THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 20 1953 C o o l O f f W i t h Canned Citrus Mr and Mrs. Tom Ferguson of Apple Valley, and Howard H atch ol Adrian visited their brother, P a u l! Hutch, at the Harvey H atch home | Friday evening. Mr and Mrs. Ed Newton and Burt returned home Thursday from a week's vacation with their son. Ted Newton and family, and their daughter. Mrs. G arrett M untjewerff. and family a t Joseph, Oregon. Mr and Mrs. Paul E, H atch arriv­ ed at the O ntario airport Wednesday evening from Eildon, Australia for a two week's vacation with home folks, the Bob M artins and Harry H atch families. Mr and Mrs. Jce King, returned home Tuesday from their trip to Portland where they visited their son, Lewis and family. Sunday they all attended a big picnic and family reunion at Salem. There were 56 rel­ atives present. One cousin. Joe had not seen for fifty years. On their way home, they stopped at Sky Line Dog days become doggone good days in the minds of youngsters, wher lodge at Mt Hood. While there they Mother provides the wherewithal for nutritious homemade coolers that visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herchel not only are better than any drink in town, but also taste better. This time of year, it is especially important to be sure that a child’s Bunch, Richard and two grand children of Culver, Oreg., who also daily vitamin needs are met. Too many bottled beverages contain little in the way of food value, and they can’t be relied on for actual refresh­ were there. They sent regards to all ment. Young bodies need vitamins, minerals and proteins daily if they their friends and stated their are to remain healthy. daughter, Judy was to be married Citrus drinks help supply their health needs, and they’re easy to pre­ Sept. 1. pare, with convenient canned Florida citrus juices, chockful of the Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, same vitamin C abundance found in the fresh juice. Alice and Jim my, were Sunday din­ Florida Float ner and supper guests of Mr. and canned Florida juice (orange, grapefruit, or blended grapefruit Mrs. Wayne Hacketts in Emmett. On and Pour into freezing tray. Freeze to sherbet consistency, stirring their way over they visited at the once orange) or twice during freezing. Fill glasses % full with chilled juice, add Lester M urray home. a spoonful of the frozen citrus sherbet. Garnish with Florida lime slices Mr. and Mrs. Pug Swigert and her and add a little Florida lime juice if desired. m other, Mrs. Anna Miller, made a trip to Heppner last Sunday, return- Brock and family in H arper Sunday, ing Monday. T heir two grand daughters, Charyl Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cartw right w e n t1 and Carol, cam e home with them to Nampa Sunday and picked up her ! for a few days visit, Mr t Alva Goodell m other, Mrs. Naoma W right, and A bridal shower is being given for they all visited an old friend and Mrs. M argaret Bennett Woods, Fri­ Dial 2804 schoolmate of Mrs. Cartw right, Mr. day afternoon in the Presbyterian and Mrs. F. J. Pitser, in Middleton. church basement in Adrian. Mr. and Mrs. W ard Lundy, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Vern Bullen and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thom as made Carol and Marylyn Runcorn family visited G randpa Bullen at a trip to Weiser Friday. His sister, spent Ann Sunday at American Falls Mrs. Ed H unt, of Kingston, Idaho, the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joe visiting Dannee and Cindy Rae Budell, in Nampa. He is planning a niece, Mrs. Jim Mitchell, of New Lundy. They are B. granddaughters of on coming home the last of the Meadows and grandson, P at Dille, Mr and Mrs. Lundy. accompanied them home for the week. and Mrs, La Vern Cleaver had Shirley and Donald Davidson of j week end. Their daughter, Mrs. Riley Mr. their dinner guests Sunday Mr. Caldwell are visiting their cousins, [ Dille came for them and spent Sun- as Mrs. Don H erren and boys, Mary Ann and Victor Jones, a t the day at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. W hitehead of Nyssa, Mrs. Ida home of their aunt, Mrs. Jack Jones, and Mrs. Herb Thom as. Frank R an­ Chambers of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. ey of Caldwell was also a dinner this week. John Bowen and Jack of Vale and Mr. and Mrs. Dyre Roberts, W ay­ guest. Miss Ocie Swager of O ntario. In the ne, K aren and Sharon visited her Peggy and Jim m y Chaney are evening the group, except Mr. father, Miller Henderlider, who is in spending this week a t the 4-H sum ­ and Mrs. all H erren visited Mr. and mer camp in McCall, Ida the hospital In Nampa, Sunday. Mrs. Frank Daws of Payette. Mrs. Pearl Abbott and Rickie ac­ Rex W alters of Boise visited at the Dyre Roberts home Sunday eve­ companied Mrs. Dewey Shrong and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Florea and family to Baker and Durkee to visit David of Coos Bay are visiting a t ning. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Deason, Rob­ her sister, Mrs. Louise Boren, and the Howard Day home. Mrs. Florea ert and Louise of Greely, Colo., re- family Saturday. Her nephew, Jim - is Mr. Day’s sister. turned missionary’s from Brazil, my Jones, of Toole, U tah also ac- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stephen and South America, visited over the | companied her for a visit with his Axel visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Bruce Haily in Blc-ck Canyon. week end a t the Boyce Vande W ater aunt, Mrs. Boren Mr. and Mrs. K enneth Sm ith and Mr. and Mrs. Clair W horton and home. Mrs. George DeHaven and two family of Boise were over night daughter of Boise were overnight little girls of Kingm an Kolony and guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. guests a t the Loyd Adams home her mother. Mrs. W. B. Yardley of Chet Sm ith. Sandy Sm ith rem ained Tuesday. They were enroute to P o rt­ land. Weiser spent Sunday with her sister, for a longer visit. Mrs Herb Thomas. Her brother, Mr. Mrs. A. L. Bennett, M arian and his Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bertram and and Mrs. Jack Raney called in the uncle, Leonard C arter of Roswell Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. T hurm an Hill spent Sunday evening at the Leroy and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Law r­ evening to visit. ence Low, Mr. and Mrs. H arry Boles Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Haw orth of B ennett home watching TV. S tar and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Mr and Mrs. Ira Pettis spent and Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Adams a t­ called Sunday afternoon a t the Bill Monday evening visiting a t the tended a swimming party and picnic home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch supper a t Snively Hot Springs S a t­ Vande W ater home. urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bartol, K en­ and family. neth and K eith of Clarkson, W ash Mrs. George Elfers underwent Mr. and Mrs. John M urphy were were week end guests a t the V arner I surgery Saturday morning a t the Saturday evening dinner guests at the Lester Topliff home. Nyssa Memorial hospital. Hopkins home. Mr. and Mrs. Varner Hopkins and Mrs. Irm a Hopkins, Chas W itty Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Kenny are spending a few days at and Mrs. Mary Thompson attended Sandra attended a family picnic the county P. T. A. meeting in Nyssa Sunday a t the Nyssa park for Mr. W arm Lake. and Mrs. Cecil Florea and David of Miss Fay Marie Hopkins of Pay­ Monday night. Coos Bay and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. ette spent the week end with her Sorensen of Nebraska. Use parents, Mr. and Mrs. V arner Hop­ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nielsen and Mr. kins and Kenny. Gate City Journal and Mrs. Arvin Kirsey and Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Prosser visited Classified Ads. of Nu Acres called a t the Loyd Ad­ their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Delno ams home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ercil Goodell of 1 Haigler, Neb., were dinner guests ! W ednesday a t the Leslie Topliff SiSALKRAFT home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Topliff and 1 FARM BETTER * MAKE MORE MONEY \ family were sight-seeing in the Black Canyon area Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jam eson of Nyssa spent Sunday afternoon at the Loyd Adams home. Sandra Day was an overnight guest Sunday of Jan et Fife. Mr and Mrs. Leslie Topliff spent Sunday evening at the Irvin Topliff ì home in Newell Heights. Mrs. W illis Bertram and Lucille SILO C°Vi*S: KRA4T0,h«lP» and Mrs. W ayne Simpson attended a softball tournam ent Saturday at Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie and I family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Marguiss of J Star. Mr and Mrs. Guy T anner held the L D.S. geneology class a t their home Friday evening. Those atten ­ ding were Mr and Mrs. Golden Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fenn and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Herrud. R e­ freshm ents were served. K arry Lea Cleaver, daughter of Mr. and M r,. La Vern Cleaver, had the measles the past week. p a t M c j c a n d titauty o t4 c t Mr. and Mrs. Don Herren and Mr. and Mrs, La Vern Cleaver were M O N E Y -S A V IN G FARM USES I swimming Saturday evening at the Hot Springs. KEEP A SUPPLY OF G E N U IN E SISALKRAFT Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver has been ill the past week. O N YOUR FARM ALWAYS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day and Sandra, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day «j FREE S A M P lf W and Claudette and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ritchie attended a party a t the Ray O riffitts home one evening this week. Mr and Mrs Dan Sm ith of Bon­ neville spent the past week with his brother. Charles Sm ith, and family Dial 392S Norman and Betty Sontt of P ay­ 70T Adrian Bird. ette spent last week visiting their aunt, Mi Lester Cleaver PAGE THREE XouvcMùcCe eft 4 ' i. Beat the High Cost of Living! Let us Stock Your Pantry, Home Freezer and Store Room with Choice Foods from Our Shelves. You Name i t . . . . We Have it— and at Prices That You Can Get only at M & W MARKET Prices Effective Friday - Saturday - Sunday Buena Vista "ZPoect ca*t [Ï STUNZ LUMBER CO. you 2-lb. box 3 7 C Oven-fresh Royal Arms Pineapple J u i c e s t n a r r i a c V I I V I 1 1 C J «1 J U I f l â l f n C I I 25 < 2 59 t 42 ^ 2 cans R. S.Pitied No. 2 Blue Plate 4 rolls Can 4 3 C 5-oz. White Satin Powdered — Brown 1-lb. boxes 2 for 2 5 C SUNFREZE I ce Cream Jumbo Qts. hand dipped 69<: Double-dip Cones ........... 5c SPECIAL LUNCH M EATS „ * 45< RIB STEAI Lb* K Top quality beef CHIJCKR< )AS1 F' Tender, juicy FOOD SPECIALS LEMONADE Tip-Top 6-oz. 3 for 49c ORANGE JUICE 3 for 49c Sealed-Sweet 6-oz. PEAS — Snowcrop 10 < l 2 for 35c MARKET • t h & M a in s i I k * " Y * I b 41 < Bakery Special BUTTERFLAKE ROLLS 2 l £ doz.