P ir .T THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST !3. 1953 EIG H T Terry home from church camp. day. Mrs. Lydia Worden. Mr and M: M L. Kurtz called cn Mrs. Mr,. George Carpenter Mi , Rath- Mr,. Carl Barclay entertained at Lucille W il.on in Ny.v-a Friday. !> :n and Mrs. Halvar.cn attended her home Thur.-day afternoon at a Stanley Hill and Nancy went to the Oklahoma picnic in Nampa. bridge four.,-'me Mr- K A Dunford Payette Lake, Fr.day and helped Mr and Mrs. W E Piercy had as won the pr.ze. bring back bedding u ed at the the.r gue,ts. Rev. and Mrs. John C Y F Installs Nevin and Mrs. John Nevin and Mr. church camp. Mr M. L. and Dudley Kurtz and and Mr- K I Peterson on Wednes Officers Sunday children and Mr Peter-on. Arlene day evening. Members o l the C. Y F oi the Friday Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ol-on of and Donna called at the Dieking Christian church met Sunday night Nyssa, Mr and Mrs. W. E Piercy. and Price h .mes Wedne-day. fo r the annual ln-tallation o f o ffi Mr and Mr Irvin T cp liff attend Herle Thomas and Virgie Raney Modern Pioneer Club cers . Installed were Barbara Baker, were guests at the Rube Graham ed the rodeo in Caldwell Tue.-day. president; Betty Jean Strickland, Dial lillà M r, Elvin Worden and Mr.-. Dick home. vice president; Janet Alford, secre-, Mr. and Mrs. Rube Graham and Kriegh attended an installation tea tary and Roger Baker, treasurer. Gary and Mr and Mrs. Herle Tho- for officers and county committee Dr and Mrs. Nevin and Donna Doris ftigney led the devotion- ma- visited Mr and Mrs. Jack Ran end Rev Hollingsworth gave a short and Arlene Neer spent Monday member- at the home of Mrs. Geo ey at Parma and watched thfc fights talk and Denni- Mason furnished afternoon at the Dudley Kurtz rge Lang Tue-day afternoon. Mr. and M r, Bud Robinson and on T V Monday. Callers Sunday eve musical number Reire-hment, were home. ning were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piercy served. Mrs. Stanley H ill’s mother, Mrs. family c f Canton. Okla. -topped at and Mr and Mrs. Thurman Piercy the Elvin Worden home Saturday Lydia Jackson came Thur day to at the Rube Graham. vi it at the H ill home and with Mrs. for a brief visit. Picnic In Nampa Bale Strane returned to Portland Mr. and Mr-. Kenneth Price and Jim Stephens of Caldwell. after visiting a month with the Vern Mr and Mi C A Reece, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. L J Kenney of O nt on and Mr. and Mrs. >1 I. Kurtz Mrs. Kenneth Ret e and family; Mr and Bob were Sunday dinner guest., Butlers. and Mrs. Lyle Reece and Mr. and ario had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Kurtz. Mr,. Durlin Harr.men attended a M. O. Judd Friday before leaving Mrs Le ter Reece and their familie P T A budget meeting Sunday after Mr. and Mr Maurice Evans and foi a trip to Victoria and Vancouver, and M r md Mi C noon at Mr.- Goldie Roberts. B C. Mr. and Mr Jim Embree and two children o f Denver came Tue-- baugh and Mr and Mr L D Van- K ay Hammon left Sunday morn Mrs. Wm Kanrich were also vi r r-. day and spent everal days with Mr, iossan of Denver held a picnic din Mr and Mrs. M L Kur:z attended and Mr. Jake Borge. Saturday they ing with the Lloyd Wilsons for a ner Sunday in the Nampa park. went to Portland to visit at the Earl two week, outing at Lake Tahoe in the Williams and D effer wedding. Leach home. California. Mr. and Mr-. Dick Kriegh, Steve Job’s Daughters The Roy and George Hirai fam and Karla were Sunday dinner C. W. De Baer of Ontario spent guests of Mr and Mr-. Wayne Pie- ilie. visited Sunday with Mr. and Saturday with his daughter and Have Party Mr Yamamoto o f Kuna. family, Mrs. Lou Pratt. Her sister Eighteen Job's Daughter -pent rcy. Bob Kurtz came home Sunday Gary Nakanlshi of Sun Valley, and husband, Mr. and Mr- El'.vood Tuesday evening in Caldwell swim m ing and having a picnic upper. from Felt, Idaho where he has been Calif , nephew of Mrs. Roy Hirai C arr, cf Ontario Visited Thursday working on a farm. is visiting here for a couple of weeks. evening with them. They returned t , the horn, of Mi Mr. and Mr-. Jake Borge and Mr. Rev and Mrs. John Nevin o f Port Mi- Lois Rath born and Mrs. Bob Paul House, guardian and had an and Mrs, Evan- drove to McCall Halvarson of Caldwell spent the land visited Mr and Mr-. W E Pie outdoor slumber party. Thursday and brought K ay and week-end with Elvin Worden's Sun rcy Wednesday and Thursday. W ed Acc< Ml Hou.se. Mrs. Alvin Butler and Mr Jim Savage. Uncial JCnti'S Mrs. Barclay Entertains Newell Heights ne-day night they attended the rod eo at Cald veil and Thur-day they drove to McCall to attend the church c nference. M nday n.ght Mr and Mr- K I Peter-on entertained Rev. and Mr- J' hn Nevin and Mr. and Mr-. W E Piercy for dinner. Mr.,. Marion Hammon and Mrs. Durlin Hammon visited Mr and Mrs. Roy Swanson Wedne-dav at Wilder. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith and family returned Wedne-day evening fell wing a two week-' trip to Wash ington and Oregon. They vi-ited Mr. and Mr- Lloyd Pounds and other relatives and friends. T Y P E W R IT E R S All Makes Bought—Sold— Rented— Repaired Fletcher’s Typewriter Exchange Mr. and Mrs. L. I). Vanfossan of Hiway 20 West -PO. Box 459- Denver. Cilo., -pent the weekend at Boise. Ph. 26961- Idaho the C. A Reece home. Mr Vanfossan is a nephew o f Mrs. Reece. Mrs. Fred Chresst of Glenns Ferry spent part o f last week in Nyssa visiting friends and relatives. Your 1954 Production Can Be Mr. and Mrs. W arren Richardson were Sunday night visitors o f Mr and Mrs. Lewis Riggs. LOW RATES f o r Public Liability and Property Dam age Ins. Bi. Pd.— 5.000— 10,00— 5,000 As low as S3.27 semi-annually Increased by the W I N T E R GR O W M E T H O D WINTER GROW PEAS SUPPLY SOIL IMPROVEMENT ENUM Cffll See Owyhee Produce Inc. auro CCsMMDffNs/W INSURANCE H E N R Y •H A N K '' STO R M 201 No. !>th Res. Phone 3392 X vssa Dial 3944 Party Planned Members of the M Y F. have plan ned a boating party for Monday. Aug. 17. Eagles Auxiliary T h e regular business meeting of the Eagles auxiliary was held Tues day evening of last week Mehta Fife wron a g ift given by the organization and pinochle and bridge were play ed during the social hour following the meeting. The m s- m<t tin* will be ; Aug. 18 The refreshment committee Is composed of Bertha Rudelick and Thelma Mefford, entertainment, Blv- elyn Kena.ston and Grace Dtrkson *nd nominations will be open for outside guard. Surprise Shower on Mrs. McGinley, Overstake Mr- Harry McGlnley and Mrs. Dale Overs take were guests o f honor o t a pink and blue surprise shower, given last Thursday evening at the W alter Looney home Mr- Harold Wilson, Mrs. Scott Pearson and Mr Hoy Hough were co-hoste ses. Th e honorees received many use fu l gifts and corsage Refreshment were served. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. James Todd, Parma; Mr, D B Al len, Payette; Mrs. Robert Bacon. Pruitland. and Ml-- Marlyn Kostal Odell, Neb. You simply can’t get a bad COLOR SCHEME when you use FULLER ’S RUG KEY’D COLOR PLANS Room color plans keyed to your rug colors. Boys' Faded Blue Pants ¡.59 Sanforized — Heavy Material Sizes 6 to 18— Made for wear and cuff Size 4 to 12 14 to 20 3 .9 8 Prices From 3.95 to 7.95 Washes beautifully and is ever lasting moth-proofed. 2 98 3 .9 8 Several colors— Sizes 8 to 14 WE ALSO C A R R Y A COMPLETE LIN E OF M EN’S JAN TZE N SWEATERS Girls' Slip-on Sweaters In either 100' . Wool or 100'. Nylon to Just like the big girls’ —- sizes 8 to 14 3-98 1 “ Yd. Shirting Flannel 80-Square Print Extra wide— Fast to Large Selection of designs and colors C H e Children's Slips O Q C ^ ® N O W 4.95 Rayon, tea rose Sizes 2 to 14 1 .19 “ NO W 3.95 Fall Skirts New Fabrics by L A M P L E - COLLEGE TO W N - JAN TZEN School Dresses 2*9® and Cotton prints Built-up shoulders Ladies' NyAon Hose 6 -9 5 Summer Skirt Clean Up j u s t in Mellon, CJrec. . Pins arple In checks and pi; ¡1 1.59 vd. *.98 Sizes 6 to 11 Slight irr’s of a famous brand Every pair guaranteed All new shades—sizes 8 ’ j to 11 M c C a r th y - g o d d in g t o n Girls' Anklets Genuine continuous English rib Nylon reinforced heel, toe White and ass’t colors Sizes 6*/2 to 11 Large Selection of McCall Patterns For Your Sewing Needs Dry Goods Shoes Clothing BRACKEN’S X Ray Shoe Fitting to 2-98 Flatties Casuals Mossasins and long wear. Smartee Originals Straps Ties . Crew necks - turtle necks A ll colors, Grey, Brown, Black, Green, Red, Gold. Oxfords First in fit—Smart styling 25 2-19 Shoes for All School Needs Loafers YOUR Q U A L IT Y STORE Dial 2124 A ll colors in this big value Sizes from 34 to 46 W as 5.98 Plaids, Checks & Designs Corduroy Yard Goods Lample Cardigan Sweaters W as 8.95 ________ 2 - 98 Plain colors -Cold, Rod. Lavender ;.95 Anklets to Match to Fashion Knit’s 100' < Wool Saddles FIRESTONE STORE Dress — Dark Brown — Satin lined Sizes 4 to 12 4 -4 5 n ii/ z e n Girls' Cardigan Sweaters 10 .95 Boys Gaberdine Jackets Sweaters and Skirts See them n o w ... at DON B. MOSS Dress type— Plain on one side— Check on the other. Made by Woolmaster Sizes 14 to 20 We have just received a large stock of sturdy, high-quality shoes for boys, both in oxfords and high shoes. We stand back of our fit and quality. Boys' Faded Blue Jackets Sanforized - K-Mite Collar Boys' Reversible Jackets Boys' SCHOOL SHOES Several St vit Advertised in Seventeen Nyssa, Oregon <3llf 0ftlt|)