THE N Y SSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, N Y S S A , O R EG O N PAGE TW O Along The TH E GATE CITY JOURNAL DUANE R. A L T E R S ........................* RICHARD II. N. YOST - — * ditor » " d ------------- Publisher Advertí «taf Manager Dus ni- R. Alters >nd Geo. L. Whoeton, Owners SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Malheur County, Oregon, and Payette and Canyon Counties, Idah o: 1 year ASSOCIATION 0® fl Month« --------------- I L M Elsewhere in the U.S.A., per y e a r ------------------W.bO Single C o p ies-------------- -0T (Strictly In Advance) Published every Thursday Entered at the postoffice through the United States the act at Nyssa. Malheur County, Oregon. at Nyssa. Oregen for transmission Mails, as second class matter, under of March 3, 1879 Junior, Your Dinner's Cold A new group of do-gooders—or possibly an old group with new ideas— has been formed in California to protest some of the television programs which the reformers fear w ill harm the lives of children. They seem to feel that there’s too much shooting, too many bad men and too much violence. They are working on broadcasters to reject programs for children which use crime as their basic theme. Hopa- long Cassidy, Roy Rogers and Gene Autry are among their targets and'the trend of such reform groups is to issue protests then strive for laws to prohibit those things with which they disagree. Just why they should want to bar any of the cowboy and Indian yarns from movies, radio or television is be­ yond comprehension. As long as all obscenity is omitted, the bad men get their just dues and the clean-living hero proves his ideals that right triumphs over evil, we can see no harm only that of the mother trying to get her kids to dinner on time. It might he conceded there could be some dangers to individual children whose temperments are not fitted for the excitment of gunplay and fighting. 1 hat should be a problem for the parents to decide by choosing the programs their children can hear and see. Just because the kitchen butcher knife, the fam ily auto, the medicine chest or even the cookie jar are harmful if the kids are allowed to make decisions on their use is no reason to bar those “ lethal” instruments from the rest of the world. L ik e so many other “ dangers” of modern times, con­ trols should begin and end in the home. Owyhee Canned Salmon For Summer Salads Mr*. Kenneth McDonald Dial 3209 Home Ec Units to Hald Officers' Training Friday Shirley Skinner and Kay McDon­ ald left Saturday morning with the "Control tower to pilot, target is Malheur county extension units coming down First street— no, he’s 4-H Club for Payette Lakes where will start their fall activities Tues­ turning west on Bower— wait a min- , Ltley attend camp for five days, day with an officers’ training day at ute. he’s turning off Bower into a The two girls are members of the the Untied Presbyterian church in vacant lot—now he’s stopping and Handy Workers Sewing club, Ontario frem 10:30 a. m. to 3:30 p. there’s your target." Mrs. Gerald Slippy and son. Eldon, m.. according to Mrs. Edna Mae Fireman Dale Bingman swears attended a birthday party In Nyssa Wimsatt, oounty extension agent in that’s the gist of the conversation Thursday for the fifth birthday of heme economics. Saturday morning when C ilfi Mink Gaye and Vaye Bellveal. twin The year’s program officially got turned in an alarm for a fire on Ray daughters of Mr and Mrs. Jim Bell­ underway, Aug. 4, with installation Fox’s trash truck Mink saw the fire veal. o f new officers for each of the 13 from the Boise Payette office while Mr. and Mr.s. R. L. Niday of Mt. county units and the Malheur co­ the truck was picking up a load and . „ . unty committee members. The In­ as the call was made Fox started to **ome »e re Saturday night visitors stallation was held at Mrs. George drive away, unaware of his warm ° f ®h* Ed Bassetts, Lang’s, Vale. load Bingman wanted to know the Mr. and Mr.s Orson Berrett and Mrs, Wimsatt says the home ec­ location of the fire, but the subejet Mrs. Earl Beasley and children of onomics county committee Is plan­ would not hold still long enough to Ogden are visiting with Mr. and ning a model business meeting for get the exact range. | Mrs. Grant Patterson and family its Tuesday session, which will be and with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ber- open to officers o f all units and co­ The following is copied from the rett and family. unty committee members. Miss Viola 1 Columbia Empire Industries’ news Mrs. Lynn Kygar and Maxine and Hansen, state agent from Oregon TH IS SUM MER IT ’S SALMON in a cool, refreshing salmon salad, bulletin and needs no comment: Mrs. Laura Patterson of Bothwell. State college, will discuss the state loaded with nutrition, with body building protein and with that appe­ "Now we have seen everything. Wash, went to Boise Thursday and program for the coming year. tite appealing salmon flavor. Canned salmon is a treat to use in hot The California Legislature passed The unit and ccunty leaders will summer weather because it’s ready to serve as it comes from the can. 1 visited in the Don Franklin and Dick , and Gov Warren signed a law to tax also select project objectives for the The succulent chunks make delicious eating served plain or with lemon Brown homes. traffic fines and Jail sentences. On or lime juice. Or combine with fresh garden vegetables as in this ! coming year and will act on reconi- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McDonald every traffic fine of $20 or fraction mendations set forth by the state salad platter. thereof, there will be an extra tax of and Butch went to Homedale S at­ Salmon Salad | council at its annual meeting in $1, and a $1 tax on each Jail sent­ urday night to the George Bullock 1 1-pound can salmon, M cup French dressing i Corvallis in June. ence. Brother, are Che tax grabbers home where they met Mr. and Mrs The county home agent will out­ drained and flaked x/a teaspoon salt avid. The last haven o f security, Ray Fletcher of Murphy. Butch went 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped _ Salad greens line project work for the coming Jail, is secure no more. Keep out of to Murphy with his grandparents 'i> cup mayonnaise year. This will include home canned 1 cup diced celery ( jail or you will be taxed.” Stuffed olives, sliced | to spend a week. and frozen foods in meals, accessor­ ies for clothing, interior wall finish­ Mrs. Laura Patterson le't Satur­ Toss together ligh tly salmon, eggs, celery and French dressing; es. getting the most use from small day for her home in Bothwell after sprinkle with salt. A rran ge on salad greens and garnish with mayon­ electrical equipment, matching visiting with her sister end family, naise and sliced stuff.-d olives. plaids and strips, creative embroid­ Mrs. Lynn Kygar, for a week Y I E L D : 6 serving«. ery, and buying and using synthetic FIRST Mrs. George Schweizer attended detergents. Church of Christ a fair booth chairman committee Ogden who were on th:ir v.ay to .vlth her sister, Mrs. Laura M ont­ Any persons interested in taking CHRISTIAN meeting at the Ed Bagely home in the ccast on a v-.a .io n ..p.n: Sun­ ague, and family. any of these projectes may contact Austin J. Hollingsworth, Minister day witn relatives, the Grant Pat­ Mr and Mrs. F. W. Clegg and their local unit or call Mrs. Wimsatt Parma Friday morning. 10 a. m. Bible school, Dan Pennie, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Logan of Oak­ terson and Wayne Berrett families. family of Kelso, Wash, were over­ at the county extension office, Ont­ superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bellveal and night guests at the Frank Preston ario city hall. land, Calif, spent from Wednesday 11 a. m. Sermon: “The Inclusive until Friday with her cousin, Mr. children of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs. home Friday. This year’s workshop will be on Christ.” Lester Robinson of Apple Valley re-upholstering and will be conduct­ and Mrs. Silas Bigelow. Wednesday Dale Clarey and children of Parma No evening services during August. I evening the Bigelows and their were Sunday evening guests at the I accompanied Terrel and Velda Sam- ed in February. The first project will guests called on Mr. and Mrs. G eo­ Gerald Slippy home. Pam Clarey uels to the N. Y. P. S. youth camp be a footstool. Mrs. Wimsatt says ASSEMBLY OF GOD remained to spend the week with ! at Victory cove at McCall Friday, seme extension units are planning rge Schweizer. Rev. Haskell Friend, Pastor ! They returned heme Saturday and footstool workshops for all interested Karen M cKinley spent Sunday the Slippy’s. ___________________ ! Janet Bell of Apple Valley and persons. South 2nd and Reece Ave. ■ night with Wanda Bassett. "The only charge for this work­ Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Foreman and ______________________________________ Sharon Cruson o f Nu Acres returned shop.” Mrs Wimsatt points out, "is 10 a. m.. Sunday school. [ with them children called on Mrs. Rosa K irt- your energy and your time away 11 a. m . morning worship. i The J. J. Montague family spent from home." ley Sunday afternoon. 8 p. m , evangelistic service. ' Sunday in Vale visiting with Mrs. Further details o f the work shop Tues., 8 p. m., prayer service, Mr. and Mrs Kenneth McDonald Montague’s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. will be announced later. m , 8 p. m.. young people. and children, Mrs. Werner Peutz ' Bill Smith and family and Mr. and Farmerettes Club and Wanda, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed CHURCH OF CHRIST j Mrs. Zeb Evins and family Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barnes spent Bassett and children attended the Parma, Idaho The Do-More 4-H club met at I Tomm y Neilson and Gary Thom - Sunday in Prarie City where they j picnic at the Adrian Community McUonnel Av». Church Wednesday evening for Dr. the community hall Tuesday evening | son attended a watermelon feed and visited Mr and Mrs. Hugh Glasgow, O. E. Robinson, Minister and then drove to Caldwell for a | the worship service of the Fruitland an aunt and uncle of Mrs. Barnes. and Mrs. D. Safford and children. 10 a. m , Bible study. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Reece and On Thursray Mrs. Ed Bassett and swimming and television party. The J M. Y. F. Sunday evening. I t was 11 a. m , morning worship. Wanda accompanied Mrs. Lou Pratt group swam in the Caldwell pool held on the Payette river at the Carole and Dan spent Thursday in 8 p. m., Sunday evening service. and Anita and Karen M cKinley and until nine o ’clock, then walked to Robert Groves home. Juntura visiting with Bud Rogers. Wednesday, 8 a m., Bible study. Ellen Safford to Caldwell where the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ronnberg and Ames where they watched a pro­ Mary D. of Larreyton, were over­ Barbara Montague, "Pressing Wool 1 girls enjoyed a swim. FREE METHODIST CHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Dixon of gram on their television set. Forty- night guests Saturday and Sunday Trousers,” Carol Keck sang "W ish ­ Adrian, Oregon five members and their friends at­ o f Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wood. Mrs ing Ring” ’ for her special number. 10 a m , church school. tended the party. Ronnberg is a sister of Mr. Preston Refreshments were served by Keck’s, j classes. 11 a. m., morning worship. Sunday dinner guests at the Oscar and Mrs. Wood Millers, and Sagers. Samuels home were Mr. and Mrs. J. Terrel Samuels, accompanied by The regular meeting of the Do- CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN M ISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH L Martin of Nu Acres and Mr. and More 4-H Club was held Friday Harry and Allen Maine of Nu Acres, Elder Lee Jolliff, Pastor Christian Center Mission Mrs. D. L. Durrlngton and family of evening at the community hall. and Ed vard Smith and George D il­ East 2nd and Ehrgood 10 a. m , Sunday school. vliddleton. Demonstrations were given by Carl lon of Nyssa attended the All Star 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 a. m , morning worship. Mr.s. Anna Hutchinson of Middle- Evans and Kenneth Keck, "Proper football game in Boise Saturday 11 a. m.. morning worship. 8 p. m., evening worship. 7:30 p. m.t evangelistic service. ,on spent the day Tuesday visiting Rations for a Dairy Calf,” and by evening. Wednesday, 8 p. m.. prayer service. CHURCH NOTES Nu Acres News Tourist Traffic Pattern Argus-Observer A survey party for the Oregon State Highway Com­ mission cheeked eastbound, out-of-state autos at the Cairo junction Monday. Members of the party gave an interested Ontario person the following breakdown on the autos stopped: The party stopped 205 cars, and 80 of these w ere tour­ ists. O f the tourists 60 went south through Nyssa to Boise, and only 20 turned in to Ontario. On learning that the Ontario route was just as convenient they came through Ontario. This information automatically suggests that perhaps Ontario should erect a prominent sign on the approach to the Cairo junction to direct eastbound traffic through Ontario advising tourists o f the conveniences of the route. Such a gesture would be a worthwhile courtesy to Ore­ gon’s tourists who form an important part of business in Oregon. | - I And Ontario might do w ell to find out what the traffic pattern is at highway intersections north of the city in other places where tourists might appreciate being in­ formed of the convenience of travel through Ontario. ST. PAU L’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Carl Gross, Rector Morning worship and Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. 8 p. m„ sacrament meeting. Tuesday, 2 p. m., relief society. Wednesday. 4 p. m., primary; 8 p. m., M.I.A. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH Fifth Street and Park Avenue Joha I.. Brit-Ill. Pastor 10 a. m.. Sunday school. 11 a. m , divine worship. NEIGHBORING TOWN TOPICS Ontario- If you're the type who leaves Aunt Matilda' diamond rin< and other valuables In your car be sure and 1< k the d- or- before leuv- ll parked oil the street. This caution w.t ¡"lie d today by Chief of I*, lice Wa'.ter S Walker c me i rep* rted the result of 11 t 1 eking; yourc■ar was eviidenc- night. Ed Waker*hg of ed her Boise 1eft his unlock ed car nciir the Carter hotel where 1ie was >pcaiding tell night Whil e it was pari,;cd an uiikown per« n or pe r soils i •ntcrcd illie car and t »xik he% hydr; mlic Jack, • pump. suit cfuse full of clothe* new fihoe.N und p.Hits, Hisur.ince ilapers and c»i,r title. - Argu -Observer EDITOR'S BEET T H U R SD A Y , A U G U S T 20,1953 county hopes that the state will pave it When this ts done they believe it will bo made a part o f Route 95.- Signal. CO M M UN ITY METHODIST < III lU H Vernon L. Taylor. Minister 9:45 a. m., church school. 11 a. m.. morning worship. 7 p. m., Youth Fellowship. ADRIAN C O M M U N ITY CHURCH Henry k. Moore, Pastor 10 a. m., Bible school. 11 a. m., morning worship. 11 a. m., Junior church. L. D. D. Hubert 9:15 a. m., 10:30 a. m., S. 2nd WARD Christensen, Bishop priesthood meeting. Sunday school. THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Robert Jackson, Pastor 10 a. m., Sunday school. 11 p m., morning worship. 7 p. m., N .Y P .S . and Junior meet­ ings. 7:45 p m „ evangelistic service. Emmett-Jim Mill- recently L. D.S. 1st W ARD No. 2816. elected president of Gordon Ray, Bishop Unkin.A FL « f Emmett, Howard Cay- 9:15 a. m.( priesthood meeting. CATHOLIC CHURCH lord was elected to serve as vice 10:30 a m., Sunday school Park Avenue anil Third Street pres ident. 7:30 p. m., sacrament meeting. Coimpletln g the rost er o f officers Krmbert Allies. O. F. M. Tuesday. 2 p. m.. relief society. are Arthur Holbrook, <.eeetary; Fete Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m Wednesday. 4 p. m., primary; 7:30 H 'lbr. ok, recording secetary; Joe and daily at 8 a. m. Villa nueva. auditor; Walter Hill Saturday, 10 a. m., Catechism 3. m., M „ I. A. condluetor; Melvin Smith, warden and Ai Har tinan, Carli Schiller and Erin1-t Maxlield committeemen. - Inde X W E SLAUGHTER BEEF FOR HIDE. — FVi'-t is chairman of the Snake River district which comprises Pay­ ette county, Washington county and the area above Washington county. So far the chairman has been un­ able to secure a volunteer for the job -Independent-Enterprise. New Plymouth- Without a doubt the happie.-t person In Nev P ly ­ mouth today Is Mrs. Edith Smith wla> received word Wednesday night that her Min, Cpl Dale Smith was among the first POW's to be releas­ ed in the prisoner exchange tn Uie Korean Truce Plan. Hermiston- The First National He was the first Idaho prisoner to batik of Hermiston became the H er­ be exchanged -Payette Valley Sent­ miston branch o f the United States National bank at Ute close of busi­ inel ness last Saturday Wilder- Churle A. (Bud) Beasley, Prior approval o f the transaction aviation boaLswain’s mate third had been obtained front Ute comp­ clas , USN. Min of Mrs KuUi Stull troller o f the currency and the Beasley, Caldwell, scored a perfect directors o f boUt banks, according grade on the final examination at to E C Sammons, U. S. National the Petroleum school. Commander president. Service Force, US Pacific Fleet. Pearl It h it s been almost 50 years since Harbcr. T. H. It was Uie first perfect F. U Swayze established a banking »core recorded since the school operation here In Hermiston with a opened In 1949 -WUder Herald. capital structure o f $25,000 Two yearsyears later. In 1908. the bank Weiser- The first open season on v.i- granted «national charter. On «hukar partridge ever declared In June 30 of this year, deposits totaled the state Is in store for hunters tills more than $4.800.000.- Hermiston- fall with a bag limit of three permit­ Herald ted in Washington, Gem and Pay­ Payette-Bernard Frst o f Payette ette counties from noon October 24 through October 25, according to was searching this week for a local an announcement made la -1 W ed­ man to take charge of the Boy Scout nesday by tlie Idaho Fish and Game fund raising campaign slated for October 12 throughout the Ore-Ida commission - American. Council. ** STATE INSPECTED MEATS gteded end ChorUuIi George oxuiaa. T H E R A I N B O W S T H A T C O M E IN C A N S Remember Ihe Iasi lime you took a can of paint and stirred it up with a little imagination and some brushwork? We’ll bet it gave you a different slant on life, whether it brightened a part of your house or gave a child’s toy a colorful look. To help make your life brighter—and easier—today’s paints come in every tint and hue of the rainbow. Best of all. the modern miracle paints come to you ready to use. America’s paint industry and the American Can Company virtually grew up together. MEATS Weiser- A new rood shortening Mr and Mrs. Detain llolconth ar­ the distance to Southern California by 30 miles was reported here today rives) m N y »a Wednesday morning by Kenneth Ingraham, reporter for to visit two weeks with Mr and Mr* the lion, Nev., Standard. W D Holcomb Mr Holcomb will re­ Ingram . aid that Churchill county port to Fort Sill. Okla August 28. hu Jus; completed b u llin g a .ta­ M r» ( i t s u n and d «»| h tr r . K » > r rn Je r- ad brtw>wn Fallon ai,«1 l n e- of Hex y , g I. « M » . lo