Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1953)
THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 16. 19*3 PA SF SIX t Mr. a Mrs. B»-rt I.irnkarmprr f rmer N y ■ ar.<, Mr and Mrs. and J hr.ny prr.t one *-eek vac\i- d » G raff:, Sr tienins at Wallowa Lake recently GATL < ITV JOI KN U. A!»S W hile there they also enjoyed visit GVT KKS( I TS ing and raking several side trips with I furiai lYutcs 17, a 3 : a Field. Tne oiaae is a 1352 Nv.- a high graduaie and attenacd Brigham Young university a; Provo, U.ah. T..e grrcin. graduated fr m Nys-i school arid afer.ded Brigham Ycur.g University. He f.lied ar. LD3 mi»-ion t3 Canada. Th e couple was recei tiv honored a: a party in Hooper. Utah at the h me of Mr. and Mrs. Brute Jt>h:i- _.on. •5*— *> . FARM ER : : : FOR ALL YOUR DUSTING AND SPRAYING NEEDS. i P: ir. iry a .aticti <*■ n, ai. plan a • * ai Fun - Da - Lav : r b ' eir par« he Ny i t . X . armament with prize» to winner and for spori»man-h.p. relays and outdoor games, a pregram and stunt» and a weiner rcast. Chairmen in charge are Mrs. Charley Mann, general chairman Mrs. S^ren Cox, baseball tourna ment; Mr-. Ruth Wag ta ff. invita tion». and Mr Leland M ntgemery, relay. v — -> Party Honors Board Members FOR P R O M P T A N D E F F IC IE N T SERVICE F IE LD CHECK ON REQUEST Mr and Mrs. D W. Thcmas of N )•■>.'a announce the engagement of their daughter. Shirley to Bill C:«,p- er of Mt. H me. Ida Mr. Cooper .s the sen o f Mr and Mrs. Floyd Coop er of Pendleton. August 16 is the date set for the wedding. Mrs. Elwood Flinders and Mrs. Lee Stoker were hoste»se» a: a party- given Monday night at the Stoker home to honor new members of the -take primary board. John Hartley. Mrs. Soren Cox, Mrs. Garland Chri=ten-en and Mrs. Clyde Fogg. W einer Bake Held coverage on all types of crop foliage. Mr. and Mr». Spenrer Iteus — Photo by Schcen Clark's Flying Service, Inc. Local Couple Wed; Honored A t Reception O f r-.cent interest in N j the l I M. N i... I Parma Nampa a Mr Fi-cher has moved to Cald well where she is employed in a nur-ing heme. Mi C S ran & x Mr. and Mrs. Gene Relion and ■ son of Idaho Falls spent la»t week g.mery, low. p. a Engagement Announced U s in g the very finest of equipment to insure complete V : . K . a winning high and Mi M R I Call C alled Parma 3 2311 cr Nampa 6-C0G1 Our pilots are experienced in low and slow flying. D ., Members of the Eagle- auxiliary enjoyed a weiner bake at the John Broad home recently. The even: marked the end of the membn-.aip campaign and the losers .rested the winners. Games were played and prizes were won by Mrs. H ward B nnie C - Myrick. Ruth C llin f.eld and Mr . John Mrs. Fischer Honored Mr- Inabelle Fi»cher was honored Tut-day evening at a farewell sup per in the park given by a group fr:m the Ny -a Nazarene church. She was presented with a gift. here visiting at the heme o f Mr Bellon's parents, Mr and Mr- Joe Btilon. Tue-day evening, Mr. and Mr». Gene Belton and Mrs. Joe Bei lin attended a wedding reception in Wilder hcn-iring Mr and Mr» Vance Peckham at the Hubert Peckham home. These Are Actual Slalemenls of People Who Visited Our Show Room Sunday and Saw the KIDO Show Over the H A LLIC R A FT E R TV Set Oil Change . . . Key to 3et!er Motoring SEPTIC TANK S PUM PED and Rolo-Rooler Sewer Service BROWER PLUMBING SERVICE Dial 2322 Nyssa daughter of P:es. and Mrs. A rie l I Names of these people are omitted as statements w ere Child ; Spencer W. Beus bn cf Y W M IA Presidencies not made for publication, but w ere actual opinions. ■ Mr. and Mrs W. J Beus. Elder Le- Grande Richards of the C ut.cil cf Honored A t Luncheon "Y ou have the best picture in town." Member.-» of the Young Women’s the T.velve Apostles if the Churoh S-A-D is the word for f Je»u» Christ of Latter Day Sa.un M. I. A. presidency- of Vale. On oil when full of Sludge, "This is the first set we have seen where the details performed the ceremony in the Sal: tario, Parma, Owyhee. Vale anti Nys sa were honored a: a luncheon Mon Acids and Dirt. Spare are so plain." Lake Temple. June 30. day night at the stake house. The needless engine wear A reception, given July 3 in .he luncheon was given by the stake "O ther sets have bothered my eyes, but I can even by periodic oil change. Ny»»a L, D. S. stake licu-e honored presidency and board. Thirty-six wo watch this picture without m y glasses." the couple. Let us look into it to men were seated at the beautifully The bride received gue-’ s in an arranged table. Rose-» were used fer day! "T h e y told us the station was weak, but it sure doesn't original ballerina length go vn of the table decorations. look like it on this set." imported Alecon lace over white -at- in. It featured an Elizabethian co.- Mrs. Grasty Attends "W h y is your screen so much plainer than the lar and long sleeves with lily points at the wrists. She wore a brides W om an’s Society School others?" Bui For Complete D riving Mrs. Eugene Gra-ty. vice presi illusion veil, held in place with a W o "This is the first set w e have seen where it didn't tiara o f seed pearls, and carried a dent o f the Nyssa Method! Pleasure w ilh Your Car, bouquet of red roses, centered with man’s Society of Christian Serv.ce look like it was snowing." was a full time delegate to the Idaho a white orchid. be sure to conference school o f missions held Many statements of the same nature w ere made by Miss Olive Beus, in a ballerina on the College of Idaho campu- la-t length gown of hpple green net and week Mrs. Leo Gonyer, Mr». K E other people and W IT H O U T E X C E P T IO N the lace over tafetta, was maid of honor. Keveren and Mrs. Vernon L. TayU r statement: She carried a bouquet of pink and also attended some o f the sessions ahité carnations. "H allicrafter gives the clearest picture in town," was held. Kent Beus, brother of the groom Theme o f the school was "The general. was best man. Christian Disciple-hip Around The Mother of the bride. Mrs. Child, W orld " and is inter-denominational COME IN D U R IN G TH E E V E N IN G A N D wore a white linen model with lace and will be used in all churchs this trim and white accessories, she wore year as a preparation for the world SEE FOR Y O U R S E L F a corsage of red rose buds. Mother council of churches which will meet of the grocm wore an orchid knit on Northwestern university campus Open evenings for your view in g pleasure model with pearl trim and a cor- in Illinois in August 1954. j -sage o f white carnations. Mrs. Grasty studied two courses, Jo Ann Hartley had charge o f the "L ife and Task of the Church A- guest book round the World.” which text was During intermission, a program was written by Charles W. Ransom and given with Pres. S. Milton Nelson "Spanish Speaking Americans’’ by Dial 2346 of Ontario as master o f ceremonies. John R. Scotford. She heard an ad Numbers included vocal solos by dress from a foreign exchange stu Carma Taylor of Ontario; violin solo, dent from Guatamala. H A L L IC R A F T E R Sales and Service During the week of classes. Mrs Laura Schenk; reading, Mrs. El- wood Flinders; trumnet solo, Don Grasty lived In Simplct hall. 1 Moss, and a reading, Nancy Skeen. . <•— Presiding over the refreshment Patty Robbths Honored ' table were Mrs. Ersel Beus, Mrs. j Patty Robbins was honored on Frank Skeen. Mrs. Ez Carr and Mr. her 5th birthday at a party given and Mrs, Leon Child. last Tue day by her mother, Mrs. Mrs Milton Nelson, Mrs. Fred Harold Robbins Patty and her Blacker and Mrs. W. O. Peterson guests spent the day swimming in had charge o f the gift table, assisted Ontario and picnicking in the N y ’ by Reona Christensen, Carolyn Naki- | ssa park. shima, Virginia Sanders and Nancy 1 Guests included Carolyn and Mar- Skeen olyn Pond, Janice Richards, Delores The new Mrs. Beus wore a grey Morris and Christine Robbins. .;._ j linen going away dress with white ] From i accessories and a white orchid cor Dr. and Mrs. Olsen Entertain sage. The couple left for a trip to Dr. and Mrs. John Olsen enter Illinois where the groom Ls stationed tained members o f their Mr. and with the United States Air Force at Mrs. Club at their home Tuesday- night. Mr and Mrs. George Sallee Inner-spring mattress given with any Bedroom and Mr and Mrs. Glea Billings were guest players. Suite sold during this money-saving special sale. Prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brendle. t or Publie I.lability and Property Damage Ins. S. P. Bvbee Honored Hi. Pd.—5.000— 10.00—5.000 S P Bybee was honored gue-t at As low as S4.27 semi-annually a picnic in the Ny-sa park Sunday Have It "SUMMERIZED" By Our Experts Service Nyssa Motors Inc BEDROOM GROUPS ’ Tradem ark EXCLUSIVE GUIDE BAR Speeds Installation The removable GUIDE BAR shows you exactly where to place the five screws for perfect fit. The only tool needed is a screw drixer. Installation is made trom inside within live inimités. . I T us for Measuring Iminations anti Paces. ST U N Z LUMBER CO. 707 Adrian Dlvd. FARMERS M U TU AL IN S U R A N C E CO. Dial 3926 of Knumclaw, VVn. — 1st. 1SÜS IIF M tï -IIA N K -' STORM 201 Vo. !'tli Res. Phone 3392 Special Service Javcee-ettes To Elect Officers At Meeting Tonight ¿d DIGGER REPAIRS WE ARE NOW OPEN AT 5 A. M. Every Morning During Potato Harvest For Service to Growers ^ for his- birthday. F ifty -five members of the Bvbee family attended Out- of-town guest included Mr». Russell Jordan and Mrs. Carlo» Loveland of Nampa. Mrs. H E Chamberlain ef Ogden. Utah. Darlene Se»»!er of Caldwell and Colleen Bybee cf Boise. Two Civic club coffee hours for ! library fund benefit were reported this week. Mr». T< m F.ldridge enter tained Tuesday of last week and Mr W alter R th. Mr- Robert W il- -.'ii and Mr- Clifford Mink were '-h. 'te»»e » at the Mink home Wed- nesday evening of this week. Carries a Full Line of CHAM PION and OLIVER 149.95 Civic Club C offee Hours lo Pelalo Growers TH E N YSSA IM PLEM ENT COM PANY - For Service Before That Time Call 7753 or 3198 NYSSA IMPLEMENT Co. 422 Arcadia Blvd. $ LOW RATES Dial 3191 Adoption c f a constitution and nomination of officers were main items o f business at the regular Jayeee-ette meeting held last Thurs day night at the home o f Mrs. Jim Nicholson. A committee of Mrs. Richard M.i- -on. Mrs Jay Bunn and Mrs. Tom Chandler presented the constitution and by-laws for a vote of the group. | Nomination of officers to be voted on at the special meeting planned for tonight are a* follows: president.1 Mr- Oeorge Oxnam. Mrs. Jim Nich olson and Mrs. Marvin Wilson; vice president. Mrs Oerald Curry and Mr Augte Oiraud; secretary, Mrs Nicholson. Mr» John Briehl. and Mr- Bill Bl.xdgett; treasurer. Mrs. R.v»» Orover and Mrs Tom Church: historian. Mrs. Bill Hamilton. Mrs Richard Mason and Mrs. Don Her ron. reporter. Mr» Dale Overstake, Mr- Jay Bunn and Mrs Johnny O 'ddard: one year board director, Mr.-, La Vem Cleaver, Mrs. Joe Chamberlain, Mr< Tom Chandler and Mr- Oerry Stranger: and two lie year board director. Mrs Briehl, Mrs Church, Mrs Blodgett, Mrs. Oxnam and Mr Herron Other nominations from the floor will be accepted at the meeting. Reports were made on three coffe hours given to raise money for the treasury. S W rw D a -L e y P U n r v e d M m a Hinder», president ot Our Mobile TV Unit at Your Service WE GIVE S & H GREEN STAMPS PETERSON FURNITURE Co. The Dependable Furniture Store NYSSA — VALE — ONTARIO — PAYETTE For T.V. Antenna Installation Dial 3211