Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1953)
tut - ! NYSSA GATE C IT Y T O U R N A I . N T S S A . O R E G O N THURSDAY JULY *: 1353 r?e Pulii peer L 33 of Sysi* M: Oer.e nae cruel ret; HUiiSAi ci a progressiv* f i u t Mr w: S —.day aftemi. city m en, .■V» f i - . T Fr Mr R. inure Frer.dlir.e j ÌZ -- co-eper»:.:s cn th* part if if visa folk a ouatand- ri N« w P i r a : •-«»-, f g CTOifS George Pu-¿.?h er Saturday mg o a tA T tn ........................ Editor and Publi»ber raoêt iifpu cà. evemng Lehe Jesiie Prar.k.« • r.d DI í M R II T1 ■ * -O — -£ ù L - i . h i f re tur ned ; ; n « with her iha: ‘.íes* ;i f 2 lltr. JOîES ET H U :D H N V O ' I - A d tirtW M >•»“ * * i ‘ rt trtarc th* D- : i an en- ir pena the w- D u n « R Alter» and G*o L. Wtortoo Owner» Tr.:.-« itler.d. ar.v trrpeitn f c -rmmunny • - ^ ' la :' rr preme m Ny a Friday e-, -r - 3 . Gt l Whcr: «h * Tn* «ran ger on™ SUBSÍ RIPTION R ATES w .;h t* ed : :r tue Gate City fr.erdly greei.r ? an; *. e mt Jcumal 1 re vacatici ".c an Idah an r an and farmer i- en: _*;¿ge-d In M i - '.* - ' O - . - '- i Or e r - - - ■ and :a n _ ; Mr • - i«_ . - -, - - .* K.imard- and Payer.* and Canyon r.; this Trek a real :p p:r- - e cc-opera:. Mrs San; M iC -m e . and Mr and H iii:rded the writer a voice :n every ocra.-.::: Counties. Inumi an mon ci Jar: what the gay _________ * » » T tr miere : .Í the lärm er m nt Mrs Paul Thomson and fumly " a n ; ? -enter -i Mr a n : M :■ A ? Che-nev v_ .tee ! ». Staat river thmks ?» Ny=sa progress of h E. £ the C AA, a:r ^s the r.Ter. ci course, evidence cf a a srt hgalthy r:n - w.ifc Mr and Mr Harry Larson a: Í : und .hat the New Plymouth Saturday -r* ed - Oreytn i :lc a n d . dmion. Selltm . per year — -------------- A3 30 ar C-rrynne Pry who u w rrt.r ; an :'-v:t. due tc the fact :ha: farmer cakes an ínteres: m m 5mg> Copie* a -'--X« near Or.:ar. : n s;-e : with Scnetly x. Ad Tance) ............... » pr per :v ci ne e:t;cn cf rdns pal affairs and here i f a n t and IV ec - -rest : r*. . . . . . . - rea v.’ a ly si- sets an example that m-uh: we_ —er * »=• : « • - ...- -y .der; rejardlei^ :i the set a standard f:r ether nearoy ot-m r e _ mi y PuaLuhed every Thursday at Nyu*. Malneur C;ur.:y. Oreg: n. __ ____________ njey— ï a fu fahmg plate he may c a l heme be :: On;- xu _________ Farmer- ci th-s area be- Er.ycrm» hm j tr.p tc Silver Lvereä a: the at Systa. Orejen fir trunumiusian kray to the Chamber t : -merce T-r-zi h : vfrek were Terr ir:;. Payette cr Nyasa .der through the Cm'ed Snate» « a d s as second ilaus matter. Bn-in*ssmen ci the Pa s rette area and help to prim ::* proyecte which j_?"- lr-: I-*0 « » t a r i * and P a „ alwavs have their ear no the ground reflect to the credit ci cne-r heme H rajar :ii* act of March 3 1379 Mr and Mn ■hartes D a-dt :f r.- isr a Sv- a .s F*ay- towm. th Mr l c t> peepie have the tptmea that S im m p f up the while s,*.uahoc Payette nsned Vys a is itr.una'^ tn haring a most the writer is convinced chat Nyssa parents Mr an Mr A ? Ches- V em on L. T aylor M inister r.a a great iu '-t r ;u - -- -ay- H i i m . church school, far: the t.: vr. .- ra.otd.’y i r?*r.f - mg th* ftundu::cn irr on* oí the ar.»a;--ia=nrr perhaps "han i_n y mosz pr : freisi re c;:.« m Ea^em l l a m . s : n c ? worship F IR S T - 1 -r cimmunity in the St ake nrer Oregon. 7pm T : u:h F e l •* h-p Church of Christ •. sley The common impress:- n or. Tr.«re is only :r.< fault fr:m the lH K I>TLAN •he ether ':de ci the river s 1 Q ftancp:.r.t c i i:. Id:he un und tha: Austin J. H jihnrv*»rth. M.n;>ter L D S 1st \\ ARD eiirct tr.a: Nys.-a has a greaie ■ p>~ i> the fui: -hv: Nys u is cn me Gordon Ray. B 'hop It a m 3 .ble som 1 Dan Penna*. wring side of Sr..ike river Tr.ere . 9 15 a m. priesthood meeunj. • ' u 3*^3 ír.á : every stJACcr i thè ì Ì T jjs ¿ W hj i y 30 a m Sure ay sch. * > id m g trid.r.c area Th.1 «ral read- and the wruer r:r.vmce-d that the E stim ate s G la d ly G iv e n ly tar. oe acc-implshed by the pur- enterprts» ar.d pr: jreiitver.e-s cn ‘ Chi. N. suit : Í present methods—a real ccn- the part ci Xys-a res.der.ti mu t d * Tuesday. 2 p m . releí society. Wedre day 4 p m primary. 7 30 scic-uness cn the part ci every in- due to me fart that at ne t me m Phor.e 3-2452 d.v.d -al :i his cblçaticn tc his ccm- their Ives they m—-: have Ived m ASSEM BLI OF GOD am MI A . mum:y .r. constantly premoting Ny- Payene. Rev Haskell Friend. Faster --a and the farmers oi the a r e a . -------------------------- South 2nd and Reece Ave. L. D. S înd W IP 'D The i t .-eigner fro m across the riv Panr.a. Idaho 512 A r c a d ia 10 a m_. S unday school D Hubert Christensen. Bishop er is somewhat en vie-us ci Nyssa 11 a. tn . morning w .rshup 3 15 a m priesthood mss-.hi. Er.wrus, pernap^ ci the industria, I p m . evangelistic sen ice 10 30 a m Sunday school cevexpmer.t and the resultant large Tuea. 8 p m . prayer aemce 8 p m. sacrament meetmg vilume oí bus-res1 der.ved there r r _ 8 p m. y< peip.e T-escay 2 p m releí sc:.« y in m Tr.ere are íew cc mm unities the Farmerette» Clnb Wednesday. 4 p m pruaarr 8 - ^ oí N'ys-a which ran boast oi the THE CHVRCH OF 1 H I m dastrai parrei enyiyed here As a H i io fit und n tw 4-H livestock _ -e county ia.r was the demon ____________ 1 f — it of th » M rge ii.-mmg area up- NAZAREVE G tW F IIT H L U I HER IN C H lR L H che commun I depend treuon gtveo by l uaey Agent G il- Robert Jackson. Pastor indU'-.ry f. ur.-he- and Pusmes^nen Ä r. Ma in T .r-ia -. ev.-mng a: the 10 a m . Sunday school Fifth Street and Park Avena* 11 p. d , merndrg wirship -- • "ne : : N . A . r na.l - .-.. John L. Brief. 1. Pastor 7 p m . N y P S and Junior meet- F - h me are b — t in i ceneri, çue-t-m : nceminf ...e- 1 0 a m . Sunday school •r-e bank mm ia--.r.g- :t Tere - - : ne D - M re lag' 11 * m . divine wertinp 7 45 p m. evangelistic service. Wed , 8 p m . education class. Lng You are c-ordialy invited to wor -- the Malheur hospital- ' 3 -n a Nedablek returned COM M UNITY METHODIST ship with us. a most eiiuiier.t m ;*..tuuor. standing Sunday Irtm visiting ,-everal "57! days ( H I R< H a a tribute t: the eiiirt cf a pr e- her grandparents .n Grandview community There n net an- wa^h other :i th_- type in me Veloa Sam-els and Car:, ar.d Ear- entire v ile y built'.y thriueh aa^a Montague ruled cn Mr ar.d the generosity of a proeres .ve cit- y ri .vr.m Kersey anc Steven T u e - ze.-.ry Other hospitals m the area evening Arvin and Lets have have beer, w:tr. iur.d? derived jg g recently r r . e c ;; me :ld I from irnd issues or are privately ^ e r place and A m n j> employed oy financed Nvi^a is to be congraruiat- m c Sewel Mi and Mr 3« q i M l at - Or.e of the first ccn ¡.derations oi e-d a pm>thle party a: the home oi a stranger m a community is the V r Jake Grcot m Nyssa I in «. \ T i : < in JO I K V 'I . A lon g The EDITOR'S BEET J M ' henne Sunday afternoon were Le-le B i.r of Sp kur.e. Wa n.. C iu r li 3ile i Ten Da-. , and Stanley Baie -r _r.d 3 oo;. an; De.. App.e Vai- ..chances are it's a W A Y R A T H ! L H L ItC II World's largest selling. Mayrath loaders moved the wheat used in 5 out cf 8 loaves of bread baked in the U.S. in 1951. They do the work of 15 m for themselves in a you money. NOTES MEULLER FU RNACES— LINK BELT STOKERS SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR VOUR M0NEV BACK SIZES 16,21, 27, 34 and 41 ft. H EATING GEORGE J. KINZER B&M Equipment Co. D ia l 2207 Nu Acres News p m . M IA .:me W E SLAUGHTER BEEF FOR HIDE, Cut, Cure, W ra p and Freeze STATE INSPECTED MEATS ichocl system ar.d from this stand- point is most attractive A physical school plant, m e« modern and eiiicsent wil attract mire pe-iple to the community ar.d here agam Nyssa has provided another cf Wednesday aiiemoc-r. Tr.e Do-Mire 4-H Sew-mg girls mf. r.d 1 Kat.e Hawes ar.d her mother on Thursday Ii..s Chmd- grer home demonstration agent, ris.ted the club and answered the --------- --------------------- ----- ---------------- CATHOLIC C H l'R CH Park Avenue and Third Street Rembert Ahle*. O. F. M. Mass Sunday a: 3 and 10 a m and duly at 8 a m. Saturday. 10 a m . Catechism ’ girls questions concerning their sew- ^ M n Alvie lar.iear returned heme with Paul Thomsen and family Sai- mday to spend the weekend Bar- bara Thomaor. returned to Caldwel Sunday tc spend the week with he- aum. Mrs Floyd Ames ____________________________ Mr MEATS 1 m ile N o r ih . k O N T H E P U R C H A S E OF Any S6.95 CARD TABLE Thursday — Fri day — Saturday Mrs G - rge Hagler family vis.led w-.ih Mr anc SL:. A P Chesr.ey Sunday evening. Friday evening Baroara Da ■ f Ontario and Mrs B .l Hansen cf Pruitlar.d called on Mary Jo Jen kins. The girls are former c.’n; <- mates Saturday afternoon. Mary Jo ailed or. Mr Har. -m : her new baby In the evening the girls attended a shcT at Ontano. Mr ar.d Mrs G e rge Pulipher . R Smith allende; tha ' •• oal game .n Nampa Saturday even- ihg CHURCH OF CHRIST M Parma. Idaho few d i' with Mr ar.d Mr- Ge rge Hagler f Apple Valley Prwn .- . McConnel Ave. ran „ , • . -V. e children O. F. Robinson. Mini‘ t«^ Mr ar.d Mr Harold Neil-en 10 a m , Bhle study. :w.r. -nr.- frem Av :ca. Is arrtv 11 a m . memmg w. tip. here V r.dav to v: .- w.-'t it.- un 8 p. m . Sunday evening -errice Mr Wednesday. 8 p m B.ble study. N-.l-en Sunday the Harold Neil FREE METHODIST CHURCH vnd Ed N-Jsen famtli:s hod a p - Adrian. Oregon : the Cl.ff-'rd Neilser. home 10 a m . church school M Mr A ? Chi • 11 a m. morrung worship T H IS COUPON WORTH S I . 0 0 CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Christian Center Mission East 2nd andThrgood iO a m . Sunday school. 11a m . morning worship 7 30 p m.. evangelistic service. ----------- ADRIAN CO M M UNITY CHURCH Henry rl Mi>ore Pastor 10 a m . Bible school 11 a m . morning worship. 11 a. m . Junior church. H O PKINS W H O LESALE */ e?t ^0 tad T H IS COUPON WORTH S I . 0 0 4 m ile W e s t on C o lu m b ia A v e . $ - Day Values In .■ ç fw fi ¿xir 1 Lot of Diamonds «t 20 % off .00 Delivers Y o u r Choice Any L A M P in Ihe house Many designs, styles * • ) THIS COUPON WORTH 3 1 . 0 0 7 - vX MISSIONARY BAPTIST ( 11UR< H Elder Lee Jolliff. Pastor 10 a m , Sunday school 11 a. m.. morning worship. 8 p m . even mg worship Wedne dav. 8 p m.. prayer service. ST. PAUL s EPISCOPAL C HI Rc H Rev. Carl Gross. Rector M im ing w r-h .p and Sunday school. 9:30 a m O N THE P U R C H A S E OF ■ es # 1 Special! Special! T.V . M ETAL and STRAP We bave what you want Oil C hange . . . Key to Better M otoring S-A-D is the word for oil when full of Sludge, Acids and Dirt. Spare needless engine wear by periodic oil change. Let us look into it to- dav! V / DEAL YOURSELF THIS STACK OF DOLLARS Pleasure with Your Car, * GOOD b r in g H In i C u f It F O R $10.00 GOOD On A n y S tite fa r r h M fd ovt — b r i n g It I n i F O R S5.00 On Any \ D n r to » Owr D t lls r D * n P la tfo r m R o r k r r P u rrh a «rd D u rin g O ur D o lla r D a r » 1 7 in— 1 6 9 . 9 5 H a ve It 21-in.— 1 9 9 , 9 5 Coslume Jewelry 7 5 c each 127 Main Bui For Complete Driving DEAL YOURSELF THIS STACK OF DOLLARS be aure to W A T C H BANDS PAULUS HIGH CHAIR V7 \ Cwf It 0 ¥ t — A n y M odel ON THE PURCHASE OF A Dial 3211 For Antenna Installation Y o u r T.V. Dealer JEWELRY PETERSON FURNITURE CO. Me Give S A H Green 'lump* D ia l 8618 •Approi’al of Credit "SUM M ERIZED" By Our Experts BERRETTS ) { - Service Dial 2346 INTERMOUNTAIN giumilü r* com 1 pany I s.iuJrn o . w EVERYTHING FOR YO U R HOME PHONE 176-W 19 N 2ND ST. NYSSA. OREGON