Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1953)
Use Magic Next Time v’ Three Nysians. John Pah Johnnie Goddard and Glenr. B -r pen: the weekend fi ning a; M re-ervo.r. near Sh -hone Ida They reported the fi.-.hing : d 1 no good, although they were net en. . tirely ".-kunked " fc- t jt v r” ál i _ Savage. Dillon Will Enter BJC Steinke Top Bowman D elivers Your C h o ic e A n y Model T .V , Ny.' at . rjOT €x* ployed a: Vale took first place m the men's division of an arenery tournament held July 19 a: the course on Fr thill Dnve Lola S '.rx tr placed seoor.d fir the w men * th Margaret B.bbey fm.- fir< The club, known as the Oregon Trail B wmen. wa firmed la-: Marih I*, ha 32 memov. ■ 30 of whom took part in the tournament Eleven o.g runs in uve nr • ■ re Lo tne sec ond and one each in the fourth ana f.ftn. gave Waggoner Motors en. ugh margin Í r the game to be called at the end Í five as they de feated Berretti Serv.ce 15-3 in a S ftba.l .r à j.» game M n.ght Berrett • scores were made in the first a n : second innings off Lewis who gave up but seven hits and struck cut five batter Mass gave up only five hits, but was erratic and walked eight oatter- of them ir. me fir : inning W' -n was the heavy stiritman fer W'aggirar s c lie rung a heme run. tw -.r.gles and a i . l i in f ur t.m :- State Police Attend Special School Tw; msmb r- Schedule te pliy- W .m but one game lefi ec in the Nyssa 3:1 mu.. veetezd whi s>e focused tr on the league playcff- I-vague pit] .. ed T ue¿- day n-gnt. excep; f ;r a maxe-up game between W'ard and H oll-ng-v:r:h Pa. ..c.par.t^ m me . e a g u e pla. off- cannot be determine: until tr— game is played, frr it- . : . M t ha a bearing cn second place -r. th first half standing Tne d -u ile el.m.r.u.. r. .. are -e: oy tr.e S;ftbull C .m n i- . . v - ^ • • * ».ad; OM.ia. a3} A..— - j with two game- ea:i. A f.nal single game w.ll oe play-. Tuesday if r.ece--a:y Top twe team; .r. ea r. half w.l W'edding s were the :. r.pit; m the play- :: tin tc draw fa-m n .r. tr.e 6X)-bI:<k cf N'.rtfc mar.acer. ~f the f : ur :e ur.: street curing the pa t ;w ; weeks for cppcner.ts and tune play play w:th three families reporting a total As schedule: Team V f 40 years of married life. Team No 2 in 'tr.e f gam Friday Mr ar.d Mr- Turner 611 No. right ar.d Team Nc 3 w-.ll play 2nd -treci ce.ora ted their 10th ar.- Ttam No. 4 :n the second came Saturday nigh: the i ser f Fr.- .. > c. a..» - _. .• —.—N.r.-. I ur r.:r by t :m e wn..» ..:r nu.-und. day’s first game will play the loser __ ng of the second game a: 7 30 the win ; .ay: d ::. sail m the evening They ners of Friday's game? playing the . u ve :w : ch*lircn, Mary June and Samuel. i ght . air. ar.d Mr; Dick \ -it . 613 No Monday night tr.e 1: r f Satur day's second game will play the i - t - 2nd street, were manned 18 yearn of that night's first game with ag j July 22 Mrs. Yost celeb-ated the the winner of this game playing the event in part oy spending two weeks with her mether daughter and other of - -e: nd game If a Tuesday nigh: game .- re c relatives a: Tacoma Wash., her hus ce--ary. the two winners . f Monday band joining her there July 16 and night’s games whl play for the both returning July 20 On the an league championship ar.d the right niversary date, however. Mr.-. Yost t: enter the district p la y -:if- which spent the evening a: home while hubby umpired a ball game. are scheduled or next week M: and Mrs Lecr.ard Hewett. 624 Sec end hai: standings are North 2nd street w.ll celebrate their lows: 12th anniversary next Wed- TEAM w : i I) AUg 5 - - .... T alec's Feed 5 Thev have one daughter Jean LD3 2nd Ward 4 Mr ar.d Mrs B.ll Wahler: resid Waggoner M : r- 3 ing in the next bloik : : 530 North Be.-rett's Service 2nd street, celebrated their 13th aa- Hollingsworths' r.lver-ary cn May 12, the ceKbratior. May Trucking taking the firm of a dinner date •-AH games forfeited with friends They have four chil dren. William. Jr., Tone. Raymond and Mary Lee MEIU HINTS TRAVEL TO OSC BOISE. BI T NO GAME A : tied tiled 3 rc?r league between Hsre's fair warning to Oregon N;. a Mtr riant »r.c B .-e went n sjcir.t Tr.e state p;l:ce have been .r.p .jv e i Fr.iay r.ight after tr.e ... il team j. .ri.eyec to B-:>e only to a: Oreg r. State college, bcnir.g up UM |«aM b e d beer, c a n or. changes .n state laws. celled One : f the changes effect.-, e in No w rd had beer, received here • > pick-up tr - c £ gin • For Dial : ab j *. the cancellation accord:.".« to a 6000-p.ur.d lead Another c f the D ruue Herrtn. a-s:>:am bu.-.ness 724 newt laws passed by the 1963 Antenna Inste la.ion manager o f tr.e Merchants who legislature permits a fisherman to aid his team would cla.m a forte.t prop his pole ar.d dangle his line m Your T .V . Dealer of the game the water unattended if he .- near by . STAKE TO G IVE P A G E A N T Sixty--even recruits attended the PETERSON A >a:red pageant. 'T h e Message special pilice school the first two of the Age- whi be presented Aug. week^ All-to-gether. 391 liquor a- FURNITURE CO. 7 by members o f the Weiser L D 3 gents. fish ar.d game officers and ta<- a; one Weiser Mem rial park state p:Lce have been getting .»ten- W e G iv e S A 11 G r e e n S t a m p i e training in such < • a* dis- U M pjg^ar.t which attracted 20- arming, game identification mak 0>3 persons last year, is free. •Approval of Credit ing arrests and motor vehicle law- USE JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADS GRAHAMS RETURN HOME AFTER TWO WEEKS TRIP Mr and Mr- Dor. Graham return ed home this week-end after -pend ing two week* visiting friends and relative« They v. .ted Mr and Mr George Kilpatrick at Yakami. Wash Mr ar.d Mr- Raymond Graham at Quincy, and Mr and Mr Edward Barry at Revelr.oke B C They were 220 Main Street J .r.ed in Revelstcke by Mr and Nvssa Mr- A B Gray cf Winnepeg B C and the group traveled together to Vacation Days Ahead . . Sun Glasses with Colored Mr and Mr- Tr. mas P Gray at Vancouver Lenses, ground to your Individual Prescription will They aso visited Grand Coulee make Your Vacation more Enjoyable. dam and did a little fishing while they were away. Miss Doris Rigney. Nyssa, was Mr and Mrs. Thomas P Gray re D ial 6649 . . . or come in at your convenience turned with them to visit ir. Nvssa pictured on the front cover of the July 19 issue of "The Lookout ", Colleen Bybee, Carilee and Karma tffical magazine of the Internat Ke.-1er -per.: la-: Sunday picnicking ional Society of Christ-ar. Endeavor, during that organization'^ 42nd con arai sum m ing near Starkey vention m Denver. C.lo. June 22 to 27 She wao shown with Dr Ernest R Bryan, pres.dent cf the Internat ional Society, and Dr. Gene Stone, general secretary M:*i Rigney won third place in NIGHT the national c:l.zensh.p award spon sored by the society for her essay. "A Letter to My Congres-man." A cash pr.ze of $75 and presentation at the program were the awards 17 in.—1 6 9 . 9 5 21-in.— 1 9 9 . 9 5 Dr. G eorge E. Cobern Optometrist C.E. Magazine Has Picture of Nyssan 1954 TV PRICE FLASH ! f JALOPY RACES Aug1. 5 RODEO PARK /Tr 'P H I L C O G O LD E N G R ID AT NEW LOW PRICES FOR ’54 ! Tcxlay in th«» entire T V industry, nothing matches the fame of I’ hilco (¡olden (¡rid television. Now it's here— new for 1954- at the lowest price in I’ hilco history! Shipments just arrived include the I’hilco Model -1002, shown above, with new larger 21-inch picture. Come in — l>e among the first to see it. New 1954 PHILCO TV JUST ARRIVED Beginning at S179.95 /«WuJn/,» A æruuitionnl Itargain in quality— the I’ hilco 3000 with 17 in« h pic ture. In richly-atyled cabinet it ■ tha biggnat value newa of the year. T a x a id NYSSA. OREGON Trial Runs Begin 8 P.M. Daredevil Drivers WILD RECKLESS ---------- • ----------- W a rra n ty Thrills— Spills EASY TERMS Antenna Installation Com plete Installation of Aerial and TV Receiver Admission $1.00 by Trained Personnel. All Work Guaranteed Approved by- Wilson Bros. Depf. Slore Idaho State Racing Association SH o m . D ry Goods and Clothing Philco — Zanith Sponsored by Dial 2721 o TaUvision Daalari N yi O w yh ee R iding Club f the Nv cf 19S3 be th prominent hav* been accepted by 3 . e M r ..:: c.: liege f;r ihnen*. -h. fill Tnev are Wa her 3 D.Ilcr. son of Me a:.c Mrs Warren D..i:r. and Dav.d Savage son : i Mr and Mrs Darner. Savage. Dillen whl study business a:m m - - t r a t .or. arm aa.age w .l er.r:., f.e li of agriculture acccrdir.g ‘***9 to “■>- a relea:« frem 3JC officials A fiur-vear leiiermar. and a. uve m. f ur sports Savage xas a nreir- oec cf the ai1-conference f quad. Dillen Tas a basketball let: : :x a n ar.d a member . : . team Wed. Anniversaries Fashionable on No. 2 Ny -a B y scouts who attended the National Boy Scout Jamboree at Santa Ana. C alif, are h.m e now. B^f »re the' left one of their num ber was app inted reporter for the Gate City J urnal. charged with the duty f sending daily accounts cf :.-.e annual en m. -.mer.t to the J 2nd Ward Loses 8-0 to Tobler's; Waggoner's Wins T : bier's Fttd of the second h ball league w:tl m.g LDS 2nd pitching nigh: behind of G Bsrxer. ,p but four hits, R Skeen ga cr.e a home run by Andy Anderson, and pi'.ched tight tall m the pmche.- to : ut 13 Tobler batters, four c f them on called strikes. hast en sail.- ar.d eig.v. errors by team- mate- however, proved too great a disadvantage to overcome aga.nst tne cne-errcr ball of Tcbler's. Barker also had 13 strikeouU, but walked only two men. In ;.-.e fir-: game, Waggoner Mo tors tripped up Rolling-worths' 5-2 after Waggoner’s was held scoreless until the s.xth inning. The Farmers ¿cored early, putting cr.e run across in the f.rst Inning ar.d another in the thuxi, but from there on thev could not fathom the slants cf L Lewis. All of Waggoner’s scoring wa; dcr.e in the sixth. USE JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADS . f t MO mUt a mtii • DOLLAR BARGAIN 'Æ / • Clip This Coupon It is good for SI on any $10 item at Firestone Store Dormeyer Mixer Reg. 29.95 19.93 33-pc. Drill Set Reg. 31.50 17.99 Cold Pack Canners TV and RADIO Reg. 2.10 1.79 REPAIR Use O ur Convenient Tubes, Antennas, Parts BUDGET PLAN HERB'S DON B MOSS RADIO SERVICE FIRESTONE STORE Nvssa, Ore. 501 Main 417 M ain D ial 2124 W€ STAND BETWEEN you AND LOSS! LLOYD WILSON INJURED Lloyd Wilson received injuries Sunday when he was helping to erect a television ar.ter.a a: the Robert Wilson home He slipped and fell and cut his foot on a guide wire making it necessary to have stitches in his foot ar.d toes p ke to us at some of the services. That night we had a btg show with V.:e President Nixon as guest of honor." Monday morning By Scout Th ma- delivered in person to the .: • ‘ .. c his final cep rt cf the jam b ree His day-by-day ac- t v ur.i » dow “July 22—Today we we:.: - v.m- It was or.iy last Saturday that the .ir»t and on.y c.m m um cai.cns ar mir.c f r the last time. After .-wtm- :.r Th:s after- rived at the Journal office—two a.r- no,.r. and evening we traded some mail letters p tmarked July 23. :r. . ail .r. a’.i this was a pretty Al.hough t late tc be informa eventful day. tive the letter- are being published luly 23 Th m rnl • here becau.-e f numero us inquirie- dc much of anything, but ir. the af- a- to why the Jourr.a! has had no ternoon we took dewn all our extra new- of the jamboree by direct com- te n - ,.nd the big gateway Many of during the past three .; - t- i pictures -• we could weeks. :et the camp and gateway before The day-by-day accounts of Dick they came down Th :na -, -on cl Mr ar.d Mrs. Oc- Th:- evening we went to a show mar.d Thomas, fallows •ner at the arena for the closing of Jui> 10—We left Nampa at two the jam ». ree We told some of the o'clock on the tram, after a picnic m story of Scouting ar.d sang a few the park We picked up the Boise songs. hoys at 2 30 We ate supper in Sho- After the how we came back to shone. Ida . at 6 00 We went back to camp and slept under the stars. ! the train then "July 24—Today we took down the II—We got into Sparks at rest of our camp, cleaned up the 12 30 We saw Virginia City and the area, and go onto the tram. This -:ght-s We then went into Rer.o evening we went through Death where we had a swim and saw the Valley ar.d it was really hot Most of : city We got back on the train and us didn’t even use our sleeping bags I started for San Francisco. “July 25—Today we gw into Salt "July 12—We got into Oakland Lake City at about 12 00 We then about 9 30 We rode across the Bay at« lunch m Pioneer park and went and -aw the city of Sar. Francisco, out to Saltair Amusement park and Then we took a tour o f the Bay We went swimming there Then we came *l»o saw the Cliff House that day. back into town about 4 45 and saw July 13—O ot into the Jamboree the city of Salt Lake as buddies Orounds today and had a good lunch. That evening we again ate in Pio- Ther. we set up camp all afternoon r.eer park and some of us saw a "That's all for now " 3-D movie and some of us saw the Thr Second Letter Follow«: rest of Sale Lake City We then get “July 14—Today we oaw Holly- on the train and started for home, wood and Los Angeles We saw a “July 2d—This morning we got planetarium in O n ffith park We into Shoshone. Idaho, but about 6:00 ■Uso saw a show called “ A Trip to and ate breakfast at the school which the Moon" in the We had was served by the P T A. After lunch m Or:ffith park breakfast we had a short church "July IS- Today we saw Sar. Diego service. We then got on the train aoo and Tlajuana. Mexi©> We had and - tailed for Nampa We stopped ar. hour to spend ir. Tlajuana end ir. Boise about 10 45 and dropped off m - t of a -took advantage of U all the Bc:-e k.ds and one Nyssa July 16—We went to Long Beach boy, Tom Sallee We then started am . -«»mer.t pars today Many c f for Nampa again We got mto Nam- us rode on the roller coaster and the pa about 11:40 ar.d got o ff of the high ride We .-pent almost all of tram Most of us were dirty and our money there ured but rt was fun. "July 17—Today the Jamboree “ All the kid< from Nyssa really pened We put on a show that had a wonderful time There were night for which we were the girls in no sickness nor bad accidents in the <<)<jare dance, Troop 30 and we were commended "July 18—We went swimming to- highly on staying together and hav day We had ttargg buddy checks ing a good clean campsite. We while swimming We then traded are all thankful to Don Benson and that afternoon. Dusty” Rhodes our scoutmasters. July 18—Most o f us went to who helped us have a very good oh arch today V.«.e Frws.dent N.*on Urne at the jan .» ree IDAHO FISHING ENJOYED Dr Jchn Ol en and Fred Hulir.g. Ontario, and their, wives re turned Sunday for a weekend fishing trip to the L.ttle Salmcr. river In Idaho They reported lots of trout, but ns salmon. RECREATION TEAMS TO PL A A' BALL AT ONT ARIO Summer recreatin ba-eball teams w.ii play two games at Ontario Mon day. All players are reque-ited to meet at the City park at 4:15 p m. Ar rangements are also being made to play Fayette in the near future. LOSTINE FIVER Nyssa F F A boys Harrry Bum- gamer, Disk Corfield, Clarence Hart, Stanley Byers. R.ger Baker. Niel Tenser, and Lyle Ar.dersor. ar.d their id visor, Dw.ght W yckoff returned Tue-day evening after spend-ng 5 days in the Lostir.e River territ'ry They reported poor fishing because the r.vers were frozen. Boy Seoul Reporler Sends Belated Reooris of Naiional Seoul Jamboree i Bob Thompson Agency Dial 3355 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and Roto-Rooter Sev/or Service BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE Dial 2322 Nvssa Fitted Pie Cherries In 30 Pound Tins FISCHER S LOCKER SERVICE FARM ERS Do You Need a Good Used Truck? W e H ave a 1941 G M C — N ew Engine Guarantee N ea rly N ew Tire* Fair Bewt Bod See Leo Fife or Dial 3189