THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. CREGCN. THT’ " ' D A Y . AUGUST !.. ! j¡ : Big Bend Miss Ilrlrn Ilitch 1‘ hone Farms 1-F21 tended a picnic Sunday in the Cald- they enjoyed a picnic supper in the k : M: Glen G ay- Julia Dav: park in Be l.-e where • :a ■ f Caldwell, who is leaving for Miss Mary Lee Dickerson o f B- i f joined la;in for tne Portland Mr and M: H rb Th mas accom- - i M. and Mr Ruel Oraham : Ne veil Heigi. - : Parma Monday Jolly Jane club me t with Mrs Di a n.rht to watch T V . at the heme of Hatt m Ovyhee Wednesday, Aug 5 her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thirteen member- were pre.-ent. The Raney. meeting was enjayed on the lawn. Mr- A. L Bennett of Roswell and Roll call, '•> ur mo=t embarrasing • er :-e r and hu-band. Mr and M" moment." Next Aug. 19 * Fred Klutz, of San Francisco, and Mrs Myrtle Jones. Refreshments of Mi.-- Mary Burns of Tremonton, ice cream and calce were enjoyed. Utah were dinner guests Thursday Mr and Mrs. Ed Newton and Burt evening at the Harvey Bennett left early Saturday for Joseph to heme. v. it at the Garritt Muntejwereff Mr and Mr- John Auker and and Ted Ne wton h- mes. Kathryn and his sister. Mr. and Mrs. Word wa- received that Mr and Roy Hoff, o f Nyssa, visited at the Mrs. Paul Hatch cf Eildon, Aus­ Ernest Sewell home Sunday even­ tralia, will leave from Sidney by ing. plane Aug. 10 for a short visit with Mr and Mr- Harvey Bennett, his parents, Mr and Mrs. Harvey D kie and D.vaine and Mr. and Mr- Hatch, and hi- brothers and sister.- Charley N evbill of Newell Heights and Mrs Hatca's parents, Mr. and left Thursday morning for Joseph Mr-. Bob Martin and family of On­ on a vacation and fishing trip. Leroy tario. Bennett and B, b Webster of Adrian Mr. and Mr- J <• King left early left early Saturday to jcin the party Thursday for Portland to visit thc-’r and visit the Garrett M um jewereff son. Lewis, and family and attended ' family and other friends. a family reunion of the King Fam­ Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Rood and ilies and relatives in Salem Sunday family o f Emmett visited at the Hor- They returned from their trip Tues- ace Chaney home Sunday. da>. Mr. and Mr- Ray Cartwright Debbie Slabaugh of Caldwell spent are staying at the King home during the weekend with her grandparents, ing their absence and caring f o r . Mr. and Mrs. Chet Smith. Sunday their chickens. i evening a weiner roast and picnic Mr.-. Dyre Roberts, Sharen and supper was enjoyed in honor of Mrs. Karen made a trip to Nampa Wed- Pearle Abbott’s birthday. Those pre>- nesday ao consult her doctor and ent were Mrs. LaPayne Sorenson, visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M il­ Mrs, Doris Smith and family of ler Henderlider. Boise. Mr. and Mrs. Mick Smith and Mrs. Durlin Hammon and son, family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank De- Billie, of Newell Heights visited Sun­ Marks and Vickie and Mr. and Mrs. day afternoon at the Dyre Roberts Jack Slabaugh and Debbie of Cald­ home. well and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Strong A week ago Sunday Mr and Mrs and family. Herb Thomas attended a picnic at Mrs Marne McCormicck returned the home of her brother, Gaylin home to Boise after spending three Raney, in Boise, in honor of their weeks at the home o f her cousins, son, Charles Raney, who had just Mr and Mrs. FYank Miller. returned from Japan. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelley and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas en­ three children of Chicago visited his joyed a visit from a niece. Mrs. cousin, Mr. and Mrs. John Thom p­ Doris Phillips, o f Kingston, Ida., on son and family over the weekend. her way home from a visit in Moun­ Saturday they all spent the day at tain Home. the Frank Dickerson and Gordie Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas at- Dickerson home in Parma. Sunday PUBLIC FARM SALE Mr and Mrs. Alberta W illy ar.d family and Herman Hemirich of Donnelly \ i-it.d at the W alter B.-fl­ op h .a if Wedne dav tfntil Friday. Mr. and Mr- Mart n Willey f Don­ nelly \.sited t.iem over the week end. The Wileys are nephews of W alter Bish-p. Mr- Mildred B. h p entertained Thursday aftern n in hcnoi I Mrs Opal Ulmer c f Alma. Neb., vh, h a - been vi-iting her daughter. Mrs. Cyrus B:-hcp. and family cf Succor Uttck e prt-ent vere Mr Mary Brumbach and M. Cyrus 3 : -hep and t vo children. Mr and Mr H race Chaney and family amended the Persall and F.d- lart wedding in Caldwell Wednesday evening. Lyn Chaney was flower girl and Bern.ce had charge cf the gift table. Mrs. Le-t?r M elt’s aunt. Jo-\nn Thornton, c f Emmett, spent the week end vi-iting at the Molt heme, Sunday aftern vn her rher. Mr- Li : I .. n, of ! visited her. Mrs. P< irl Stanton, Gertie Jones M Phon D thy Kellei Myrle Tuppeny, Jimmy Bean and Mrs. Goldie Roberts attended an in­ stallation tea for the county unit extension officer- Tuesday at the home of Mrs. George Lang o f the West Bench of Vale Mrs. George Elfers is spending a few days in the Nys.-a Memorial hos­ pital taking treatments. Merle and Gene Hatch of Jo.-eph spent last week at the heme of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hatch. Miss Helen Hatch and Phillip ac­ companied the Frank Huett family of Roswell to Givens Hot Springs for a picnic supper and a swimming party Sunday evening. Dick and Alta Thompson of Burns visited their aunt. Mrs. Ralph Stark. Wednesday. Thursday Dick left for camp in California. Alta is visiting with her grandmother Dines and friends in Homedale. Little Gene Hatch accompanied his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ferguson of Apple Valley to his home in Joseph Saturday morn- I ing after spending a week at the Harvey Hatch home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Aufderhar and daughter of Louiesville, K v . stop- and ate breakfast with Mr. and Located 5J2 miles southwest of Nyssa, Oregon, 4 miles on Ny- ssa - Adrian highway, then IV 2 miles west on Grand avenue. Having sold my farm, w ill sell all personal property at Public ing ‘ rv on a their p ar e nes a> morn' way to Pendleton to ^ Auction, on— visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs Saturday, Aug. 15, 1953 SALE STARTS 1 O'CLOCK Lunch Served on Grounds TERMS—CASH MACHINERY 1—Ferguson tractor 30— 1951 model. 1—Ferguson tiller. 1—Ferguson side rake. 1—Terracing blade. 1—Leveling blade. 1—Edwards 2-bottom 14-in. plow. 1—Dempster corrugator, 6-row. 1—Western corrugator, 6-row. 1— Beet bar, new with all tools. 1—I. H. C. 7-ft. Tandum disk. 1—4-section wooden harrow. 1—Model V-19 I. H. C. mower fixed for Ferguson. 1— 12-ft., 2-wheel tractor trailer. 1—Rubber tired wagon, 1 year old. 1—Chain hoist. 1—Wheelbarrow. 1—Electric motor, V a H.P. 1—Jackson fork. 1—W eed Burner. Llewelyn Aufderhar. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Pettis visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Aufderhar at the Ralph Stark home. Mrs. Bernice and Gladys Aufder­ har o f Caldwell stopped on their way to the Adrian Cannery Tuesday morning and ate breakfast with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reed, their son. Jay, and his wife and baby of Burrock, Kas., visited Thursday a f­ ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stark. Mr. Reed worked for the Stark family several years ago. LOCAL NEWS Air. and Mrs. Jack Clifford, Anna Mae. Mary Lynn. Virginia and Jack­ ie o f Ogden. Utah spent from W ed­ nesday until Monday visiting in Nyssa. Among relatives they visited here were Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bowns and family, Mrs. Anna West the E. H. Beus, Ellis Fields and Prank Skeen families. Craig Grasty accompanied his grandmother, Mrs. Ira Mathews and great grandmother. Mrs. Annie Hill ! of New Plymouth back to his home in Nyssa Friday afternoon after re­ maining overnight at the Mathews home accompaning them to the Caldwell rodeo Thursday evening Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Mathews spent j Friday afternoon visiting the Gras- 1 tys and their houseguest, Irene G er­ main o f Red Springs, N. C. Berthein Falkner of Ontario was j a dinner guest Sunday at the home ! ' of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Neely. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Olson have received word that their son, A 'lc Laurence Olson has just arrived in Tripoli, Africa. Prices Eifeciive Friday -Saiurday- Sunday FROZEN FOODS SPECIAL Ice Cream LEMONADE 6-oz. 3 for 49c Sunfreze Special PEAS Bakery Special & Saturday Friday 6Qc Jumbo Qts. hand dipped French Bread 10- o z . Duncan Hines 2 for 2 loaves 2 9 £ Double-dip Cones 33c FRYFRS r PICNIC 1HAMS K"?.ü” Swift's Premium Tender, fresh SIRLOIN STEAKS Salad Dressing Catsup Hunt's Pineapple flaw uou Knout! Cake M ix Top quality Miracle Whip 14-oz. Crushed Del Monte No 2 Cinch Choice of 4 varieties $ 1 g j C j 1 ■ \r w « "3 . BY RALPH LAWRENCE Orange Ade r r* Hi-C Ql. 49< 2 ior 29< 4 cans 1 3 pkgs. 1 4' Dog Food Friskies 1-lb. cans Water tank. SHEEP 80—Head aged breeding ewes. Few with lambs by side. Some to lamb in Dec. 2— Suffolk bucks, 2 and 3 years old. These ewes will be sold in small lots. DR. G. H. KENASTON, Owner Aucts: Col. Bert Anderson. Joe Church, Clayt Tschirgi Clerk. L Ii. Fritts ---- Q U E S T IO N : W e Intend to take two valuable movie cameras on our vacation trip. W e want to know If our present residence theft policy can be changed to cover possible theft of the cam­ eras while we are on our trip. A N S W E R : Yes, such a clause can be added but you should consult your agent about a "Camera Floater” which will protect you In rase of damage to or other loss of the cameras besides theft. • If you’ll address your own In­ surance questions to this office, we’ll try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. Nysaa Insurance Aqency 105 05 >l Alain St. 59 < 7 for 12—3-ft. sections. 8-in. concrete tile. 1—Electric fencer. < \ Vo Barbed Wire. 1— 15-ft. metal pipe, 6-in. 69 Lb. 2 ior 46-oz. 39c u. The answer to everyday insurance problems* Lots of Small Tools. 1— rivt page Dial 2514 F lo u r Gold Medal Drifted Snow 10 lb bag 1 89 < W e Pay the WHITE KING Giant Size 49£ ß W IV L MARKET 6ih ft Main at the "Y" N y ssa Top Market Price for Ranch Eggs