THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL. N Y SSÀ . O R E G O N PAGE TWO TIIK GATE CITY .M>1 KNAI. THURSDAY. J U L Y 16. 1933 sounded like something out of the dark ages Some of them appeared to believe that youngsters of today are l.ving in a perfect utopia. * * r s L w a tr #tr Frankly, we feel sorry for this DUANE R. A LTE R S - - - - . - - Editor and Publisher generation of kids for several reas •4 # w Advertising Manager ons. While most of them are mak RIC H A R D II N. YOST ing the be-t of what we feel are Ouanr R. Alter» and Geo. L. Whorton, Owner* grave disadvantages over that cf their parents and r.o doubt they S U B SC R IPTIO N HATES will mature as normal men and In Malheur County. Oregon, women, they have some ob-tacles tc and Payette and Canyon overcome that we adults didn't have N E W S PA PER Counties. Idaho: to face. 1 year l “* ,)0 We can't cast aside confused BL I S HE R S 6 M onths *2 00 thoughts of a four-year-old girl and SO CIATIO N El-ew here in the U.S.A.. her five-year-old brother who have per > i i ----------$3 30 been shewed with dozens of toys, .07 by two sets of doting grandparents (Strictly in Advance) and a multidude of admiring aunts and uncles. The toys are frequently u-ed and appreciated, but the thrill Published every Thursday at Nyssa. Malheur County. Oregon. that radiates from the two tots is Entered at the postoffice at Nyssa. Oregon for transmission when they are building huge houses, through the United States Mails, as second class matter, under television sets, small cities and virt the act of March 3, 1879 ual Industrial empires from scraps of wood scavangered in an alley. Th eir ingenuity is unbelievable Tuesday, 2 p. m., relief society. and their satisfaction is evidenced Wednesday. 4 p. m.. primary: 1; by their long hours of contentment p. m , M I A. | free fre m ruffled tempers that a- F IR S T rise when mechanical gadgets break F A IT H LU TH E R A N UHt RCH Let one o f the most beautiful o f food creations, a Bavarian cream, beyond repair or modern plastics Church of Christ Fifth Street and Park Avenue give sumptiousness to fruits at dessert time. This classic starts as a ! crack for no ofher reason than a C H R IS T IA N John L. Briehl, Pastor custard base into which whipped cream is folded. Then unfavored gel I change in temperature. Austin J. H ullin' .worth. Minister atine captures and molds the light, oh-su-smooth texture. We think of these kids and their 10 a. m., Sunday school. 10 a. m., church school. Elvin I f you do not wish to use a fancy nmid for the Bavarian, chill it in I coming years when they will have to 1 1 a. m . divine worship. Ballou, superintendent. sherbet glar es which can go direct to the table. Or chill the dessert in j live a ‘round-the-clock schedule, Wed., 8 p m., education class. 11 a. m.. morning worship, directed a bowl, and spoon portions into individual serving dishes. The fruit You are cordially invited to wor 1 with their time planned by well by minister. garnish for this velvety custard can be fresh, canned or frozen. Sliced meaning adults “ so they won’t get 7 p. m., Christian Youth Fellow ship with us. or crushed strawberries, a compote of fruit heightened with rum flavor borf d and won't become delin C A TH O LIC CHURCH ship. ing, a medley of citrus fruits . . . all gain glory u ith this gelatine delight quents", We already are pitying tt p. m., evening worship. Park Avenue and Third Street Baiarian Fruit Dessert | them when their parents, for fear- Realbert Abies, O. K. M. j of embarrassment, will forbid their 1 envelope unflavored gelatine 2 eggs, separated Mass Sunday at 8 and 10 a. m going from store to store a-king for ASSEM BLY OF GOD 1. teaspoon vanilla 1 2 cup sugar, divided uid daily at 8 a. m. menial jobs. As they grow older, Rev. Haskell Friend, Pastor 1 cup heavy cream, whipped teaspoon salt Saturday, 10 a. m., Catechism their ambitions to work at hard jobs F ruits for garnish 1 cup* cold milk South 2nd and Reece Ave. classes. for both financial and spiritual re 10 a. m., Sunday school. Mix gelatine, cup of the sugar and salt in top o f double boiler; munerations will be hampered by gradually stir in cold nnlk. Place ovei boiling water and scald, stirring 11a. m., morning worship protective laws that become more CHURCH OF THE BRETH REN constantly. Beat egg yolks slightly. Slowly pour small amount o f the 8 p. m., evangelistic service. , strenuous each year. Christian Center Mission hot mixture over egg yolks. Return to double boiler and cook, stirring Tues., 8 p. m , prayer service. They won’t be able to choose be- constantly until mixture coats the spoon, about 3 minutes. Remove fiom Fast 2nd and'Ehrgood Pri., 8 p. m., young people. ; tween playing baseball with a hand- heat; add vanilla. Chill until mixture is slightly thicker than the 10 a. m., Sunday school. consistency o f unbeaten egg white. Beat egg whites until s t iff; gradually whittled two by two and a ball of 11 a. m.. morning worship. T IIF CHURCH OF THE beat in remaining cup sugar. Fold in gelatine mixture and whipped ; string or a combination of football 7:30 p. m., evangelistic service. NAZARFNE cream. Turn into a 5-cup mold; chill until firm. Unmold and garnish and cops and robbers in a vacant Robert Jackson, Pastor vith fresh, frozen or canned fruits. Y IE L D : 8 servings. A D R IA N C O M M U N ITY CHURCH lot They will be scheduled with 10 a. m., Sunday school. regulation suits, regulation balls and Henry E. Moore, Pastor 11 p. m., morning worship. bats and an adult supervisor. They ------------- 1 ---------------------------------- 10 a. m., Bible school. 7 p. m., N .YP.S. and Junior meet will be scorned If they skip a sched- since it was founded 176 years ago ings. 11 a. m., morning worship. uled softball game to go fishing in and it has always offered the op- 11 a. m.. Junior church. 7 45 p. m., evangelistic service. Snake river with a bamboo pole and portunity for every man to be king their health will be impaired if they We just don't like the idea of too take a swim in an irrigation ditch many laws that say every man C O M M U N IT Y M ETHODIST CHURCH O F C H R IS T Paone 2-2769, l’ arnia instead o f a chlorinated pool. must be king. CHURCH Parma, Idaho Mrs. Woodrow Wilson Vernon L. Taylor, Minister They'll miss the fun of saving —---- — --- —— — MoConnel Ave. 9:45 a. m., church school. money they might earn, then having O. E. Robinson, Minister to decide whether they really want 11 a. m., morning worship. W.S.C.S. is having an ice cream 10 a. m., Bible study. to buy a jalopy or accumulate a 7 p. m.. Youth Fellowship. social Thursday evening, July 16, at 11 a. m.. morning worship. fund for college. A generation ago, Nyssa, Ore. July 11, 1933. the Apple Valley church. Homemade 8 p. m., Sunday evening service. that decision often had to be made Rodeo Manager and ice cream, pie and cake will be ser L. D.S. 1st W ARD Wednesday, 8 d . m.. Bible study, by high school youths, but now col- Newspaper Nyssa ved. Gordon Ray. Bishep FREE M ETH O D IST CHURCH le?e is a must and they have no part Qear S r , . ’ Mr. and Mrs. Dick Curtis and baby 9:15 a. m., priesthood meeting. In the planning since finances for Vn,, ___ __ . . . Adrian, Oregon r You had a very nice parade (what ° f Caldwell were Sunday dinner 10 30 a m., Sunday school 10 a. m., church school. a„ . . ^ rL f J ^ 5 I could see of it > and since you were quests at the Jack Wilson heme, 7:30 p. m.. .«acrament meeting. family budget along with food and 11 a. m., morning worship. Mrs. Sara M iller was a Sunday kind enough to invite me here I will Tuesday, 2 p. m., relief society. clothing as they are growing up. in turn invite you to the Rose pa dinner guest at the Hicks home. Wednesday. 4 p. nr, primary; 7:30 M ISS IO N A R Y B A P T IS T CHURCH Th e boys can have no choice in rade in Pasadena. Calif., and the Saturday evening after attending p. m , M „ I. A. Elder Lee Jolliff, Pastor the Y . W. C. A. dinner at Parma, Callstoga, Calif.. R ¿ « o .the t * „ trade, go to college or join the Army ganized 10 a. m., Sunday school. parade clockwork in the M r and Mrs. Jack Reed visited the or Navy. They probably will have no west). E Richard Barnes and the C. C. L. D. S. 2nd W AR D ,11 a m., morning worship. choice for the first year or more Melvedt homes in Boise. D. Hubert Christensen, Bishop 8 p m . evening worship. after high school when thev 'ake I f y0U * “ pernUt a Uttle ccn- Miss Gertrude Hicks has been ill 9:15 a. m , priesthood meeting. Wednesday, 8 p. m.. prayer service. an er nign scnooi wnen tney taice struct!ve criticism or more correctly 10i30 a. in., Sunday school. ST. P A U L ’S EPISC O PAL CHURCH their compulsory m ilitary training, suggestions, I would say that wor the past few days. Rev. Cari Gross, Rector 8 p. m., sacrament meeting. uC ! ? those o f you who have had good Mr and Mrs. Conley Wilson and ih yeaL V * v 32: ,ur™ Ch V», , 5t J; n k Mr. i and know polite manners ^ m ily and Delmer Smith spent the Morning worship and Sunday will not harm them in the least but ^ n g in g they will have lost part of their her- m !ght. next Rodeo t r o u g h your *eek-ei end camping and fishing at school. 9:30 a. m. itage in having someone else n,,h-.- press nrP(Li instruct 4n. , rllI., the late comers Goose I , decide public Goose Lake and Bear Creek, their lives They may even lose some ^ heigh 0f rudeness Bobbie Reed, son of Mr. and Mrs. of their natural patriotism through ancj the extreme of selfishness to Jaclc Reed, entered the Malheur he compu.-.on that had ..iced hem wajjj right out in front o f someone Memorial hospital in Nyssa Monday, since infancy. and stay there. where he will undergo minor sur- I have been wonderfully blessed We could weep in thinking about x wiU never forget the two swa?_ gery. In being restored to active life liter our younger day - and long hours o f gerlng overalled, plaid shirt backs ^ r- and Mrs. Jewell McTnty’re and being crippel in nearly every Joint work— If * we we '»'ere inclined to exag- aIKj a green wrap around dress that children of Parma were Sunday din- 'z ° rJc 1 in my body and with muscular sore e r at,e. a.H^ I f ™ planked themselves in front o f me ner Buerts at the David B iy home. ness from head to foot I had Rheu —but the memories of long hikes here and practically blocked my A fter dinner they enjoyed several matoid Arthritis and other forms o f explorations, overnight trips into whole view o f the parade. White ox- programs on television, Rheumatism, -hands deformed and I t ’s been said that people who the foothills unchaperoned, sandlot fords, no sox, very worn blue jeans ^ r- and Mrs. Milton Carver and my ankles weie set. ask silly questions are likely to get baseball and cops and robbers darllecj in tne seat with black -hread, M r- and M r' Eldon Pearson recent- Limited space prohibits telling y >u silly answers That happened a few bring a nostalgia that makes more here but if you will write me days ago in the Inquiring Reporter us cheek for the long-flowing white bright green patent belt, green yel- ly returned frem an extended vaca- low and pla.d blouse. Russian white- ticn trip up through Couer-'d Alene I will reply ut once and tell you column o f the State-man when beard that must be growing on our P nderoy, K in g’s Gate, Canada and how I received this a tiderful relief. someone asked, “ What advantages chin. We know that the good old blue eyes, "d .rty’’ blond, tarnished puter expansion wrist band with a on up the Jasper to the ice field, of life that you missed will you days were not so good in many res small boy In black tennis shoes on a back through Calgary, Glacier Na strive to give your children?” pects. b:ke he kept rolling into my feet. tional park. Montana, Yellowstone Part of tho-e answering the que.-t- W e hope that rse kids o f today That was the left view of the parade. park down to Richmond, Utah and : n sounded like they had lived the will mature more than this gener 2805 Arbor llills Drive T o the right was the back of a red. back home. lives o f underprivileged urchins ation ha a a l rebel at the regiment- Elmer Parker. Parma, and Clinton tan and white plaid olou-e, red -an- I*. O. Box 3122 portrayed I 1 in Oliver Twist Twist. They re ation t; we have allowed to creep Butcher returned from a five-day no sox. let ; planted far apart, Ja kson 7, ippi call-si ‘ heir juvenile financial di in duri he last few years. Amer- finger tips in hip pockets, tgestapo fishing trip in ;he McCall area. irultie and long hours of work ; tat ica h: progres-ed a long way tyle of -wagger), blue jeans, brown Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow W il-on bilt, brown purse, diamond colored :nd fam ily ar.d M o . Lloyd Samplo r.d children -petit Sunday evening t w r .:.o , reddish dark bljr.d with wliite-blue eyes ringed in gray, pack- v ting in the Bob Edison heme near a e of cigare-tes in shirt pocket, grid c I -red exapsion wr. t watch. Had I thought and sat on .he s.dtwalk instead of my chair I most likely could have seen the A’hoie parade through her swaggering jeans! ^ T o finish filling up the "back drop- was the green wraparound The answer to everyday dr-.-- opened in the back or closed by 2 white buttons, white sandals, Insurance problems* x. white beads around neck, dark brown horn rimmed glasses, lightish brownish hair, brownish black eyes, white purse . . . almost BY at in my lap once. R A LPH Since the.-e people are only Just ample.- of many others who by their LA W REN C E actions proclaim they were raised in a barn, i: might be for the good o f all to give them a few public ln- structlons on how to be polite to the visitors they invite to your parades. They are not children any more tun ic.-- in mind' and you may assure them for me (print this letter if you wish) that there Is nothing beautiful about their back views that they should feel so swaggering proud to plant in front of other people and leave there. When these rude ones come in late they should go to the back or No matter what your work on down the street. I once visited a “ down south’’ city or profession, you are elig and stood Just behind some colored family who were sitting on chairs ible to at the curb A rather large girl start ed to stand in her chair but the mother said "now Claribell you all mustn't stand in front o f the lady, IMutfratHd.- A f r o Falcon she couldn't see through you !" when they looked around at me I heard See the luxurious, color-blended rakish lines o f this Aero Willvs the woman say to a large boy on the interior . . . the seating width of . . . rated above all other cars as end chair "You-all give yo chair to the lady!" She put a paper on the over 5 feet front and rear . . . the the sjjest cur . . . the best bundling curb in front o f her for the boy and immense panoramic view from car (by Motor Trend Magazine) insisted I take his chair. A lot is said against the colored people but inside. See all -f fenders from the and next to Cadillac as "the car believe me that showed more un • If you’ll address your own in driver’s seat and note the racy. o f the \ ear". selfishness and good breeding than surance questions to this office, the Ru-sian swaggers I tried to look w e ll try to you the correct See it and drive it to da y. through yesterday. answers and there will be n* With all respect to those o f you charge or obligation of any kind. here a’ Nyata who are unselfish and properly raised I am Most Smcerciy N n u Indurane* Agoner Yours 1M Main k D ial ts u Mrs E K O'Toole. . Riverside, California. | I - Bavarian Cream Glorifies Fruits W ' l £g*s Clll HCII NOTES Apple Valley L e tte r s to E d ito r “ f°„“ Ä ARTHRITIS ? Fruitland. M i. and Mrs. Furl B ston and family and Dick Harri- jf Parma cn.cked above Idaho C: ty Sunday. Mr and Mr Jack Per: .field, who <• assc-c ate i with the -tdeo bu-i- vi ted at the Clint ;n Butrner me la-t week. Mr. Per cif.eld at.d r. Butcher grew up teg ether. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrge G riffin m d family and Mr. and Mr- Gene H ney returned Sunday from a week’ s fishing and camping t r p to Stanley Basin and Payette Lake-. They reported lots cf snev and very good fishing in the Stanley Basin. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rucker and family ; pen: Sunday at the tri-B lp- tist ramp a: Warm Lake. Mr and Mrs W ilfred J. Burch and Clavton and Mrs Rcy Ash- dr vn and baby of Puyallup. Wa h and Mr- Hattie Evenson and sen c f A-hton, Ida., were houseguests at the Ken Robinson heme the xeet end of the 4*h. Mr. Erne,; o May. Ida., was ah Mr Mrs. E d d i e Burch of B:ze: nan, Mo vere v i -iters Wcc i:i€ day. A ch it g. a - .rr a: :h e Fay c . m t -M nd ay ab u; n oon r.o damate to : * Ho*t Mrs. C: III ns was ever n nauMi m and was taken t > '-ne ho-, p t ’ l. She win able to re; urn hem. Monday evening. Mr. >n<l Mrs. Pi ter Mitchell, xln cy. P e ifr and Polly spent the m end in Nyssa vihting at the ham. cf Mr. and M r; G. J Mitchell M- Mitchell and the children had a*, r.ved here frem Chicago where theè met Mr. Mitchell and returned v - him to Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis left r.ight for Twin Falls * STRETCH YOUR BUILDING $ With Your Heme Owned N y ssa L u m b e r Co. 2x4 Dim. S4S Only . $62.00 M 1x12 K. D. Pino S4S Sheeting Only $55.00 M 2x4 <& W ider Dimensions S4S $30.00 M Unit Lots Only App. 2500-il. BarbedW ire 12-Gauge 2-point 80-Rod Roll Only Metal Roofing Only $9.35 $13.75 a Sq. See JOHN * At The NYSSA LUMBER CO. Dial 2295 * Dial 2295 «M O EO tym m “ J f ™ .! ! -IM - * " j í f ío K- < «« « -.I',“ « * . Along The EDITOR'S BEET Mrs. Lola S. Wier ( 1 J ■ÈÀ a a a U ovj ron Knm! ALL ARE ELIGIBLE GIVE BLOOD HAVE TIHS DRY-SOFT, STAY-SlvT, SHELL H08SEHIDE Ift BOTH SOLES AHD UPPERS! TANNED THAT WAY 3Y THE SECRET WOLVERINE TANNING PROCESS! GUESSING CONTEST One Day Only — Nothing to Buy Saturday, July 20 ^ Cake of ice in front of Everybody'* as to B d Ui aY’i. ^ei?. come in and register your guess as to how long it will take for the W O L V E R IN E shoe* to melt out. Winner announced Tuesday. PRIZE . . . 1 pair Wolverine Shoes everybody saves at Wed., Aug. 6 R0BERTS-NYSSA, Inc. Second St. and Good Ave. Nyssa, Ore. W e Give S & H Green Stamj OPEN TIL I P.M. SATURDAYS