THE N Y S S A GATE CITY JOURNAL. NY5SA. OREGON 1 II > J i-'/ A I » U w U O 1 I Ji 19 J J KAtiE tL tV u l meeting A deliciou> fried chicken parents. Mr and Mrs. A. H Hicta, dinner was served at 1 o’clock The returned to their home in Portland dinner honored the club members Sunday. whose birthday.-, were in May, June Janyce Adams is helping with tha and August The tables were attrac housework at the home of her aunt, tively decorated with flowers. Hon Mrs. Loyd Adams, who has been UL ored guests were: Betty Bowen, Mr and Mrs. Elmer Bell o f Eddy- Betty Faries, Gladys Byers, Adelle ville, N e b , and Mr and Mrs. Jew Lundy. Lillian Lundy and Cora Shuster of Huntington were Mon Two cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any Rooks tool A business meeting was day dinner guests at the Robert held m the afternoon. Betty Faris Holmes home Mrs. Holmes ts the first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified classified advertisement will not be guaranteed when submitted resigned her office as president as daughter of Mr and Mrs Shuster page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the later than Tuesday evening. Dial 2233. she is moving to Wyoming Bonnie and the niece o f Mr and Mrs. Bell Holmes, the vice president, will Like the presidency. Betty Bowen was Mr. and Mrs. George Bauer « f elected vice president. Group pic- Richland, Wash., stopped in Nyssa I tures were taken. F'lftten members over the weekend at the home o f i answered roll call with the title Mrs. Bauer’s mother, Mrs. Raymorwt o f a book rcently read The next Larson. The Bauers are enroute to 214 No. Main, Nyssa, Ore. Five 3-room apartments for sale at FOR SALE OR LEASE to right FARM S is in pasture, corn, alfalfa and meeting will be Aug 19 at the home Canada. of Adelle Lundy. Roll call will be Quincy, Wash., ail furnished. Show party, extra good, 2-bedroom house, 60 acres land. 3 cows, 3 heifers, grain, crops go, 3 bedroom modern answered by a favorite picnic dish. Farms ing good return. Owner has cut price full basement with apartments. V. 1— 1946 John Deere H-tractor, $6.000; home, cattle feeding set up $13.530, Mrs. Rolland Holmes left on the for quick sale. Write Box 158, Quincy. V. Grider, phone 7749 $10.000 down. 31-tf. INDEPENDENCE $3500 down. $500 year. streamliner Saturday evening to visit 400 acres, 3 homes, grade A barn. Wash. 31-2t. 80 acres top row crop land, east 60 head dairy ranch, bottled FOR SALE!— 1938 Ford car. newer Row crop, hay and pasture. $65,000, milk route in 3 western Idaho towns, end of Sunset Valley, 3 bedroom her parents, Mr. and Mrs Le>ter Toll, at Mallow, Ore. engine, good condition. Call 2622. 29% down. 60 head milk cows go with the deal, home. FOR SALE—80 acre rarm, 4 miles 31-2tc. ID E A L RO W CROP LA N D Dorothy Ainsworth and Virginia 145 acres on paid up water right, panel delivery truck, the place is west of Nyssa. Gerrit Stam. 28-tf. lots of free water, 3 bedroom mod Bennett of Ontario were dinner 160 acres with 134 cultivated. About equipped with pipe line milker and For S a le-G old en retriever puppies, FOR SALE:— 12-in. band saw with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers were 125 acres of choice bottom land, all equipment, correls have cement ern home, labor house, large b.-.r.i, A. K C. registred. $25 and $35. Ncr- 1 horse motor and stand. This saw Lots of water for row crop irriga- floors. 7 room modern home, 2 baths, several out buildings, productive callers at the John Bowen home bert Sarazin, Dial 2489 . 30-3tp. has been on production and does Estimates Gladly Given near Vale Saturday evening. tion. $65,000, 29% down. full basement, will take your home soil, $32,500, $12.000 down. real work. Can be seen at 111 North guests Friday evening at the Robert BUSINESS O PPO R TU N IT IE S FOR SALE—Two day beds, good 3rd. Nyssa. Priced to sell. Dial 3286 C A TTLE RANCH as part payment, $42,000, terms if shape. $6.50 each. Nyssa Furniture 200 head permit, 3 sections leased desired. Onion storage, 14,000 square foot Holmes home. 31-2tp. Phone 3-2452 Co. 29-tic. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byers visited land, 117 acres irrigated land. 200 acres at Emmett, Idaho, 190 warehouse. FOR SALE — Hamilton Upright Corner business location, 60 foot Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Cheap water. Two sets o f improve acres cultivated, row crop and stock ments. Immediate possession. set up. good producing ranch, 45 frontage on one street and 120 foot Bill Schoen of Nyssa. FO R SALE— 5 rabbit coops. Reason piano. Frank Pike, Dial 3082. Tw o o f Dennis Keck's children, acres pasture. 30 acres corn, 70 acres frontage on the other, in heart of 31-ltc. Parma, Idaho able price. Harm Folkerts, Dial 2520, $65.000 . 29'; down. who have been visiting their grand- down. alfalfa, 25 acres wheat, 20 acres bar Nyssa, $2,800, Nyssa. 30-2tp. SAFE W A Y TO FARM FOR SALE— 30-06 Carbine and a 38 HOMES 60-70 acre row crop land, plus 100 ley, 5 room modern horn’ , 3 room FOR SA LE —Duo Therm oil heater, S and W revolver, 4 inch barrel. One acres ¡rood river bottom pasture. modern tenent home, 3 car garage, 3 bedroom home, H city block, Junior sized violin. Dial 6643. Max blond finish with fan. Used 5 months. $32,000, terms arranged to suit you. 9 head cow barn, steel granary, corn $2,500, $1,100 down. $500 per year. Dial 2648. 30-tfc. 1 Hull, 702 North Locust Ave. 31-3tp. ! crib, and chicken house, selling be V IEW OF TH E V A LLE Y 2 bedroom modern home, fireplace, cause his boys are going to the army, New brick home. 100 good acres, will take a smaller farm i.i on this wall to wall carpeting, full basement, FOR S ALE —Red beets, cucumbers, FOR SALE— 160 acres, 53 irrigated; $50,000, on terms. oil furnace, attached garage, 100 foot beans. 1 mile west and 1 3 mile south 12 head dairy cows and machinery. ranch. $63,000. terms if desired. Call 2127, Nyssa. 31-2tp P A ID UP W A T E R R IG H T o f Nyssa. (Old Gabriel place) P. E. 160 acres, 80 acres irrigated, row frontage, corner location, spotlessly Patee. 30-2tp. F'OR SALE— Golden Jubilee peaches. 70 acres cultivated, mostly row crop and stock deal, land lays well clean, all for $9,500, $2,500 down, loan crop land. Balance fenced pasture for irrigating, 5 room home, $18,500, can be obtained on the balance. Ready now. Call Frank Graham. FO R SALE — Fender skirts, sun Nyssa, 2319. 5 acres, 2 bedroom modern home, land, part irrigated, $28,000. i $6,500 down, $1,000 per year plus 5% 31-ltp. visors, caddy hub caps, wire hub shady yard, good set o f out buildings, IR R IG A T E D PASTU RE interest. caps. Smithy and Dynotone mufflers FOR SALE— Insured. 5 room furn 44 acres of good tame pasture, l 20 acres on highway North of close to Nyssa, $12,000. and header sets, straight and flex ished home, modern, $1500 loan a- 2 bedroom modern home, close in Good home and other buildings, j Nyssa, row crop land, modern home. exhaust pipe. At your auto accessory vailable, price $3550, no commission. $10.500. 160 acres, row crop and stock set corner location, $8,400, $1,000 down. headquarters. We are closed Satur Owner, 1017 Freeport, Caldwell, Id a CHOICE ACREAGE Attractive 1 bedroom semi-modern «P . «m all home, $28.00, low down day but open all day Sunday for your ho. home, on Park avenue, fenced in 31-ltp. 5 good acres, modern 2 bedroom ■ payment convenience. Fro.stys Auto Wrecking. home, good outbuildings, close in. j 80 acres, 60 acres irrigated, place yard, $3,150. $1,500 down. H i way 30, East o f Nampa, Idaho. Lapidary Equipment and Supplies. Specially priced at $12,000. Terms 30-4tc Juanita’s Agate Shop, 296 Northwest ! arranged to suit. Westinghouse Motorola — Capehart Second Avenue, Ontario, Oregon. Homes Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. Taking a trip? Better take along 26-8t. P A Y NO R E N T INSURANCE LOANS one of our F A M IL Y Vacation Acci 19 No. 2nd Dial 7792 118 No. Main Dial 3316 Save your rent money by buying dent policies. Covers the whole fam Dial 2033 214 No. Main. Nyssa, Ore. FOR SALE) this nearly new one bedroom home. ily. Pays all medical expense up to Extra large lot gives ample room 2 bedroom, '!> basement. Excellent face of policv. Very reasonable rates. lor garden, shrubs, trees, etc. ] location, $6500. Terms BERNARD EASTM AN $4,200 on terms. I 2 bedroom house, good location Complete Insurance Service HOME FO R CHIDREN Nyssa Dial 2643 F.H A. terms, $8400. FOR R E N T —3-room modern apt. Nearly new 2 bedroom home—safe EASTM AN S 160 acres, fall delivery, $28,000. FOR SALE—G.M.C. 303 truck, 270 "a ll on one floor” plan. Back yard Nu Acres.. Dial 5082. 4 houses on two acres, hiway 28-3tp. engine, top condition. Good tires, fenced. Productive garden spot. they get results. Mrs. Frank Byers good beet bed. Dial 3189. 23-tfc. frontage, $17.000, terms. R C A — General Electric ' Philco—Emerson—Sparton Blacksmith shop with equipment $8500, FH A terms. Phone 2325 FOR R E N T — Apar: ment, close l if and house on 1 4 acre fronting high PIC TU R E O F TH E Y E A R Dial 6650 or 3083. 26-tfc. 202 Main Dial 2133 9 Good Ave. Dial 6633 Your wife and children in this big Sandra Holmes was honored on way in good farming center. $2,900, FREE beautiful yard. 2 bedroom modern $1,000 down. FOR R E N T — New Clarke 8-lncn her eighth birthday at a party Mon home. $6590. Terms arranged. floor sanders and 6-*ich edger. day afternoon given by her moth Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An ID E AL LO C A TIO N Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. er, Mrs. Gilbert Holmes. The party | abundance of free gravity water, Dial Nyssa 3017 was held at the Nyssa park. Twenty- Nearly new two bedroom home $31.500, easy terms. 1 one gue.: s enpeyed the afternoon. with finished apartments in base Iilaho-Oregon Rendering Co. 2 bedroom house $3.150, only $500 FOR R E N T —Paint spray gun. Fire- After Sandra opened her many gifts ment. $12,509, F.H.A. terms. , stone store. 21Ftfc. refreshments vere served, the main down, balance like rent. S TU R D Y PR E -W A R Acreage—2 bedroom house, barn attraction being a lovely eanrile- FOR S A LE —6 room modern home C O N STRU C TIO N lighted birthday cake. plus 3 rental homes. W ill take trailor , and chicken house $a,200. Convenient location, 4 finished j Hoffman Hallicrafter Mrs. Marjorie Phillips v. a hos* house or small acreage as part pa/-| bedrooms, full basement. $12,500, \ "Easy Vision" for the Merry Matrons - '• > ’ “Guaranteed 1 Full Year men;. $7.000, $1,500 down. Mel B eck 1 ca-y terms. | g ep(jC tanks and cesspools cleaned. nesday, Aug. 5. This was . 1 a ay il BOB TH O M PSO N AGENCY Real I 2.1- : So 1st at Good 420 Main Dial 2224 NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME i Dial 4. 37^3 , Parma or 4-2161 Parma Dial 3355 Large rooms with hard wood floors, - Ha'dware 13-tfc noon with a good atten i..ce. FO R SALE—Good used 100 gallon: utility room. Safe convenient, alii electric water heater $79.50. Ideal next meeting is to be 1 .u at the on one floor arrangement. $13,000, Gas & Appliance. 25-tfc. home of Mrs. Willis Con. ... ARTIFICIAL BREEDING easy terms. Mrs. Charles Bowers returned For greater niilk production in the FOR SALE—Harley X28 motorcycle,! SPEC IAL B A R G A IN John Deere 2 row 26-inch Level Bed years to come, breed your dairy cows Tuesday evening from Madras where $150. 316 So. 5th, Nyssa. 26-8tp. 3 bedroom brick home, not new, P tato Digger with V F 4 motor with to tlie proven bulls and sons of pro die had spent the week-end at the but still good. $3.500. clutch and gear reduction. A1 ven bulls that we are offering to you Floyd Phifer home. HOMES FO R SALE ID E AL FO R COUPLE shape $soo While driving the carnation milk by artificial breeding, $7 per cow. Two rooms, full basement finished Nearly new single bedroom mod Emerson — Motorola Admiral — Bendix Malheur Dairy Breeders Assn. Phone truck, Claud Day had the misfor into two rooms. 150x138 lot. Pressure No 114 John Deere Combination Hay j ern home. $3,000, $1,500 down. tune of dropping a 10-gallon can o f and grain chopper— trailer 2010, Nvssa or 1099-W, Ontario. Firestone Stromberg-Carlson water system. Very reasonable down $395 W E LL W O R TH THE M ONEY 25-tfc. milk on his foot causing 11 painful payment and monthly payments to mounted 417 Main Dial 2124 121 Main Dial 3211 Nearly new 3 bedroom home. Floor jinjury. Allis Chalmers Mower $125 suit. furnace, utility room, $7,000. Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gone are the days . . . when auto $85 W e have several income proper Oliver 70 Hang on Mower Hurst attended a Farm Bureau of- Business Opportunities mobiles were horseless carriages and ties for sale including single dwel 3 Used Side Deliver Rakes — See Y O U R O W N BUSINESS i ficers meeting at the school house white enamels turned Yellow ! T o them now. lings, duplexes and business build Established bakery business. Take day's automobile is a home on wheels I near the Boulevard Grange hall. Philco — Zenith ings. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strasbaugh | See us for bargains on used tractors. over equipment, supplies, and pro and today’s W H ITE IM PERVO ¡o f Nyssa spent Sunday afternoon fits. $8000, easy terms. Residence and business lots. 118 Main Sales and Service Dial 2721 ENAM EL stays super-white as long , and evening at the James Phifer BERNARD EASTM AN as the durable finish lasts . . . You home, Nyssa, Oregon Dial 2251 HOME AND 100 M O N TH LY Lovely new home with 4 modern can get IM PERVO from your Ben Real Estate Insurance Mr. and Mrs. Win Toomb left Sat rental cabins. Room to build sev Dial 2643 jamin Moore Paint Dealer, Nyssa urday for Salem, where they plan eral more, $17.000. Terms arranged. Lumber Co. 13-tfc. to attend a state dairy picnic and 14 U N IT M O TE L to visit their son, Dickie. They "Will CHARCOAL W ell located and very attractive. also visit at the Neil Miller and Bob W ANTED — Carpenter and cabinet 69c Bag $40,000. includes all furnishings. KEYS MADE Clark homes, the latter being former work of all kinds. T od work at right Ideal Gas & Appliance residents of this community. While You Wait prices. Dial 3286. I l l North 3rd. On Wednesday evening Mr. and 20-tfc 30-3tp. Mrs. James Phifer drove to Caldwell Dial 6615 FIRESTONE STORE 16 North 3rd where they were met by Mr. and USED APPLIANCE Night and Sunday Phones— W A N TE D —Custom grain grinding. 3168 — Electrolux Mrs. Thurman Plercy and all at Ken Pond M ISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS Call Jacob Schoussler, 065-J1, O n 3392 Hank Storm cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. tended the Caldwell night rodeo. Used Washer $25 tario. 29-tfc. Mrs. Shirley Altig and Dick Sparks DR. C. M. TYLER S A R A Z IN C LIN IC Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, Sew Gem Electric Cabinet 44-tf. ■ visited with Mrs. Ellen Sparks in phone 0287-J4. W ILSON BU ILDING Dr. J. J. Sarazin W AN TE D — T o rent, 2 bedroom sewing machine and | Boise Sunday. Dial 2771, Nyssa Dr. K. E. Kerby 29-tfc. j attachments $119 house. Dial 6649 or 3062. I A1 and Chas. Thompson drove to O ff'ce Hours From 9 to 5 Remember old K in g Midas, whose Dr. K. A. Danford | McCall Saturday to see their 83- FIRESTONE STORE Except Saturdays, 8 to 12 W AN TED — Combining. A. B. Hann. W AN TE D — Man or woman to make touch turned everything to gold? l year-old sister, Etta Johnson of P h y s ic ia n s a n d S u r g e o n » 19-tfc. Dial 5089, Nyssa. 29-3tc. insurance and credit investigations The room you “ touch” this season Powell, Wyo., who suffered a stroke [ on fee basis. No experience neces- I with Benjamin Moore paint won’t J. R. C U N D A L L Ve have several used electric and W AN TED — Custom combining. 12- sary. State age, occupation. Reply ] change t0 goid, but its new-found while visiting relatives. They are Dentist planning on returning here to her ¡as refrigerators traded In on the foot self propelled Case. Sherman P. O. box 553, Boise, Idaho. 30-3tc.. beauty will amaze you. . . . Your home by ambulance. Dial 2638 lew Servel. Come in and choose one. Keck, 2nd house west on Echo Ave. Sarazin Clinic Mrs. Harness and two grandsons friendly dealer, Nyssa Lumber Co. deal Gas & Appliance, Nyssa. Nu Acres. Dial 5082. 31-3tp. NYSSA OREGON 13-tfc. o f Caldwell visited from Friday un 17-tf. L. A. M A U L D IN G . M . D. til Sunday with the Lawrence Longs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- P h y s ic ia n a n d S u rg e o n jsed Servel gas refrigerator $89.50 W AN TED To do custom baling, Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Thompson DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Dial 2216 deal G a l TppUance. 16-tfc. Wire tie. Dial 3233. 2320tp. I M ISCELLEANO U S — Wall-Satin, j and children drove to Emmett Sun Dental Clinic Hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 i Here comes color. A washable, rub day for a birthday dinner at the H. 7th and Bower Daily Except Saturday and OR SALE— 4 room modern house, W A N T E D - T o trade 3 h. p. Century berized finish for Interior walls and B Earp home, parents of Mrs. Dial 3311 Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 rith nice lawn and shade trees, motor for 1/3 or M h. p. variable wood trim. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mc- Pollyanna Club speed motor. Inquire Gate City •covers most surfaces in one uni quipped with gas. Dial 3914. Ling of Albany were also guests. 12-tf. form coat. 10-tfc. Journal Dial 2855 Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hopkins o f No- •dries to a satin sheen In less than tus visited Sunday evening at the 5 ACRES FOR SALE one hour. W ANTED Mr-. Lawrence Martin and Moreen Art Sparks home bedroom modern h on e with •twelve handsome colors all ready drove to Midvale one day last week Doctor Mr. and Mrs. D. V Ashcraft ac Dead Animals ement, excellent location, good Doctor to use. and on their return brought Donna companied Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks EDGEL W W OOD Removed Free. , garden, fruit trees, barn chicken Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. Guy with them for a week's visit to the tri-county picnic near Unity Chiropractic Physician C. R. V A N P A T T E N Dial Nyssa 3947 se, and other outbuildings, with Noreen. Sunday. Evenings By Appointment Chiropractic Physician v reduced price. $11,000. Terms. Payette 670. START YOUR BETTER Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schafer .spent Offices at 2 Arcadia Blvd. Physiotherapist Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cleaver were YSSA INSU RANCE AG ENC Y Idaho Animal Products Co. HERD TODAY Nysaa Dial 3939 entertained Sunday for dinner at last Sunday at the Mrs. Kirby Kin- Offices a t 265 N o r t h O re g o n Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent dall home o f Caldwell, also visiting the Magnus Ekanger home. Artifical Insemination to Sires Ontario P h o n e 478 Nyssa, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. Giennard Conant of at the Blaine Brown home. W ANTED — Highest prices paVt for proved in the top 2% o f each breed EDW IN W. OLDHAM, D. C. On Thursday evening Mrs. John slaughter horses. Clyde Smith, Guernsey, Jersey, Hoi. Brown Swiss, W eLer were Sunday visitors at the 101 East 1st St. Dial 3230 R SALE:— Fuller paints and wal] phone 306, Ontario. Across from Jarvis, Catherine and Johnny Thiel Physiotherapy E le c tr o -T h e r a p y Milking short horn. Also 2 beef Willis Conant home, taking Miss ier. Budget terms available. Fire- Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc breeds. $7 50 per cow. No charge for Jennette Conant back with them drove to Caldwell with the Oscar Nyssa, Oregon Schaffer family to attend the Cald le Store. return service. Ray Bowns. New for a week's stay. well night rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Day and fam- I Plymouth, 4041. FOR SALE ily attended a family picnic Sunday IDAHO PROVED SIRE 2-bedroom home, new construc- at the Nyssa city park in honor of >n; completely modern, dining LO ST—Small brown and white fe SERVICE Mr. and Mrs Augie Sorenson and N YSSA V E T E R IN A R Y om, attached garage; very good male cocker Answers to name of i?.tfc. two children o f Cairo, Neb., who DR. J. A. M cFA LL CLINIC cation on King ave. $12.000, terms. Dixie. Dial 7731. 31-ltp. are here visiting relatives. Stop having septic tank trouble by DR. JOHN E A S L Y 2-bedroom modern home, F R A. Wedne day night Mr and Mrs. Dr. B. E. R o n » Dr. D. R Mason iproved, good location, comer lot, REW ARD — Is offered for informa putting in Field Dain. Dial 3993 I Lynn Hurst and David took in the Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon Large and Small Animal» tion leading to whereabouts of spay evenings. 9-tf. Caldwell night rodeo, ived street, very nice yard. $9500. ed female Britteny spaniel bird dog 407 Main St. Dial 201$ j Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Cook and Rural grocery store with cold stor- 1 belonging to J. E. Brower. Dial 2338. M ISCELLANEOUS—Do . you . need, ............. mall son PRHHI were Monday night guests ;e lockers, excellent location on 30-2tC. money to remodel your home or tol al the N. P French home, leaving D r. M a r v in M . P n a t k a isy highway. Reasonable terms P h o n a 9-2312 build outbuildings or garave? W ei -jut iUy for Washington to vi. .; Veterinary Surgeim 2 bedroom modern home, full DR. GEO. E. COBERlf can arrange a loan for you and give their parent Mr Cook 1 a staff isement, extra large lot well Un EVENINGS BY A PPO IN TM E N T 211 W. Park you up to three years to par It sg t with the air force at Albuquer- Pfe M l w e d . $5 000. eu. y terms. la s t Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc qUe *4, M and Mr Cook Is the Itaw Pfyw oaih. Mafca Nyssa Dial M 4i jurth street. - ------ I French’s granddaughter. NYSSA tNSr*ANCE AGENCY Use the Journal Classified Ads. Poilyanna was held at the home Ralph G . Lawrence. Agent they get results. I of Mrs L R. Price Thursday after* IS Main SC Dial 3544 JjfgTHg J[g* Qa/cîc Classified Advertising Rates For Sale For Sale BEST BUYS To Buy Or Sell See Mel MEULLER FURNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS HEATING GEORGE J. KINZER Television Dealers MEL BECK—REALTOR For Rent Along The Oregon T ra il INTERMOUNTAIN FURNITURE CO. EDER HARDWARE CO. NYSSA FURNITURE CO. EZ CARR APPLIANCES NYSSA MOTORS J 1 j DON B MOSS PETERSON FIRESTONE STORE FURNITURE CO. Miscellaneous FARM LOANS ED CASE FURNITURE CO. Used Machinery WILSON BROS. DEPARTMENT STORE Hollingsworths', Inc. Wanted PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians | Dentists KEN POND Help Wanted Miscellaneous Kingman Kolony Chiropracfor Optometrists Lost and Found CR. C.W. CRAVES O ptom etrist Eye* Exam ined U$e Gate City Journal Cluiified Ad*. 718 Arthur St. Caldwell» Idaho Veterinarians