TH? NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 20.1531 PAGE F ' VE 3» \ tars \?o Xu* 1» T*!* L- ! :;.u • Sm. h home . lO.vy- were S .nday vi : r at the George V M. % i V a r - Host heme. turned the fir-t of the «reek from Pa .1 Ha tch Australia vii I-' ■ s h.t: . ., id Linda Hipp P it land. ----- A. H B ydell and J v .th his br ther, H i ward Hatch attended a -lumber party at the l e i « I m u n ii Meaningful n n-fictior. and sever B ydell made a tr.p bv auto to Pay- heme of Janie Walker Tuesday Saturday. Dial »439 al novels make up the near b: ks night. e: .e Lakes Sunday and visited at Mr Oayl Marti again ready tor circulation n Aug the Dr. Sarazin camp ----- Je-.-e Mr and Mr G rge Moeller, Jor- fr m Friday until Sunday m Nam ust 22 a: the Malheur Ccunty Lib ’ 8 Thompson and family returned Wed etta and Jean returned h- me Sun pa vi'iting with her parent-', Mr. and rary. day from a 7 weeks’ trip to Arkansas nesday frem an auto trip through II i.i alt ar.d a fr.end, Mr C li Mr-. O. J. English. Several titles relate to children. ner cf Pennsylvania, who h a' been where "hey \i ed Mr- M >eller’s Cal.fonra. ----- Mr and Mrs Artie F.r.-t there is the cne by Mauree Ap Gayle Martin. Wm Webb and R berts-in moved this veek into the visiting them, were visitor' Thur»- R> nnie Martin went fishing at Fish father and other relatives. plegate called Everybody’s Busine>s- i.v at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mr Ot: Bullard and Brc vn Bros, bungal v on North Our Children which is a highly Lake above Halfway. Don and Mary Johnson of Powell, readable series cf talk- for parents Third street ar.d De -v Ray and Ora Newgrn. They brought, with Sharon Fcx spent Sunday with and teachers expre^ing the view family moved into the W. S Glore them colored slides of the country Janet Parker and was an overnight Wyo . -pen: the week end at McCall where the Bullard'- attended the tha; both group- share in bringing :n Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Jack residence. guest. Union Sunday -chool services. up today's ch.ldren, and should get Wil n of Parma came to visit 35 Years Ago Aug. 2. 1918 Mr and Mrs. Ray Holly and Che ley B -yer of Ontario a.- .l Jack t gether and try to agree cn a fe v Thursday evening and also enjoyed Dick T e n e n and family have daughters spent from Tuesday to RR m essentials. Ides, j in ved in from their L, cket Gulch Friday at Burgd< irf. Idaho visitors at the N ¡man H.pp home. A second is Creative Dramatics in M. nday evening the Frank Land ranch and are enpoymg a ta'te of Mr and Mrs Ray Holly and Home, School, and Community by city life, occupying apartments in visited at the Newgen home iaughU?rs a ’ere d[inner guest» Sun- Ruth Lease and Geraldine S.k-. A- M: Eugene Cleaver and children the Van Gilse Fla:- Mayor C. C. nother is Lillian Graham's party lay of Mr. and Mr». Donai LyUe Wh en has volunteered for service ti-uod a: the home of Mr. and Mr- ind Mr. and M r. Rebelrt Fun for Boy- and Girls. Man gin. in the army and ha- be;n accepted. Magnus Ekanger Sunday afternoon. The novel by Helen F *!er called Mr. t nd Mrs. Sonny Franklin and The pumping plant for the Owyhee Mr. and Mrs. Carl Simpson served j The Intruder maintains an element Remember how you hurriedly re Dit h is now in operation and upper Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. ' family had dinner with Mrs. Joe of suspense in an Australian setting. arranged vour living room furniture Whitt- Sunday. While there they threvs 27,000 gallon- per minute Rc.-e Franken's addition to her Rail i Blanch, Mr. nd Mrs. Cn rge 1 It will relieve water areity from F I km m and Brent, Mr. and Mrs. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph when the TV set arrived? Remember Claudia stories. The Frag.le Years, which farmers under the ditch have Billy Hadley. Miss Carol Folkman I Thomas. the new items you said you'd need? begin- after the death cf Claudia -uttered.— The Leigh picture thea David Looney had a birthday Why not buy them now at Nyssa and David’s olde t -on. ..nd J e Supinger, Mrs. Grace Folk- tre moved this week t > its fine new party Sunday with a few little Furniture store. Until the Phoenix by Fa-shun quarters ju-t completed adjoining man, Shirley Nielson, and the! friends attended. Chang sh ws in f.ction from how Get in the act with riboflavin, one of the B vitamins. You need it, Simpsons. At 9 Good avenue you’ll find the Wilson Bros, store and will give the if you want to take a bow for better health. Riboflavin, when you get ordinary people in China were af Mrs. Edith Simmon- of Denver, The Auxiliary picnic is to be Sat- opening program Saturday evening right furniture for real enjoyment fected when ermmunist soldier-’ enough of it, is more than a partner. It take s on the job of a stage man Colo, spent two weeks visiting with The opening play is -The Spirit of urday, Aug. 22 a. Sniveley’s. E ach ’ ager in your body. The result—other food substances may be used more overrode the land. Also a novel about while you watch the world on parade her t w o daughters, Mrs. Ruth Mar 17" featuring Jack Pkkfcrd. Admis family is to bring weiners for their i efficiently. people in another land is The Singer sion is 10 and 25 cent-.— Miss Gertie family and one other dish, and bo tin of Owyhee and Mrs Jess Morris in your living room through your Not the Song, a tory by Audrey F.r- Without this vitamin, the protein foe ! you cat could not be properly TV set. Stop in and see for yourself and son, Horace Simmons. Ray. Nyssa’.s lady mail carrier, has there by eight. skine Lindcp about the conflict be used in the manufacture of new body cells or in the repair of old ones. at Nyssa Furniture Co. (Paid Adv.) purchased a Ford car and is teach In this show, riboflavin also hi !ps set the pace by assisting in the release tween a priest and a bandit in a Mrs. John Reffett went to San ing it the duties of a postal employ Francisco Tuesday evening to attend 1 of energy from fats and carbohydrates—your body fuel. If too little small Mexican community. ee.— The Journal is informed that the furneral services for a sister. riboflavin is in your three meals a day, cracked and sore areas at the The last two non--fiction titles are insurance companies refuse to in very different: The Perfect Joy of , corners of the mouth may develop. Burning and bloodshot eyes, which Sunday, she returned home bringing may be unusually sensitive to the bright light, may also occur. With sure plate glass windows because of St. Francis by Felix Timmermans the number that have been broken her mother. Mrs. Ella Adkins of Par Mrs. George Moeler slight deficiencies of this vitamin, symptoms may not he visible, but reveals the personal as well as the by boys throwing rocks through is, 111. and her friend, Mrs. Riffle, deficiencies may be accompanied by a generally lowered state of health, spiritual life of St. Francis. How to Dial 2733 them. It costs from $50 t $100 to re Alton, 111. to visit a few days. efficiency and earning power. Make your Emotions Work for You place them.— Parma Cafe is now Miss Clarice Notheis returned t Too Late For La-t Week Riboflavin is an easy-to-get vitamin because it is widely distributed is a book by Dorothy Finkelhor that open and meals are 30 cents. heme Saturday night from Greeley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schilling drove In nature. Requirements may be met easily if you use moderate care in tells how emotional maturity can selecting your food from all the well-known basic food groups. To be Colo, where she has been attending over to Payette Sunday to visit at 40 Years Ago Aug. 7, 1913 enable people to handle the prob the Andy Hoeme home and to re certain thut riboflavin will "get in the act” put some liver in the market lems in the way of their happiness. About 30 attended the annual summer school. basket and do it often. Liver, either chicken, calves’ or pork liver is the A week ago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. serve watermelons for the Arcadia beefsteak fry given by the Ep.vorth best food source of riboflavin. It also is found in large quantities in Miss Gertrude Allman under went League last Friday on the hill just Chas. Schweizer. Mrs. Guy Glenn Sunshine club’s annual melon feed leafy vegetables such as turnip greens, spinach and kale. The eggs, surgery at the Samaritan hospital east of tiie Nyssa bridge— The Ida- and Guyanne Glenn drove to John to be held Aug. 30. milk and cheese which you include in your meals play a part, in the Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Maddox of nha and Cannon prune orchards Day and Seneca. in Nampa last Wednesday. Reports show that must go on, by furnishing good amounts of riboflavin. Weiser stopped on their way to that make a solid block three four are that she is improving. Wednesday, Mrs. Chas. Schweizer, Along with other members of the B vitamin family, riboflavin co-stars ths of a mile in length are loaded Mrs. Mildred Hite, Miss Niliart of Caldwell to pick up Keith Maddox, Mr. and Mrs. Balias Keek of Mus- in the enrichment of bread, flour and cereals. Enriched bread contains who has been staying the past 10 full of partly ripened fruit. Thous more of this vitamin than does whole wheat bread. Because plenty of grove, Ind. are visiting this week at Homedale and Mrs. Haworth of days at the George Hust home. ands of 2 by 2 supports are used to riboflavin is used in enriching cereal foods, the amount in everyone’s the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Carol and Barbara Evans of Wil- keep the loaded limbs from breaking. Nampa visited in Boise. daily food is increased regardless of the number of dollars spent at the Keck Mr. Keck has been in Indiana The Sunset Valley Livestock club lowcreek stayed from Thursday $425 per car is guaranteed for the grocery store or super-mart. attending college. crop of the Cannon orchard.— $400 met at the home of Donald Ohashi, through Saturday at the Jay Warner ] The Rev. Robert Jackson left is the estimated sum required to There is to be one more meeting home while their parents and broth Monday morning for youth camp at make repairs on breaks in the Owy- after the fair, but now the place has er, Teddy, vacationed at Wildhorse, Dial 6697 McCall with a group of boys from ! hee ditch caused by floods from the not been set. There were only a few above Council. Days G o n e By in Nyssa C o m m u n ity Mr. and Mrs. Don Coryell of Boise heavy rain and wind storm Friday. members present, so there was n o 1 the Nazarene church. From tire Journal Files and Mrs. Minnie White of Payette Damage aggregating several thous business meeting. and dollars has been reported to Mr. and Mrs. Elver Neilson and 5 Years Ago Aug. 12, 1948 to 24 cars valued at $14,400. Grow crops and small stock has been The Idaho Canning Co. will make ers receive $600 per car as compared drowed in several instances.— The son visited with Mr. and Mrs. an initial run at its Nyssa factory to $60 last year.----- Armed with a ladies of St. Paul’s Guild will open Charles Schultz and sons in Oregon Rhone 2-2769, Tarma Friday. ----- Shipments of potatoes bear trap, "Pud” Long returned to .the new parish house with an ice Slope Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Harrison of Mrs. Woodrow Wilson from Nyssa this season had reached his camp above Ironside Monday. cream social Wednesday evening, Hood River and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Mrs. Long and Evalyn accompanied Aug. 13.— E. H. McDonald purchas 387 carloads Wednesday night ac Apple Valley school starts Sept. 8. cording to Thomas Jones, Union him to the mountains. ----- Howard ed a five passenger Michigan 40 Shepherd visited Friday and Satur day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. School board election will be held Pacific agent. ----- Bill Reynolds of and Curtis Foster left Monday for this week. Ora Newgen. Mr. Harrison and Mrs. in the afternoon w-ith three mem Nyssa took first in the water ski Portland with a carload of new 40 Years Ago Aug. 14, 1913 A spirit of expectancy is notice Shepherd are brother and sister of bers to be elected, two to fill the ex jump at the water carnival spon honey. able among those in touch with Mrs. Newgen, and they came to pired terms of C. L. Fritts and sored by the Bogus Balin Water Ski 25 Years Ago Aug. 3, 1928 F. W. Skillern and Judge J. H. High Line affairs and it is believed visit their mother, Mrs. Ada Har Charles Mann and one to fill the club at McCall Saturday and Sun Richards of Boise, who sometime ago things are being brought into shape rison, who is making her home here. unexpired term of Mrs. Orley Smith day. ----- Adrian will have its first who has been filling out the term street lights in the near future. Ida leased 30,000 acres of land in Mal for the early closing of a contract ^ Q O P E M l O T O 5 for Con Wilson who resigned. The ho Power Co. is installing five lights, heur county and Idaho, sold their ! for the construction of the big ditch following names are to be voted three on Main and two in other rights and leases to a power comp I which -will furnish water for 40,- any of Minneapolis.— The Hoxie i 000 acres of rich land adjacent to upon: Mrs. Orley Smith, Charles parts of town. property on the corner of Main and Nyssa. ----- H. T. Francis, C. C. Mann, Albert Hopkins, DeLoyd 10 Years Ago Aug. 12, 1943 Second street has been leased to C. Miss Janet Parker Schimmels and Elmer Searly. Adrian Union high school has W. Tensen for five years and an up- Hunt, and W. L. Gibson, school di Bank With Ease! When you open Mr. and Mrs. Earl Robinson of started construction on the Smith- to-date service station will be erect rectors of the Nyssa district went your account at First National Bank Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Brown of Phoenix, Ariz. visited at the home Hughes agricultural shop to replace ed in the near future.— Mrs. Hoxie to Washoe one day this week to get pointers on the way to establish and Boise visited at the Glen Brown o f Portland you can adjust your and Mrs. Dick Stam are enjoying of his nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Ken the one destroyed by fire last April. Robinson, one day last week. Luther Fife is contractor. ----- Pos the convenience of electric ranges maintain a domestic science and home Sunday. banking to suit your business and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown were Will.ard Stephens, who is a sibility of establishment cf a $1,- recently installed.— Robert Over- \ manual training department in con recreational hours. Join the thou nephew of Mis. Reed, left for his 000,000 war prisoner camp between street has been promoted to the nection with the public schools.----- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb sands who take their time and Bank home in Portland after visiting it Nyssa and Adrian to accomodate position of agricultural engineer and Marshal H. D. Holmes this week Thomas of the Big Bend Thursday. will be located in the sales depart- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Logan visited the Jack Reed home and in Boise 2.000 prisoners was rumored in Nys \ ment of the general office, as assist bought a four-room cottage of Coun With Ease at First National 10 to 5 Mrs. Alva McGinnis Friday the past week. sa this week. ----- Malheur county’s ant to Carl Baldridge for the Idaho cilman George Phillips and will with Monday thru Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Melvedt of valuation for the fiscal year 1943- Power Co. of Boise.— A carload of move to his new property in a few afternoon. Mrs. Logan was the form Boise were Sunday dinner guests at 1944 has been fixed at $12,798.963.48, : wheat was shipped this week days.----- Manager Blodgett announ er Ethel Morey. Mrs Laura Smith went to Caldwell the Jack Reed home. County Assessor Ed Hendrix an I through the Nyssa Grain and Seed ces that the Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wilkerson nounced. I t ’s an increase of over $1,- Co. to eastern markets for $1.00 a moving picture shows will be re Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Murphey. and family of Emmett were Sunday 500.000 from last year’s figures.----- bushel.— Two carloads of potatoes sumed next week. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Davis and Mrs. N Y S S A BRAN CH visitors at the Roy Wilkerson home. Roseoe Kellogg of the Gate City were shipped at only 45 cents per Alva McGinnis and Mrs. Laura Their daughter, Julane, is staying Dairy, announced this week that hundred. MENTION THE Smith visited at the Bob Price home with the Roy Wilkerson family this starting the first of next week he 25 Years Ago Aug. 10, 1928 o r po ri The 19th annual Malheur county Saturday evening. GATE CITY JOURNAL •week. will furnish pasteurized milk to the fair at Ontario Aug. 30 will feature Mrs. Laura Smith and Mrs. Alvon Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tharp of city of Nyssa. WHEN BUYING K IfD C K A i D tfO & ll IN4URANCI CORPORATION an unusual aerial show. ----- A two McGinnis spent Thursday evening Eddyville, Ore., were ¡week-end guests 15 Years Ago Aug. 11, 1938 year lease was signed Thursday for at the home of her aunt, Mr. and Stanley Ramsey, owner of the the rear room in the Sharp build Mrs. Frank Plagman. Ramsey’s Market announced that Mr. and Mrs. Chet liames and the recently installed cold storage ing on Main street and Second for children attended a picnic at the lockers were now open for patrons.— the town council room. ----- A six home of Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Wil The city has purchased a new fire year lease has been obtained on the son of Caldwell Thursday evening. truck from Cables Chevrolet Co. of Bodfish building on Main street by The picnic was given by the You- Ontario, according to Fire Ohief Mrs. George of Ellensberg. Wn„ and the building will be remodeled and ette club. Schireman.----- Buddy Edwards, well Mr. and Mrs. Buford Standerfer known local fighter, received word fitted for a rooming house at an and family and Roger and Rodney that he had been selected to fight approximate cori of $4500. ----- Mr. Smith attended a picnic at Ironside the main event at Sun Valley rodeo and Mrs. Earl Ward, Mr. and Mrs. in honor of a ccu.-in, who was home F rid ay.----- Saturday, Dr. and Mrs. Audrey Ward, Frank Ward and Gertrude Wilson left for Yellowstone on leave from the Air Force. K. E. Kerby of Kan.-as City. Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cushing arrived in Nys.-a and on Sunday Dr. park Tue day. Frank Ward Is in and baby of Boise, were week-end Kerby began his duties as assistant itiating his brand new Chevrolet coach on the trip. guests at the home of her parents, to Dr. J. J. Sarazin. 30 Years Ago Aug. 3. 1923 Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Thompson. 20 Years Ago Aug. 10, 1933 Mrs. George P. Ward was in town Sunday they all went fishing at Bert E. Haney was elected chair superintending shipment of their Paddock reservoir. man of the advisory board for Ore Mr. and Mrs. Dick Curtis and gon under the federal public works hou-ehold goods to La Grande, where Mr. Ward has a fine position baby of Caldwell were Sunday din administration in Portland Friday.— with Ford Motor Co.— Dr. Sarazin ner gue.-ts at the Jack Wilson home. Effective today, Nyssa will have and family have gone to New Mead Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Wilson and daily freight service from the east ows for rest and recuperation.— family and Miss Lela Wilkerson and west. Raymond Richardson of Rich quartz, running $15.000 to the epont a few days last week at Mc Nampa has been transferred to the ton in gold was found in the old Call, Burgdorf and W’arm Lake. 1 Nyssa depot to serve as telegrapher Red, White and Blue mine in Mal heur City.— Water level in the big Conley Wilson and Darryl and and assist agent W. T. Posey.----- Willow Creek re-ervoir rose six feet Cedric Caldwell were fishing at Mud Harvest of the early potato crop Lake last week. They report good reached its peak in Nyssa this week from a cloudburst Monday afternoon in that Valley. It is e-timated it will luck where they were. with the loading of eight more cars. cost fully $2,000. to make the Bro- Mrs. Martha S. Norland spent This brings shipments for the week gan-Malheur road passable again. from Monday until Thursday visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Orover Find ley, and family at Madras. A birthday supper was held Fri day evening at the Conley Wilson home honoring Mrs. Wilson’s moth er, Mrs. Lloyd Caldwell. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Caldwell and Mr. and Mrs. Think fiM G ’s Truck Hydra-Matic Drive* is a abolishes clutch maintenance and replacement — Leon Murry and family of Parma for good ! luxury? Nothing could be further Jrotn the facts! and Mr. and Mrs. 'Hianiel Botner. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stephen and TRUCK HYDRA- MATI C SAVF.S GAS-because it See us about a G M C with Truck Hydra-Matic — family of the Cow Hollow district in The Schoola Churches and Homea insures peak efficiency in power application at all today. Oregon were Sunday dinner guests times. It cuts repair needs —because it frees * Stan J a r J equipment on Package Delivery model, optional at moderate at the Martha S. Norland home. Built by Us in the Valley Claude Hinkley of Cottonwood engine, drive line and reat axle from ».rain. It extra tun on tS other tight-July mo Jett. Show Our Ability visited at the C. A. Butcher home a few days last week. Phone 2540 — Nyssa Mr. and Mrs Tom Ferguson visit ed at the Harvey Hatch home in Big Bond Friday evening. Mrs. Fer guson's brother fr°m Australia w-a- thore Mi Evelyn Fen- i- >n of B -c v.-.’f . > Non-Fiction and Neva's at Library Food Sense—Not Nonsense Sunset Valley Television Upset Your Furniture? GST IN TACT Around Arcadia Renstrom Agency Apple Valley T A K E Y O U R T IM E B A N K FIWST Adrian News FljttST FREE E S T I M A T E S . . . . Given on Building Work Dean Fife & Company Fergustn h< me Sunday