THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON THURSDAY. JULY 30. 1953 C tA SSfF/Eo I? * QUICK Classified Advertising Rates Two cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for first insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page for proper classification, all ads must be turned into the For Sale For Sale Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement will not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. Dial 2333. BEST BUYS To ßuy Or Sell See Mel 214 N o. Main Nyssa, Ore. FARMS is in pasture, corn, alfalfa and 60 acres land. 3 cows. 3 heifers, gram, crops go, 3 bedroom modern Farms 1— 1946 John Deere H-tractor, $6.000, home, cattle feeding set up $18.500, $10,000 down. IDEAL ROW CROP LAND $3500 down. $500 year 80 acres top row crop land, east 160 acre-, with 134 cultivated. About 60 head dairy ranch, bottled FOR SALE—1A <5: 2nd calf springer FOR SALE—Insured, a room furn ished heme, modern. Loan obtain 125 acres of choice bottom land milk route in 3 western Idaho towns, end of Sunset Valley, 3 bedroom heifers. Frank Skeen, Dial 2613. able Lots c f water for row crop irriga 60 head milk cow- go with the deal, home. 28- 2tc. Price. $3.500. No commissions. 145 acres on paid up water right, Owner, 1017 Freeport, Caldwell, Ida tion. $65,000, 29T down. panel delivery truck, the place is 29-2tp CATTLE RANCH t-qu.pped with line milker and lots of free water, 3 bedroom nud- FOR SALE!—80 acre farm, 4 miles ho. 200 head permit, 3 sections leased all equipment, correls have cement ern heme, labor house, large burn, west of Nyo-su. Gerrit Stam. 28-tf. FOR SALE—10 acres located two land. 117 acres irrigated land. floors, 7 room modern home, 2 baths, several out buildings, productive . $.42.500. $12.0:Hi down Cheap water. T wo sets of improve full basement, will take your home FOR SALE — Latham Raspberries, miles west and 1 4 mile south of Wilder. Idaho. Approx, two acres L ments. Immediate possession as part payment, $42,000, terms If Bt SINT SS OPPORTUNITIES especially good for freezing, 7'a mi. a gravel pit, rest hay. pasture and $65.000 , 291 down. desired. S. W. of Nyssa. Dial 2331. B F Rook- O r lion stor;ige, 14.000 square foot berries $7.500 wjth terms. Immediate SAFE WAY TO FARM stocl. 26-3:p 200 acres at Emmett, Idaho, 190 •* 3TC hou ?e. possession. Rcy Jarvis Wilder 60-70 acre row crop land, plus 100 acres cultivated, re.v crop and stock c r n e r binsIness locati¡on, 60 foot 29-ltp. acres good river bottom pastuie. se t up. good producing ranch, 45 fr tage on cine street a,nd 120 foot FOR SALE-«Good dairy cows. Have 57-J2L, afternoon. $40.000, terms arranged to suit you. acres pasture. 30 acres corn, 70 acres f: on tage on i[he other. in heart of been on Standard D H I.A. testing. Lapidary Equipment and Supplies. Lloyd Lewis. 23-tf. Juanita's Agate Shop, 296 Northwest VIEW OF THE VALLEY alfalfa, 25 acres wheat, 20 acres bar Ny ssa. $.Ï.303, 's down. Ne w brick home. 100 good acres, ley, 5 room modern horn\ 3 room Second Avenue, Ontario, Oregon. HOMES $50,000, on terms. FOR SALE — Fender skirt-, ,-un modern tenent home, 3 car garage, 26-8t 3 bedroom home, 's city block. visors, caddy hub caps, wire hub PAID UP WATER RIGHT 9 head cow barn, steel granary, corn ’ .500. $1,,i00 down $500 per year. caps, Smithy and Dvnotone mufflers 70 acres cultivated, mostly row crib, and chicken hou^e, selling be $.. FOR SAL» 2 bedroom modern home, fireplace, and header sets, straight and flex crop land. Balance fenced pasture cause his boys are going to the army, exfiau-t pipe. At your auto accessory 2 bedrocm. basement. Excellent land, part irrigated, $28,000. vill take a smaller farm i.i on th’s wall to wall carpeting, full basement, oil furnace, attached garage, 100 foot headquarters. We are. closed Satur location. $6500. Terms ranch, $63.000, term- if desired. IRRIGATED PASTURE day but open all day Sunday for your 2 bedroom house, good location 160 acres, 80 acres irrigate!, row frontage, corner location, spotlessly 44 acres of good tame pasture. clean, all for $9,500. $2.500 down, loan convenience. Frostys Auto Wrecking. f h a . terms, $ 3400 . Good home and other buildings. crop and stock deal, land lay.-» well can be obtained on the balance. Hiway 30, East of Nampa, Idaho. for irrigating. 5 room home, $18,500, 160 acres, fall delivery, $28,000. $10,500. 29- ltC. 5 acres, 2 bedrocm modern hoirie, $6,500 down, $1,000 per year plus 5'T 4 houses on two acres, hiway CHOICE ACREAGE shady yard, good set of out buildings, interest. 5 good acres, modern 2 bedroom frontage, $17,000, terms. Taking a trip? Better take along 20 acres on highway North of close to Nyssa. $12,000. heme, good outbuildings, close In. Blacksmith shop with equipment one of our FAMILY Vacation Acci 2 bedroom modern home, close in Nyssa, row crop land, modern home. priced at $12,000. Terms dent policies. Covers the whole fam and house on 1/4 acre fronting high 160 acres, row crop and stock set corner location, $8,400, $1,000 down. arranged to suit. ily. Pays all medical expense up to way in good farming center. $2,900, Attractive 1 bedroom semi-modern up, small home, $28,00, low down CLOSE-IN ACREAGE face of policy. Very reasonable rates. $1,000 down. home, on Park avenue, fenced in 1 payment. 3 bedroom small home on one BERNARD EASTMAN 80 acres, 60 acres irrigated, place yard, $3,150. $1,500 down. 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An acre of choice land. Buy this on Complete Insurance Service abundance of free gravity water, easy terms for only $5,000. Nyssa Dial 2643 $31,500, easy terms. MEL BECK— REALTOR Homes FOR SALE—G.M C. 303 truck. 270 2 bedroom house $3.150, only $500 PAY NO RENT Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. engine, top condition. Good tires, down, balance like rent. INSURANCE Save your rent money by buying LOANS good beet bed. Dial 3189. 23-tfc. Acreage—2 bedroom house, barn this nearly new one bedroom home. Dial 2033 214 No. Main, Nyssa, Ore. and chicken house $- 1 . 200 . Extra large lot gives ample room for garden, shrubs, trees, etc. FARM LOANS $4200 on terms. Miscellaneous FREE Lost and Found BOB THOMPSON' AGENCY HOME FOR CHIDREN Prompt Pickup of Dead Animals Dial 3355 Nearly new 2 bedroom Jiome—safe Septic tanks and cesspools cleaned. FOUND—Small hog Come to 901 29-ltp. “all on one floor" plan. Back yard Dial 4-3763, Parma or 4-2161 Parma No. 9th and identify. Dial Nyssa 3017 13-tic. fenced. Productive garden spot. Hardware. I For Rent Idaho-Oregon Rendering Co. $8500, FHA terms. Help Wanted ARTIFICIAL BREEDING FOR RENT—Unfurnished house. 2 PICTURE OF THE YEAR Your wife and children in this big FOR S AT.E— 6 room modern home bedrooms. Close to business district. For greater inilk production in the HELP WANTED Service Station plus 3 rental homes. Will take trailor Nice lawn and shade. $42.50. Dial beautiful yard. 2 bedroom modern years to come, breed your dairy cows manager. Must have service station house or small acreage as part pay 3136, Nyssa. to the proven bulls and sons of pro experience an 1 at least high school home. $6500. Terms arranged. 29-ltp. ven bulls that we are offering to you education. Opportunity for good man ment. $7,000. $1,500 down. Mel Beck IDEAL LOCATION ReaJ Estate. 23-tfc. FOR RENT—Furnished apt. 1 bed Nearly new two bedroom home by artificial breeding. $7 per cow. to make some money. Herriman room, air conditioned. Dial 3136. 29-2tc. with finished apartments in base Malheur Dairy Breeders Assn. Phone Motor Oo., Nyssa, Oregon. FOR SALE!—Good used 100 gallon 29-ltp. 2010, Nyssa or 1099-VV, Ontario. ment $12,500, F.H.A. terms. electric water heater $79.50. Ideal 25-tfc. Gas & Appliance. 25-tfc. FOR RENT—Large 3 room furnish STURDY PRE-WAR ed basement Apt. C. K. Olsen, Dial CONSTRUCTION Convenient location, 4 finished 1 Gone are the days . . . when auto- FOR SAUS—Harley 125 motorcycle, 3902 . 28-tfc. bedrooms, full basement. $12,500, j mobiles were horseless carriages and $150. 316 So. 5th, Nyssa. 26-8tp. Mrs. Alva Goodell FOR RENT—Apartment, close in. | whit» enamels turned Yellow! T o easy terms. Dial 6650 or 3083 . 26-tfc. NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME day’s automobile is a home on wheels HOMES FOR SALE Dial 2804 Large rooms with hard wood floors, and today's WHITE IMPERVO Excellent two bedroom home. Car FOR RENT — New Clarke 8-incn utility room. Safe convenient, all ENAMEL stays super-white as long peted living room. Elec. Dish washer, floor sanders and 6-fcich edger. Mr. and Mrs. La Varn Cleaver and on one floor arrangement. $13,000, ! as the durable finish lasts . . . You Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Hill spent disposal sink. Basement, furnace, Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. easy terms. garage. Nice lot, lots of shade, paved can get IMPERVO from your Ben several days last week fishing at St. Only $7500. jamin Moore Paint Dealer, Nyssa Anthony Lake. FOR RENT—Two 250-ton capacity ; BRAND NEW 2 bedroom home with full base Lumber C o .. 13-tfc. Two Bedrooms, completely modern, trenoh silos. Lloyd Lewis. 23-tf. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bartram and ment. Detached double garage. full basement, nice fenced yard. Lucille visited la. t week at Moses Large corner lot. Facing the park. FOR RENT—Paint spray gun. Fire Lake and with her father, E.L. Jami Only $6500. KEYS MADE $13,500, easy terms. stone store. 21Ftfc. son. who was in the hospital at Spo Two rooms, full basement finished | While You Wait kane. While there, Mr. Jamison was SPECIAL BARGAIN into two rooms. 150x138 lot. Pressure 3 bedroom brick home, not new, to be transferred to a rest home in water system. Very reasonable down FIRESTONE STORE Used Machinery South Dakota. The Bertrams drove but still good. $3,500. payment and monthly payments to IDEAL FOR COUPLE Mr. Jamison there and they also suit. John Deere 2 row 26-inch Level Bed j Nearly new single bedroom mod MISCELLANEOUS — Electrolux visited Mr. Bertram’s parents who cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. j live there. We have several income proper Potato Digger with VF 4 motor with 1 ern home. $3,000, $1,500 down. Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, ties for sale including single dwel clutch and gear reduction. A1 On Thursday evening a baled hay WELL WORTH THE MONEY phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. • stack of approximately 40 tons was lings, duplexes and business build >e $500 Nearly new 3 bedroom home. Floor ings. : destroyed by fire. The hay was own No 114 John Deere Combination Hay j furnace, utility room, $7.000. Remember old King Midas, whose ed by Letter and Lloyd Cleaver. An and grain chopper—trailer Residence and business lots. Business Opportunities | touch turned everything to gold? ! e-lectric fence caused the fire. As mounted $395 YOUR OWN BUSINESS BERNARD EASTMAN The room you "touch" this season they are out of the fire district, the $125 Established bakery business. Take Rea! Estate Insurance Allis Chalmers Mower with Benjamin Moore paint won’t large crowd of neighbors helped to over equipment, supplies, and pro Oliver 70 Hang on Mower $35 | Dial 2643 ! change to gold, but its new-found keep it from spreading in fields. fits. $3000. easy terms. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cleaver left 3 Used Side Deliver Rakes — See beauty will amaze you. . . . Your for California Sunday after receiv CHARCOAL them now. friendly dealer, Nyssa Lumber Co. ing word that Mr. Cleaver’s grand HOME AND 100 MONTHLY See us for bargains on used tractors. 63c Bag 13-tfc. father had passed away on Satur- Lovely new home with 4 modern i rental cabins Room to build sev | day. He was 89 years old. Ideal Gas & Appliance Hollingsworths', Inc. eral more, $17,000. Terms arranged. MISCELLEANOUS — Wall-Satin. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Adams enter 20-tfc Nyssa, Oregon Dial 2231 14 UNIT MOTEL Here comes color. A washable, rub tained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams Well located and very attractive. berized finish for interior walls and and Janice and Mr. and Mrs. Mva USED APPLIANCE $40.000. includes all furnishings. wood trim. Ooodell at a television party Sunday Wanted BARGAINS •covers most surfaces in one uni , evening. $25 Used Washer form coat. KEN P O N D “ - “ ™“ Mr. and Mrs. Jeward Nels and son WANTED -Custom grain grinding Sew Gem Electric Cabinet •dries to a satin sheen in less than Jay of Alhambra, Calif., visited last , 16 North 3rd Dial 6615 Call Jacob Schoussler, 065-J1, On- one hour. sewing machine and i week at the James Stephen, Jr., Night and Sunday Phones— $119 tario. 29-tfc. •twelve handsome colors all ready | home. They are cousins of Mrs. attachm ents------------- Ken Pond 3168 to use. I Stephen. Hank Storm 3392 FIRESTONE STORE WANTED — To rent. 2 bedroom Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. Mr. and Mrs. George Cleaver were 19-tfc I house. Dial 6649 or 3062. 29-tfc. were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. START YOUR BETTER I John Cleaver Tuesday evening at Used Car Bargains We have several used electric and WANTED— Combining. A. B. Harm. HERD TODAY Owyhee corners. gas refrigerators traded in on the Dial 5089, Nyssa. Those who attended the Grange Artifical Insemination to Sires new Servel. Come in and choose on e.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Nyssa Motors’ big used car lot open WANTED— Custom combining. 12- | every evening during week for your proved in the top 2 " of each breed Ideal Gas & Appliance, Nyssa. 17-tf. foot self propelled Case. Sherman i shopping convenience. Shop when Guernsey, Jersey. Hoi. Brown Swiss, CARD OF THANKS Milking short horn. Also 2 beef We wish to thank our friends and Keck, 2nd house west on Echo Ave. ! its COOL U. ed Servel gas refrigerator $89,50 Nu Acres.. Dial 5082. 28-3tp. ! 1952 Chevrolet Styline 4 door sedan; j breeds $7 50 per cow. No charge for neighbors for the many acts of kina- Ideal Gas & Appliance. 16-tfc. 2 to choose from. 1 a cool green I return service. Ray Bowns. New , ness and cards received during the ! illness and hospitalization o f our WANTED — To do custom baling. the other a beautiful light gray. ! Plymouth, 4041. FOR SALE—4 room modern house, MM. Wire tie. Dial 3233 . wife and mother. 2320tp. Both cars are one owner and fam IDAHO PROVED SIRE with nice lawn and shade trees, Tom Rust ily size. You can tell when you SERVICE equipped with gas. Dial 3914. WANTED—To trade 3 h. p. Century Mrs. Betty Warner try these cars they have been In ) 10-tfc. motor for 1/3 or V4 h. p. variable 17-tfc. Bennie Rust. the hands of good owners. Fully 29-ltp. speed motor. Inquire Gate City | equipped. 5 ACRES FOR SALE Step having septic tank trouble by Journal 12-tf. | 2 bedroom modern home with 1961 Chevrolet; 3 to choose from putting in Field Dain. Dial 3993 INVITATION TO BIDDERS basement, excellent location, good and all low milage. You have a evenings. WANTED—Trucking of any kind, The Board of Education of School B-tf. soil, garden, fruit trees, barn chicken | good choice and the price is right. District No. 26-C, Nyssa, Malheur house, and other outbuildings., except livestock. Dial 2190. 13-tfc. 1950 Pontiac club coupe, blue ribbon MISCELLANEOUS—Do you need County. Oregon, otherwise known as New reduced price, $11,000 Terms. I blue. A school teacher had this money to remodel your home or to ! the Nyssa School District, will en NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY one, and Its nice. Equippt 1 with build outbuildings or garage? We tertain bids for delivery to its stor RADIO and TELEVISION Ralph G. Lawrence. Agent hydramatic trans., radio, heater can arrange a loan for you and give age tank during the 1953-1954 school SERVICE Nyssa. Oregon and many other extras. It's a you up to three years to pay It. year of approximately 15.000 gallons Complete Radio Repair Service Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc of first quality regular grade gaso beauty. FOR SALE—Fuller paints and wall Tubes and Parts in Stack line. 1950 Studebaker club coupe. A regal paper. Budget terms available. Fire Quick Service Deliveries are to be made as need deluxe sport coupe wth low mil stone Store. 2-tf. Work Guaranteed ed and at the option of the district. Help Wanted age, overdriv* R and H and many The district will furnish a 1,000 gal thousands o f trouble-free miles. JAKES RADIO and T.V. FOR SALE lon storage tank. You will like this one. $15 Per HOUR SPARE TIME SHOP 2-bedroom home, new construc Bids are to be made on the basis Come in and see the New Used Ford MAN OK WOMAN tion; completely modem, dining Located in Wilson Bros. Dept. Store of retail prices prevailing in this Truck with 8:25 x 20 tires and bed BE YOUR OWN BOSS room, attached garage; very good area at times of delivery. Bids will for $1695 WANTED Spare Time—First Time Offered be accepted by the clerk at his o f location on King ave. $12.000, terms. NYSSA MOTORS fice in the Junior High School Build Dead Animals AN ENTIRELY NEW I TEN! 2-bedroom modern home, F H A. Dial 2224 approved, good location, corner lot. Removed Free. 1 Refilling and collecting money from ing until 8 00 P. M on Monday, paved street, very nice yard. $6500 our machine-» in this area. No Sell- August 10, 1953 Dial Nyssa 3947 The board reserves the right to re i m g! To qualify for work you must Rural grocery store with cold stor-1 Miscellaneous Payette 67$. have a car, reference. $640 cash to ject any or all bids and to waive in- age lockers, excellent location onj Idaho inim sl Product# Ca. COAST Blacktop Paving Co Is readv secure territory and inventory. De 1 formalities therein. busy highway. Reasonable terms. J. L Herriman. 2 bedroom modern home, full WANTED—Highest prices paVI for to build your driveway, parking area, voting 8 hours a week to business Chairman 8chool District 26-C your end on percentage of collections school yard, feed lot, lounging or basement, extra large lot well im slaughter horses. Clyda Smith, could net up to $400 monthly with Malheur County, Oregon. proved, $5,000, easy terms. East phone 306. Ontario Across from implement shed. Only pugnjill as very good possibility of taking over Attest: phaltic concret« mix in this area. Fourth street Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc Henry H Hartley, Clerk Low cost, guaranteed woifc. free esti ' full time Income Increasing accord NYSSA INSURANCE AGENCY First publication July 30. 1953. Use the Journal Classified Ads. mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A ingly. For interview include phone Ralph G . Lawrence. Ageat Last publication August 6. 1963 in application. Bvoi 13$, Nyiaa. or ptsooa »0, Ontario. U-tt. they get results 195 Main SL Dial » 4 4 , FOR SALE—T v o day beds, good FOR SALE — Rickenbacker electric -hape $S50 eaifh. Nyssa Furniture steel guitar 12-in. speaker. Dale Co. 29-tfc. Faries. Dial 2-2762. Parma. 29-2tp PAGE ELEVEN ps.-nic in the Ny--a park from this - je-t Sunday at the Guy Taoner c inmunity were Mr and Mr Jame home. Stephen and famil\ Mr and Mr- A large group gathered at the O Cleavei \i. .. m . Lester Cleaver home Sundiy even Lnyd Adams. ing for a television party. Mr. and Mr - Eugene Stephen and Axel were in Caldwell Saturday On the way h me. they visited wita Mr 1 U«e and Mr Le er Norland at W.’.der. Mr. and Mrs Alan Mitchell and Gate City Journal children iyid Mr-. Al.ce Snyder and 3arbara of Boswcrth visited from Thu: day to Sunday with the Le.-lie Classified Ads. Tophffs. They left Sunday for an extended trip to Carter Lake. Calif., and Carl-bad cavern. Mr- Fern Runcorn and Robert Runcorn left Salem Monday even ing Mr and Mrs. John Bo wen of ValA called at tne Ward Lundy. Jr., home'* Mr and Mrs. Le-lie ToplUf and their guests from Missouri, Mr and Mr> Mitchell and children, and Mrs Alice Snyder and daughter were din ner guests at the Irvin Tophff home at Newell Heights Saturday. Mrs. Ward Lundy, Sr , and Carol Ann returned from Salem where they visited the pa-t several weeks. Darlene Henderson of Parma was the week end guest of the John Mc Alisters. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day and family of Adrian were dinner guests at the Howard Day home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff were gue*;s at the Henry Day home at Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Grasfy cf Ny--a called at the James Strphen home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Le-lie Topliff en tertained at dinner Friday for their Delivers Your Choice guests, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Topliff and daughters of Adrian. Mr. and Mr- John Murphy of Nyssa and Mr. and Mrs Edward Topliff Rollo Tanner spent last week in Any Model Portland. Mrs S. B Hoffman and Mrs. Jim Ritchie were in Ontario Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hoffman and Glenda spent Sunday evening at the 17-in.— 1 6 9 . 9 5 Frank Whipple home. Martin Audrey and Theresa Tan ner attended a party for Beverelv Herrud Sunday afternoon at the 21-in.— 1 9 9 . 9 5 Herrud home. Sandra Day had a slumber party at her home Wednesday night. Dial 3211 For Guests were Barbara Tanner end Garnet Ritchie. Mr and Mrs. Day Antenna Installation took the girls swimming at the Snively pool and they later had a Your T.V. Dealer weiner roast at the Day home. Mr. and Mrs. Ouy Tanner visited Mrs. Tanner's mother, Mrs. Pearson, PETERSON in Emmett Sunday. Alva Goodell visited Judge Sewell FURNITURE CO. Stanton Monday evening, who is 111 in the Ontario hospital. We Give S & II Green Stamps Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Topliff called at the Ethel Goodell home near Vale ♦Approval of Credit Wednesday evening. Sherry Flllman was an overnight *1 .00 T.V. LET US DRESS and Buena Vista CUT UP YOUR POULTRY See Us About Other Produce GEM PRODUCE CO. 6th and Good Dial 2815 PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians Dentists SARAZIN CLINIC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K. E. Kerby Dr. K. A. Danford DR. C. M. TYLER Physicians and Surgeon« WILSON BUILDING Dial 2771, Nyssa O ff'ce Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays, 9 to 12 J. R. CUNDALL Dentist Dial 2638 Sarazin Clinic L. A. MAULDING. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Dial 2216 Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Dally Except Saturday and 8unday. Saturday 10 to 12 NYSSA OREGON DR. JOHN W. OLSEN Dental Clinic 7th and Bower Dial 3311 C h ir o p r a c t o r Doctor C. R. VAN PATTEN Chiropractic Physician Physiotherapist Offices at 245 North Oregon Ontario Phono 47* Doctor EDGEL W WOOD Chiropractic Physician Colon and rectal treatments- Offices at 2 Arcadia Bird. Nyssa Dial 3939 EDWIN W. OLDHAM. D. C. 101 East 1st St. Physiotherapy Dial 3230 Electro-Therapy Njrssa, Oregon O p to m e trists DR. J. A. McFALL DR. JOHN EASLY Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon V e te r in a r ia n s NYSSA VETERINARY CLINIC Dr. B. E. Ross Dr. D. R. Mason Large and Small Animals 407 Main St. Dial 2010 Dr. Marvin M. Prantlca DR. GEO. E. COBERN Veterinary Surgeon Large and Small Animal« EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT 21« W. Park Nyssa Dial 8649 Ph. 2341 New Plymouth. Idaho