jones said. ! Neb. Max. Min. Prec. | home. sa city police. status. Total assets were listed as $2,- 60 Wednesday, Aug. 19 96 New charges were filed against Th ^ . 450 14 and current loans to 22 in- 89 62 20 iiu is u u y , u u u y . to $2.270. Malheur County F^ir are nearly operation. There will also be two same number of other organizations With the starting time set for 2 with assault and disorderly conduct. The union expressed Its thanks to completed and pre-registration re­ displays and demonstrations on the from throughout the county will p m., the field demonstration will be Wilson Bros. Department Store for Appearing before Justice Don M cords Indicate more displays of all handling o f bees Inside a screened have booths. All three garden clubs held on the Everett Taylor farm, refreshments following the Friday Graham Tuesday, Ewings pleaded will have special flower displays. kinds than ever before, Mrs. Leeds cage given by the Nyssa apiarist. seven miles north of Nyssa on high­ evening meeting and appreciation not guilty to the charge which re The Malheur County Fair has be­ way 20. Baily, assistant secetary, told the The open livestock divisions are suited from a fight at the Bybee was expressed to the store for hand­ Floyd J. Brown has been proudly Journal Tuesday on a special visit expected to be as good or better than come recognized for having one of Erickson says the new two-point ling union-made merchandise. labor camp where Bright is acting displaying to friends a set of fishing to Nyssa. The Fair opens next W ed­ last year with indications that sev­ the largest commercial exhibits in hitch, which controls hydraulically as a labor contractor. tackle received a few days ago from The court took the case . . under ad- his son. Marine Cpl. Floyd Earl nesday and extends through the fol­ eral entries will come from outside the entire lower Snake river valley every implement action, has been 1 ____ lowing Saturday. the county and bring a total of ap­ and arrangements Indicate there meeting with favor all over the na- j visement after hearing evidence p r - Brown wn0 jg stationed In Japan. servted by several — witnesses appear­ .. .... * - The tackle includes a five-joint One of the biggest changes this year proximately 600 different entries will be as many as last year and tion. It was first Introduced and j is in the agriculture division, which Registrations will close Friday of comparable to the Western Idaho demonstrated at a dealers' meeting a * ing for the plaintiff. bamboo rod, Elliptically - shaped has been enlarged and placed under this week and any animals not pre- State Fair In Boise. few weeks ago at the company's It isn’t every boy that can get a wooden bobbers, ten assorted eleven separate division heads. In reglstered will be assigned space Approximately $5.000 In awards Chicago plant. spanking new bicycle for only 35 fly hooks, leader and feathers of keeping with the county’s expanded only as long as room permits. will be given In all divisions of the cents. bright colors for making flies. agricultural production and prog­ Bill Toombs of the Adrian com ­ Fair, Mrs. Bailey said, In addition to But, take the word of Dick Thom ­ Cpl Brown has been in Japan for ress o f the Fair each year, it was munity Is superintendent of the numerous trophies being provided as, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ormand „ . . __; two months, going there from the Thomas, it can be done. 0% * n L . Hutchinson chair m a n o f Philipplne lsiands He entered the necessary to enlist the aid of various dairy cattle division and announced by various business firms. Boy Scout troops have combined the Malheur county PMA committee^ marine corps in January 1952 He division superintendents, Mrs. Bail- that all breeds will be represented. Last Thursday the new EnglLsh- Other Nyssa area residents officiat­ to demonstrate their “ 90-foot gate” y said. Most of the men sent from the I type bike was delivered to the reminded suSar »h»ir*fa-min» nnu I is a nativf o i Kansas and came to There will be a com division ing Include Bob Holmes who Is sup­ that won recognition at the nation­ Nyssa Labor^oamp to _flght forest Thomas home, the Thomases being have not yet fUed their farming unit Xyssa with hu parent3 in 1950. under the supervision of Art Neeley; erintendent of the sheep division; al .jamboree and one troop will be fires in the Boise and ~ Payette Na­ totally ignorant of its coming reports tha-t the deadline for filing j “ X- onions, Abe Saito: potatoes, Turner Mrs. Edward Bagley. division super­ on duty to give the demonstration tional forests of Idaho have return­ cept Dick, of course, who just knew is next Monday. Growers are urged JAMES McMILLEN IS WITH Bond; suga r beets, Bernard Johnson; intendent representing the A. N. K all four days. Jim Hayden of Payette ed, It was reported Wednesday by It would arrive. to file the reports to Insure them- . selves of being eligible for their con- ~*JTII INF. REG. IN KOREA mint, R. V. Pierce; threshed grain Garden club and Henry Reuter, Ad­ reported that plans are progressing Bill Shambaugh, camp manager. Dick’s expense break-down shows After 33 more men were sent from an expenditure of 32 cents for a ditional sugar beet payments. | Word was received here Wednes- and small seeds, Ace Lloyd; threshed rian, superintendent of the vocation­ satisfactorily fot the KSRV talent The report covers labor costs and day that Pvt James H M Milan, seeds; Bill Wahlert; sheaves, Jarr- al agriculture divtsion. with Craig show with entries coming in from here last week the total of men from package of breakfast food and three nd Dwight Wy- all over the county. other production data in connection son of Mrs. John Krul, is now with ell Richardson: farm vegetables, All Jessup. Earl Jones and the local camp was well over 200 in cent« for a stamp to mall the top of with the cultivation and production the 279th infantry regiment in Fuchs; farm fruits, Lonnie Ward; | ckoff, assistant superintendents, It is expected that entertainment, the past two weeks. the package with a name for the honey, W. W. Foster. Eight subordinate Oranges and being provided by the Ontario o f sugar beet■. Unless reports are Chunchon, Korea, According to Shambaugh 40 men bike as an entry for a contest. A special attraction is being a r - : Farm Bureau centers have made Chamber o f Commerce and the were kept at the sceae of fire fight­ filed by the deadline date, payments | His wife, Donna, Is making her The winning name? will be materially delayed, Hutchin-j home with her parents, Mr. and rangd by Foster who will have a arrangements for booths to exhibit Sage and Saddle club, wlllbe .similar ing for emergency duty In the event "Lightning L «zie”—submitted by of further •<*:tr*c storav. hivo enclosed in glass to enable t h e , their products or depict .wwfthing to that of past years. son said, * Marsch of Nyssa. Dick. Organization of County Nurses Is Completed Daughter Tells Of Tribulations Of Parisian Life Three Sons Serve In Armed Forces Applications For Amble Transferred to City Job Continue A!banY Bank Branch ,'H California Man Killed Saturday In Car Accident Taghon Brothers Buy B & M Store Engineer Arrives For Street Work Fashion Show Set For September 16 Report Given By Maylin Maxfield Plahs Made For Governor's Visit 7 Nyssa Students Enroll At OSC Genevieve Eachus Back From C hicago Nyssa W eather Takes On That "Fall Feel" Potato Shipments Continue Heavy Sugar Union Hears Loan Plan Report Liquor Charge Is Dropped; One Filed Stage Set For Malheur County's 44th Annual Fair In Ontario September 2-5; Agriculture Expanded TractorDemonstration -NampH ;e*ard!'’ of their union Set Thursday. Friday Brown Receives Gear - From Son in Japan Contest Entry Pays Off for Dick Thomas Sugar Beet Report Deadline Is M onday Men Returning From Fire Fighting Duties « O ® i