THE N Y S S A G A T E C IT Y J O U R N A L. N Y S S A C t t t S S /F /F n OREGON THURSD AY JULY I?* <WlCK~ Àround Arcadia Mrs. George Moeler Dial 2733 Classified Advertising Rates T w o cents per word per insertion. Minimum charges, 30 cents for irst insertion, in advance. To assure insertion on the classified page or proper classification, all ads must be turned into the For Sale For Sale TR A D E IN S P E C IA L - JluO 00 f. r your old refrigerator i Before it breaks down» in on the new famous H tpoint. Easy Ez Appliances. CO So 1st Si. 27-lrc! Journal office not later than noon Tuesday. Publication of any classified advertisement w ill not be guaranteed when submitted later than Tuesday evening. Dial 3233. BEST BUYS To ßuy Or Sell See Mel 214 s >. Main, Nvssa, Ore. FARM S 3 be gra.n. crops m modern * ;0 f°r your old washer on the new eding h me, cattle up $13.530. Speed Queen wa-her and eliminate 60 head dairy ranch, bottled Farms $.0,090 dowr wa>h day troubles. Ez Carr Appli milk route in 3 we-tern Idaho to 80 acres top row crop land, east ances. 27-ltc. ID E AL ROW CRO P LAND 60 head nuik cow- go with the deal, 160 acres with 134 cultivated. About panel delivery truck, the place is end of Sunset Valley, 3 bedroom Taking a trip0 Better take along 125 acres of choice bottom land equipped with pipe line milker and home. FOR SALE - Latham Raspberne.-, one of our F A M IL Y Vacation Acci Lots of water for row crop irriga all equipment, correls have cement 145 acres on paid up water right, especially good for freezing, 71- mi. dent policies. Covers the whole fam tion. $65.000 . 2y"t down. fl>~rs, 7 room modern home, 2 bath-, lots of free vater, 3 bedroom mod S W. of Nyssa. Dial 2331. B F Rook- ily. Pays all medical expense up to C A TTLE RANCH full basement, will take your home ern heme, labor hou-e, large burn, 26-3tp. fare of p. !:cy Very reasonable rates. 200 head permit. 3 sections leased a- part payment, $42,000, term, if several cut buildings, productive BERNARD EASTMAN land, 117 acres irrigated land. desired. soil, $12 500, $.2 0b*0 d> vn FOR SALE— Red beets. mile we.-t Complete Insurance Service Cheap water. Two sets o f improve BUSINESS OPFOR r i M T1FS on Adrian highway, mile south. Y y s » 200 acres at Emmett. Idaho, ■ H) Dial >643 ments. Immediate possession. Onion ge, 14,0001 -quare fc $3 a bushel. 26-2tp. acres cultivated, row crop and >t it 565.000. 29 d v.. -et up, good producing ranch, 45 warehou- e. FOR SALE—Case Model VA Tractor SAFE W A Y TO FARM FOR SALE — 1950 Allis-Chalmers bus*ness leca tion. 60 fc acres pasture. 30 acres corn. 70 ai res 60-70 acre row crop land, plus 100 m del 69 combine. Price $350 and with 7-ft. power mower, hydraul frontage en oí ne street and 1 2 0 U alfalfa. 25 acres wheat, 20 acres b ically controlled. Tractor and Mower acres good river bottom pasture. deliver to Nyssa. Lloyd Landreth, ley, 5 rcom modern hcm\ 3 n. cm frontage on the other. jn heart >f $40.000, terms arranged to suit you. Jr.. Madris, Oregon. 26-2tc used less than one month for mow- Ny--a. $2.300. Ms down. modern tenent h, me. 3 ear cars .ng only. Just like new at a Bargain V IEW OF TH E V A LLE Y 1IOMI S 9 head cow barn. -reel gtanary, corn Automatic Washer. $150.00. Ez Car price. Inland Machinery Company New brick home. 100 good acres, 3 be.;:-. :n home. *a city block, crib, and chicken bouse, selling Appliances. , 27»ltc. Phone 343, John Day, Oregon. $50,000, on terms. cause his boys are going to the army, $3.500. $1.100 down. $500 per year. 25-3t. i P A ID UP W ATE R R IG H T 2 bedroom modern home, fireplace, i will take a -mailer farm ;.i on :ivs FOR S A LE —Black cap raspberries. | vail to wall carpeting, full basement, Call Mrs. W. L. McPartland. Dial _r— ------------------------------------------ 1 70 acres cultivated, mostly row anch, $63.000. term- if desired. FOR SALE—G.M.C. 303 truck. 270 crop land. Balance fenced pasture il furnace, attached garage. 100 foot 160 acres. 80 acres irrigated, row 3348. 26-tfc. engine, top condition. Good tires, land, part irrigated. $30.000. crop and stock deal, land lay- well frontage, corner location, spotlessly good beet bed. Dial 3189. 23-tfc. FOR SALE— Good dairy cows Have for irrigating, 5 reem home, $18,500. clean, all for $9,500, $2.500 dovrti, loan ENJOY T H IS LO C A TIO N been on Standard D.H I.A. testing. can be obtained on the balance. 63 acres of good laying land with $6.500 down, $1.000 per year plus 5 Lloyd Lewis. 23-tf. 5 acres, 2 bedrocm modern h>me, good 4 room home. Ideal lor dairy interest. f shady yard, good set of out buildings, 20 acres on highway North ing $30,000; 1 3 down. FREE FOR SALE — Co-op self propelled Nyssa, row crop land, modern home, close to Nyssa, $12.000 IR R IG A T E D PASTU RE combine, 10 foot. David Beers, Rt. 2, Prompt Piekup of Drad Anlmals 160 acres, row crop and stock set 2 bedroom modern home, close in 44 acres of good tame pasture. Nyssa. 25-2tp. Good home and other buildings up, small home. $28.00, low down corner location. $3.400. $1.000 down. I)ial Nyssa 3017 $10 500 ** * * ¡payment. Attractive 1 bedroom semi-modern FO R SALE—6 room modern home 80 acres, 60 acres irrigated, place home, on Park avenue, fenced in Idaho-Oregon Kendrring Co. CHOICE ACREAGE plus 3 rental homes. W ill take trailor Is in pasture, corn, alfalfa and yard, $3,150. $1.500 down. 5 good acres, modern 2 bedroom house or small acreage as part pay- _________ -____________________________ home, good outbuildings, close in ment. $7.000, $1,500 down. Mel Beck Lapidary Equipment and Supplies. Specially priced at $12,000. Terms Real Estate. 23-tfc Juanita's Agate Shop, 296 Northwest arranged to suit. Listings wanted on stock and row crop ranches. il l j r ~ ~ — r — -------, „ Second Avenue, Ontario, Oregon. FOR SALE— Good used 100 gallon 26-8t CLO SE-IN ACREAGE INSURANCE LOAN’ S electric water heater $79.50. Ideal ____________________________________ ' 3 bedroom small home on one Dial 2033 214 No. Main. Nyssa, Ore. Gas & Appliance. 25-tfc acre of choice land. Buy this on FUR S A L » easy terms for only $5,000. USED P IA N O —Teach your children 2 bedroom house, goc*l location Homes to appreciate music. You'll be proud F.H A. terms, $8400. P A Y NO RENT o f them. Only $100.00. Buy it like Save your rent money by buying 160 acres, fall delivery, $28,000. LO ST—Pair o f brown rimed glasses A R T IF IC IA L BREEDING rent. Ez Carr Appliances, Nyssa, Ore. this nearly new one bedroom home. 1 bed room home on two lots, Friday night at the rodeo. Reward 27-ltc. $2,750, $500 down. For greater milk production in the offered. Dial 7717. Extra large lot give« ample room 27-ltc. fer garden, shrubs, trees, etc. years to come, breed your dairy cows 4 houses on two acres, hiway FOR SALE—One Holstein milk cow. to the proven bulls and sons of pro FOU ND- -Keys. Owner may have by $4,200 on terms. just fresh, high producer. Phone irontege, $17,000, terms ven bulls that we are offering to you paying for this ad. 27-ltc. HOME FOR CH ID REN 100 acres— good location, beautiful 2619. O. E. Cheldelin. 26-tfc. by artificial breeding, $7 per cow. Nearly new 2 bedroom home— safe Malheur Dairy Breeders Assn, l’ hone home, new machine shed, excellent FOR SALE— Harley 125 motorcycle, soil $50,000. Bob Thompson Agency. I "all on one floor” plan. Back yard 2010, Nvssa or 1099-W, Ontario. $150. 316 So. 5th, Nyssa. 26-8tp. fenced. Productive garden spot. 25-tfc. Blacksmith shop with equipment $3500, FH A terms. Nyssa Motors' big used ear lot open FO R SALE—49 Ford 6 or 50 Plym and house on 1/4 acre fronting high- | Gone are the days . . . when auto- every evening during week for your outh. Both in A -l condition. Will way in good farming center. $2,900, PIC TU R E OF TH E YE A R Your wife and children in this big mobiles were horseless carriages and shopping eonvenienee. Shop wlirn sell either one. Phone 2884. 24-tfc. $1,000 down. its COOL beautiful yard. 2 bedroom modern white enamels turned Yellow! To- 105 acres, 90 acres row crop. An home. $6500. Terms arranged. HOMES FOR SALE day's automobile is a home on wheels 1952 Chevrolet Styline 4 door sedan; abundance of free gravity water, 2 to choose from, 1 a cool green ID E AL LO C A TIO N and today's W H ITE IM PERVO Excellent two bedroom home. Car $31.500, easy terms. the other a beautiful light gray. Nearly new two bedroom home ENAM EL stays super-white as long peted living room. Elec. Dish washer, 2 bedroom house $3,150, only $5001 with finished apartments in base Both cars are one owner and fam disposal sink. Basement, furnace, as the durable finish lasts . . . You ily size. You can tell when you ment $12,500, F.H.A. terms. garage. Nice lot, lots of shade, paved down, balance like rent can get IM PERVO from your Ben try these cars they have been In A c re a g e -2 bedroom house, barn j S T U R D y p r e - w a r St. Only $7500. jamin Moore Paint Dealer, Nyssa the hands o f good owners. Fully and chttcken house $4,200. C O N STRU CTIO N Lumber Co. I3-tfc. Two Bedrooms, completely modern, equipped. Convenient location, 4 finished full basement, nice fenced yard. 1951 Chevrolet; 3 to choose from bedrooms, full basement. $12,500. Only $6500. BOB THOMPSON AGENCY and all low milage. You have a K E Y S M ADE easy terms. Dial 3355 good choice and the price Is right. Two rooms, full basement finished NEW 3 BEDROOM HOME W hile You Wait into two rooms. 150x138 lot. Pressure 1950 Pontiac club coupe, blue ribbon Large rooms with hard wood floors, water system. Very reasonable down blue. A school teacher had this FIR E STO N E STORE utility room. Safe convenient, all payment and monthly payments to one, and Its nice. Equipptl with on one floor arrangement. $13,000, suit. hydramatic trans., radio, heater — M ISCELLANEOUS — Electrolux easy terms. and many other extras. It's a cleaners. Sales and service. Ed. R. W e have several income proper FOR REN T— Apartment, close in. BRAN D NEW 26-tfc. beauty. ties for sale including single dwel Dial 6650 or 3083. 2 bedroom home with full base Anderson, route 3, Weiser, Idaho, phone 0287-J4. 44-tf. 1950 Studebaker club coupe. A regal lings, duplexes and business build ment. Detached double garage. FOR RENT—3 room furnished ap- j ‘nent- deluxe sport coupe wth low m il ings. 2 6 - 2 tp i i Large corner lot. Facing the park. il 2449. 26-2tn Large partment. Dial age, overdrive R and H and many Remember old King Midas, w hose: $13,500, easy terms. Residence and business lots. thousands o f trouble-free milfs. touch turned everything to gold? FOR RE N T — New Clarke 8-inch LO TS O F ROOM You will like this one. BERNARD EASTMAN 4 room house, full basement, mod The room you "touch” this season i Come In and see the New Used Ford floor sanders and 6-fcich edger. Real Estate Insurance with Benjamin Moore paint won’t : Stunz Lumber Co. 16-tf. ern tenant house, extra lot, all for Truck with 8:25 x 20 tires and bed Dial 2643 $6,750. change to gold, but its new-feund ' : r $1095 FOR REN T—Furnished and unfur SPEC IAL B A R G A IN beauty will amaze you. . . . Y o u r ! Used refrigerator $35. Ezz Carr Ap nished apartments. Dial 6669, N Y S S A M OTORS 3 bedroom brick home, not new, friendly dealer, Nyssa Lumber Co. pliances. 27-ltc. 11-tf. Dial 2224 but still good. $3.500. 13-tfc. ID E AL FOR COUPLE CHARCOAL FOR RENT—Two 250-ton cap NOTIC'E TO CREDITORS Nearly new single bedroom mod MISCELLANEOUS— Do you need lhe M aiter o f lhe E, la te of trench silos. Lloyd Lewis. 23-tf. 69c Bag ern home. $3.000, $1,500 down. to remodel your home or to , ^ B Beougher, Deceased, Ideal Gas & Appliance FOR RENT—Paint spray gun Fire- .W E L L W O R TH TH E MONEY build outbuildings or garage? We NO;riC E IS HEREBY G IVE N stone store. Nearly new 3 bedroom home. Floor 21Ftfc. 20-tfc can arrange a loan for you and give T h the undersigned ha, u en duly furnace, utility room. $7,000. you up to three years to pay it. reguarly appointed the Admin- USED A P P L IA N C E Nyssa Lumber Co. 23atfc I ls t m o “ of ^ ove entitled estate; Business Opportunities ’ B A R G A IN S HOME AND 100 M O N TH LY all persons having claims against $69 Septic tanks and cesspools cleaned. Lovely new home 4 modern MISCELLEANOUS — W all-Satin said estate are hereby notified to Deluxe Electric Range rental cabins. Room to build sev- Here comes color. A washable, rub- prt.>ent the >ame, verified as by la w $29 Dial 4-3763, Parma or 4-2161 Parma Used Washer eral more. $17.000. Terms arranged berized finish for Interior walls and required, to the undersigned at Nys- Sew Gem Electric Cabinet Hardware. 13-tfc. 14 U N IT M OTEL wood trim. | sa. Oregon, at the office of Clyde H. sewing machine and •covers most surfaces in one uni- ; snider, his attorney, at 18 North W ell located and very attractive. attachments Stop having septic tank trouble by form coat. $40,000. includes all furnishings. Third Street, within six months of 41 ^-ft. Refrigerator $22.50 pUt;jng in Field Dain. Dial 3993 •dries to a satin sheen in less than the date o f the first publication one hour. evenings. 9-tf. FIR E STO N E STORE hereof. 19-tfc •twelve handsome colors all ready Ralph Lawrence Dial 6615 COAST Blacktop Paving Co. Is ready 16 North 3rd to use. 1 Administrator o f the Estate o f j Phones— W e have several u.-ed electric and ! to build your driveway, parking area, Night and Sunday Nyssa Lumber Co. 16-tf. Emery B Beougher, Deceased. 3168 Ken Pond gas refrigerators traded in on the school yard, feed lot, lounging ur Date o f first publication July 9. ’ 3392 Hank Storm new Servel. Come in and choose one. j implement shed. Only pugniill as- |( 1953. S T A R T YO U R B ETTER Ideal Gas & Appliance, Nyssa. phaltic concrete mix in this area, j Date o f last publication August 6, HERD T O D A Y 17-tf Low cost, guaranteed work, free estl- 1953. _______________ mate. Budget plan. Rt. 2, Box 250A Artifical Insemination to Sires W ANTED — To do custom baling. I proved in the U P 19 of each breed Used Servel gas refrigerator $89 50 or phone 280. Ontario._________ NOTICE MM Wire tie Dial 3233. 2320tp. , Guernsey. Jersey Hoi. Brown Swiss < ounlv Y'ourt of the State of Ideal Gas & Appliance. 16-tfc Mi.king snort horn. Also 2 beef (W A N T E D —To trade 3 h. p. Century • breeds." $7 50 per cow. No charge for FO R SALE—4 room modern house, ~ ■ motor for 1/3 or V4 h. p. variable return service. Ray Bowns. New _. ' ..' ‘l ’ , , L , ,t , with nice lawn and shade trees, ---------- HELP W ANTED— Part time motel ___ . _ / i . . . ntn, . a .. Change the Name of Jon Michael equipped with gas. Dial 3914. work for woman Inquire .Arrowhead ! Z * * City P^m ou, 1^4041 Lawson to Jon Michael Coate. 10-tfc. 12-tf. | ID A H O PRO VED SIRE 27-2tp. Journal Lodge. Nyssa. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN, MEL BECK—REALTOR Miscellaneous Lost and Found Used Car Bargains * iT o late for last week' I lor ( ve on Sunday. July 19. Mr. an J M: - Elmer Stradlev fish- Tt latest unhappy victims o f ed at the1 Owyhee dam on July 4th. mea in the Arcadia community Annette Stradley accompanied a are i S i an Schenk. Bobby Ure. Tom - a group of young people to Silver my i City for ia Fourth of July outing. 1 ton . Carol ;and Barbara Evans spent M: the week-end with their grandpar- pa rents of a daughter who was bom nt Mi u d Mrs Jay Warner Sun July 11. day Mr and Mr- Bob‘Evans of W.i- Miss Beverly Grow of Napa. Calif, los'creek came down and took them is here visiting her grandparents, home. Mr and Mrs Jay Warner. The Harold Dail family and the Mr and Mr- Otis Bull ird were Lee D.ul family spent the week-end down from McCall for the week-end with Mr and Mr- Otis Bullard at They went back Sunday and took McCall. Sunday. Don Bullard and Mr. and Mr- Charlie Bullard with Gordon Keeie drove up to spend the them. day. The Fred Schilling family attend CARD OF T H A N K S ed a picnic the Fourth of July in We wish to thank tne Nyssa Busi Taylcrs Grove. It was sponsored by ness Men’s asv-ciation. Nyssa mer the Walther League of the Luthe chant- and all ethers responsible for ran church of Ontario. the television set we received last Mr and Mr- Norman Hipp and Saturday. Mr. and Mr- Walter Looney children and Nlr> Keeie of Piyette drove to Vale the evening of July 27-ltp. Fourth, where they enjoyed the bar becue in the park and the rodeo Use The Cecil Houston family and the later. Gate City Journal Harold H 'uston family Joined the Ben H 'uston.s for dinner the Fourth Classified Ads. after which the children and the Hust children went swimming in the O ntario pool. Denny and Freddie Schilling have SEND Y O U R C L E A N IN G been ill with measles. Peggy Houston has had them also. to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Myrick and children were Tuesday evening visi tors in the Norman Hipp home. M r' Ben Houston returned Tues day from a weeks visit in Council. Visitors during the past v;eek at the George Hust home were Mrs. Pick Up and D elivery Perry Kilborn and children of In Monday — Thursday dian Valley, Mrs Minnie White of Phone Parma 3-3131 Payette and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Han sen and family or Maupln, Ore. Collect Mrs. Gerald Zittercob and infant daughter, Jan Gale, returned July Fourth from the Holy Rosary hos pital. They stayed Saturday and Sunday in the John Zittercob home before going to their home. Jerry Ray Zittercob will spend a few more days with his grandparents where he Optometrist has been staying the past week. Saturday visitors at the John Z it tercob home were Mr and Mrs. John Eyes Examined Rolland o f Tacoma, Wash, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zittercob and Anne. Phone 9-2312 Don Bullard and Gordon Keeie 718 Arthur St. spent the Fourth of July in Vale where Don joined his National Caldwell, Idaho Guard unit to march in the after noon parade. Miss Ethel Miller of Baltimore, PARMA DRY CLEANERS DR. C.W. CRAVES LET US DRESS and CUT FARM LOANS 1 KEN P O N D - - - « ™ Wanted Help Wanted 5 ACRES FOR SALE W ANTED —A reliable, middle aged " A N T E D Trucking of any kind. 2 bedroom modern home with a u i l u t i l W J W H C for m’valld lady, i do;except livestock. Dial 2190 » * » « 13-tfc. basement, excellent location gooo llKht housework. uve in good home, soil, garden, fruit trees, barn chicken Dflftn Nyssa, Ore. Dial 3963. house, and other outbuildings 26-21 p. R A D IO and T E L E V IS IO N $12,700. ! ----------------------------------------------- SERVICE N YSSA INSURANCE AGENCY FO REIG N EM PLO YM ENT. Alaska, Complete Radio Repair Service Ralph G. Lawrence, Agent So. A m , Africa, Arabia, Mexico, Tube« and Parts in Stock Nyiwa. Oregon : Europe, etc and Jobs In U. S $3,000 Quick Service ------------------------ —-------------------- to $14.000 Fare Paid. Write. Job Work Guaranteed FO R SALE—Fuller paints and wall Communication Service, Box 398. paper. Budget terms available Fire- Portland 7, Oregon. 25-4t JA K E S R A D IO and T.V. SHOP «tone Store. ¡¡S Located in Wilson Bros. Dept. Store m for sale UP YOUR For Rent Miscellaneous u WHOLESALE 2-bedroom home, new construe-1 W ANTED tion completely modern, dining Our survey shows Nyssa area needs Dead Animals tion, comp_ > d a progressive wholesale distributor in room, attached g W v e r y g o o o ^ h%Tav » r e .sporting Removed Free. locatlon on King ase • if™ toys and electrical lines. If Dial Nyssa 3947 2-bedroom modern home. FJLA. ^ .*.ouid Jlke ^ start ^ business Payette 670. approved, good location, corner lot. f )|. yx,ur#ejf on a small investment Idaho Animal Products Co. paved street, very nice yard $»500 and >tlIi bave the power of a large __________ Rural grocery store with cold stor- distributor, we offer this opportun- w £ ^ n iiw A K T »D - B * b «. P ~ - I S T t o K,,.„ voo-wav Reasonable terms ,,f $3.500 to $5.000 is in merchandise, slaughter horses. Clyde Smith o modern home, full You decide how much and what phone 30«. Ontario. Across from extra large lot well tm- .r dealer accounts Ontario Sales yard. 23mtfc basement, extra larg ^ -n _ ----- - offers a sound future ----------------------------- ea-M proved, $5,000, Use the Journal Classified Ads. with exceptional Income Write to Fourth street. e r n ia ' Distributing Corporation, they get results. N T SS A n l l E A W Y ■ ¡941 rth Lombard, Portland, IT, u « k o. Me w * Aw* JO U R N A L C L A ja e m X D AUS 1$9 M ala S t *>*•* t iU * ° r* * no « Maryland was a visitor one day lats week in the John Zittercob home. Jim Sigler and Clarence Houston arrived at the Ben Houston horn* Saturday night after -pending th « U-t two months in California. POULTRY See U » About Other Produce GEM PRODUCE CO. 6th and Good PROFESSIONAL and BUSINESS DIRECTORY Physicians Dentists S A R A Z IN C L IN IC Dr. J. J. Sarazin Dr. K. E. K erby Dr. K. A. Danford DR. C. M. T Y L E R I’ hysirians and Surgeona W ILSON B U ILD IN G Dial 2771, Nyssa O ffc s Hours From 9 to 5 Except Saturdays. 9 to 12 J. R. C U N D A L L .. A. M A U L D IN G . M. D. Physician and Surgeon Dial 2216 Hours. 10 to 12 and 2 to 5 Dally Except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday 10 to 12 NYSSA Dentist Dial 2638 Sarazin Clinic OREGON DR. JOHN W. O LSE N Dental Clinic 7th and Bower Dtal 3311 Chiropractor SERVICE That Jon Michael Lawson, a minor, I 17-tfc, by Marie Coate, guardian ad litem, --------j and said Jon Michael Lawson, has ■ filed in the above entitled Court his CARD OF TH A N K S Petition to change the name of said | We wish to thank the many fr i Jon Michael Lawson to Jon Michael ends and neighbors for their acts of Coate. kindness and expressions of sympa Said Petition will be heard In „ the thy received during the illness and , . death of our sister, May K Solomon, courtroom of said Court ai Vale, We also wish to thank the American Oregon on the 20th day o f July, 1953, Legion and the Yellow Rose Re- at hour of 1:30 o ’clock P M . bekah lodge of Nyssa and the Eagles Notice Is further given that all auxiliary. persons shall appear at said time ; Mr and Mrs. Aden Wilson and Place and ahow caus« ' lf any i Mr and Mrs. Eddie Powell they may have, why said petition Mr and Mrs. Earl Powell should not be granted. This notice 2 7 -itrj, is published pursuant to an Order j ___________________________________ _ signed by the Honorable S. Stanton, < AKI) O f TH A N K S Judge of the above entitled court on the 6th day of July. 1953 We wish to express our apprecia Jon Michael Lawson tion to those who were so kind to us By Marie Ceate, guardian ad lit am during the illness and death of our s/ Jon Michael Lawson wife and mother, Mrs George Reed Clyde H Snider. Attorney for »DO I f U » " > » » » "«»»- Petitioners, Nyssa, Oregon. George Reed Date o f first publication July 9, Clarence Reed^ ^ 1953 Date o f last publication July K t ymond Reed 16. 1963 Mrs Emma Wilson Mrs. Mae Wilson. Vermicelli is a very fine spaghetti 27-ltp ! __ An argosy Is a large merchant ship C*4 Journal Classified Ads. Dial 2815 Doctor C. R. V A N P A T T E N EDGEL W WOOD Chiropractic Physician Physiotherapist Offices at 265 North Oregon Ontario Phone 47$ Chiropractic Physician Colon and rectal treatments. Offices at 2 Arcadia Hlvd. Nyssa Dial 3939 Doctor EDWIN W. OLDHAM, D. C Jewelry Stores 101 East 1st St. Dial 3230 Physiotherapy Elretro-Therapy Nyssa, Oregon Veterinarians Optometrists DR. J. A. McFALL DR. JOHN EASLY Phone 21, Ontario, Oregon NYSSA VETERINARY CLINIC Dr. B. E. Ross Dr. D R. Mason Large and Small Animals 407 Main St. Dial 2010 Dr. Marvin M. Prentice Veterinary Surgeon Large and Small Animala P t L 2341 EVENINGS B Y APPOINTM ENT 21« W. Park New Plymouth. M ah « Nyssa DUI 6949 DR. GEO. E. COBERN