T iE N Y 'S \ SA TE CITY J CUF N AL. NYSSA. CFEGON. THURSDAY. AUGUST 6 1953 1 LOCAL NEWS Mortal Actiliitirsi Carde Wilson, Editer Phone 2233 mm Wanted! Ice Cream Sumiie Cake’s A Dream 'I N #• n Mr- fcr ( arr ami Mr- Er^rl Bz-u- trip. M Mrs. George Wilson, A era and day evening at the Parma ward. Harold Wilscn and Mrs. Thomas M r and Mr- H-r.rv Zobell and i He-.-ler spent Sunday in Boise where family and Leo Belt- spent la t *eelt 1 they vie ¡ved the Pacemaker house. | end a: Payt te Lane Mr. and Mrs. H r« Snow of Cald- Mrs. Ward SnichniUrr and »on, | well were Sunday visitors at the W a:d, lei; Ny.-.-a Sunday to re:urn h- me . f Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fi-cher. to their home in Kellogg. Ida,, after Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Foster re pending a week here with her turned Tue-day morning from Bend I brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and and Lebcnan where they had spent 1 Mr- Bill B. dgeti. a week In Bend, they helped make : Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Warner and final plans for the Oregon state * fam ily of Wcv-db.n“ . I va are visit beekeepers association picnic to be ing this week at the Wayne Ohes- held at Stevelin park in Ber.d, Aug. nu: heme. Mr Warner is playing 23. Dr. W. P Stephen, antem legist :he Hummon ergan at the Cald.vell in :he department of agriculture at rodeo. O S.C. will be gue>t speaker. In the Miss Dora Saari and Miss Ldilh I^ba.n, the F teP- visited with Mr. ■ We tling c f Seattle -pent two day- and M: - Charle Wilson. last week at the home cf Mr. and Joseph Maughan left Saturday on Mrs. W alter Roth. B II Hall of Bisbee. Ariz.. and Mrs. his vacation. He will visit relatives a; Hall. Mont. Alberta Brendle cf Tu.-con. Ariz.. a r Mrs. Ira Mitchell and daughters, rived Thursday to visit at ihe Har Lim a and Mrs. Albert Coleman, old Brendle heme H ill returned irtiryh**' *?.&£• r-i: •:. heme Saturday and Mr- Brendle went to Rupert Friday to a family You can dream, can’t you, of a luscious cake easy to make? Well, Ice will pend several weeks here with reunion. Cream Sundae Cake is a dream come true. It d two desserts in one, cake Mr. and Mrs. George X. Bear and her son and daughter-in-la v. and ice cream sundae, and all the makings c u ' lie bought at the grocery store. Whether you make the cake layer yourself or buy the ready baked Mr. and Mrs. I Idem Barker spent Mr Pearlee K in-er visited a; Vets at the store, the result is delicious. Mow that pre-packaged ice cream is Sunday eVenir.g a: the Jtm Sha.v hospital in Boise Sunday. sold in half-gallon cartons you can keep the main part of this dessert home. Mr. and Mrs. George N. Bear spent conveniently in stock in the fteezing com, artment or home freezer. Cake Mr. and Mrs. Lament Fife, Karen three days last week with friends or cup ' es, a can o f chocolate sauce and a can of shelled nuts complete and Anna Mae nvd Mr. and Mrs near Sheaville. They also visited one the «1 t. J.hn Broad spent 'he veek-er.d at afternoon with Mrs. Robert Long Uniiy fishing. by a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. ily spent Saturday and Sunday fish at Jordan Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hean and three Mrs. John Mullins returned home and Mrs. Chester L. Johnson of Wes- ing on the North Fork. beys c f H, medale were dinner guests Saturday from the Holy Rosary covenia. Calif., and a family reunion Mr. and Mrs. LeRov Barton and hospital following surgery. Sunday a>: the Elmer Cruscn home. was held. The Beans are moving to Ontario Brent o f Vale visited Friday night Mrs. Roy Preston was a week end Mrs. Paul Gentry of Wilder ar Wednesday where Bean has taken a with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mason. guest at the home o f Mr. and Mrs. rived Saturday to visit this week position with the Idaho Power. Mrs. Dorothy Bibbey and Mr. and Soren Cox. Stanley, Mark and Janet Barlow with Lorraine Fischer. Rev. and Mrs. John Nevin and went to Utah Friday night to visit heir parents, Mr and Mrs. Gam er .Mrs. Robert Neer o f Portland ar- Barlcw. They have been heuseguests *” ived late Sunday night to spend a this summer of Mr. and Mrs. Er^el veek visiting at the home of Mr. Beus. and Mrs. K. I. Peterson. Mrs. Neer For Public Liability and Property Damage Ins. Mr. and Mrs. I). I). H.ver and fam- is the Peterson’s daughter, ily o f Lewiston, Utah vi-ited here Mrs. Clay Morgan and Cathy and Bi, Pd. — 5,000 — 10.000 — 5.000 last week at the home of Mr. and Mike are visiting in Nyssa at the As low as S8.27 semi-annually Mrs. Campbell Baer. Mrs. Hyer is home of Mrs. Frank Morgan. They Mrs. Baer’s sister. are waiting for Mr. Morgan to ar- Dr. and Mrs. Paul Star and family rive from the east and take them to of Enumclaw, Wn. — Est. 1898 , f Portland spent ;he week-end at -heir home in Sacramento. Calif, the Henry Hartley home. The Stars Mrs. Clay Morgan and family and HENRY "H A N K " STORM are enroute to Yellowstone and Gla- Mrs. Frank Morgan left Monday to 201 No. 9th Res. Phone 3392 spend two weeks at PayeUe Lakes. cier parks. Dr. and Mrs. John Olsen and fam- Mrs. Grant Jones returned to N’ vs- sa last Wednesday after spending a last Wednesday aiter spending a week in Utah Vi.-iting with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. C. H Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Coop. She was joined there LOW R A T E S ! FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. f CURRENT MARKET PRICES PAID Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Cheldelin an nounce the engagement of their daughter Donna Jean to Charles Gutzler. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Gutzler of Oregon City. Miss Cheld elin will gradute next spring from Williamette university »h e re she is studying to be a medical technician. Mr. Gutzler graduated from W illam ette in 1952 and did graduate work at Oregon State. He is now in V ir ginia in Marine officers training school. Clear •ance tJiis area is the announcement of the Mr- Vern Dim- won seccr.d and Mrs. engagement of Miss Jo Stafford, Angie Cook of Payette wo:n travel- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John S ta f ford c f Wilder to Don Quigley of ing priize. Ny- a, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Qti zi.-y f Buhl. No wedding date Ernia:c e m e n t A n n o u n c e ■d has teen set. Mi Munti e B 'atty cf Emmet: s the en ga gem en t cf her anr.cui dauRhi . Mau:de Beatty t< Rex E Vocilo: • n > - a. sen ut Mr Lillian Thursday, Aug. C— General meet V elle: ■f Bu;til. Plans are being ing of the Women's society of Chris made : an A. :,’ U>t wedd::: tian Service. 2 p. m. at the Gene M. - B ratty 5¡erveci v.tli : he U: Grastv and Paul Penrod homes on . t ■ n . v ■. lu World " ii North 3rd. Oregon Trail Grange and for the pa t year ha - been em meeting, 8:30. ployed as Emmet: city . k rk and Friday, \ug. 7— Jaycee-ette meet police magistrate. ing. Mrs. Gerald Curry, 207 So. 4th. Mr V >eller. manager of the N y 8 p. m. ssa theatre, served in the U. S. Air Saturday. \ug. 8— Lucky Clover ccrp- in Italy during World war II dance. Nyssa stake house, 8:30. SPEC IALS Time and Place JAKE FISCHER 3093 Encasement Announced use the journal Classified O f interest this week to people in they get results. Only FORD has it! It’s totally n e w ! It’s DRIVERIZED! T h is door opens on 50 million dollars’ w orth o f new truck design and driving com fort . Ford spent that much in engi- neering these new 1953 Ford Trucks. It marks an all-time high in w orking com fort that you h ave to try out, to believe! Ciim e in. SU in this new Ford D R IV E R IZ E D CAB ju s t 15 seconds. Y o u ’ll m arvel at the sheer size o f the cab, at the risibility you get with the new o n e -p a w windshield and huge rear w indow . ^ I m k rvM w nut pnilitin« and 15 other custom eitras in llrurpuni />Wux< CoA ishown . st worthwhile extra nwt New Kurd Truck* give you new power new Iran*- mssuoiw. new short turning O n * ISO all new iii.ai.-fc' In the Cab yo u ’ll discover what no ofVr popular truck on b o^irrs. Come in today! See it U the features that make the new Ford Truck your h « t buy! ___ FORD ECONOMY TRUCKS Make the 15-second SIT DOW N TEST! HERRIMAN MOTOR CO. Dial 2288 314 Main, Nyssa ‘Only Ford Dealers Sell A-l Used Cars and Trucks" SWIM SUITS Vi Price SA N D A LS Ads. Come in today and try the worlds most comfortable truck cab ! X SPECIAL VALUES FOR YOU IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL MERCHANDISE Mr. and Mrs. Bill .Altizer of Bums, former Nyssa residents announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Yoetta Altizer to Walter Lee Reeves of Burns, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves of N'vssa, A fall wedding is being planned. $1.00 1 Adrian News Miss Janet Parker Mr Theo Matherly. Mrs. John Zittercob and Mrs. Otis Bullard drove to Emmett Thursday to visit at the Charlie Thompson home Mrs. Etta Johnson and daughter. Mary of Powell, Wyo., are visiting a: the John Zittercob and Otis Bul lard homes. Mrs H ward Myrick o f Ny- a cal led on Mr- Norman Hipp Tue-day evening. Visitors the past w-eek at the Jay Warner h me were Mrs. George Mc Kee on Tue.-day. Mr and Mrs. Bob Evans and children Wednesday and Johnny Tucker on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dail and children were Sunday dinner guests at the Otis Bullard home. John Irby had dinner Saturday at the N rman Hipp home He took his daughter Carol, home after she had stayed the week Linda Hipp went with them to attend the Weiser roundup Mr and Mrs Hipp and family drove to Payette to get Linda and to visit Mrs Hipp's mother, Mrs Keele. Sunday. Mrs Arthur Richardson and two | small daughters o f Tw in Falls and Mrs. Lillie Rhodes of Buhl were guests last week at the E E Steph enson home. They all left Monday, excepting Sandra Jean Richardson, who will spend about a month with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Robert Hunt and family of Manns creek were Sunday guests at the George Hust home Several children from Arcadia are taking swimming les-wms in Ontario. They are Laura. Bill. Sherry and Karen H u < Dorothy and Jimmy Hou.» . Dennis, Lois and Nadine Spiti Charles Foster and Lucille W h it Mr •f Ny a >n home Women's White and Red and White Sandals. Other Groups Reduced to Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls'. YARDAGE SPECIALS $2.00 and $3.00 STRAW HATS Vi Price Men's dress and field straws 1 of Regular Price > TWILL SHIRTS $1.99 Regular S2.29 Tan twill shirts sizes 14V2 to 17 Rayons and Cottons A variety of types and colors at good values r SHORTS PEDAL PUSHERS SLACKS R EDUCED Denim and sail cloth material MANY OTHER ITEMS CUT IN PRICE AND THEY ARE GOOD VALUES EYERYB0 •DY’S Inc. Ore.