'■-.Ht ili t u T H E NYSSA GATE C ITY JOURNAL. NYSSA. OREGCN. THURSDAY. JULY inda, ait». t ti* í > n r ¡ ‘, U" uii A c ü li it ics H L 1 *1: are« E. J. a®. Era. er o! even. Thtj irti«. icauje reorje he* or 8: 16 .ingraan Kobny Mrs. James Phiier brini tesi*: s «. PAGE FIVE D .sl 2855 The P'llyar.n* club member.- will K :. man K i ny nc v M r. J.m Phifer had a party T..e-- day. The hostess was June Le.ke of | Ny- i. Tho-e pre.ent were Mrs Paul Cleaver Mrs Lawrence Martin. Mr- Ruberi Oraham. Mr- Dudley Kur.z Mr.. Merle Kurtz c f Portland and M: Dav:u Highland o f (.' Mr Holland took three .emi-truck loads of cattle to the Coleman Odom ranch near Sheaville on Wednesday. Thursday Mr ar.d Mrs L L Krea- ger. Larry, Charley. Oler. and Arch went to the Odom ranch to work with the cattle Pollyanna club will meet with Mrs. R L. Price on the regular club day next month. Mr and Mrs. Berle Phifer visited Sunday afternoon at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. C. D Pttten- *rr Jerry Spencer o f Nampa has been visiting at the Warren Fewkes home and this week Mr. Fewkes and the children are having the mumps. Charles Ilett enjoyed Friday eve ning by vU itin f with a friend. George Ebeling, whom he had not seen for 57 years. Mr Ebeling was making the trip from California t:> Seattle After spending Friday eve ning with the Iletts, he went on into NysM with Mr H ot:', sister Mr and Mrs Lawrence Martin took Ncreen Martin. Susanne and fs'ancy H.immen to Ontario for a s vim Friday. Those present to enjoy the Polly anna picnic on the Lynn Hurst la vn were Mrs. James Phifer and girl., Mr. and Mrs. Her-chel Thom p son and boys, Mr. and Mrs. A1 T '"m p scn . Mr. and Mrs. N P. French, Mr. and Mrs. O-car Schafer and Freddie. Mr. and Mrs. Art ! 3parks and D'ck. Mr. and Mrs. J. .Mr. an I Mrs. Hollis Knoi.les 3 Lane of N.'.mpa. Mr. and Mrs. —Phtto by Schcen Willis Conant and family, Gerry Nyssa Couple Wed :r< m was be.-t man Isaac Mitchell S’ ~py, Billie Day, M r and Mrs. Laurence Price, Mr. and Mrs. Tony An impressive evening ceremony and Gary Jones were ushers. Martinez and two sons, Rcss Lane June 30 at the Christian church Mr.. Valdo Talbot sang "M y Won and Mrs. Ed Bassett. united in marriage Mis.. Betty L r- derful One” and Mrs. Richard Ma Those from this community to at aine Hill and Hollis A. Kncwles. Parents of the couple are Mr and son sang “ Oh. Promise Me.” Irene tend the parade in N\ sa were Mrs. Mrs. Elmer Hill and Mr and Mrs. Jayo was accomanist and played the Willis Conant and family, Mr. and j wedding marches. Mrs N P French, Art Sparks. Mr. Alonzo Knowles. Two hundred guests attended the and Mrs. Bill Toomb and Mr. and • The Rev. Austin J. Hollingsworth reception which followed the cere Mrs. James Phifer and girls. performed the ceremony. A1 and Herschel Thompsons had The bride, given in marriage by mony. Mrs. Mary Curry cut the wad her father, wore a white waltz length ding cake and was assisted by Mrs. Jersey Cattle club meeting Satur- I gown of nylon net and lace. Her Mamie Sparks, aunt o f the bride; day night. Mr, and Mrs. James Phifer and fingertip illusion veil was edged in and Mrs Clara Jones, aunt o f the lace and held in place with a pearl groom. Others who assisted were girls attended the rodeo Friday trimmed tiera. She carried a bou Mrs. Dorothy Bibbey, Mrs Lucille night. Melba and Norman Price. Mr. and quet of red roses and white carna Chard. June Sparks, Carolyn Jones, Mrs. Ruth Pruyn ar.d Miss Viclet Mrs. Orland W hite and daughter of tions. Ontario went on a fishing trip on Violet Drydale was maid of honor. Drydale. B-nh bride and groom graduated Burnt river, over the week-end She wore a pink net model over Mr. and Mrs. Art Sparks spent tafetta and carried a bouquet of pink from Nyssa high school. Following and white carnations. B.ide maids, a wedding trip to Y ell «wstone nat last week at McCall. Ross MilU helped N. P. French Jean Crocker and Betty Jean Strick ional park, the couple will make build a calf pasture Saturday. land wore gowns to match the ma their home in Oakridge, Ore. Mrs. LaVoda Lenaghen of Ander tron o f honor in blue and yellow net Out-of-town gue.-ts were Mr. and over tafetta. Their bouquets were of Mr-. L. W. Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. son dam spent the week with her daughter, Mrs. O-car Schaffer, and blue and white and yellow and white Wallace Hill and Ralph Hill of Nez- family. Then on Sunday Halsey carnations. per-e, Ida., ar.d Frank Sparks and Lenauhen came and took his moth Donald Knowles, brother of '.he family of Weiser. er, Mrs. LaVoda Lenaghen home with him. ning the prize in a team race. Della Holmes Joined the club making 21 home. members. Lunch was served by the Sunday visitors at the Robert hostess assisted by Jessie Chard and borne were Mr. and Mrs. Robert ' 3etty Faries. Odams and Mr. and Mrs. Orville | Mr and Mrs. John Malstrom, Mr Johnson and children, all of Em- i Mrs. Frank Byers and Mrs. Alfred Samppi and Mrs metf. Qus Lrrenzon. all of Pendleton, visi Phone 2325 ted Friday and Saturday at the G ATE C IT Y JO U RN AL ADS home o f their niece, Mrs. Alfred G ET RESULTS Th e Merry Matrons club met at Adams and family. On Saturday the the home of Lorena Gressley Wed Adams and their houseguests atten nesday afternoon, July 8 Thirte.n ded funeral service in Ontario for members and two guests. Katherine Wm. Gurney, who was killed in an Bohannan, o f Vale and Della Hol airplane training flight at McCard I mes, were present. The afternoon Field. Wash., last week. Mr. Gurney | was ..pent socially. Plans were com was a cousin of Mrs. Adams and a pleted for the float which the club nephew of the other people. entered In the rodeo parade. The Mr. and Mrs. F G. Holmes and FREE IN S P E C T IO N will tell. new social committee, Jessie Chard Hat provided better insurance and Betty Bowen, announced the Mr and Mrs. Robert Holmes enter- I at a saving to thousands. Ask hostesses and roll call for the bal tained at dinner Saturday for Mr ance of the y ar. The next meeting and Mrs. Harley Tucker of Joseph j -N o obligation. and Ronnie Percifield o f Wicken- will be July 22 with Betty Faries hostess. Roll call to be answered by burg. Ar;z. renstrom Mrs. Glenn Brown went to Em a new cold drink idea. Game., were Insurance A r m e y played with Bennie Holmes and mett Saturday for cherries. Nyssa Dial 6637 Harold Fiveooat o f Madras spent Cora Rookstool winning individual prizes and Betty Be wens’ side win Saturday night at the Alfred Adams I Along The Oregon T rail is YOUR property' a “Preferred Fire Insurance R isk” $ 1 *.; to ó se th -— , , * A Day after day, week in and week out, M & W MARKET'S complete line of standard brands of merchandise is YOUR GUARANTEE of both QUALITY and ECONOMY. You are ALW AYS sure of BOTH when shopping at M & W MARKET Prices Effeclive F rid ay -S atu rd ay -S u n d ay , July 17- 18 - 19 Peanut Bllfiei Pork’n D6dns Pinea pipie Juice TISSUE Rpof Corned Velveeta Cheese i ^ W yA A OR FREE PLANS . . . MATERIALS . . . ANY AID YOU NEED . . . SEE BOISE PAYETTE It's easy to build the convertabl* table bench for your outdoor living. One unit make* a bench or counter table. Put two units together and you have two benches or a family size picnic table. Exclusively designed by D. E. Nugent to use only stock materials, the cost is so low you will want yours right away. See Boise Payette for your plans TODAY. ALL NECESSARY MATERIALS ONLY * yi8 PER UNIT Dial 2330 M l FROZEN FOO DS S P E C IA L GREEN PEAS Polar 10-oz. fee We Carry a Complete Line of CANNING and FOOD LOCKER Supplies 4 for 39< 2 for 59< m °an I of Arc No. 300 -- ■ i mi 'ri-- r~fi— ■ 49c & 85c 12-oz. LL A T [■HE D A EERY COl ÍN T E R j ■OR : c i a l s Cream Jumbo Qts. hand dipped CA 69^1 Double-dip Cones Fresh Frozen Breaded We Pay the Top Market Price for Ranch 2 ¥ 4 Tolls Libby's 0<CEA! 1 U ifcrt SOLE F I L L E T S StIRIIM 1# 1 49< 20-OZ. Sunfreze Special 4 - 59c 1 ' M Royal Arms m *\ *% *m ORANGE JUICE 2 - 45c Minute Maid 6-oz. \> S Bluhill E p f STRAWBERRIES 2 - 49c Sliced 10-oz. rw ir fen QUALITY and ECONOMY: Lb. 4 9 ^ Fresh Frozen _ • * 59e 69< J’ kg.