Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1953)
THS NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA, OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 30. 1953 Linda of Parm a were evening Attend Birthday Dinner LOCAL NEWS guest.' at the Donald H alt lvm e. PAGE EIGHT Js>ncial JCotes Mrs. Kingrey Entertains Mrs H H KmgTey entertained three tables of pinochle at her home Wednesday afternoon. Gue ts were Mrs Vernie Duu-. Mr- Angle Cook. And Mr.- Tom Johnson. Prize.' were won by Mrs. Emil 0tunz. high: Mrs. Cook, low and V B< le M C : i.ell and Mr Nettie Bennett, traveling. Mr. and Mrs. J.m Shaw ar.d Larry Mr and Mrs. G erald Slippy and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bunn and Janan v —%* pen: part of la t week at a cattle and LV ri and Mr and Mrs. Marvin Eldcn to Midvale Sunday to ranch of W A. and W L Coleman Wil>on and Janaiee attended a >ur- get his drove Swimming Party mother. Mrs. Henry SLppy. near Enterprise The Cclemans are pri'e birthday d.nner in Hcmedale who has been working tnere Thirty-five members of the Ny.ssa Sunday in honor Rev E J Wil- Mr and Mrs. Byrd W alter' went i.rm er Ny -a residents The Bunns econd ward M I A M Men and . , of were Mrs. Mr Wilson. p m t time at Wallowa Lake Gleaners ar.d Junior M Men and Mr Henry Litz, and to Boise Sunday to attend a picnic and Anthony Lakes. They returned Gleaners were guests at a swimming Mrs. Henry u Litz. Jr., J and family and Mri party and watermelon feed Wed Mr Wednesday and Thursday fi-hing ----------- Mr x .. K enneth Litz and son w Mr c r *e and »cnreioer. Mrs. Mark Hartley enter above nesday evening in Caldwell Thuse : B and dam ise tained Saturday evening with a pi Mrs. Owyhee in charge were Mrs Frank Pike, in Charles Leedy was a dinner nochle party. Mr and Mr;. Jerry gue.-t at the Elvin Worden home structor and Roger Skeen, general Mrs. Flinders Entertains Bellon of Fru.tland von high game class chairm an. Mrs. El wood Flinders entertained Mr and Mrs. G rant Pa.tarso.i cal- Wednesday. The Boy Scouts, under the super he ward primary presidencies at her led on Mr and M rj Paul Blaylock in vision of Jake Borge and Hank home Monday evening. A short pro- | Nyssa Sunday afternoon. Mccre. did some masonry work at gram was given introducing the new Mr and Mrs George SchTiizer the ________ _______ ____________ Adrian ___ Community church Wed pha of prim ary work for 1953-54 a.tended the picnic held Suiuiav on evening to earn their badges by the following Mrs. Mark Mon- .he lawn at the Kenneth Loren an Jn n u ^m -y cur. Mr.'. Lee Stoker. Mrs Soren Cox heme by the W orth Wh.le club Mrs Lydia Worden and Mrs. El and Mrs. Flinders, members of the Mr. and Mr*. Kenneth Kygar ar.^ y ^ Warden and children called on Nygsa stake prim ary presidency. daughters of Rome, ©re.. Visited in Mrs Verna Costj ey Monday after- Isabelle Foster of Council Bluff, bobber, Mrs. Flor- noon an{j visited also with Mrs. Bob Iowa was a special guest. Other £J}ee I5Jgar and MerIe- a;i:1 Halverson. Caldwell, who was there guests were Mesdames Earl Nay, Lhursday evening and ¿a v several a ;ew days with her aunt. . David D ennett, and Floyd Flet of ‘*lev;non prcgrarm ^ Sunday, a picnic in the park at Parm a; Harold Saunders, Van Hau- Mrs Charley Culbertson returned Caldwell was enjoyed by Mr. and eter and Orvll Blodgett of Vale; Mil- home Sunday evening after spend- Mrs Dick Krlegh and family, Mr ton Hooper, K eith Stoker and G rant ‘nK ; he P»5t t « :n Pasadena. ard Mrs G lenn Mr and Mrs. Patterson of Owyhee. William Bow- Calif., daughter and .am - Dudley K urtz and family and Mr en and Max Swensen of O ntario and a*]d helped care for ner ne and Mrs Kenny Price and son Ron- Henry Zobell, Shirley Mitchell, De granddaughter, Ladeana aid Lane Joined the group at Cald- Voun Leavitt W A Bybee, Hubert ^ and Mrs Glenn Ward and well. Christian and Henry Ssplain of daughter of Adrian called at the Nyssa. , K enneth McDonald home Thursday Refreshm ents were served by th e l ev£ Mr L n^l and Mrs. Jim Bellvea! and ! hostess. children of Nyssa were Saturday evening dinner guests at the Gerald Slippy home. Mr. and Mrs E E Crocker went to M adras Friday where they visited until Sunday with his brother, Frank Crocker, and family. Mrs. Kenneth McDonald Melvin Rookstool of Ordinance. Dial 3209 ___________________________________Ore., came to get his wife and Gem Special r Vi Gal. 8 0 £ Solid Pack Brown's Ice Cream Hand Packed Qt. 75c —Gal. $2.05 Cake Roll 50c J“ S E 1 S t ' Our Own Make Qt. 40c — Vz Gal. 80c 1 Gal. $1.50 °n‘y $ 53 .oo to BOSTON! •i» . j>A CARL'S DOLL HOUSE CAFE 511 Main Dial 9912 Newell Heights & REYHOUND The; n ar.d children : Nam- pa, Mr ar.d Mr-. Carl Pit: y and daughter, Donald Eliott and Angus Hoffm an were Sunday supper gue.-ts cf Mr. and Mrs. D :n Brewer Milton Jackson took his daughters Lynn and Marcia to Fernly. Nev., where they met their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. T J Hillman and went to Victorville to stay for 5 weeks The Hillmans will bring the Jack- son girls heme around Sept 1. $$ DAY $$ Specials Girls' Swim Suits $ 1 .2 5 to $ 2 .9 5 Originally S1.95 - S3.95 Boys' Swim Trunks Reg. SI - S1.59 Now 7 5 £ Mr.Vand? MrsV'ciyde This year . . . see the pic guest' J ' u i e K enneth Kygar family " S d a T a* ^ n °me Saturday at their ranch at Crooked 5 ? “ Toot, Peu;z went turesque White Mountains . . . Creek above Rome. _ . to Owyhee dam Saturday, and Bob visit New England historic Jeanne Crocker and Buddy Patton M orflt' <ock them up the re,ervoir shrines! Visit Niagara Falls or came from Moses Lake last week i ' a b ' it to lo. k ()* some cattle. : the big Eastern cities along the with Mr. and Mrs. Pete W ilson.; it» > men had dinner with Mr and way! Jeanne had been visiting with two Mrs. M orfitt when they returned to of her sisters. Mrs. Russell Patton. the dam. ¿¿- . and M r' M arty McKim. Buddy Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gres-ley and will stay with his grandparents, Mr. i of O ntario called on his and Mrs E. E Crocker, for awhile children parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gress- Mr. and Mrs. Herm an Dolaff of plus Sunday evening. Salt Lake City and Mr and Mrs. ley, Mrs. tax Keith Moore and son cf No- \ Tom Rust of Nyssa called at the tus stayed with her sisters, Joan and Lynn Kygar home Friday evening Jeanne Crocker, Friday and Satur- Mrs Kygar and Mrs. Dolaff are day nights o n ’Sunday, Mr. Moore ; cousins. came to Crockers and spent the day $18.95* Mr and M rs^Keith K>gar of Par- and j^is wife ahd son home. Mr. ; California (Los Angeles) ma called at the Lynn Kygar home and ^ r3 \jeiyin Crocker and son Yellowstone ........... $10.10* Sunday afternoon and took Maxine ajs0 were y unaay gUests at the E. Pacific N.W. (Seattle) $12.30* home with them to spend a day or £ home. •p lu s to* tw Mr o- and . Mrs. Will McCleary of , Mr. and of Mrs. H atch and chiWren s ta r Dwain were Sunday guests Ask about the dozens of O ntario called a t the H arlan Koger ^he Donald H att home. complete Greyhound vacations home Sunday evening. Mrs. W erner Peutz and W anda that include hotel accommoda Mr and Mrs. Earl Himm an and and ^ rs . M orfitt returned home tions, transportation and special from McCall Thursday afternoon, sightseeing at one low cost! after visiting since Monday with Mr. | G reyh o u n d Term inal and Mrs Bill Peutz. a 511 Main Dial 9912 Bo Sreifhound Soft Ice Cream JiY Ä f f Owyhee heme Sundjry Mr. and Mrs. Duane Alters left last Friday m-rnir.g cn a brief va cation to the Oregon coast They expected to spend a few days m Hillsboro and Portland, Oregon and in Seattle and vicinity. They expect to be home the forepart of the week Alters is the editor of the G ate City Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elliot and children of Baker, Mr and Mrs. Sun Suits $ 1 .0 0 to $ 2 .9 5 Originally SI.59 - S4.25 Sun Dresses $ 1 .9 5 to $ 3 .9 5 Originally S2.95 - $5.95 USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN FOR "BACK-TO--SCHOOL" CLOTHING THE STORK SHOP 14 No. 3rd St. Dial 3020 114 Modern Pioneer Club Dial 2135 . j. Paris Nylons Men's Arygle Socks 3 pairs $ 2.00 3 for $ 1.00 Cannon Towels Ladies' Summer Sandals 51-Gauge 15-Denier Large and Heavy Assorted Colors 2 tor S 1 .0 0 Boys' Snipe Overalls Heavy Weight Irregulars Clearance Tlotv uouKnout! $ 1 .9 9 The answer to everyday Insurance problems* Boys' Knil Briefs Bib Overalls Small, Medium, Large Special Sale $ 1 .1 9 3 for $ 1.00 Large Selection of Ladies' Summer Dresses at V2 Price WILSON BROS. DEPARTMENT STORE 1 Dry Good* — Shoes — Clothing Your Philco and Zenith Televition Dealer BY RALPH LAWRENCE F O R M A L O P E N IN G Thursday, July 30 of the new Singer Sewing Center Ontario 369 So. Oregon IM m "Come in and get acquainted with Nora Bailey and Herman Freitag who will be there to serve Q you in all your sewing needs." ALL ARE ELIGIBLE Summer Dress Clearance Nyssa Mr. and Mr<. Dudley Kurtz re turned Monday from Portland. Mrs. George Schiemer, Mr«. S tan ley Hill and Mrs. M. I Kurtz a t tended the bridal shower given W ed nesday for Miss Mary Ellen Will iams. Mr and Mrs. Dick Kriegh atten d ed a picnic at the Jim Phifer home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jake Borge is attending a special course of schooling for teach ers at LaOrande for two weeks. Nancy Hill spent last week at the Hardy Fine home at Glenns Ferry. Judy Fine returned with Nancy to spend several days. There was a meeting for den mothers of the Cub Scouts a; the Gerald Slippy hem e Monday night. The Modern Pioneer club picnic will be held at 1 o’clock Sunday. Aug. 2. on the lawn of the M. L. Kurtz home. Carl Lee Hill. George Schiem er and the Rev Henry Moore spent Dial 2721 No matter what your work or profession, you are elig ible to GIVE BLOOD Wed , Aug. 12 To the Nyssa Blood Bank •If you’ll address your own in surance questions to this office, well try to give you the correct answers and there will be no charge or obligation of any kind. Nvss* ss* Ins Insurance A igancT 1». k’t Main Si DUI 25M Notions, Parts and Supplies New and Used Sewing Machines —the Famous Singer Vacuum Cleaners. Remember Singer Has All Three Machines . . . Straight Needles, Slant Needles & Swing Needles (zig-zag). Singer Sewing Ma chine company is proud to announce the opening of a new Sewing Center in Ontario to better serve our many cus tomers and to wel come new friends in Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho. Singer Sewing Center ‘ty p ic lolder. Individi kill level >tanda >f aver Westen whol >any of