Nyssa Gate City Journat r You Can Get It In Nyssa — Shop The Journal Ads VOLUME X X X X V III NO. 31 Nyssa School Faculty 49 Members Complete With Nine New Teachers, Some Changes Class Assignments e.'-arv for replacement- in Njv-a’s school faculty of 45 teachers, three principals and one superintendent, for a total cf 49 member-, Supt. Henry H. Hartley announced in - porting thi< year’s mstructcr a lig n ­ ment- Even though the turnover 1- somewhat greater than in the pa t few year-, Ny--a retains its record of fewer replacement- than the If You V/ant To Buy or Sell, Use Classifieds THE NYSSA GATE CITY JO U RN A L. NYSSA. OREGON, THURSDAY. AUGUST 13. 1953 TW ELVE PAGES Revived Spud Markei Brings New Adivily ai Packing Sheds; Good Overall Returns Are Predicted "Vacant" Cabin, Haystack Fires ♦ Mark e {in g Vo te Scheduled Friday Poll- be open from 9 a. m. to Mo early nour spectator- .veto called t. North Third -treet at the city linu: about 2 a. m. Saturday where a fire of undetermined origin had broken Will 9 p m. fer holding th referer.d im for wheat allotments and marketing quota- Friday of this week at seven different polling places in Malheur county. N mi nee- from each community,' vh will -erve a- referendum com­ mitteemen and polling place are: Nv a: O. E Cheldelm. George A Cleaver, Frank T Morgan, Jr. and Alva P Goodell. City Hall. Adrian: K I Peter-on, George Schiemer, Louis G. Pratt and M L. Kurtz. Grade school building. Jordan Valley: D. E. Sinclair. Mack Potter, Donald Danner and Fred Eiguren. Ontario: Harold G. Mallett, Clar­ ence H Lee, Russell Tanaka and Mayfred Parkhurst. Payette-Oregon Slope: Harvey DeHaven, Harold Hart, M. B. Woods and Earl J. Heeb. Community hall. Vale: Matt Schaefer, Harry W Burkhardt, John T Marquis and Russell Girvin. City hall. Harper: Harold Hutchinson, Joe Goucher, Robert Knudson and Rob­ ert J. Hart. Grange hall. « eft t: out 1!! • amt dwellin n the :n t ’m ntar V.i We: which t tali time tire alarm was turned . . and Ralph G, Anderson i- *1» or.lv wa- a total lo--. . Tue» i \ «1 - left Ny a new teacher on the h :h The -mad cab n i- c vned by Lcui- thi e were at ions that the faculty cf 15 members. He succeeds Thomas of Colomas Calif., and wa vi­ s slow iments in July Richard La Sa-so as band and orch­ suppo.-ed to be unoccupied. However, tan y Augii iy well bring Ny estra instructor and comes highly it is believed that trail lent- had ret rd up indard. recommended from Hailey. Ida. The taken up residence in the h ,i-e Growers were receiving approxi­ Hailey Timt - .-tat»-d that Anderson's Sunday morning at 9:20 firemen $1 net for white rose spud», -e-ignation Is a "serious loss” to the and the rural trucks were called to mately which are to be cleaned up Blaine county schools and that he the Ralph Jones farm, four mile- by the end expected of the week. pack­ had been music director for the Ket- north and two miles west on Gem ing houses will be starting Most on ru »sets ihum grade school and Hailey high avenue, where fire had broker, out next week with a comparably favor­ -chool -ince September, 1946 He was "HERE IT IS!" H ugh Tobler gleefully calls 1 a Dave Savage, who has taken a lusty cut at a In a haystack The same stack had price anticipated. active in LDS church affairs at softball—and missed. Looking on are, left to right, Andy A nderson, softballer; Don King, caught fire about two weeks age and able Hailey, had served on the Boy Scout Optimism among growers Nyssa M erchants business m anager: Donnie H rron. M erchant outfielder; Tobler, player- the Sunday fin va- believed to have and shippers reigned committee and participated as alike with general tarted from internal combu-tioi: i pinion that all growers the iirector of various community m anager, Tobler's Feed softball club; Savag?, M erchant pitcher-infielder, and Cal W ilson, caused will realize by green hay. It wa.. neces­ groups. gcm- Bumgarner, who taught the sixth tion known as Oregon Trail Hall to many larger hospitals Installed For “super safety” measures, the when full recovery and normal will meet at 10 a. m. Tuesday, Aug j | pared grade last year and has taught in submit 1.441 during the same bid and complete the last week at a c< rt of $1000, the new air-lock is equipped with two alarms health would come about anyhow, 25, in their respective buildings for] period with the first grade in previous years, will purchase their a year ago. Most of the dif­ teachers' conferences. The cafeteria of the school property. equipment will be paid for by the — a light and a buzzer--to serve as but the combination Incubator-res­ have one of the first grade rooms : School Board Chairman J. L Her- hospital auxilary, which volunteer- warnings if the air, oxygen or heat was noted during the “sick pirator will climate all guess-work will start operating the first day of ference for »he 1953-54 term. market period" of the past three of school. said the two organizations ed to provide all funds for its pur- varies in any way. and speed recovery to insure the in­ Mrs. Roxanelle Copeland has mov­ riman week- when about 600 cars left here. had jointly purchased the former chase. According to Pete Fleissner, hosp- fant'» normal development if "aivy- All of last year's faculty, except However. It was ed to the second grade for this' school that most a small dwelling and While it is actually a live- saving ital physiotherapist, the need is not thing is wrong” and the attending two, are returning this year, accord- of those shipped explained term, having taught the first grade the sit building, will bring the high­ on which they are located. device, its primary purpose is pre­ necevarily frequent in any hospital, physician prescribes it- use. ' ing to Athol Sayre, high school prin- (Continued on Page 12) Purchase price of the property was ventative and is necessary for only a but it can serve as an a-.-urance of r h ? Malheur Memorial hospital is cipal, and Harold Newman, grade er prices being quoted this week listed as $10.000 with an agreed down small percentage of newborn babies. normal In alt h through prevention of one of the few institutions of its i school principal. Miss Juanita Par- payment of $2,500 and $500 to be The pressure lock keeps the tem­ respiratory difficulties and in a few kind in thi- area having an oxygen- rill, who taught last year at Roswell, paid annually with four percent in­ perature and humidity constant and instances it is a life-saving device. air pres-ure lock There is only one will serve as one of the first grade terest on the unpaid balance and the has an even, unlimited supply of ox­ He stated that many babies, older in Boise and one in Nampa, which teachers and the positions for music privilage of paying more at any ygen The ordinary incubator, used children and adults are now perfect­ are believed to be the only other instructor and girls' physical edu-1 in the past for premature babies- ly normal having been in an incub­ two in the entire lower Snake river cation remain to be filled. time. "The school board is happy to see and other newborn infants with var- ator or such a device as that in-tail- valley. Members of the high school fac- j the property pass to the hands of ulty are Athol Sayre, principal and these two organizations which plan social »cience: James Harper, math­ hold their meetings there and con­ John O'Toole Home OSC Tester Spends ematics and physical education; Granting of a contract in the a- Although matching the Payette to tinue with the policy of renting the Mrs. Henry Moore, home economics; mount of $65.071 50 for improvement Packers in hitting power, the Nyssa hall for community activities," Her- From Portland Hosp. Several Days Here Henry Reuter, vocational agricul­ di.-trict No. 4 . a discussion of pos­ Merchants dropped their final Bor­ riman commented. Since the Oregon der league baseball game to the Trail school was consolidated with John O'Toole arrived home early E O. Brooks, official tester for ture; Earl Saarl, commercial; Wes­ sible means of improving the Nyssa morning from Portland A meeting of the Malheur Demo­ Oregon State college, was In the ley Tolliver, English, and Glen domestic water system, new restric­ Packers 13-8 on the local diamond 26-C, the school building has Tuesday where he underwent neurosurgery cratic club has been called for 8:30 Nyssa area over the weekend, run­ Ward, biology, social science and tions on taverns, renewal of a con­ Tuesday night. Each team collected district been used as a community meeting physical education. July 27. His condition is reported p. m. this Thursday at Brownie’s ning tests on two local herds. eight hits, but errors proved costly center. tract with the rural fire district and excellent, although he will be con­ a bicycle ordinance were business for the Merchants In the elementary school, instruct­ First to be tested was the Hope and Other business transacted by the fined to his home for several weeks, cafe. Herron sparkled in the outfield school matters transacted and discussed ors are Harold Newman, principal; ] Charley Grider Jersey herd of 31 board Monday night included for the Merchants, making sprinting, the acceptance of the Fletcher Oil and will not be able to return to his Principal items on the meeting milkers, the tests being made during Robert Patterson, eighth grade; Mrs Tuesday night by the Nyssa city one-handed catches of hard-hit Co.’s bid to supply gasoline for the duties as manager of the Malheur agenda will be adoption of a constl- \ a two-day period from Friday to , Lois Williams, seventh; Mrs. Helen council. balls into center field, as well as district again this year. Fletcher's Memorial hospital for about two tution and by-laws and the annual Sunday. Lowell, sixth; Mrs. Anna Sparks, C. E Leseberg was low bidder months. getting the first Merchant hit. In another two-day period Sun- Charles Witty, fourth, Miss among three for paving of several bid was the posted tank price of 27.1 election of officers. Merchant scoring started in the cents, less l'a cents discount, less 2 He is able to s?t up for short day to Tuesday. Brooks tested the Mary Weir, Mrs Gladys New- blocks of Nyssa streets and Instal­ sixth inning when Savage was walk­ cents federal tax, making the cost peroids each day and can receive The club was organized before the registered Guernsey herd of Homer, bill an<* Mrs third: lation of curbing at the front oi pro­ Maurine Morgan, sec- perty ed and came home on B Bowen's 23.6 cents per gallon for the district. visitors for brief intervals. and at intersections. Other Hlght | ond; Mrs. Mary Davidson and Miss political campaign last fall, and was single. Three more runs came in in Juanita Parrill, first, and Mrs. Jake, bidders were Babler Bros., Inc. at | active in local ana national cam- j YOUTH RETURN FROM the seventh on Marcum's double and Borge, special education. ; $ 84,883 04 and K F. Jacobson & Co. GLENN SCHIREMAN AMONG paigning during that time. Savage's triple, combined with two SUMMER CHURCH CAMP ------------------------- * .0. 521.30. The estam kite W $71,- Monte Fraser, now residing at INDUCTEES FOR SEPTEMBER Packer errors. ! 212 40. Robert Jackson, George Dillon, Lake, Wash., was the first i Glenn Schireman, son of Mr. and 25 More Men Sent to Final Merchant run crossed the Harry, Allen and James Main, Janet j Moses The streets involved are First president of the club, and Ed Jami- ] plate in the eighth, J. Bowen scor­ Mrs. William Schireman of Nyssa, Bell and Sharon Cruson returned street south from the north line of recently confined to a South is among Malheur county boys called Fight Forest Fires ing on Bellon’s triple with none Saturday after spending a week in son, King avenue to the south line of Dakota veterans hospital, its secre- for induction Into the armed forces An additional 25 men were sent Gixd: away. McCall at Nazarene Youth camp. First north from south line i retary-treasurer. Savage had eight strikeouts and 1, he reported this week. Rev. Robert Jackson accomp­ A report on the proposed consti­ ] Sept. Friday morning from the Nyssa ! of Green to south line of Chestnut; walked three in seven innings on the Emil Maag was elected chairman The Mrs. Ruth Ingebrltsen, clerk of camp to fight forest fires in Second north from south line of mound, while Belisle who releaved of the Malheur County Farm Bureau anied the group. tution and by-laws will be made by] ! the county selective service board, Labor the men being assigned to Ehrgood to south line of Beech; him struck out two and walked one. and John Kennedy was named vice GIRLS AT CAMP Dick Yost, by-laws committee chair­ stated that regulations forbid of­ Idaho, the Boise National forest, according Third north from south line of Lo- chairman at the regular meeting of Bailey had a pitching record of ficial announcement of names of to Bill Shainbaugh, man. camp manager. I cust to south line of Chestnut: 110 girl- from the Nyssa stake are the organization Tuesday of last nine strikeouts and four bases on men called until the day they leave Horace Beal, Ontario, chairman attending girl» camp at Camp Billy Saturday mornig another men ' Fourth from south line of Maple to week. Both men are members of balls for the Packers. of the county Democratic central for induction. Publication of names were sent to McCall to fight 25 line of Walnut; Seventh south this week Thirty-six girls from committee, fires in I south The Merchants entered the Bor- the Willowcreek Valley center. Mrs. Rice of those called, if announced by the and Tom Jones, vice from line of King to south are with the group. Mrs. Ersel chairman, will the Payette National forest. Jack Downs of the Cairo center was Nyssa (Continued on Page 12) individuals or their families is per- Sunday, Bol-e National fore-t line of north be guests of the club missable, Good; Reece from west line elected county Associated Women’s Beus Ls in charge of the camp, which at Thur-day's meeting. Mrs. Ingebritsen said. Fourth to north line of King; chairman and Mrs. John Kennedy, will end Friday night. drew an additional 60 laborers, mak­ of from west line of Second Associated Women's chairman. The ing a total of 195 men supplied by Ehrgood ea-t line of Third, and Locust newly elected officers will take office the Nyssa labor camp during the to line of First to east line at the October meeting. pa-t two week, for fire fighting in from west (Continuea on page 12) The annual county Farm Bureau the Idaho forests. Decision of the American Express picnic will be held Sunday at the company to coninue maintainance Vale city park starting at noon. All of its Nyssa office was confirmed members and intererested persons Friday with announcement of ap­ are invited. Those planning to at­ pointment of LaVerne Berg as local tend are asked to bring a pot luck dish, their own table service and agent. Berg, who was brought here from sweetened lemon juice for their own Sixty 4-H club members repre- field day were Nyssa, Adrian. Oreg- Burley, Ida., where he was employed group. Ice cream will be furnished »enting 10 clubs took part last on Trail. Arcadia, Cairo, Lincoln, by the express company as a driver by the Farm Bureau. Thursday in an all-day, county- Vale, Willowcreek, Jamieson and and platform mar,, was being made Arrangement- are being made for wide tour of stock Judging uader Pioneer. important guest speakers for the day acquainted with his duties during supervision of E. M, Hauser, county Judging ls done on an Individual and entertainment will be furnished the past week by Calvin Blasdell, 4-H club leader. basis, each club member noting his division relief agent out of the Colo- by a center to be named within the Assisting with the group were or her score on a card provided, on next few days. radio Springs, Colo., office. Harry Sandquist, county agent; Bob which is noted class and breed of Berg moved his family to Nyssa Plans are being made by the Anderson, extension agent, and Ros- animal, placing from first to fourth, 1 county F. B for a food concession over the weekend. He and his wife, el Hunter. contestant’s name, club and score. at the county fair in September Ethel, have one son, Garry, who First stop of the group was at the The cards are then checked will be three years of age Monday. 1 under the supervision of Mrs. Ralph Harold Sisson ranch, where the boys against the offical scoring of the Cone and Mrs. Grady Romans of and girLs Judged Yorkshire brood county leader and his assistants. Willowcreek Valley center. sows and Sussex breeding ewes, as then given back to the club leaders Associated Chambers the Because of the county fair, the well as looking over fat hogs and who discuss members’ scoring at regular meeting will be post­ meetings prior to the county fair lambs. To Meet at Fruitland next poned until Sept 8. date. Next stop was at the Hope and Directors and committee members Charley Orider Jersey ranch where An interested member of the tour­ of the Associated Chambers of Com­ Two From Nyssa On judging of Jersey stock took place. ing party was Toshio Fukui, an ex* merce will meet at 7 p. m Monday Noon intermission was observed on change student from Japan, who is at the Methodist church in Fruit- EOC Grad Roster the city pary lawn, where lunch was spending several months in the land, according to an announcement »erved before going on to the Lewis United States under auspices of the Two Nyssa women were among made by Bernard Frost, president. Wettstein ranch Here, Holstein and International Farm Youth Ex­ The main subject on the agenda. the 41 students graduating from change. Hereford cattle was judged. Oregon at LaOrande at Frost announced, Ls to be a discus­ Eastern Fukui, who speaks but little Eng­ Final stop of the annual 4-H commencement exercises held there sion handled by the sanitation and Friday Maude-t Teague was granted lish, arrived here July 16. Prior to county field day was at the O. E. health committee, composed of Jack of his arrival he spent six weeks in Oreen ranch for the Judging the bachelor of science degree In H IGHLAND SCOTTY, PR IZE JERSEY of H ope and C narley G rider, Is the center of a t­ Hereford cows. Hayes, chairman, and Cet Counsil, elementary Maryland and week at the Nat- education and Frances traction in the above photograph, taken T h u rsd ay at the G rider farm w hen county 4-H The annual tour is taken as a lonal 4-H club one T. H. Beckwith and Gus Gentry. W Bates received camp at Washington, the three-year Ray Rupp. Malheur county health project for the club mem- D C. Of his six weeks to be spent club m em bers stopped th °re on th sir annual county-w ide tour. S tanding in front are Jam es training officer. L- billed as the speaker There teacher education diploma. bers In preparation for their Judgtng in Oregon, four of them will be In will also be two films on health and Mr. and Mrs. John Nrwman left M cKinley, 14 and C laudia Peterson, 12, of A drian. Those in the rear are S hcrrell Sisson, 14, contests at the Malheur county fair Malheur county. and G ordon H unter, 13, both of Nyssa; Mrs. G rid er and Toshio Fukui, exchange student from >!i nb< - He Is the guest of Kay Feramura morning for Payette Lakes Jed Lew i Is vice president the Sunday In the 1953 of the Lincoln community. Japan who is in this locality for four weeks. Phot Y< »here th< y will -pend a week Chambers. \ Riders, Grangers Buy Oregon Trail School Properly Merchants Lose Final Game to Packers 13-5 Malheur Memorial Hospital and Auxiliary Install New, Modern Device for Benefit of Areas's Newborn Citizens Adrian Schools to Start on Aug. 31; Facullies Named Democratic Club Meets Tonight Leseberg Co. Wins Paving Conlracl; Ciiy Eyes Water County FB Names Officers; Plans Sunday Picnic New Expressman Is Assigned Here Annual 4-H Field Day Provides Club Members Cattle ludging Experience