THE N YSSA GATE CITY JO U R N A L . NYSSA . CRFGCN. THURSDAY. AUGUST 13. 1953 *.:c Owyhee Mothers . . . Comfort ,sn faggasgtr r. W ise housewives no lon ger spend w earisom e hours shopping about from Cliff Mink flew to Babbitt, Nevada Sunday morning to return his daughter, Carole to their home here after she had spent one week visit ing at the home of her uncle and aunt. M r and Mrs. Delbert Hooden- pyle and family at Babbitt. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis, Sandra and Georgie arrived home recently from a four weeks’ vacation trip Mr. and Mrs. Lewis spent two weeks in California while the children visited their grandmother. Mrs. F. E. H ay nes at Twin Falls, then they, too were guests in Tw in Falls before re turning home. Mrs. H u g h Glenn and Mrs. Gerald Slippy and son, Eldon left Saturday evening on the Streamliner for Port land where Eldon underwent a med ical check-up They planned to re turn the middle of the week. —Family Dinners —Dinner Parties —Group Luncheons Brownie's Cafe Dial 3085 I % PEERLESS itíú . i P o r t a b le - S t a t io n a r y ROLLER M IL L S ¿U ~ 'peed (fxeuH * WITHOUT OUSTING Giant 10-in d»ameter Tuf-C«*» chromed rolls crimp or crack gram * b«” ef. faster, with less power 10 P osab le and Sta tionary Models PTO and V-Belt drive farm feeder and M ill sixes (?*m e *]* * * d S ee B & M Equipment Co. Nyssa — Dial 2207 one-stop, com plete frozen Concentrated the fruits and vegetables, and the well-known grocery items they need, LEMONADE MIX and the countless specialties. Visit our store and let us serve you. 6 0Z CAN P MAKES Q food market w here they m ay begin with the meat, and shop on through 2 Prices Effective Thursday-Friday-Saturday Sunshine tt 2 lb. box Fly Ded Krispy” Crackers Each.......... • • • • • Dennisons 14-oz. CATSUP 29c 2 for No. 303 Indian G em APPLE SAUCE 2 lor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 C 20 ounce Bluhill PEANUT BUTTER Each.................... 4 9 C BEEF ROAST STEAKS W oodbu ry's for «1C CASSES 39c Cocoanut O il Castile SH A M P O O AEROSOL B OMBS S 1 .0 0 size only . . . . 'Pure V alen cia' Standby Each . . . 7 9 * 39t 46--OZ ORANGE JUICE No. 800 Is Lucky!! 2 for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 c the 800th customer on Saturday, August 15th w ill receive FREE $10 grocery order. Last W inner Mr. Victor Duran TUNA FILETS £¿S* "For the Kiddies" CRACKER JACKS 3 boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 c Black 48 b a g TREE TEA U Each 612 - o z . can 3 for . . $ 1 .0 0 Bordens GROUND BEEF 12-oz. "Kilh5ilies” 49c L O C A L NEW S • dep en dable Quart . . . . Lb. 1 8 * Salad Dressing TOMATOES Fresh local 3 lbs. 8 8 * Each . . . 4 9 c C A B B A G E ......... Lb. 5 * Small, green Lb. 3 5 * Polled Meat CUCUMBERS . . . . Lb. 1 0 * Lb. 5 0 * 3 for . . . 19C Long, green, local Derby V i• T-Bone, Sirloin, Rib Sunshine large bag SKINLESS FRANKS Lb. 4 3 $ | Candy Chews Each . . 2 9 c Lb. 6 5 * PORK CHOPS P E A C H E S . . . . . . . . . Lb. 1 0 * Home-grown W ilson's ■3? 1 Super Market "M o d arn M ethod« M aka Shopping Ea«iar H are" D ial 2231 204 G ood A v e 'OlCe 3 for - store to store. Instead they choose a ; Karen Whit had dir : er w rh Mr. and Mr Neal N. 1 n a :.i child- ren Sunday. Pat Holcomb N' was a week Mrs. Kenneth McDonald ie?t of Mr. and Mr- Archie D ia l 3»09 M . Her sister, De-t Holcomb, Mr and Mrs. Harlan Koger re- •pent the week end with Shirley Skinr.t urned home fr.m LaGrande Mon- Mrs Gerald Slippy left Saturday ay evening and' brought their i-g cn the train to take her aughitr. Mrs. Dan La vler and her evenni *’o childresn. Shirley and Harlan *cn. Eldon, to a Portland hospital nth them for a short visit Mrs f r a check-up Eldcn was quite ill .avler and children left Friday with a kidney disease last year but doming by bus for their home in i- in good health now and has a check-up only occasionally. ’ortland. Mr and Mr>. Gene Combs of Ont Tue day evening Mr and Mrs. >erald Slippy » e r e hosts for a pic- ario were Sunday guest? at the Ken- .ic and iamily get-together for ntth McDonald heme. Mr Comb? is heir sen. Eldon on his 6.h birthday, a member of the State Police in iuests were Mr. and Mrs. Art Par- Ontario. ot and boys c f Chula Vi-ta, Calif, Mr- Don Franklin and sons and dr. and Mrs. Dale Clarv and child- Mr-. Dick Brown and children of en, Mr. and Mrs. J P. Franklin Boise spent Sunday with their par ina daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ray ent-, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kygar. •TankUn, all o f Parma, and Mr. and Mr ar.d Mr- Werner Peuiz and vtrs. Ted Cro.-bj of Nampa. daughter, Wanda, and Kay Hoke Mr. and Mrs. John Westfall and ---pent from Tuesday until Saturday hilaren of Hine? vere here for the in McCall. vedding of Mrs. Westfall's neice. Lawrence Peutz returned Tuesday Mary Ellen Williams, to Fred D ef tv er Thursday night. Thursdday the has been receiving treatment in the Westfall? had dinner with Mr. and Veterans hospital. Mr?. T. H. Brewer before the cere- Mr. and Mr- Kenneth Ahrens and nony. son- of Nampa were Sunday guests Mrs. Laura Patterson of Bothell, of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Wash, arrived Sunday evening for a Schweizer. .’isit with her si?ter, Mrs. Lynn K y- Karen Mitchell left Monday for ?ar and family. Camp Billy Rice with a group of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Moses and young people from the Nyssa Stake ■hildren of EUenburg spent from of the L. D. S. church. The group Thur-day until Monday with Mr will return Friday night. ind Mrs Melvin Crocker. Mrs. Keith Moore and son of Not- Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Donald us and Joan Crocker left Wednesday Hatt and children spent the evening for Quincy for a visit with their two Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl sisters and their families, Mr. and Hinman in Parma. Mrs. Russell Patton, Jr. and Mr. and Mr and Mrs. E L. "F ort” Sumpter Mrs Marty McKin. and David spent the week-end near Mrs. Mildred Hite returned home Council picking huckle berries. from Haines Tuesday and brought Howard Hatch o f Adrian spent her grandson, Johnny Hite, home Sunday afternoon with his daught- for a visit Mrs. Zillah Hawkins of ter and family, Mrs. Don Hatt. Pleasant Valley also came home Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skinner and with Mrs. Hite and visited until Sunday. Delmer St Onge left Friday morn ing for his home in Bend where he has a job. Mr. St Onge has been associated with Merle Kygar in the Kygar repair shop for the past four months. Mr. and Mrs. K K. Perry of Aur ora. Nebr. came Saturday to spend a few days with the Russell Gressley family. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gressley o f Ontario were din ner guests at the Gressley home. Mrs. A1 Parker and Charlotte went to Crouch. Idaho Thursday where they visited until Saturday with Mr youngsters to a and Mrs. Clarence Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones and home-style meal their grandchildren, Linda Jones and Brad Schreiber all o f Boise were while doing their week-end guests at the Byrd Walters home. SCHOOL SHOPPING Mr. and Mrs. Ed Case and daugh this weekend ter of Nyssa were Sunday night sup per guests at the Earl Crocker home. Mr and Mrs Frank Mitchell a t tended the pageant in Weiser Thurs Completely day evening which was presented by the Weiser stake of the LDS church. Remodeled for Your Others attending from the Owyhee Convenience Ward were Mr. and Mrs. George Bessendorfer and sons. and PAGE THREE