Image provided by: Nyssa Public Library; Nyssa, OR
About Nyssa gate city journal. (Nyssa, Or.) 1937-199? | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1953)
7 THE NYSSA GATE CITY JOURNAL, NYSSA OREGON. THURSDAY. JUT Y 16. 1953 V\GT. TWELVE NYSSA THEATRE DIAL 3932 Starting Time Sal.-Sun 1:30 p.m. Evenings. 7:30 p.m THURSDAY-FRIDAY JULY 16-17 'TROUBLE A L O N G THE W A Y " With JOHN W AYNE D ONNA REED CHARLES COLBI KN TOM TOLLY It's Joltin John Wayne at his all- tim e best story of a football coach that mingles thrills and heart throbs. SATURDAY JULY 18 t'lT Y M ANAGER BURTON RESIGNS FOR JOB AT O NTARIO iContinued from Page D The city manager was informed several days ago that the state high way department had made change- in a project approved la>t year In March, M M the city had applied for stale fund.-» to pave three btock* of South First street between Good and King, two blocks of North First between Green and Locust, two blocks of I j K ' u - i between Fir t and •n-rd and two blocks of Third1 from Locu-it to the n< rth city limn- The Turnip Seed Crop Harvested A n o jie r bumper crop has gone into the harvesting record for Ny-sa, the ccmpletion this wee* of the turn;p ,.ed ftp-vest on the .arm.- t f Harry Oahan, Dave Beer* m d the g imm ,n!i Brothers. according to Bill W ahlect. 1< cal manager of the D e - * . r, C() seed .rowers 1 C ' «rowers. Wahiert “ W tne >wld " aS bett«< than avera({e wlth the Quality nigh, CJtne Horn The Saturday nigh ter, were Ernest Payr.e. Truman Cleaver. Arnold Whipple, Darv.n Gar.l. Dar win Tootnb- Darrel Butcher E Rookstool. Gary Chesnut. Butch Walker, Keith Lanca-ter and Darrel Zinn. Added attra” - . -»-ere a trhk I n 6 ^ ^ Regina p f e r « 5, Arlee Mont and a trained doe act Xx.-vd H un o f Brieham Citv Utah S 3 » he had hl / r e e hepha a j ZZ w I u k . type dcgs doing such unbelievable stunts a* balancing cn a bar. nd- mg scooters and tricycles and walk- g Time and Place Thursday. July 16 — J»,«ee-etle election of officers at the home *'f Mrs. Gerald Curry, 207 So. 4lh X ¡ i . ui T uesda», July 21— Eagles auxil iary meeting at 8:30. Initiation and social night. Thursday. July 23— Rrbrkah lod„e meeting at I.O.O.F. hall at 8 p.m. George Ebling of Los Angeles Visited a week at the home of Mrs. Ava Broughton and Miss Myrtle 11- lett. He left for Seattle Monday a f ternoon. Jalopy Racing Suspended to July 29 LO S T — B’. i'k -fra m e glas-e- with According to Lynn Sr. dz.-ass, silver trim on North 4th Siree Re president c f the Owyhee Riding turn to Journal Office. Reward. club, there will be no jalopy races 27-lt. during the next two week-. The gt*> and goggle sport wfill re sume Wednesday n.ght. July 29, he TYPEWRITERS said, when there will be a special. All Makea benefit race for Charles Reiten- Bought—fo ld — Rented— Repaired baugh, who was injuaed when his Fletcher's Typewriter Exchange repair shop burned following an ex P O. Box 45#- plosion while making repairs to a Hi way 20 West jafopy to be entered in the races last Boise. Ph. 26961- Idaho Wednesday. construction this summer as a truck * eal:her ^ *> a™ L Ju:ne bein* w ‘<* Peth of Bow. Wash., per- route at an expenditure of $15.000 iaf " Ior t“ rn,p eTV" ‘n^ . . formed cutstandingly as rodeo clown by the state Burton -aid the state . NexL st e,d crop;! t0 „*7 harve' ied and bullfighter, as well as giving a highway department had informed h* r% Y 1, Sf^d' u * o f g00d account o f himself in the bull- him that "changes" were necessary ab°ut Aug. 1. followed the middle of dogging and Brahma bull riding. because of heavy traffic and only . the f^ .-o rl mh- r ‘< " ‘u Knox Kirkland, Bacramento. Calif., three blocks on South Fir-t and t v o ______________ ]_______ p rancher, wwa the announcer. Other blocks on North first could be paved aJ. thelr 10-pound sacks will be officials included Lynn Snodgrass, at the same expenditure. handled at their Payette house Tom arena director; Grant Rinehart, a- The council made a new applica- Eldndge, manager o f J. C. Watson ^ n a secretary; Larry Daniels of tion for the streets formerly ap- pr<xiuce said that a double crew Lewiston. I d a , and Buck Davis. Jor- proved and then omitted by the re- operation may be started there to don Valley, judges, and Mrs. Dick cent notice. handle the smaller sacks Stimple, Lewiston, and Mrs. Jack Mayor Jones appointed standing wh;1 of the potatoes reach I Perclfield' Wtckenburg. Ari*. timers, committees made up o f council ^ con.sumer in baK,, ^ it ft our MWtóe j UVt S H a S -S 5SSsSSaS «52 and Emil Stunz; water, sewer, sani- d , chanae , £ uric_ w the tation Stunz Tobler. Thompson owe b doe.s privide addition- i f ^ T u' employees and an added payroll Clifford Mink, Bingman, police, li- Jn Nyssa A t o f the season T IbieS>' <MdlIkanw fr munlclpa °°urts, ^ st year lt was estimated that all Police Court .. July 2 Bernardino Rodrigues, pub- llc intoxication, forfeited $25 bond. July 3, Clarence Nelson Neeley, violation basic rule, $7 50. "THE JUNGLE" Application!, fo/licen ses from 16 Provldin* a ,12'* I Julyt ( 4' ? llfva ' Public in- hostelries were not acted upon when °°® wee* I> pay™ U , , «* 25 M Peterson, parking With inspection reports made by the state Torn Jones. Union Pacific agent, in pub^lie^driveway. No fine listed>. fire inspector, sanitation Inspector sa,d four cars were shipped Saburlo Abe, public intoxication. $25. ROD CAMERON and city police showed that only the Nyssa last Friday, six Satur- ’ July 6, Gerardo Manrequezt dis- MARIE W INDSOR Arrow Head Motor Lodge had com- 1 da^' Monday and 22 on orderly conduct, $35. CESAR ROMERO Hinrv. ..H i all a.. requirements The ..K shipments are billed for j uiy g Vernon Lowtrip. public in- plied with ap- ¿?ost o t Primitive passions explode in the plicatlons were referred to the new Kansas City, but many are diverted toxication, $50. Gerald E. Flinders, steaming jungles o f India. committee on licenses before reaching their destination violation basic rule, license suspend- and sold elsewhere, since many cars ^ go dayS. leaving this point have not been de July 12, Edward Holcomb, cUs- POTATO MARKET finitely sold. orderly conduct and assault. $50 fine HOLDS STEADY Jones predicted that by July 20, or 25 days in jail, now confined, (Continued from page 1) bet ween 50 and 60 cars of potatoes Manuel Betancourt, public ir.toxica - er o f cars and the same crew as that , , ., SUNDAY-MONDAY handled by Hartley. Lyle Sabin, a '‘ J .A1 be ^eavui8 Uie Nyssa tion, $25. Sebastian Vaquera, dis Umiliai. rvrrlorltt iir»t frwrfotigi/4 iH orderly statisi conduct, forfetied $25 Kn‘ bond. JU LY 19-20 Wilder, is field man for the comp Davila Oliverio, disorderly, fo rfeit any. 2-DAY RODEO DRAWS ed $25 bond. Jose Mendez public in The Lynn Josephson Produce toxication, $25, confined. house started operations Monday RECORD CRO W D ; SUCCESS Justice Court (Continued from page 1) with potatoes from fields that were Police Judge J. C. Smith is serving reported to be producing better than c liff Gunderson. as acting justice o f the peace while average quality, but a somewhat Bulldogging time Friday night was r^ n M ^ a h a m is on vacation. In Technicolor with smaller yeild. G roff, 10.5; Fernandez, 11.5; Gun- July 10, Cutonlo Perez, failure to D AN DAILEY Bybee Brothers shipped seven cars derson, 12.2, and Larry Daniels, Monday and Tuesday and expected Walla Walla, 14.2. Saturday night's stop at through highway, $5 fine. D IA N A LYNN about the same run Thursday and winners were G roff, 10 6; Fernandez, CHET ALLEN FYiday with plans for full scale op- 12.8; Dave Campbell, Las Vegas, HUGH O ’BRIEN erations next week. Bybee’s was one 13.2, and Edd Coffey, Ruidoso, N.M., of the few packing house that hand- 133 A technicolor tale of the minstrel led 10-pound sacks last year and Tucker’s wild Brahma bulls piled show days at the turn of the century. plans are being made to package a all riders except John Mitchell and W ith one make-up game to be larger number in that manner this Dwight Maddox, Weiser, the fir s t ! played, Tobler’s Feed is undisputed Matiner Sun. 1:30 year, depending upon the market night of the show. With Just as much winner o f the first half play o f the and the demand. "cussedness” the second night, more Nyssa Softball league, according to TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY Simplot Produce started on a riders were able to complete their unofficial standings issued this week small scale Monday and reported rides with Maddox taking first fol- by Dick Tensen, statistician o f the JU LY 21-22 plans for some 10-pound packaging lowed by Keith Cunnington, Hoop- Softball association, tins year. Th e Bens Brothers p a ck -' er. Utah; Mitchell, and Ray Bean LDS 2nd Ward played one o f its ing house, constructed last year, of Sharon Falls, Kas. two postponed games Thursday eve- W ith has been taken over by Simplot and The kid's calf riding event drew j ninf, defeating May Trucking by a JENNIFER JONES is being used this year as a ware- a field o f 19 riders for the two nights, 10-0 score Th e mape-up game be- CHARLTON HESTON house. with but only three or four complet- has been scheduled for July 27. K AR L MALDEN All packers, except Josephson, ing their rides. Hollingsworth»’, with a 2 and 2 TOM TCLI.EY stated that more 10-pound sacks Opening night riders included record, has the opportunity of tying will be packaged here than in the Dale Collins. Dennis Lovett, Norman 2nd Ward for second spot, A torrid girl o f the swamps You'll past, to result in larger crews to be and Garth Olson, Wayne Culbertson, | Tobler's Feed copped the first half never forget the story of her com employed. Lynn Josephson said that Bob Main, Dorene Williamson and ; bunting with five wins and no losses. pelling love for this man. SUPERM AN and the MOLE MEN "MEET ME AT THE FAIR" Tobler's Feed Cops 1st Half TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Save yourself kitchen time and work, give your family the foods that taste good even on hot days—with our summer specials! Our "keep cool" foods don't take much time to fix . . . but they're mighty welcome when the temperature soars! Prices Effective Friday - Saturday - Sunday STATE FAIR TOMATOES IDA DELL CREAM STYLE RUBY GENTRY" REAL GOLD CITRUS CONCENTRATE 5 Nyssa Births . . . WE STAND BETWEEN THURSDAY-FRIDAY JULY 23-24 /'O F F LIMITS" YOU AND LOSS! -Rfc»- /«V With BOB HOPE M ICKEY KOONEY M A R ILY N M AXW ELL EDDIE MAYEHOFF It's a sensational super hit with Hope, Rooney and Maxwell at their best in this comedy at its funniest. Bob Thompson Agency Dial 3355 SATURDAY. JULY 25 "SIREN OF BAGDAD" In Technicolor with PAI L HENKEID PATR ICIA MEDINA HANS CONR1ED Bewitiohlng, beautiful and ro mantic men fought for her favor. SUNDAY-MONDAY JULY 26-27 Do You Need a Good Used Truck? We Have a 1941 GMC — New Engine Guarantee "DESTINATION G O B I" In Technicolor with RICH t ill) W ID M AK K DON TAYLOR O A K 1 EDAMS D A R R Y L HICKM AN The story of an incredible trek «cross eight hundred miles o f blazing sand with death stalking at every step, SEE For A Clear Picture ED CASE FURNITURE Co. 118 N o rth Main Phone 3316 4 cans « « 2 lbs. 79c 2 its. 79c ASSORTED LUNCHEON Here'» the perfect holidav! Go thru g.n Las Vega* to excit ing I os Angele»! See the movie studios . . . go to the beaches . . . see the home* of the stars! Vacation in the land of the Sun! only $18.95 to LOS ANGELES! Yellowatone Washington, D.C. Colorado (Denver) z $10.10* $47.35* $18.30* COLD CUTS BUTCH’S HOME-MADE Link Sausage TAYLOR’S 2 % 79c FOOD MARKET BEAT THE PRICE BY S A V IN G TW ICE— •plv« to. "N IA G A R A " 6 cans WEINERS Go Greyhound Westinghouse THURSD AY-FRID AY JU LY 30-31 In Technicolor with M A R IL Y N MONROE JOSEPH COTTON JEAN PETERS R ICHARD ALLEN He saw her In another man's arms and knew he w.t marked lor murder. Th e year's mo.-t exciting film, , SKINLESS See Leo Fife or Dial 3189 TV < CLEARWATER son Monte to catch the train for California with the Boy Scouts. They enjoyed a picnic at Lake View park before he left. Fair Beet Bed Before You Buy cans PEAS went to Nampa radar to take their 79 79 79 1 can makes full quart ROLY POLY BRAND TUNA Vacate Nearly New Tires In W arner Color with VINCENT PRICE PH YLLIS KIKK FRANK I.OVEJOY C A R O LYN JONES H ie man turned monster who Oripped a city. Filmed in 3 Dimension. Continuous Showing TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY JU LY 28-29 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Capper and family returned last Tuesday after spending 10 days in Denver and Platteville, Colo., in Rollins, Wyo. and in Scottsbluff and Gering, Neb They returned to their home via Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rurningham FARMERS "H O U SE OF WAX" Boy babies were out-numbered six to one in the birth statistics o f M al heur Memorial hospital during the past week, five o f the babies being born to Nyssa parents. They were as follows: July 8— A son to Mr. and Mrs. James Willis, Nyssa. July 10— Daughters to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Farmer, Nyssa. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Ontario. | July 11— A daughter to Mr. and Mrs Alfred Simpson, Nyssa. July 12— A daughter to Mr. and Mrs Mike Rodriquez, Nyssa. July 13— A daughter to Mr. and Mrs Dean Peterson, Nyssa. July 14— A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lapez, Adrian. O R AN G E - LEM ONADE LOW PRICES PLUS Ask about the dozens of complete Greyhound vacations that include hotel accommoda tion*. transportation and special sightseeing at one l o » cost! Greyhound Terminal 511 Main Dial 9112 GREYHOUHb' 4 e 425 Arcadia Blvd. Dial 3111