Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1953)
THE N 7 S S \ G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L . N Y S S A . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y . J U L Y 30. 1953 PAGE TWELVE N Y S S A ARK.A LEAD S IS B LO O D D O N A T IO N S (Continued iron) I 'a j f 1) Suggestions Listed 83 Percent 52-53 By V A to Avoid Taxes Collected, Delay In Checks Sherlif Reports NEIGHBORING TOWN TOPICS Information on Traffic Mishaps Given By State 1UU L A i t i'O C L A S S I F Y L O S T — Pur»e containing valuable papers. Reward for return Jennie Oustierrez. Rt l, Ontario, care of Jack Downs. 29-ltp. putting forth a united effort on this Payet.e— K. var.iar.- it their regu a dutch oven in smoldering ashC' drive. W ell known are the polio epi- lar meeting Tuesday neon learned .a tes!— The Hailey Time». <iemic> the commun.ty ha- ,-uffered If you tangle fenders with another Malheur county taxpayers have about migrant farm workers and Some common-sense rules have air ady paid $1 630.027 41 of their some of the problem» of a these pa.'t year' and the develop W ider— "Oh, It was a wonderful car in Oregon, the chances are 20 to LO S T — Tuesday, alligator wallet ment of gamma globulin as a retard been issued by the Veterans' Admin $ 1,890 183 13 tax bill for the fi-cal labor camp trip.’ Janet Ander-on »aid this week one the other driver lives in Oregon, with very important paper» Keep money and call Star Hotel. 3151. ing factor on the crippling effects of istration which can prevent delays year 1952-53, Sheriff John C. Elfer- The speaker was William O. upon her return Sunday night from too. 29-tfc. in monthly allowance checks to mg, MaLheur county tax collector Shambaugh. director of the labor the United Nations Pilgrimage tour polio. If your colli»ion takes place in a Let us acquaint you with what Korean G I bill veteran-trainees and announced O f the total amount to camp at Nyssa. sponsored by Odd Fellows lodges. city, the odds are better than two- How much sorer punishment sup ¡happens to your blood. Each week their schools if followed. In introducing him, W O. Roehr, Miss Anderson, daughter of Mr to-one he lives in the same town pose ye, shall be thought worthy, be collected. $44.049 28 was allowed the Boise regional blood center of First, both veterans and their ,n rebate- leaving $216.106 44 yet to program chairman, said that Sham and Mr». Lougene Andersen, was where the accident happened. And who hath trodden under foot the the American Red Cross, of which schools should take a careful second be collected, the sheriff's report baugh had cleaned up the camp at sponsored by the Wilder lodge and Jtyssa U a member, makes qu' ta look at the monthly certification of hewed The amounts *ere figured Nyssa and that it was now in the made the 23 day trip in a chartered he’s almost a cinch to live at least Son of God. and hath counted the within 25 miles of the scene, wher blood of the convenant is unholy shipments of the blood collected training they are required to »end best shape it had ever been. bus with 31 passengers. Idaho had ever it happens. for the period ending June 30 thing Hebrew 10:29. The Son of man irons the various communities, sup the VA after the end of every month The migrant workers, who use the 11. the largest delegation aboard O f the amount so far collected, The facts were brought up by the came to seek and save tha which is plies whole blood to hospitals In the of training. camp, the speaker said, are largely Mrs Alathea Venable. Ketohum, was region. to be provided without cost, They should make sure it has been the city of Nyssa has received $26.- Mexicans who come from Texas and chaperon lor the Idaho group.— W il- secretary of state’s traffic safety di lost. Luke 19:10. Study your Bible 628 85 Ontario'» portion was *106,- vision today in case anyone still h ar Jor civilian use. California, and that although they completely filled out, and signed i Blood drawings in Nyssa were and dated by the veteran and by the 168 93 and Vale received $24,724 17 give their home adddresses in tho»e Homedale— A new produce packing bors the opinion that traffic acci The three different school districts rtarted on July 27, 1949 and the fol school. If the VA gets an lncom-1 states, they are here in Idaho and house has been completed along the dents are caused by out-of-staters July 23— A daughier to Mr. and lowing are the statistics since then: plete form, it must be returned, j received a total of $534 698 95 of the Montana most oi the year — Inde railroad siding just south of the or drivers unfamiliar with the area total amount collected. Nyssa’s dist- July 27, 1949. 54 pints; December causing delay. Statewide records for last year, the Mrs. Daniel Porres. Parma pendent-Enterprise. Homedale Feed store, by Alvin Ben ! net 26 received $201 947 02. Ontario's July 25— A son to Mr. and Mrs. 12, 1949 ¿4 pints; April 13 1950, 49 son The new building. 40 x 65 feet, division said, show all but a small _______ _ , changes In a vete- Second, , _ any pints; September 14, 1950, 80 pints, ran -s training status should be re district 8 received »278.789 and Weiser— Lloyd Eason, superinten will be used by the Long Produce per cent of Oregon accidents involve Kenneth Chard, Nyssa. July 26— A son to Mr. and Mrs. January 11, 1951, 134 pints; June 21 ported to the VA; for example, when Vale's district 15 was apportioned dent of schools, reported today that Oo.. to pack out fruits and vegetables "natives." $54.862 93 1961, 51 pints; January 8, 1952, 233 he drops a course the position of principal at the Sun- during the packing season. Novice drivers don’t figure heavily Raymond Hartranft, Nyssa The redemptions from the fore- nyslde school Is still open which Is pin ts; August 5, 1952, 259 pints; and A veteran’s allowance check is Harold Curt of Marsing was In m the accident toll either, the di January 7, 1953 , 301, a total of 1200 based on the number of hours he | closure of 1950 came to a total of the only remaining teacher’s posi charge of the construction.—Owyhee vision pointed out. Last year. 70 per S A LM O N L U R E E A S T M A N $4 026 07 and of this amount. *2.001 - glints tion in the district yet to be filled Chronicle cent of the operators had been driv Bernard Eastman left Sunday for spends in training each month. If Since the Nyssa hospital opened classroom time is cut down, and the 59 was interest which has accumul All ethers have been engaged for ing for six or more years. a few days’ of salmon fishing at ated since 1930 on several of the in October, I960 It has received for V A Is not notified, there is a chance the start of the fall term of school Only four per cent of 1952's mis Winchester Bay, on the Oregon civilian use 887 pints of whole bk^d. he would be paid too much for that, parcels of land redeemed, the shcr- September 8, Tuesday after Labor haps involved a road defect, and a coast. n ot counting plasma, serum albumin and an overpayment would result, .ff reported There were five re day. mechanical failure of a vehicle was and gamma globulin for which sta delaying future checks until the demption certificates issued by the District maintenance crews are detected in only three per cent, the sheriff's office. tistics are not presently available matter Is straightened out. now working on the East side lunch Orville Kiefer, former employe of division continued. Safety officials B ince Jan 1, 1951, Nyssa has con room, at the high school and at the Nyssa branch bank, was in Nyssa said these figures underscore the Third, the V A warned it cannot tributed 977 pints of blood and d u r make any allowance payments un Sunnyside. W ork is yet to be done Tuesday to move his family to B ak m ajor point: mistakes and Judgment For Public Liability and Property in g the same period the hospital has der the law, unless the training pro on classrooms In the school building er. errors by drivers account for most received and used 823 pints of whole gram a veteran is taking is the same | on West Weiser Flat Damage Ins. Kiefer resigned from his bank traffic smash-ups. blood plus the fractions of blood It as has been approved by the state All planned maintenance will be job July 1 to accept an appointment Bl. Pd.— 5.000— 10.06— 3.000 accomplished by the time school to the Oregon State Police force. K A N S AS P IC N IC A U G . 9 Is purely mathematical to see that approvln)Ç agency As low as $8.27 semi-annually« "Only the owner or storage operat hespite excellent effort during the If there is any change from what or can prevent contamination of starts in September, he »aid.— Weis He had been at the bank six and Aug. 9 has been set as the date er Signal. past year we are selling our armed has been approved by the .state, the a half months, and was formerly of for the Kansas Day .picnic at Cald- FARMERS M U T U A L food grains by rodents and birds,” force.» short. school or training establishment Payette. well Memorial park under sponsor - Ontario— A tiny kitten in a car W ith these facts and figures It Is should lose no time getting in touch Washington State college and Univer During the past two weeks Kiefer ' ship of the chamber of commerce of I N S U R A N C E CO. hoped that everyone will appreciate with the state agency, so that new sity of Idaho agricultural extension rambling around on the floorboard attended a school for state police that city. services and experiment stations. of Enum daw, Wn. — Est. 1898 precipitated an accident between ve why we urge you to make Aug. 12 approval may be obtained. There will be a program, speaker, The authors of the publication, Jay hicles driven by Judy Preston of officers at Corvallis. He will be sta- a date when Nyssa will again go over H E N R Y “H A N K ” STO R M B Lang and L. W Kuhn, of the OSC Parma and Dora Gallagher of New tioned at Baker and will be assign- coffee, cold drinks and ice cream. 201 No. 9th Res. Phone 3392 ed to highway patrol and game ----------------------------- fish and game management depart Plymouth Wednesday morning. warden duties. USE J O U R N A L C L A S S IF IE D ADS. ment, say it requires active, persist Judy Preston was driving east ent and determined effort to keep when a kitten in her car fell to the grain clean. floorboard and she reached down to The only permanent methods of pull the kitten from under her feet. rodent control are the removing of Housewives should not expect beef food and shelter and the shutting As she did so her car swerved into the other lane and collided with a prices to go any lower other than out of the rodent, the bulletin ind- vehicle driven by Dora Gallagher during periods of seasonal large sup dicates. who was traveling west, the Payette plies, says Ed Cole», livestock m ar The publication gives information keting specialist at Oregon State on methods of controlling well es sheriff's office reported today. DI AL 3932 The accident occured near P ala- college. tablished rodent populations Poison sade corner. The cars were damaged Coles explains beef prices are de Starting Time ing, trapping, use of poison gas, shut termined by many factors affecting ting out and “good housekeeping” but no injuries were sustained by either driver.— Argus-Observer. supply and demand. The supply of l i#, Rat.-Sun., are listed as the most efficient and beef is determined by the rate of satisfactory ways of rodent control. 7:30 p.m. Evenings, Hailey— It ’s getting so a fellow slaughter and the number of cattle Contamination of stored grain by can't even bake his bread in peace” on farm.» and ranches. birds is especially important in the Demand is largely determined by case of on-the-farm stored grain, the complained a sheepherder located the amount of money the housewife publication points out. Control Is up Parker gulch, a tributary of Elk Horn creek It was Friday morning SATU R D AY, AUGUST 1 lias to spend for meat. gained by screening windows and Recent low prices on beef, due to blocking all other points of entry and when the Lookout station on Baldy You're headed straight for savings in large supplies, occurred during a eliminating food, roosting and nest reported smoke in the Parker gulch vicinity to the Ketchum ranger sta time of record high employment and ing cover. the fastest possible w ay — when you take tion. Incomes, says the specialist. Copies of the bulletin, "Controlling Glen Brado sent out men immedi Forecasters expected a 15 percent Rodents and Birds in stored G rain," M A R IA MONTES advantage of the buys we've got for you increase in slaughter over a year can be obtained from county exten ately to check. W hen they reached P A I L C H R IS T IA N ago. However, the rate has been sion offices or the bulletin clerk at the spot the sheepherder was just Also this week! Compare our quality and taking his sour-dough bread out of double the expected figure. Cattle ocs the ashes. And everyone knows how numbers have been increasing ince prices anywhere in town— you'll see delicious sourdough bread cooked in 1949 and were expected to reaan a Nyssa Births . . . Keiier Assumes State Police Duties at Baker LOW RATES Grain Protection Information Given NYSSA Wives Reminded Supply and Demand Control Beef Prices Full Speed Ahead/îélor^k THEATRE ITHE W EEKS BEST BUYS ! "THIEF OF VENICE" "FANG OF THE ARTIC" K IR B Y (¡R A N T and C H IN O O K SU NDAY-M ONDAY AUGUST 2-3 "TAXI" with DAN D A IL E Y CO N STAN C E SM ITH NEVA PATTERSON RLAN4 IIE Y l'K K A A warm comedy about a boy, a girl, a taxicab, and a lost husband. TUESDAY, AUGUST 4 "GIRLS IN THE NIGHT" With G LE N D A FAR R ELL H A R V E Y LEM BECK The story of teenagers in the ___________ 'Naked City"____________ WED., THURS.. FRI. AUGUST 5-6-7 "HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON" In Technicolor with D A N N Y K AYE 1 M il I V G R A N G E R JOEY W A LSH A love story magnificlent musical and a glimpse of one of the W orld’s Immortal» SATU RD AY, AUG 8 "THE WOMAN THEY ALMOST LYNCHED" W ith . JOHN LI ND B R I\ \ I M At DREY TO TTER Furious border -aga of the Quantrill outla w gang ____ SUND AY-M O ND AY AUGUST 9-10 "THE JAZZ SINGER" In Technicolor whh I H N M THOM AS P E G G Y LEE M IU H t t D M N M H K EDW ARD I R AN/. The movie that will light up your heart with new faith ansi Joy l**ak in 1954 or 1955 Due to the large increase in 'laughter now the peak may be reached sometime this | fall. Coles further explains a peak in cattle numbers means a potential leveling off in supply of beef other than seasonal fluctuations. The only other major factor that could cause lower beef prices would be a de crease in demand. Unemployment and a decrease In consumer Incomes arc factors that could cause a decrease in demand demand. Beef remains a good buy at pres ent prices, considering high employ ment and high incomes, says Coles Gooseberries Reach Mammoth Size Displayed In the Journal office window this week was a partial basket of goosberrie», grown on bushe» planted from slip» by Mi ami Mrs R W Brockman at Jam- eison in 1945 The large berries measure three inches around the blossom and stem ends The bushes, M r» Brock man told the Journal, started bear ing fruit in their second year and three bushes have produced an av erage of 10 to 12 gallons a year since then. the top for thl most w< t thy cou e "MY COUSIN RACHEL" O L IV IA D eH A V IL A N D R IC H A R D B U R T O N AUDREY DALTON R O N A L D S Q U IR E Here is t ie unforgetable screen vrrsu ii of a b#»t el'.er a dramatic mile.'L ne In the history of the screen. Bank of Portland at their regular monthly meeting. July 22. declared a dividend of $960.000 00, it was an nounced by C B Stephenson, pres ident of the statewide banking sy- tem. The dividend constitutes 80 cents per »hare on the 13100 000 out-stand ing »hares of the bank It is payable at two periods. 40 cents a share Oct. 1, 1953. to »hareholders of record at the clo»e of business Sept 19, 1953, and 40 cents a share payable Jan. 1, 1954. to shareholders of reccord at the c l'"e of business Dec 19, 1953. Liming Will Preside Over TM Program Ous Liming will preside over the Friday morning e»'ion of the Nyssa Toastmasters club as toastmaster Presenting the table topic for gen eral discussion will be Ken Ren- strom. Five minute speakers include Jim Hartman. W alter McPartland and Dw:ght Wyckoff. Speech evaluation and criticism will be offered by Gerald Curry, gen eral critic, and C liff Mink, gram marian. Time and Place In soliciting donors during our pa»t blood drives we have met with — Javcee-Ptte a number of reasons why some per- 1 Friday. July 31 sons will not or cannot offer their i b< ard meeting. Mrs Bill Blodgett, blood. The importance of these blttod Vet's Apt. 10, 8 p. m Amity club drives is so great that we shall con picnic for members and husbands on the Delbert H s.per and Mark sider some of the»e reasons. Moncur lawns. 7 30, potluck Sunday. Aug. 2 Dorcas circle of the W s c s picnic for members and families at the Nv '.i park at noon. Colorado association annual picnic at 1 p. m. Take own lunch and table service. Thursday. Aug fi General meet ing of the Women' Socle:v <>f C liri'- tian Service. 2 p nv at the Gene Oras-tv and Paul Penrod home on North 3rd. Friday, Aug. 8 Javcee-ette meet Delivers Your Choice ing. Mrs Gerald Curry. 207 S 4th *1 .00 Any Model T.V. 17-in.- 1 6 9 .9 5 21 i n — 1 9 9 .9 5 T U E S D A Y -W E D N E S D A Y AUGUST 11-12 Dividend Declared by California Relatives Nat. Bank Portland Direct r- of the First National Entertained by Yosts Dial 3211 For Antenna Installation Your T.V. Dealer PETERSON FURNITURE CO. AAr Give S A If (.rren Stamps •Approval of Credit 8 pm. S N O D G R A S S IN JU R E D W H I N T R U C K 1.1 AYES R O AD Lynn Snodgrass was nursing me sore ribs and a scalp laceration Tuesday, sustained when a ]<>uded gravel truck rolled from the road with him Monday and overturned The accident occured on the Ny- ssa-Vale cut-off when a driver of a passenger car failed to give right- of-w ay for the loaded truck and forced it from the highway. TO F A M IL Y C A M P Those from the Nyssa Methodist church attending "Fam ily Cam p" at Wallowa Lake last week from Thurs- day until Sunday were M r' Lk>yd Tohler and grandsons Leon and Bil lie Tobler and M r and M r O o Anderson. DALC.IITFK BORN \ d a u g h t e r w e ig h ; Ing 4'v r K>un v n < born July 23 t<> M r an< M R Deane Hun ter of Corva Ut Ora nd pai rent. h are Mr and Ho el H Hunt er of N \ » A o M Guests this week of M r and Mrs. Dick Yost have been Yost's brother, Robert F Yost and wife, Clara, of Daly City, Calif.; his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Frank lin. of Fortuna, Calif., and nieces. Mrs. Jack Flowers, and her infant son. Jackie, of Fortuna. The Bob Yosts arrived Sunday forenoon and left early Wednesday for Salem before returning to their home. The Franklins will leave F ri day, after further visits with the Frank Yosts of Payette and Mrs. Frank Rich of Fruitland, mother of the Yost boys and Mrs. Franklin. Failure of one other brother, R ay mond, to arrive prevented the oc casion from being a family reunion, the last one being 13 years ago. Wanted! .1XXC23C Your w hy we advise you to hurry on down Friday - Saturday - Sunday to our store for the buys of the week! SWAN'S DOWN YELLOW CAKE MIX 4 STATE FA IR 3 Cans / ROLY PO LY BRAND 8 cans $1.00 R ip e °uvEs 5 Sis S l.O O $ 1.00 DEL MONTE 10 No. 211 cans PINEAPPLE JUICE Fat J O A N OF A R C PORK & BEANS S 1 .0 0 5 No. 2 1 2 Cans Hogs S U M M E R IS LE S L IC E D PINEAPPLE No. 2 cans CURRENT MARKET PRICES PAID \ TOMATOES PEAS $ 1.00 37c Pkgs. LARGE COLORED — PAN READY FRYERS TAYLOR’S $ 1.00 $ 1.00 FOOD M ARKET BEAT THE PRICE BY SAVING TWICE— Call L O W P R IC E S P L U S JAKE FISCHER 3093 425 Arcadia Blvd. #r • • Dial 3111