THE NYSS\ GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY JULY 30. 1953 Kingman Kclcny Poll-anna ( Itib Dial 2*55 N.t-: IliUer pre idem . f C m Ore gon S:a:e Jersey ciuo, and Mr. and Mrs. John G -le . f Candy, Ore call ed at the A1 and Herschel Thomp son home» Sunday evening. The Htrschel Th< mp>ons attend ed the picnic in the Nampa park Sunday afternoon. Joyce Bower- was heme over the week end She has been visiting the Clyde Buwers. Mr and Mrs, James Phifer and girls were over to Charles Borers' Thursday evening to help Chuck celebrate his lffth b.rthdav Mr and Mrs. Bill Toe mb and Cliff 3 .»un: n; atte -.ded the Idaho State M. and Mr- I>a. \ twra.t a • N UB * ter.utd the lira »** .r, t'a.d- Sunday. well ■ Sunday i •' e H I cl.ib met with Mi We— Du;..i Hm vu a din: tr of ’ey Ptercy Tuesday afternoon. Ala:: F a h reroru ,S u n d a y Mr Jame> gave a picnic on her M ! M W. I W • p ■ i vn Tue-day in honor of the birth land were visitors Tue-day night day- of her mother, Mrs Bill Toomb, < \i ana Wayne Piercy It » a - attended Lynn Hurst, and family. bv Dick Kreigh and family, Reuben Mr and Mr- We-ley Piercy at Graham and family. Wesley Piercy tended the Grange picnic at Cald and family. Wayne Piercy and fam well and took their daughter. Ariene. ily. Mr and Mrs. Bill Toomb and and her daughter, Linda, with them Cliff Beaumont. Louise and Onetty Piercy and M s. Barbara, Linda and Louise Brewer Wesley Piercy shopped in Ontario helped Karen Phifer celebrate her Friday. birthday Wednesday. Karen was Mrs. Art Sparks, her daughter, nine years old. They enjoyed ice Shirley, and Mrs. George DeHaven cream and cookies. attended the shower at the United Jack Elliot; started combining Presbyterian church Wednesday in grain for John Thiel Saturday. honor o f Mary Ellen Williams who Swede Carlson went fishing up to is to married to Fred Defier Aug 6 Cascade last week William Price of Ontario spent a few days at his parent’s heme this week PRICE SENSATION o ftA e fe a r ... m e, astounding performer . . . rated by Motor Trend Magazine next to Cadillac as the out standing car oj the year . . . as the safest car of all 20 makes tested . . . and as the best car in handling. The low price means monthly payments will be excen- tionally low. See i t . . . drive it. C O M E IN . . . T R A D E IN FO R A NE*.V C A R TH A T H ELPS PAY FO R ITSELF IN S A V IN G S ROBERTS-NYSSA 2nd and Good Nyssa, Ore. Katherine and Johnnie Thiel fin ished picking cherries a ; Fred Stev enson’s Friday. Henry Reuter and family, Mrs. Hatch. Mrs. Art Sparks, Freddie Schafer, the Berle Phifer children and Arnold Strawn called at the Theil home to watch television Fri day evening. Dick Kreigh and family from Newell Heights district were Thurs day evening callers at the Oscar Schafer home The Oscar Schafer family called at the Claud Day home Friday even ing to watch television. Lots of people in the vicinity art enjoying television lately. Mrs. Dick Kreigh and children, Mr.-. Oscar Schafer and Freddie and two Bessendorf boys enjoyed tele vision at Thiel’s Thursday evening. Fern Hatch and Mrs. Art Sparks were in Boise on business Friday and while there they called on Ellen Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. James Phifer and girl« called at the Paul Cleaver home Friday evening. Mrs. Sam Cleaver has been visit ing at the Paul Cleaver home this week. Mrs. Cleaver is Paul Cleaver’s grandmother. Mr and Mrs. Metis were visitors at the Paul Cleaver home Saturday. Willie Conant’- niece. Miss Shirley Conant. spent the week end at the Conant home. The Oscar Schafers were business callers in Caldwell Friday. Little Cheryal and Lyle McKee have been staying with their grand parents, Mr and Mrs Walter Pink ston. The children plan to be with them about a month or more while their mother is working. Guests at the N. P. French home Wednesday night were Mrs. V. A. Wills Wiley o f Cairo Junction. Sgt. and Mrs. Reed Ray returned to their home Sunday after spend ing two weeks here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ray. Sgt. Rav, who was here on furlough, reported back to Stead Air Force base in Reno. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Newman and family and Gary Wieneke were din ner guests Wednesday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Glea Billings. | BOISE PAYETTE GIVES YOU FOR Y O U R 2 Vi GAL. CONTAINERS S3.98 Ideal for Home Freezers or Lockers ASSORTED FLAVORS JUMBO QTS. hand dipped 69c DOUBLE-DIP CONES 5c 1 1 Dollar Day Prices Effective a i ita ta y »ju i ui va va y * u lai a va ta y # j la y ox a ulj , a ~ l * Pea v i r e » s siiced n°- 2vi Preserves s s . - Pirn>aPple Tomatoes s a . . Tun Q Syri Shoi Fry< Ground Beef 41« ’1 5 lof REMEMBER Your Boise Payette Yard will provide ■ b lT S B^ise Payette offers such a wide selection of plans, you’re certain to find the one that will make your new house a "home" — the home you've always wanted. What's more — behind each ^ zi«- i £ • 3 *0^ Clearwater For a quick lunch Lumberjack 24-oz. 1 ft 1 1 1 I T ^ 1 ^ i°r Half-slice No. 2 J _v g 3 fOF 3 lbs. Popular brands Young. Tender * Lb. ^ ^ 33 < of these individual plans has years of experience and building “know how" — the experience and knowledge that makes it possible for you to have — MATERIALS at lowest cost — those extra conveniences you may not otherwise feel you con afford. Plan* for the above illuvfrated home are av a il able at your local Boise Payette yard. They can be Weiners Sauer Kraut 2 lbs Red Rose 1 Both for 1 can Del Nonle 8 ^ E d ch Pure Beef 1 used as prepared or Boise Payette con adapt the plans to fit your individual needs. AlAAM GF F0 1 : and FINANCING Start y o u r b u ild in g p la n s w ith a v isit to — W e Carry a Complete Line of CANNING and FOOD LOCKER Supplies Nyssa Dial 2830 Æ W à V L MARKET 6th & Main at the "Y* Nyssa FROZEN FOODS SPECIAL ORANGE JUICE 6-oz.—Minute LEMONADE 6-oz.—Minute 3 for 59c Made 3 for 59c Made